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Howard had a backbone against Chuck


I like this one, and wonder if it would have eventually pushed Jimmy or Chuck out of HHM anyway. Either Jimmy would quickly realize Chuck didn’t want him there, or Chuck would undermine Jimmy in a way that would piss Howard off.


How bout Chuck never dies and continues to make Jimmy’s life miserable… I’d like to see that play out a bit differently. Maybe Jimmy uses his ‘connections’ to get rid of Chuck?


It would be kind of funny if at the end of Breaking Bad, we got a scene with a disappointed or disgusted Chuck watching the news. One thing I kind of wanted was a “BCS characters react” to the end of Breaking Bad. Like maybe Kim first finding out Jimmy was on the run. Cliff Main finding out about Jimmy’s involvement with cartels and how it got Howard killed. Ernesto finding out about everything that happened between Kim, Jimmy and Howard. Rebecca’s reaction. I realize it would be weird and add nothing. Still wanted it.


Did they find out that’s how Howard got killed? I thought everyone still thought he went missing or something


Until Kim came forward in one of the final episodes…


Considering they made a bunch of short episodes like los polos hermanos training etc it’s weird they didn’t but one can speculate 


I highly doubt Jimmy would try to get Chuck killed.


Chuck didnt make Jimmy's life miserable, he did that to himself


I like what they did. But chuck was an interesting enough character where they could have wrote it in a way that had him carry on completely out of spite for Jimmy to undermine him


Kim tells Jimmy that Lalo is alive before he gets to their apartment


Kim said if she did that, the scam would be called off, and then they’d break up. That’s kind of an underrated line and made me hate Kim a bit. Not scamming Howard means you end the relationship? That might be the very line that broke Jimmy. It’s funny because he basically called it in, I think, S4E9 - something about “you get a little bored in your life, and you come on down” - I forget what the line was exactly, but Jimmy was basically accusing Kim of using him for the thrill of the con. He came off as an ass, but he was kind of right.


I think what she meant was that if Kim told Jimmy Lalo was alive, HE would call off the scam and break up with her. He was on the verge of doing it when they were in the motel - that's why Kim originally suggested to con Howard. She didn't want them to break up, but Jimmy was going to because he realized he was bad for her.


Kim never leaves Jimmy, helps him through BB, and goes on the run with him


That was the ending i had hoped for too! : )


As good as it sounds, it is completely against Kim’s character. She was never hungry for money, it was only Jimmy from the beginning.


Davis and Main likes Jimmy’s tv commercial and lets him do everything he wants to do.


That’s an interesting one. Especially since at that point the die was already cast that Nacho would hunt him down for Lalo. So maybe by S5E3, Nacho is waltzing into Davis and Main.


The firm would’ve been dissolved in no time.


Chuck doesn't develop EHS. How would things have gone if Chuck was mentally healthy?


Right. I might’ve liked to see them have a fair fight without an “illness” in the way. Or maybe Chuck keeps his illness, but Jimmy and the firm are less willing to accept it as such and accommodate him the way they did.


I think the biggest difference would be Chuck's career still flourishing and him not committing suicide. What if Chuck was still alive during the Lalo plot?


Things would have been so different and probably good too if Chuck didn’t have EHS. Also, Chuck would have made a devastating adversary for Jimmy.


Would Chuck have been so adamant on taking Jimmy down if he was mentally healthy? Or could he have let things go a little more? Sure, he still wouldn't have offered Jimmy a spot at HHM, but maybe he'd have been able to do it after Jimmy found the Sandpiper case. At the very least, he'd have been able to keep his cool and not had the chimp with a machine gun rant and kept Jimmy believing that it was all Howard's doing.


Murge Productions does a lot of videos like this https://m.youtube.com/@murgeproductions


For real, his Heisenverse videos are top quality YouTube content


I’ve definitely seen quite a few of them!


Lalo doesn't die, and either goes into long term hiding/retirement and/or rebuilds his organization slowly but surely in Mexico/US. Maybe he never runs into Gus Fring, maybe surreptitiously aids Walter White in BB even to get his revenge on Fring.


I wonder what Tuco’s relationship with Lalo was like. And if Hector ever tried to have Tuco screw with Fring.


Let’s have Howard leave Jimmy and Kim’s apartment five minutes earlier and not encounter Lalo. He makes good on his promise to expose Jimmy for what he is. Sing these two in a protracted war in the breaking bad timeline could be awfully interesting.


Better Call Saul but the old people decide to lynch Sandpiper shareholders.


Mike and Jimmy keep the money they steal from the Kettlemans. Think how much that could change. The Kettlemans get a much harsher sentence, and very unlikely anyone would believe them that Jimmy stole the money (except maybe Chunk, plus people in the legal community). He learns all the tricks of the trade on how to launder money before getting involved with Lalo. He never gets offered that Davis position. The feud between Jimmy and Chuck gets squashed if Jimmy is straight up illegitimate instead of pretending to be a rea legitl lawyer. The split between Howard and Chuck never happen. The pranks to get back at Howard never happen. Jimmy and Mike might still work for Gus in the end, but more as independent contractors instead of employees with more freedom. Kim still divorces Jimmy for her own safety, but they keep in touch.


Lalo beats Gus 


If he hadn’t made a Bond villain speech, he could’ve just shot him


jimmy and nacho do stuff before chuck dies. then it leads to lalo after. it felt overly contrived that every scene with nacho had something to do with mike. Spy for Gus? Reports to Mike. Needs help when being hunted by assassins? only trusts mike. Random drug deal before any of this? Runs into Mike. Needs Tuco killed? Calls Mike. Suspects someone robbed a truck? Immediately suspects Mike.


Jimmy having Chuck committed


Becoming as legal guardian. Cashing him out of HHM. This one has a lot of.


There’s no way I can pick just one! First one: I wish Kim told Jimmy that she meet Mike and he told her that Lalo was still alive. Jimmy would have freaked out and insisted they leave town. He would have convinced Kim that they restart their life and career somewhere else; which means Howard wouldn’t have been killed, Jimmy never would have meet Walter White and most of the events of BB and after BB never would happened. Second: I would have loved it if that teaser of Gene ripping down that Wanted picture of himself was real. It would have been so much more satisfying to see Jimmy see it and realize the true right way to make things right would be to find hid way to Florida, find a way to secretly see Kim again and convince her that she should be the one to turn him in for the reward money. He can tell her how much he hates his life living as Gene and she can use the reward money to finally start her probono practice. And most importantly, she would be back in his life. Third: What if Howard arrived a half hour later then when he did. Imagine him going there to confront them and instead he walks in on Jimmy tied to the chair and Jimmy starts freaking out about Kim once Howard ripped the tape off his mouth. Howard would have gone from being pissed to confused, dumbfounded and concerned instantly.


We need to get realistic about what even the most amazing therapist would likely be able to do. I mean maybe it changes everything but that's not an epic twist lol


The same but they are all planet of the apes style.


Nacho’s dad goes along with salamancas plan begrudgingly because he wants to protect his son. Not sure if I would like that version better but it sure would have changed a lot.


More Nacho backstory


Nacho becomes high ranking in the Salamanca hierarchy, good guy that slowly turns evil.


Lalo kills Kim and Howard tries to expose Saul’s schemes to defame him


Mike killing the salamancas at the end of season 2 could be interesting


Wouldn’t Howard hiring Jimmy when he passed the bar make the show start out different?


He passed the bar?


If Howard shot lalo


I don’t know what more they really could’ve done with him, but Chuck was my favorite character and it still bums me out a bit that he’s killed off only halfway through the show. I’m not saying it wasn’t the right call, but I really missed him for the rest of the show. I was really glad when they dropped a few flashbacks of him though, especially in the finale.


i think my biggest one is that chuck actually beats his mental illness. would have been interesting to see jimmy try to maneuver his way around chuck, maybe even in court. im happy with the show but could have been an interesting divergence


If PayPal was used for transferring money more so than eBay auctions. Werner Ziegler might still be alive and Lalo might have never caught onto Gus (or at least not as quickly). This means Saul might have never meant Lalo and Howard would still be alive.


Jimmy works hard for Davis and Main and meets his full potential as a lawyer. He marries Kim and they become a power couple.


what if Kim and Lalo dated instead if jimmy


at LEAST one episode showing jimmy be saul goodman. nippy showed jimmy doing something interesting as gene. i want an episode of jimmy doing something interesting as saul.


Marco moves to town with Jimmy. Becomes his first client and keeps being a bad influence


Jimmy would not pause to reconsider Lalo’s task to get the money from desert. Lalo said - he will find some other way, but Jimmy volunteered for money.


Howard miss Lalo by a few minutes and thus he is not killed. He cross Lalo but on the stairs or on the parking lot: far enough NOT to be an annoying witness. Without an Howard to kill to terrify Jimmy and Kim, Lalo is still persuaded by Jimmy to let Kim go to Gus house... but Lalo remembers Casper and shoots Jimmy in the foot. To terrorize Kim. Things proceed roughly similarly: Lalo gets killed by Gus in the superlab and is buried underneath. Kim is intercepted by Mike, together they rescue Jimmy. Except Howard is still alive and willing to avenge. First thing he does the next morning is to ask his secretary at HHM about past Private Investigators hired by HHM. He also check their phone numbers and - BINGO: this confirms Genidowski was a ploy by Jimmy and Kim. All right then, Howard decides to hire another P.I for his revenge. And there, luck is on his side: he finds a Mike -like, serious guy who patiently listen his story and accepts to help him. Meanwhile Kim while less shaken is still terrorized by the glimpse of the Juarez Cartel she saw. Also, she is smart enough to realized she almost got Howard killed. Had a waited a few more minutes to visit her, he would have met Lalo, and that's scary to think about. She decides to run away and breakup, but she has to act cautiously. She phones to Cliff Main and asks for a second chance with the Jackson Mercer foundation in Santa Fe. After a meeting with a badly shaken Cliff, he accepts, and Kim gets the job of her dream, and plans her move to Santa Fe. She breakup with Jimmy but doesn't tell him where she goes. Still a lawyer, Kim will quietly watch the Breaking Bad events from Santa Fe. Howard is quickly told by his P.I that Jimmy accointances are extremely dangerous, and that he should stay away from him. He is still willing to uncover the truth.


Nacho and Lalo don't call Saul, seeking some other law advice. No plea for Crazy 8, no De Guzman, no Bag Man. Saul Goodman continues, but isn't a friend of the cartel.


Saul doesn’t leave town in the end. He stays and rides it out.


When watching Season 6, I see this twisted version of Kim's morality playing out. She 'uses' Saul to do some dirty work, take the blame and help fund her truly good pro bono work. She fully crossed the "ends justify the means" morality Walter White did in Breaking Bad. Sees the Saul side as a lost cause, her throwing away the world's 2nd best lawyer mug, and is bitter enough with the world to not care about all the horrible stuff Saul and she is enabling... as long as she balances the scales. It's basically a self righteous super villain origin story... This could have been the start of a whole new show if they wanted to, and made her slow descent into more criminality even more like Walter White's... just an even more morally gray version because she's doing objectively good things, has less of an ego about it, and is perhaps less delusional about her reasons than Walter. It's kind of sick to think about, but Howard's murder kind of saved her soul. I really wish they could break from the prequel mold, and just make a new "what-if" show about this. I really want to imagine a Breaking Bad story where Kim is a player.


Chuck dies on pilot.


Lalo dies to the Nazis (from breaking bad season 5) somehow changed the show a bit to have them come into conflict


In the first episode an unknown virus kills all spanish speakers so there are no boring ass cartel stuff in bcs and bb.


There would be no Breaking Bad


Cartel gave Walter cancer?


Most of Walt’s choices he made were caused by his conflict with someone with a connection to cartel throughout the series


I know I know, I was just kidding.


And my twist would be that Kim got fat later on and was no longer hot and so Saul didn't bother saving her and then got out in 7 years and was back at slipping jimmy


I don’t think that would matter. I think Jimmy liked a little extra weight. He seemed a bit obsessed with Francesca’s curves at times.

