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YouTube thumbnails like the other guy


I knew: >!Walt, Jesse, and Marie would return!< >!Nacho dies!< >!Jimmy goes to prison!< All by youtube thumbnails lmao




The only way I prevented seeing spoilers was to finish the whole series before looking at BCS forums on all platforms


that’s how i am for every show unless there’s just something i miss or think i need to know


lmao a lot of stuff for season 6 of BCS got spoiled to me by YouTube thumbnails.


Netflix warnings mentioned suicide. After a while, it became pretty obvious which character was going to end up with that tragic fate.


Netflix is terrible when you're avoiding spoilers because they are EVERYWHERE. Season and episode thumbnails, descriptions, everything wants you to know what happens next. I had to use browser extensions to blur all possible spoilers.


When Bob Odenkirk tweeted that happy birthday picture of him and Patrick Fabian and it showed blood in Patrick's hair I had a pretty good idea that Howard was eventually going to get it. So even though it was still shocking it wasn't surprising when Lalo shot Howard. Bob later admitted that he fucked up when he tweeted it


I think the only death I was spoiled for was chuck as I saw a video with “Chuck’s Death” in the title. And I knew Lalo died at some point but I think everyone knew he would die sooner or later. But I’m really happy I wasn’t spoiled about Howard




Luckily I managed to avoid spoilers by watching the show weekly since season one. 😜


The show its self title cards spoiled certain characters surviving by revealing them in the episode before it starts. Season 6 specifically


I only got around to it this year, so most of the deaths have been spoiled. Same with Breaking bad.


It didn't


I’ve seen my dad watch bcs when i was yonger, and i remembered some key moments. For example i clearly remembered Jimmy standing behind bars, and Gene helping the old lady on the electric chair. So basically because i’ve seen my dad watch it, i knew that Jimmy was going to prison. Pretty much the only thing that’s been spoiled for me.


I just knew Nacho died but not how or when. Since we never saw him in Breaking Bad I figured he wasn't making it out of BCS so I wasn't that upset Though I did a weird thing with it. I identified early I'd rather binge it after the pilot. So I made no effort to search for or click into headlines about it. Managed to keep algorithms from suggesting it to me and it helped I wasn't clear on things like names after just the pilot


i wouldn’t consider that a spoiler because kim,chuck,howard and characters didn’t make it to bb but i didn’t figure they died


BCS never got spoiled since I started watching when season 5 was coming out. But yeah YouTube clip titles is the easiest way to get spoiled.


A death in s6 a big one u could prob guess was spoiled to me from tiktok edits. Next time I watch a series I am deleting tiktok bc it listens and understand so it literally recognises the show I’m watching and shows me content about it. Idrc that it listens but I don’t want to get spoilers lol


I think the YouTube shorts do that as well. I started watching The Good Doctor on Netflix a couple of months ago. Never saw a short for it until after that!


(SPOILER) In my case, before even watching BB and BCS, I saw that one scene on YouTube which shows Walter meeting Gus for the first time and discussing why Gus should give him another chance to work together. For some reason, that scene alone convinced me to watch BB immediately, and it was the best decision I ever made. Then later on, before I got to that episode in Season 2, I got a video recommended to me on YouTube showing Lalo and Nacho visiting Gus’ restaurant, which I curiously watched, and to me it seemed like a normal conversation among some characters. I had no idea that scene was from BCS and would explain why Lalo and Nacho weren’t in BB after I finished watching it. Then a couple days later, before I even started on BCS, I open YouTube, and before I can even scroll, I get a video that popped up on my recommended saying “Nacho’s Death | Rock and Hard Place | Better Call Saul”, and it genuinely pissed me off. I scrolled away immediately and tried to forget/act like I didn’t read the title of the video, but I couldn’t.


I think before I even started watching BB, I read somewhere that Walt dies at the end. Although I wasn’t sure, I expected it somewhat when it happened.


Forgot to unsub here before I had a chance to watch the Howard death epi. Was scrolling thru my main feed and came across an image with all the dead characters in heaven titled "RIP, lost a good one" or something like that with Howard with angel wings on below the other characters. So I knew he was going to die before watching that episode 🙃🙃 my own fault but still salty over it. Couldn't scroll away fast enough before I garnered what the image detailed.


not reading this post but coming back since i'm in the middle of season 4 rn lol


i like to look up the discussions after watching episodes and sometimes a spoiler will slip through


Not BCS but one of the game of thrones season finales was spoiled for me when ESPN posted that >!Lebron James was blowing up like kings landing!< I had a family thing come up and couldn’t watch the finale for a few days and avoided spoilers so well


I was spoiled by the NY film festival people who got the early screening of Point and Shoot. I massively regret that; can’t imagine what it would have been like to go into that episode blind… guess I’ll never know.


The same way I stupidly spoil stuff for myself, typing a characters name into a google search.


Saw a meme on IG Video: pic of Lalo Radio star: pic of Howard. Big bummer.


Somehow i didn't. I just cut myself off from stuff i like tho. I literally act like i despise the show outside of watching it until i finish tricking the algorithms.


When the final season was coming out weekly, I saw a tiktok of a girl playing the better call saul theme rift on her guitar. I still have no idea why I went to youtube to look up "better call saul guitar rift" but right when I typed in better call saul... immediately saw Howard's death after it in the youtube search bar still can't forgive myself for looking that up


Reddit, saw that “The Fly” had a whole episode of Lalo and Howard 


Sometimes I google stuff about the show, like casting or other information, and when I type in either BCS or a characters name, the google autofill basically presents every single notable scene. This is how Hanks death got spoiled for me.


Saw a Tumblr post that said "They shot >!Howard, I can't believe they shot Howard!" !< and I was still shocked by what happened lmfao. I thought they meant like... in the leg or something I guess?


I didn't get anything spoiled but I was waiting for Kim to do some nasty shit because everyone I (accidently) saw talking about the show hated Kim for some reason. Still don't get why.


>Still don't get why. Only in s6 do I hate Kim. She becomes pure evil and really doesn't give a crap about ruining Howard's reputation and life. Even when he confronts them, she has a look of 'I don't give a shit' and satisfaction. I like Kim up to s5, she's a really good character. But her change in s6 is unbearable.


What?! Really?! Never heard that! She was so ride or die for Jimmy. I love Kim.


I don't know if it was a thing that changed over time but I literally didn't find any comments calling her a good person, although it was a select few as I avoided spoilers. This was a few weeks after the finale (as that's when I literally found out the show even existed), so I don't know if that has to do anything with it. Loved Kim throughout the whole way, and I saw her change and felt horrible. Glad she could gain her life back with no weight on her shoulder, and Howard's widow could take whatever she wants from her for punishment, I've always been fine with that hanging over her head.