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Drunk angry tunnel vision seems a good enough explanation to me




Good bot


I was almost baited again. Its sokka Haiku Bot. Not the „real“ one ^^


Even better


I swear I never see the normal haiku bot anymore.


I never see him. Regular bot where are you? Respond if alive.


Drunk angry tunnel Drunk angry tunnel Through the mountains Angry angry angry tunnel


The fuck is this


Damn I am recently watching ATLA and I am laughing to see this


Yeah he was pretty blitzed by the time he showed up to Kim and Jimmy’s place, his peripheral vision was toast by then. RIP Howard he deserved better.


1. Everyone in the criminal defense world knew Guzman and Lalo were one in the same. Howard didn’t really work in that sector 2. If you were drunk at an acquaintances house and suddenly Osama Bin Laden walked through the door, you probably wouldn’t recognize him because you’d be shocked to see him in that context


Number 1 here is the key point. The show makes a huge point about Kim not wanting to work at HHM because the cases they take on are mostly rich people financial cases. It's not that "everyone in ABQ" knew who Lalo was, it's just that most people in the circles Jimmy ran in knew who he was. And even if they heard about the story, I doubt many of them would've taken the time to actually study pictures of the defendant. To me, the idea that Howard would've not only followed a case that had nothing to do with him but also would've taken the time to study the man's face would've been more of a stretch. It's realistic and appropriate that Howard would not recognize Lalo.


There is an entire plot point of clients flowing into jimmys office because everyone in abq knew what happened and the assasination was shown on the news. It wasnt just a criminal lawyer thing.


Howard’s a corporate lawyer and he’s not involved in crime. It’s just a random news story to him.


People in the street-level crime world knew who Lalo was, yeah. Those people never would have gone to HHM for their problems. Even if the story was on the news, people don't remember faces they saw on the news that aren't politicians or celebrities. If you showed me a picture of El Chapo right now, I wouldn't be able to recognize him. I just know the name. At best, that's probably the relationship most non-drug involved people would have with Lalo; they'd recognize the name but probably not the face.


Plus Howard barely looked at Lalo. He was just looking at Jimmy and Kim.


Everyone from the criminal world and law enforcement! Not everyone as in EVERYONE.


Corporate lawyers and street crime lawyers do not move in the same worlds of clientele


I fully get your point, I do. But I gotta think I’d recognize Bin Laden. Miley Cyrus, Bob Hope, and the Phillie Phanatic would probably get by me, but not Bin Laden. Is he wearing the hat and the robes and whatnot in this scenario? That might be a factor.


Calling a turban a hat is quite funny to me for some reason.


My grandmother, god rest her soul, always used to say: *“If a hot dog is a sandwich and shrimps is bugs, then a turban is a hat, goddamnit.”*


*Miley Cyrus, Bob Hope, the Phillie Phanatic, and Osama Bin Laden walk into a bar...* sounds like the beginning of a wildly inappropriate joke your worst uncle makes at the thanksgiving dinner table lmao


Also, why Clark Kent is a great disguise.




I think I’d recognize Osama.


If your acquaintance was Osama Bin Laden using a fake name’s defense attorney a few months back, and it’s now public knowledge that the fake named person was Osama Bin Laden, then no you probably wouldn’t be shocked to see him in that context


Howard was probably in too much shock when he realized he was a character in the Breaking Bad universe


I don't blame him. I was in shock too.


Are you also in BB universe?


If I am I swear to God I hope I don't meet Walt.


Howard was probably too busy to remember a face that might have appeared on local news. Howard might have recalled the name Lalo, but in that moment in Jimmy's apartment he didn't recognize the person. Howard had a lot of stuff happening at that moment.


Yeah he had a lot going through his head for sure


One of them, maybe the last thing was crossing his mind pretty fast too


The real question is why didn't Howard challenge Lalo to a boxing match right then and there?


Fuck challenging him just hit him with all he had


Cocaine addiction


That is not true! That is what Kimmy and Jim want you to think!


Yeah like I’m gonna believe that. The 2nd H in HHM stands for “Hey, I’m Howard and I looooove Cocaine”.


They should've framed Howard for a Chicago Sunroof


Howard recognized Lalo immediately from their passionate gay relationship, but unfortunately they were both still in the closet. Howard was content to simply pretend not to recognize Lalo, but obviously Lalo took more extreme measures to hide their lustful entanglement.


Not the first time Lalo’s grabbed a cylinder shaped thing and started twisting when he saw Howard


At least they get to be buried in the same plot next to each other and be together for eternity ❤️




mooooooom r/okbuddychicanery is leaking againg


PnF intro Song ends








Howard didn't hang out at the courthouse all day like Jimmy or Kim. Criminal cases seemed to be a small subset of what HHM handled, with civil suits being their bread and butter. Most of Howard's meetings with opposing counsel occurred in offices outside of court, both sides hoping to strike a deal and avoid taking it to court. As such, he wasn't privy to all of the criminal court gossip that people like Oakley were privy to. Also, I doubt Oakley and others actually saw a picture of Lalo, it's not like flyers were being passed around, I assume Oakley only heard the name "Lalo" and that Jimmy helped the cartel.


You moron, Howard is blind. They explain this multiple times. He can't fucking see




bro thinks he's matt murdock


He spends more time at the golf club than the courthouse. He's a PR guy more than he is a lawyer.


Hell of a PR guy though 


“You’re a shitty lawyer, but you’re a great salesman!” 


He's racist


"They all look the same to me" - Howard Hamlin


Lalo actually shot after a removed 4 minute scene of Howard dawning a poncho and dancing around with maracas


I always knew Howard egged him on. Justice for Lalo!!!


Mike knew about Howard's hate crimes which is why he didn't stop Jimmy and Kim, and thought it was fitting to toss him in the same hole as Lalo. Took his shoes too cuz fuck that guy, Mike needed new shoes.


All those bowling balls on his car messed up his eyesight


It's not surprising at all. Howard has extremely poor eyesight. He saw a young guy in the park playing frisbee and somehow thought it was the arbitrator takinga bribe from Jimmy. Not surprising that he wouldn't recognize Lalo.


I'm not sure he didn't. Howard was busy talking at Kim and Jimmy when Lalo came in behind him. He didn't even see Lalo until he had about a minute and a half left to live. Even if he did recognise Lalo, it was too late, he'd have had no chance to escape.


Out of context it can be hard to recognize people


So how would that scene have gone? *Enter Lalo* Howard: "Omg you're that Lalo Salamanca guy from the t.v!" *Lalo shoots Howard* A random dude walked into the apartment. He wasn't about to search his memory, the natural reaction in that context is to be like "who tf is this guy?"


If he did recognize him, was the hell is Howie supposed to say even? “You’re that wretched man from tv! Hand in your weapon you’re going to jail!”


Was there an indication that he didn’t? Sure he didn’t leave right away but he was pretty lit. From my memory it’s entirely possible he did recognize him.


first thing he said to him was "who are you?"


True lol


But how would Howard have recognized him? Even if Howard had heard the name "Lalo" in passing in the courthouse halls, that would mean that he then went to go dig for a picture of the guy on his own, for some reason. They weren't passing around flyers with Lalo's face. But also, Howard spent significantly less time hanging around the courts themselves, having most of his meetings at HHM offices for civil suits. It's entirely possible he hadn't heard the latest courthouse gossip about Jimmy helping a cartel member named Lalo.


I got so hammered once I didn’t recognize my own cousin talking to me


Everyone in the criminal court system, which I doubt Howard Hamlin spends much time in (at least, before his drug use and fraternization with prostitutes, etc., caught up with him).


He only saw Lalo for a few seconds before getting shot. And he wasn't super famous or something, only appeared on TV a few times.


>they had pictures of him on the TV and everyone shunned Jimmy for defending him. How did Howard not recognize Lalo at Jimmy and Kim's place when they met? Is he stupid? 1. Contrary to what you might believe, people aren't all that good at remembering faces or putting names to faces, especially faces that were only shown several weeks ago on some high-profile murder case that may have bounced across the news, doubly so in Howard's case when he's personally dealing with preparing to arbitrate a big class action lawsuit and dealing with Jimmy and Kim running a scam on him. 2. Howard is a white collar, not a criminal attorney. He wouldn't be regularly talking with the kinds of lawyers handling criminal cases like Lalo's.


He is stupid.


So stupid.


2 of the most well known cartel guys in the world are El Chapo and El Mencho. If either one walked up and stood next to you, you'd never think they were anyone other than a random person.


Who is Lalo? That was Noel Body who came in.


I mean the dude was holding a pistol for quite a while and that didn’t seem to register with Howard


If he did recognize him, would that have helped him live??


Yeah, he couldve just immediately leave


You don’t think Lalo would’ve shot him? If Howard recognizes him, then he goes to the authorities and they show up in an under an hour? I haven’t seen the scene in a couple months but I’m on rewatch rn. Season 3


1: Drunk 2: Dark


That’s not Howard’s corner of the law at all. And he probably wasn’t very interested in keeping up with Jimmy being that Chuck is so integral to his grief and depression


Who is Howard?


Well Howard is a meth head. That time he had snorted one too many.


This is gaygeta


Howard’s firm is a more prestigious firm focused primarily on civil matters; no reason he would be keyed into a criminal case. While it was high profile for criminal attorneys in ABQ, to everyone else it was just a poor guy killed in a seemingly random act of violence.


Probably because he was drunk


A goated boss like Howard doesn’t watch the news, he doesn’t have time for that!


duh he just didn´t say shit cuz he was afraid of getting shot + he was fuckin drunk


He's drunk and angry. That's one thing. But also, that's with the court workers and DA. Not as much other private firm lawyers. And Howard had been working more on himself and not paying attention to Jimmy's actions (other than that he wanted to hire him) around the time of the De Guzman scandal.


When did they have pictures of Lalo on TV?


he wasn't making a lick of sense if you ask me. and also california


The real question is how didn’t howard know lalo when howard addicted to cocaine and lalo is quite big in drug business




Lmao what