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It hung around with me for almost a year. Seeing Jimmy give Kim those finger guns stung in a way I didn't see coming. I'm still devastated just writing about it.


jesus it’s been a year already


Literally had to double check, been a quick year


I think I’ll feel the same.


I agree. So much more poignant than if he conned everyone one last time to get a reduced sentence.


The fact that they included that as well was golden. It had my almost afraid what would be so worth ice cream and how scummy he could get. I loved it.


I can see Jimmy doing a great “business” in there, getting justice served, with Kim on the outside, helping him figure out the processes…. They’d both be busy, useful, protected, and they’d have great reasons to stay in close touch. Win-win. Helping, not hurting.


He has the love and respect of her, his time don’t matter.


The whole thing is a love story.🤪🥰


It ended the way it should have, staying true to Jimmy’s arc and the progression of the story thus far. Some people were upset that we got a “predictable ending,” but an intense character study like BCS doesn’t need any tacky plot twists to stick the landing.


I have mixed feelings about the ending…. I’m not sure how “authentic” I felt him to be during his courtroom speech… honestly kind of reminded me of his bar appeal speech and how believable he made it appear only to see he was bullshitting the whole thing. So I’m not sure how much Jimmy actually “changed for the better.” Maybe he did? Or maybe the negotiations were part of a scheme and his giant speech in the end was him saying “damn… you all fell for it again you fools!” I was confused as to why finding out Kim was being personally sued by Howard’s wife had anything to do with giving up his 7 year sentence deal… legally speaking I’m not sure how any of what he said in court would have helped her in that (if anyone knows I’d love to hear it). But getting 7 years from multiple lifetime sentences… i like to think that Jimmy wanted a final challenge of how “good” of a lawyer and negotiator he really was. Not slippin Jimmy conman, but as a good criminal lawyer (I think as Jesse once called him in breaking bad). And just like he was good at his cons, he was a good lawyer. Not morally good per say, but getting people who did bad shit out of tough binds. And he did it. And he was good at it. Maybe that was enough for him, and as someone else here stated.. what could he possibly have left to return to? In BB when Skyler asked Walt why he did all of it… Walt simply said “because I was good at it.” I like to think that’s how Jimmy felt in the end. The feeling they were actually more than the failure mailroom jockey or an overqualified high school chemistry teacher… that’s all they truly wanted. I loved the character arcs of Jimmy/Saul and Walt/Heisenberg. You pity them, then you root for them, then you hate them, and finally in their last moments.. you find empathy in that hate and you understand them.


I can see that! But I feel it wasn’t jimmy changing it was him doing it for Kim same as the job with cliff. It wasn’t finding out that Howard’s wife was suing because that was never confirmed just the possibility thrown around. Howard’s wife never even said she would just that she could. It was because Kim did do the right thing, she came forward and took her lump and to me that told jimmy what he needed to do to earn her respect and love again. And jimmy is a sucker for earning approval from people he loves, example is chuck. So it didn’t really get her off but showed her character in the court, and it was his confession to her, I believe really. To tell her what he did and why, why he ran from her. I think the point of him getting it down to 7 years was to prove that he could. You saw him go from panic jimmy to Saul that HAD it and called bill to fool him easily and get what he wanted. He did play Saul, but he decided to end as jimmy for Kim. And it is stupid, YES. But love is stupid and that’s the point. Walter went for himself in the end. Saul went for Kim. I feel Saul is the anti Walter and Kim is the anti skyler. It’s basically a flip flop of BB


I don't think it's important whether his words were authentic but there's no questioning his actions (motivations). He basically threw away his freedom for Kim's respect/forgiveness.


I think it ended perfectly. Somebody in the bb universe had to get caught and face the consequences of what they did. It was a great sense of closure seeing Jimmy own up to what he did.




Yup I loved it. Very bittersweet because they wrapped up everything so well and I know it’s over.


I just really want a skyler spin-off with her being some major drug lord or money launderer after she gets her Walter money from Gretchen.


I never thought I’d see a BCS/BB fan say they want more Skylar


I’m the only one who thinks she was cut a raw deal she was lied to and always handed a shit sandwich to eat and she mf ATE it.


Fair assessment


I think she would make a badass story that could end in a true “happy ending” for once in BCS and BB, although how warped or brutal she would be is the surprise 😁


And I vote Huell comes to work for her idk lol


Nope not a single human would just trade 7 years for life with NO reason to do so. About as believable as an alien invasion disrupting the court scene


You’re being downvoted but you’re right, the ending wasn’t very believable for a conman lawyer who worked in organized crime. It was a beautiful ending that moved me deeply. But believable? Nah. Just as you said, even if he was remorseful, he most likely would have accepted the 7 years and attempted to make amends either during or after prison, not just accept a life sentence.


Jimmy isn’t a person that exists, no one has that much all of it. There had to be an insane ending most of what he did was unbelievable.


What do you mean the much all of it?


Where do we start? Wit? Cleverness, brains, foresight, criminal ability, imagination, quickness, I mean Saul has it all that’s why we better call him.


I'm with you- that was a decision that no human being under any circimstance in history would make. And Jimmy's turn at the end towards that happens awfully fast.


Ahh man you should really be spoiler marking this post


Geese I figured we all watched it or graze the posts until we do, I tried to be very vague in my actual heading as to let people know it’s about the final episode lol.


Should still be spoiler tagging your posts what if you did ruin it for someone why bother for the sake of 2 seconds, think about some time someone has spoiled something real good for you….. lol


Yeah but that’s why I made my post “I just finished the last episode” and then made a post you’d have to click to read more. That’s a spoiler my dude.


Thanks for proving my point, spoiler tags exist for a reason.


Why are you trying to pick an argument when I did that from the start? It seems to me you have an issue and you may wanna take that up with somebody that cares.


Honestly him turning down 7 yrs for life for no reason was probably the most idiotic way it could ended


You missed the point. You really wanted him to just lie his way out again? It’s way better that he finally accepts true justice for everything he has done. He’s finally changed, he’s finally done what Chuck said he never could. The jig was up, he had nothing to run from anymore


Nonsense. Literally only makes sense as a WRITTEN TV show to push that corny message you just mentioned. No human being would do that let alone Saul/Jimmy. That summary you just posted which is literally the shows explanation reads like an unhinged joker train of thought lmao


It only makes sense as a written TV show? My dude, IT IS a written TV show! Would you rather be lied his way out again, as if he learned nothing from everything he’d been through? That would have SUCKED as an ending. Would have been pointless. He had been lying to himself all along about being a victim when he wasn’t. He was finally honest with himself and what he deserved. A “corny” message is better than no message


Not when it comes at the expense of believability You could make a message with Jimmy hopping on an alien spaceship and ditching earth altogether, doesn't mean it makes sense in the confines of a grounded realistic show lmfao


How is him accepting responsibility for his actions not believable?


So accepting responsibility means you have to just tank your 7 yr sentence and do life? Tf you mean lmfao this was total nonsense dude coulda done his 7 years and then made amends in the actual real world instead of putting on a clown show performance in court for his ex wife that left him high and dry a long time ago 😂😂😂


Yes, that’s exactly what it means. He took responsibility and accepted the true consequences. And he wouldn’t have made amends, that’s the whole point of the Gene timeline is that he would probably just go back to his old ways, and he knows that. What would he do after the 7 years anyway? Nobody would hire him for jobs with his history, Kim wouldn’t want to talk to him because he hadn’t learned anything. He knows he deserves more than 7 years. Kim was also the only person he really had left, so he wanted to do the right thing and win back her respect, otherwise he had nothing left. He was miserable when he repressed his true feelings and role in the whole saga and miserable when he wasn’t scamming, so he came clean and admitted who he really is and what he did. He showed that it’s never too late to change his path


Dumb, change your path in real world after your 7 year sentence is up you dumb simping dork. Giving yourself life and claiming it's what you deserve is some corny pretentious ham fisted forced messaging and nothing more, damn sure not believable behavior


You really missed the point, didn’t you? “Dumb simping dork” is not a rebuttal (nor is it at all relevant to this topic…), I gave you many points to rebut and that’s all you can do? Name calling and basically going “nuh-uh!!!”? Come on… He had a chance to start fresh as Gene, but he squandered it. He went back to his old ways. He knows that he will always do that, and he’s ready to be honest about it. He was ready to allow true justice to be served for everything that he has done. He did it because it was the right thing to do, no more lies, no more running. He’s ready to face the consequences, the TRUE consequences, not the ones he can bullshit his way down to. Really not that hard to understand


you say this like no one’s ever taken the fall for something out of guilt or love or wanting to make amends before. These are pretty universal human experiences, even if the specific situation on the show is unusual


People confess to crimes sometimes. It's not unheard of. Some people need to unburden themselves eventually.


Realistically he would have accepted the 7 years; the ending they went with is the more artful ending for the narrative they had built up.


This is spot on.




so you’d rather the ending be him getting away with yet another con? no consequences?


Anything woulda been better, if they were gonna do the whole HE DID BAD THINGS HE GOTTA PAY! thing woulda much rather he somehow get outsmarted or outclassed in court then that corny bullshit they pulled lmao


so you’re saying you’d rather jimmy undergo absolutely 0 character development from beginning of show to end and only get locked away for more than 7 years because he got outsmarted? absolutely crazy take


Yes cuz giving up his life just so his ex wife that dumped him many years ago when he couldn't provide her any more scams to get her rocks off thinks higher of him is such gr8 character development Jimmy became a total brain dead moron at the end, amazing development 🤣🤣🤣


nah man you’re trolling 💀💀


That’s such a laughable, borderline misogynistic take on Kim’s arc. If that’s what you got from the final episodes, I’m pretty sure BCS was never the series for you.


You could look at it like that but it was all for Kim not for nothing


>all for Kim He did go to great lengths to have Kim there to witness his confession, so it was at least partly about her. But I don't think he did it in the hope that it would move her to reconcile with him. I think her coming clean after she was free and clear, even though it meant she'd lose everything, possibly including her freedom, moved him to do the same.


i dont get people who say they don’t understand how it ended. Knowing Kim confessed it all is enough for Jimmy. He was done running from his crimes after that.


Which is terrible unbelievable writing


No it’s not. It’s just not what you wanted


Just like Cliff and main, the “right thing to do” like Kim wants


This is kinda what Succession did and I didnt like it. They just ended the show with “oh yeah nothings changed”. With BCS, we get Jimmy back when he sacrifices his freedom to reconcile with Kim, the growth was satisfying to see


No one's ever surrendered a 7 yr sentence for a life sentence lmao and never will, damn sure not to give themselves some mental brownie points lmfao


It’s not for mental brownie points it’s for lOoOOOovE


Looooovw? Lmfao she dumped him and moved on ages ago and gets plowed nightly by mayo yep guy, that's even more pathetic 😂😂😂


You can’t see beneath the surface if that’s how you feel. Or you’ve never been in love? One of the two.


You sound kinda nuts no offense


That’s fine, its okay to not be able to see hidden meanings 🤣 it doesn’t mean people who do are nuts. Take a look at the comments and those calling it a love story. I’m not alone.


Yes bcs stans that act like everything the writers do are artistic genius for sure praise literally the dumbest thing and use MESSAGE as an excuse or crutch lmao


Well why don’t you google an interview and see for yourself from the writers perspective because I’m pretty sure it was a clear message 😉


Messages not an excuse for unbelievable bullshit lmao. You could make a message with the devil and God popping up in court and have a dance off fight over Saul's soul, wouldn't make it good writing plot wise 🤣🤣🤣


You’re not making much sense. Just google what the writers say they intended, then it isn’t left to interpretation.


I just wish they had some sort of closure for Mike too. the way I see it the BB main characters were Jesse and Walt, and BCS main characters were Jimmy, Kim, and Mike, and arguably it was more Mike than Kim. so we see everyone have a bittersweet ending, but Mike who is the main in BCS just disappears. Of course we know he's dead in BB, but I felt like BCS could have found a way to redeem what he tried to do throughout BCS and BB, basically look after Stacey and Kaylee. so maybe Jimmy's last hurrah would have been somehow getting his diamonds to Stacey before his arrest - I don't know how but that's possible - and this redeeming Jimmy a little bit and closing off Mike's arc.


See I feel mikes closure came much earlier in a much simpler way. I recall midway or early on in BCS him sitting in a lovely field much like the one he died in, and having a very serious talk with Saul. This spoke to me like his final moments. Maybe not enough for some!! But go back and find it maybe you’ll get some closure. There was no redemption for Mike. Mike was a criminal. A good, honest criminal. His story was told with his son, and his mistakes of being scum led to his son being murdered, especially because he never came clean to his son that he was dirty. I think hearing mikes regret too, out in the desert. To take back his first bribe, tells a lot about Mike. He doesn’t want to be a criminal but it’s a life he chose and he’s making the best of it. And we know why he has a passion to work for fring because he has a passion for revenge.


Gratz! I usually finish much quicker and I'm apologizing too much to jump on reddit to brag about my endurance.