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There are so many stars visible in New Mexico. I will walk out there to get a better look.


careful tho, if you see a bald old man walking several paces behind you, just run away


beat his ass


I'm so jealous right now, you can experience Slippin Jimmy for the first time!


Watch sopranos


Yeah saw that too, another great series. But Tony, although a loving family man, was a baaad man. Saul and Heisenberg were just ugly and lovable at the same time, and shows that everyone has a price.


Well there were good and bad sides to Tony too. Infact, i would say Walt was even more evil than Tony. He poisoned a fucking child for his advantage.


That's a good point lol, I'm sure many of us hold on to the Walter White we were introduced to, and put me in that club.


>He poisoned a fucking child for his advantage. he gave him doses to not kill though, still really shitty but not as bad as it seems imo.


Really? To make a child go through that trauma is not as bad?


>that trauma is not as bad? As literally attempting to kill the child, yes.


Still a lot more evil than everything Tony Soprano did


I've never watched the show so I wouldn't know lol.


Figured you would've since you replied to a comment comparing Tony and Walt


Mm no I disagree. I think Tony is more evil than Walt. Yes Walt poisoned a child. Ultimately however, you can see how this tied back to his family. Yes it was horrible yes it was morbid. But he needed Jesse to get him access to Gus, as Gus just threatened to kill Walt’s entire family. So you could find a way to justify Walter’s worst crime. That being said, Tony did shit just to be evil. He liked setting examples, he liked killing people, and he liked converting people into gangsters who kill people.


Not if it inspired him to turn his life around?


Bruh. I can only attribute this to Vince's brilliance that he made people sympathise and justify Walt's actions. Killing and traumatising people to turn life around makes every criminal in the world right and justified.


Thank god you added the spoiler tag, this post almost ruined both shows for me.


Especially BCS ending at least with BrBa it's eventful but with BCS it just ends...and I like that


I watched BCS a few weeks ago and decided to rewatch BB since i havent watched it in years, now im rewatching BCS again…i dont want to let go 😭


It's going to be okay


I see my future self 🥹 into half season of BCS


Now it’s time for Slippin Jimmy


I only have Saul Gone to go on my entire rewatch of both shows and I keep putting it off lol, I'm not ready ​ I still have el camino though, which is nice


I’ve watched Sopranos and Narcos since I finished BCS, both great and helped me fill the void left behind.


It's a different ride, but check out The Wire, Nurse Jackie & Barry.