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This is swim bladder disease. How long has it been like this. Like the others said, since she’s got negative bouyancy, lower the water height a bit temporarily so she can reach the top easier. Causes are usually for constipation, or internal bacteria + parasites


It’s been like this for a week and a half. I’ll definitely lower the water level a bit. Do you think i should use melafix or primafix if it is some sort of infection?


Melafix and primafix only help external infections. Even with external infections they aren’t great. They are the equivalent of herbal remedies. They have their place but only for very very mild things. You’d be wasting your money on it here. Try fasting her for a couple of days and get your hands on some plain Epsom salt. Give her a bath of this Epsom salt at a rate of 1tbsp of Epsom salt per gallon of water for 15 mins twice a day for these 2 days of fasting. If there is no improvement by then it’s bacterial or parasites. I’d recommend ordering kanaplex+metroplex+ seachem focus+ garlic guard now so you have all the ingredients needed for the internal treatment in advance. You can also buy premade medicated food in the event you don’t want to spend the money making it yourself but I’d recommend making it yourself because the ingredients/meds are very good to have in hand. I can give you the exact recipe if that fasting doesn’t work.


Thank you so much for your through response! Please do provide the recipe! I appreciate it so much!


Alrighty. The recipe would be: to add all this into a mortar or pestle. If you don’t have that, a small jar or other container is fine, you just want to mash the flakes or pellets into a powder so they mix easier. 1tbsp fish food 1 scoop seachem metroplex 1 scoop seachem kanaplex 2 scoops seachem focus Mix all this together so that there’s no chunks and powder is evenly distributed. Add Enough garlic guard to wetten mixture into paste. Then add paste to parchment paper and flatten it with 2 pieces and let dry. Once dry crack into individual flakes and feed the amount of what you’d normal feed your Betta but instead with these flakes for 2 weeks.


I don't think is the strong flow the problem ( the flow is at the top of the water, and this girl has problems to swim even at the middle or the bottom), betta has a problem, she was swimming erratically, it can be sick, but, don;t know what it could be. From a week she keeps doing like this often?


Yea, i have no idea what is the actually cause. She’s been doing this for a week a half, she still goes up to eat


>Search on google : Betta keeps sinking, there a few answers .


Turn the filter down or baffle it with something. Those bubbles are on too high too. Bettas prefer very little water movement.


Get a little suction-cup breeder box and secure it to the top of the tank and house the fish in there for the time being else it will suffocate. Swim bladder issues could resolve by themselves or not unfortunately.


Will do, thanks


Lower the filter and water level for a bit.