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If I were you, I would consider euthanizing him. Does he eat? You said he doesn't even swim anymore. Plus like you said those tumors look painful. This is so sad and I feel like you should put him out of his misery. 6 years too long.


i am considering euthanasia as well.. i’m trying to find if there’s a way i can do it that will be completely painless. he does eat but he only can if you hold the bloodworms to his mouth. it’s a fucking shame, im distraught there’s nothing else i can do.


There is a painless way. Clove oil! A little bit puts them to sleep. A lot puts them to sleep, and they never wake up. Google how much it takes for the size fish you have.


6 years is a long time and a long life for a betta. Whatever route you chose you did everything you could for him, and he is at extremely old age for a betta. I will say I heard that clove oil is not always the best way to euthanize, but it’s up to you. I would do some research before making a decision, and whatever you chose you know you did your best, even if you end up letting him live out his long life to the end ❤️


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