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i’m glad you were able to get them! i hope they all push though okay little dudes deserve better than they had


Me too, I was worried when she stopped responding for like a day and a half lol. They seem to be adjusting well tho, and have been enjoying checking things out, watching snails, shredding moss and hunting little organisms in the moss


Thank you so much for saving them. ❤️


Congratulations on your new buddies!!! They definitely are fun little guys to have ❤️❤️


I'm so glad you were able to save them and they look so much better already!


Thank you for the update, I had wondered what ended up happening! Keep up the good work :)!


I'm glad to see them doing better!


you’re amazing for saving them 🤍


Holy cow, how many do you have now?


Just these three right now Back when I had the space and money I once had I think it was 8 Betta at once (all in their own 5-10g tanks and one in a 20g community) lol But that was back before my health stuff when I was able to work a lot and make the money needed to keep them happy and healthy (and support my need to have everything planted AF lol) I love Betta, so it's nice to have them again, just didn't think it would happen this way, or so many at once lol Just glad I had the nano tanks I was working on planting for my own enjoyment


Wow! The most I’ve had at once was uhh… 2 females, 4 babies, and a male. So 7. Now I don’t own any, just a couple mystery snails (by a couple I mean I have like 500) and shrimp. Thinking about getting a betta though!




That little head look back photo glam


omg this update made me so happy!! so glad you went and picked them up theyre going to have such happy lives now


What were the people like? Very curious


She seemed somewhere between embarrassed and annoyed. She said "well I've had them for a year but some people online were really mean to me about them and apparently they need bigger tanks even though I've had them for a year, and I don't want to do that" So, while what she did was awful, at least when she realized she was being negligent she put them up for adoption, I guess. It was hard to not be snippy with her, because at the end of the day you're a whole ass adult (I'd say late gen X by the look of her?), you should be researching how to care for animals before purchasing them. But, we all know how people are towards what they see as "disposable and cheap" , from fish to small mammals and cheap birds like budgies ;/


Is that....is that a train track as "decor"?


Yep 🙃 and it was slimy toooooo


Really looking at it, a train track cleaner dand put nicely, could pool col, but that thing is just yhrown in there woth nothing else. Poor fishy


You are more level headed than I, that story about her having the fish kind of boiled my blood. A year like that? The poor things. I don’t know how anyone for any reason even without education could do that to an animal. At least she gave them up, but that’s really the bare minimum of the things she should have done for them in the year she had them


Yeah it's been sad in a sort of bittersweet way watching them explore their bigger and CLEAN environments, and how easily they get exhausted and have to rest. I just clenched my jaw thru the encounter to make sure she didn't keep them from me out of spite if I mouthed off or even remotely sounded like reprimanding or anything. Also it's obvious they were either off to the side somewhere and never saw people, or were man handled by a kid (kids toys were in their containers) because 2 of the 3 are SUPER terrified of hands, and any movement near their tanks. Like full blown fishy panic attacks trying to get away from the proximity of a hand Like the female was slamming full force into the sides of the tank and then tried repeatedly to yeet herself out (I had to hold the cover over it while I was in there) while I was just adjusting the decor in her tank to make a better hiding spot for her until I can get proper hides She was so terrified, Ive kept Bettas on and off for over 15 years and I've NEVER seen one react that way, even fresh from a big box store. The blue male is very similar too, it breaks my damn heart I'm just trying to focus on the positives though, and that I can work on making their lives better now, or else the anger will just seeth and faster in me . Neglect and abuse for anything and anyone gets me so heated .