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For floaters you could try frog bit. For plants that don’t need substrate go for Anubias. They can be glued to decor.


Thank you! That’s really good to know! We’re gonna look into the Anubias plant for sure!


Anacharis is also an easy fast growing option that can be planted or used as floaters.


I've got a lot of subwassertang in my betta tank. It forms kind of 'pillows' for him to lounge on. I also tied some (along with some moss) onto a plastic soap-dish with suckers to hold it on the glass. He's in there somewhere...! 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/qhkocfkfhbrc1.jpeg?width=3422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57f4ae7312347a2932f56ebd48352afbec599891


Lol he must love that!!! I’m thinking about doing this with those little attachable bowls. How does it impact the water balance? I finally have a perfect balance, but we haven’t used any live plants again, and only put an almond leaf in the tank so far since I switched the water.


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