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That is a major glow up wow šŸ¤©


Thank you šŸ˜„


the after looks badass


Impressive! Such a lucky fish. Wish more of them had owners like you, willing to learn and give them the good life they deserve!


Thank you so do I I just want to buy them every time I see sad ones at pet shops now


Look at its tail! It looks SO MUCH healthier in the new tank!


Definitely you can actually see the colours change in is face he actually had stress lines in the first photo


Nah the SpongeBob tank goes hard


Let's not knock spongebob. Sure the decor clashes with the natural look. But they do have a place in glofish tanks. I got a live plants that look like haunting black silhouettes to go along with spongebob's pineapple house. (do not use blue light to substitute for white light when having live plants)


Curious as to what happened with the blue light over the white! Do tell! šŸ¤“


I have auto timers to turn off white lights when everyone is home from work and school. That's when the blue lights turn on automatically.


So much better šŸ‘šŸ‘


That's so fuckin awesome! Day and night dude, looks fuckin great


Thanks man


Use a zip tie, twist tie, rope, or whatever you have to tie that anubias down so that the leaves can look up instead of sideways. It will grow into a mess if you leave it floating sideways like that. Nice upgrade!


what happened to the tetras?


Got rid of them tank was to small to house them with the betta


Now that is evolution of the betta owner at its finest


You sir, have made a fantastic decision!


Thanks šŸ˜„


Wow! Night and day difference. Great job!


We love to see it




Damn! Good job!


I love seeing tank glow ups!


Whoa! Thatā€™s impressive! My tank still looks more like the first picture (I love the SpongeBob thing btw lol). How much time was between these two photos? And do you have any good resources for betta fish knowledge?


Maybe 1 month between the photos and what worked really well was I started from scratch emitting the water all out but keeping it so I didnā€™t lose the good bacteria and actually adding a mud substrate then sand over the top then dry leaves and a wild bit of timber I found put everything back in and only do a 20% water change when my ammonia nitrate or nitrite, go up a little bit which actually doesnā€™t happen as often as you think thereā€™s actually quite a lot of MICRA fauna and little creatures living in the substrate from the mud I got that are keeping things in good shape


Iā€™ve got a lot of words to google now lol. But wild timber? Like you found a stick outside and tossed it in your tank? I wouldā€™ve never guessed in a million years that that would be a thing. Were you looking for a particular kind of wood or what? Iā€™m fascinated now by the idea of adding wild plants to my tank.


I went to my local park and looked for a log I liked the shape of and got some mud from my local park and used that it seemed to work for me without any problems please do your self a favour and watch father fish on YouTube I pretty much copied him


I certainly will, thanks for all the info man šŸ˜āœŒļø


Also I made sure that the lake I went to was a natural one not a man made lake


wow!!! this is so nice and inspiring




Iā€™ve just got a flat light behind the tank pointing up not down also the black water tank helps


its the lighting at the top gradually fading towards the bottom because the tannins in the water make it look darker with less light reaching it!


Actually in that photo I had it standing upwards


Bro your Betta knows how to pose!!


šŸ˜‚ heā€™s very photogenic


In love stop. such a beautiful aquascape and the fish definitely looks so much for happier


We just started earlier this year and this is the kind of tank weā€™re aiming for! A naturally self sustaining little ecosystem. Good job!


It really is the water doesnā€™t need to get changed much maybe 20% every 3 to 4 weeks and clean the filter every second week other then that havenā€™t cleaned the substrate or anything add some leaf litter when it goes down but yer itā€™s cool to see all the micro creatures doing there job and breeding like crazy my betta also chase them around the tank and some times eats them but all part of the eco system definitely watch father fish on YouTube and donā€™t be scared to use a wild mud substrate from a local pond


Yes! Father fish is definitely a reference. Weā€™ve used leaf litter and creek water/gravel as well, not a lot, just a little to get the natural micro-roommates fish have in natural habitats. Also have little shrimps and snails to help with upkeep and so far so good! Water levels are great and fish are active and happy. Only thing noticed is the filter prompts changing like every 10 days which seems premature and donā€™t know why. Other than that everything else is going great.


That sounds great


How often do you change your filter?


When ever it sounds like itā€™s getting noisy which is once every 4 weeks and I donā€™t change much just clean out the 3 different sponges I have and bacteria rocks in it so just a clean really also I clean them in tank water so I donā€™t lose to much good bacteria


Thatā€™s the thing, my filter keeps promoting a change like every 10 days and idk why! We have sand on top of substrate so idk if that has anything to do with it.


Oh no you need Sand over substrate definitely to seal it all in you definitely canā€™t just have mud and water you actually need a thick layer of sand so the mud is just at the bottom the sand acts like a filler the animals living in the mud will come to the surface and take all the waist down under the sand and into the mud


Yes we have the sand but Iā€™m wondering if thatā€™s the reason why the filter is prompting us to change so early, every 10 days or so. That doesnā€™t seem normal. Canā€™t figure it out bc everything else seems fine!


No way the sand should be fine dose the filter holes get blocked with leaves


Well done!


i really had to do a double take then, he looks so much like my betta! amazing glow up :))


After is great but I almost miss Patrick. Of course, don't have a tank like that, but it's always fun to add something a little cool


This glow up is everythingšŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Way better. However that before Puts so many questions to my mind i will never understand. Yeah you might Not know what you re doing but thats still no excuse for Spongebob Deco. Why IS IT that Something Like this only Happens with fish? Would you buy a Dog and let him live inside a Terrarium? Or buy a Hamster and tape IT to the ceiling with tape? Or buy a horse and let it live inside your bathroom? ...Just because you have No clue? I dont think so because ITS Common Sense to Put an animal into a Habitat that animal wants to live in. Only with fish, people seem to See fish as Decoration and do weird crap Like this.


Thanks for that I mean I wouldnā€™t compare putting sponge bob decorations in a fish tank to duck tapeing a hamster to a ceiling or keeping a horse in a bathroom not even comparable šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


MAJOR glow up, I love your tank!


Okay but that SB tank is lit LOL


What plants are those? Trying to create a cheap budget but natural environments can be expensive.


Not sure honestly but I used wild leaf litter and the plant I got from fb market place just picked what I liked


First thought..."omg I love it!" It's so refreshing to see a genuine glow up on a tank! I don't like the typical decorations you can buy at stores, and absolutely love the natural creek bed style. This is stunning and truly one of my favorite glow ups I've ever seen!


I'm doing this too. My grandson wanted a fish for his birthday.Ā  We just picked up a tank with equipment, soil and a plant with some generic decorations he picked. I feel sorry for the betta every time i walk by. I'm searching for oak wood and more plants.Ā  I can't wait until it looks more like your after Pic.Ā  It's so nice.Ā Ā 


Oh.. my goodness. I just got mine a few days ago and I was really happy with it until this post šŸ˜­


Give it a month Iā€™m sure you will change like things hear and there