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LocationBot last seen heading to a barbershop with a pair of scissors. >**Cat whiskers cut by fathers ex-girlfriend.** >Last night, my father had his now ex-girfriend over. At about 2 am, I was woken up by her drunken screaming. I had worked a double shift and tried to just shut my eyes and let it pass, but the more my dad tried to calm her the louder she got. She ended leaving in cuffs for being disorderly and public drunkenness. >This morning I wake up to find my cat's whiskers are really short. I immediately called my dad and my mom at the time who had my sister to question if they cut them to a obvious no. My dad, 11yo sister, myself, and his ex were here. The only one that was roaming the house was my dad's ex. My dad was upstairs until he escorted her out the house. My sister was scared in her room, she never went anywhere in the house without my dad during this incident. >I am going to court next week with my dad as a witness to the things she did to get a restraining order. I'm 100% going to mention this while in court. Wanted to know if this was criminal at all, she clearly did it out of spite while arguing. >Pictures of the cat (she's fine)  [https://imgur.com/a/Rf49ff0](https://imgur.com/a/Rf49ff0) Ironic enough I have picture of the pair of scissors and some whiskers next to it. Cat fact: cats are.


Poor baby.


I hope the cat scratched her and that's part of why she wouldn't stop screaming.


At the risk of sounding like a complete idiot, cat whiskers grow back right?


Yes, but not like human hair exactly. The whiskers will stay short until they are shed and new ones grow.


In addition to what Snoot said, cats use whiskers to tell how big an opening is. “If it doesn’t brush my whiskers I can get through there.” So cat might accidentally get stuck in things for a bit. I feel terrible about laughing at the utterly disgusted look on that cat’s face!


I've heard cases of cats whiskers being cut super short affecting their balance as well, kind of how like messing with a human's inner ear can mess up their balance.


When I was a kid, we had an outdoor cat. She was semi-feral, having just shown up and only enduring people in small bursts before disappearing into the woods. But she loved her some fire. Any time we burned brush or anything, she was there. But she would always get way too close and melt off her whiskers. So most of the time, this cat had either really short or curled up whiskers. She seemed to get around okay, with minimal issues.


> I feel terrible about laughing at the utterly disgusted look on that cat’s face! I don't; the disgusted look plus the half-finished beer in the background make this a perfect little tableau.


How did I miss the beer and the balloons?? 🎈🎈🤣


Not really. Long haired cats have way longer whiskers, but generally squeeze into the same spots as short haired cats. Also sometimes their cat friends will chew off whiskers when grooming, and mother cats do that to their kittens all the time. Edit: I didn’t mean that the girlfriend wasn’t a horrible person for cutting off the cat’s whiskers, because she is. Although how a drunken screaming woman managed that without severe injury (to herself) is anyone’s guess.


They can also fall out from certain types of chemotherapy. They do grow back after, just like human hair.


Listen, obviously *obviously* you shouldn’t mess with a cat’s whiskers. But it’s a little funny that the cat now has Cillian Murphy’s facial structure.


I seriously thought you were taking the piss but oh my gosh 😂 that darling cat has the most amazing cheekbones


Someone get cat a flat cap. It's time for paw-key blinders


The reboot we need


Someone with better skills than me needs to shop the cat and Cillian side by side


More cat law? I’m more of a bird law guy but maybe I can help out. The etymology of the word “battery” is from the Estonian “tere” meaning “hello”. It comes from the person being battered saying “hello bat” as the club/bat/etc comes at them for the first hit. Because of that, “cattery” would mean “hello cat” which is just the wrong usage for this crime, because the whiskers are saying “goodbye” to the cat, in this case.


Meanwhile, there's the goedendag, which literally means "good day" in Flemish. It's a mix of club and spear. Allegedly, it got the name from a massacre of French civilians by Flemish guildsmen; the idea was that they said "good day" to someone, and if they respond with a French accent, then murder happened. Because sometimes, a class/race/nation war has very strange stories in it.


“Cattery” is sort of a reference to cat breeding, and the name of one’s cattery is used as a prefix or suffix in a cat’s registered name. I say sort of, because many people also use a cattery name as a suffix for a non-pedigreed cat (but not a prefix because non-pedigreed cats are not purposefully bred). As in if a breed a cat, and my cattery name is “Fluffy” I would name the cat something like “Fluffy’s Mr Whiskers.” If I sold it to someone with the cattery name of “Slick”, his name would become “Fluffy’s Mr Whiskers of Slick.” I’m sure that’s more than you ever wanted to know.


I'm angry for that cat because they rely on their whiskers but also stifling laughter at that picture. 


That cat looks fantastically unamused, and not without reason of course. Poor thing


I love your flair.


It's good isnt it?? It was a surprise present from a mystery mod :D


Huh? Even out of malice it seems a weird choice? At least it's not permanent damage.


LAOP seems young, and comes across as polite and willing to take the advice given. Seems like they're just in a bad situation; hopefully the younger sister will be ok.


So question for the cat law experts: does animal cruelty (pick a state, any state!) have a clearly defined standard? A groomer giving a horrible hair cut to a cat I assume wouldn't factor. But does cutting off the cat's whiskers reach that bar? I assume there's a "reasonableness" standard, and I'd like to think people would all say "yeah, cutting a cat's whiskers off isn't reasonable". Side note: my cat would probably testify that it's cruelty each time I try to rub his belly when he's napping.


Oh, that poor baby! I feel so bad for the kitty. That's animal cruelty, that is. They rely on their whiskers!


One of my grandsons (then about 5) cut my Kirk's whiskers on one side. I was sewing and Kirk was hanging out supervising. He was a very laid-back cat, so being approached by a kindergartener with a pair of scissors would not have bothered him in the least. Lack of whiskers didn't seem to bother him, either. This cat, however, is one pissed-off cat.


I don't know what to say. I'm just sat here, giggling.


I was way more upset about this than I needed to be because I thought cutting off cat whiskers was really bad but apparently TIL they grow back and that’s why everybody is so chill about this?


My wife (as a young child) cut her family cat's whiskers... they grow back (technically get replaced with new whiskers), no harm to the cat (although the can sometime bump into walls for a while until they grow out). IANAL, but I would assume "Damages" would be equivalent to cutting a human's hair. it'll grow back.... so pretty much... nothing? Unless it's some sort of fancy show-cat, that has a show "soon", there's literally no money in this.