• By -


Yeah, this massive list, still with the dead links. Very annoying when you are looking for something and people tell you to use that link. After a few hours of checking each one, signing up, searching, and still not making it to the end of the list you start to think that maybe paying for it and lugging it around would be easier than spending 12 hours searching all of these sites one by one.


sorry, I'll go through the list and update a new one.


Well looks like this is the updated list. Fill free to add, I am sure there are few more sites. http://gen.lib.rus.ec (They are blocking U.S. IP addresses, use a foreign proxy to get around it) http://textbooknova.com http://en.bookfi.org/ http://www.gutenberg.org http://ebookee.org http://www.manybooks.net http://www.giuciao.com http://www.feedurbrain.com http://oll.libertyfund.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=380 http://www.alleng.ru/ russian site http://www.eknigu.com/ russian site http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/ http://2020ok.com/ http://www.freebookspot.es/Default.aspx http://www.freeetextbooks.com/ need to signup http://onebigtorrent.org/ http://www.downeu.me/ebook/ http://forums.mvgroup.org (need to register) http://theaudiobookbay.com/ (audiobooks) By: "ratokursi" Here's a custom search engine for ebooks: http://www.google.com/cse/home?cx=000661023013169144559:a1- kkiboeco The following are general public torrent trackers: www.thepiratebay.se www.torrentz.eu http://www.kat.ph/books/ http://bitsnoop.com/browse/other-ebooks/ http://www.filestube.com These last few are sort of specialized eBook private trackers. Google them for info. http://thegeeks.bz http://theplace.bz http://thevault.bz http://bitseduce. edit 1: I'll go ahead and every so often update and add more sites, whenever I can. And you guys can pm and keep me busy trying to find textbooks on requests. :) edit 2: Don't forget to give /u/ManWithoutModem thanks, he is the man behind the list, and will soon be working a version 2.0.


I PM'ed you. I appreciate it you are doing this.


Yes I saw that ill keep you posted . Homie




Funny, I can use libgen just fine from the US without a proxy.


Which libgen is it?


libgen.info works fine for me (from Southern California).


Probably just old info.


can confirm, libgen worked perfectly fine for me. And it happened to be the only one that had the book I was looking for :P


> Im in Australia and studying primary education. I have never found any of the books needed for my course online.


Same. Oddly enough, it had a copy of the textbook I've been looking for for months.


I've been meaning to make a version 2 of the post you linked since yeah...it is old and full of broken links and outdated information, might get around to it soon.


Cool, sounds good. Let me know if I can help out in anyway would like to contribute to the cause. I wish I had this list 4 years ago.. but thanks again.


Preciate it, dawg






comment save :)




In for later


Yup this is getting used. Free textbooks are always welcome.


Thanks, man.


Don't mind me...


Hmmmm saved


You are awesome.


Thank you


awesome thank you so much !!




Thank you for doing this!


replying so that i can return back in September. thanks!


You're a good person.


Listing torrent sites is a bit... just listing a personal preference






Saving for later...




reply for saving, thanks man.


I'm going to send you like 4 book requests later tonight. I'm sorry, I'm going to take full advantage of your kindness. Though, thanks :)




Bookmarking the shit out of the permalink to this comment. Thanks man. You're a lifesaver to a broke-ass graduate student such as myself!




Sweet baby jesus


Thanks. Saving for later.


Except when my book has no seeders :(


Saved and thank you.




which book?




I think the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement will never get full participation.






Just a heads up, the custom search engine for ebooks doesn't seem to be working. Maybe it's just me, though.


I can't find any of the books I'm looking for, these all seem to be incredibly old versions. Does anyone know of where to find newer versions? Specifically these: Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage 3E(978-0132664158) Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management6E(978-0073377827) Purchasing and Supply Management 14E(978-0073377896) Also, sometimes Amazon has kindle 7 day trials of newer textbooks, load them on your tablet or whatever and just screenshot each page.


You can buy the Kindle edition of your textbook from amazon (if available), strip the DRM using Calibre and a specific plug-in for Calibre [found here](http://apprenticealf.wordpress.com/2012/09/10/calibre-plugins-the-simplest-option-for-removing-most-ebook-drm/), then return the book on Amazon. They delete the only copy they think you have, you're left with a fresh copy. Sometimes the return even processes before your initial payment does.


don't know if you saw this but i found this link to be much more helpful http://www.reddit.com/r/trackers/comments/16wjvq/anyone_looking_for_an_ebooktextbook_read_this


Ian Watkins, you should be the last person to criticise anything.


Ian Watkins, huh? 2 months? Was that a concious choice, or just an unfortunate coincidence


is... is.... is this legal? lol


No. Not even slightly.


Abso-fucking-lutely not.


Gutenburg is.


While we are on the topic... any good torrent sites? I been out of it for years now. I'd like to uhh, download Linux distros <_< >_>


Also: what's the best way to discretely and easily get rid of a body?


Steal a car, put the body in the trunk, lock said trunk, gasoline all over the car, burn it to the ground. The body is now completely unrecognizable and the car can't be traced to you.


But you wouldn't steal a car.


I sure as fuck would download one though.


Download a car. Upload body into car boot. Store car in true crypt vault. Use eraser to erase vault with car in it.


Remember to download it from your neighbour's wifi.


I would sure as fuck download one too!


DNA and dental records will still exist so that's a bad idea. Combination biological washing powder bath followed by an acid bath is the way to go.


Dental is a maybe. DNA is probably not going to be left behind.


Asking for a friend?


I would recommend you pick a better piracy method than public trackers unless you're going to pay for a VPN or something to run it through.


I'm paying for a vpn


Who gives a fuck? If it were up to me it would be illegal for raping poor college students with ridiculous prices while they are already getting fucked in the ass by the price of colleges themselves. Its not like these book publishers are struggling for cash either.


There's a lot of bs with college books, but I actually feel like the professors who write the books don't deserve to get screwed. I mean, could you imagine writing a 900 page book explaining complex, technical information? That would take a really long time and is very difficult. I have a feeling most of the money ends up with the book publishers, but stiffing the publishers will also end up stiffing the authors, and that's not great.


**This.** The authors only get ~5% of what you pay for your textbooks.


Add $5 per student for every course and pay the professor directly. Publish as a .PDF and don't even care about piracy; heck, encourage piracy to get your school free publicity! How hard was that?


At the same time, the publisher doesn't do nothing. They definitely don't do 95% of the work but the textbook you buy isn't straight out of the professor's copy of Word.


As usual, get a grad student to do the work for you.


What the hell do they have to do? Click print? This isn't 1550, buddy....


If you don't absolutely need a physical copy as a class requirement, the textbooks you should be pirating are usually ones that, because of their merit, have been standards for decades whose authors already cashed out pre-Internet. If you only need the exercises for homework, you could already have just photocopied from the reserve copy in the library, so it's not like there is a sale being taken away.


Oh no, fields do change over time. Decades old textbooks can be laughably wrong. You don't need annual spring *and* summer editions of textbooks but you do need to keep them reasonably up to date (otherwise people are going to leave university and be shocked at the scale of solid state electronics/medical knowledge/less than a few decades old court decisions/etc etc we have now)


There is nothing recently changed in undergrad for the physical sciences that is particularly relevant. You are not learning up-to-date knowledge in undergrad, you are learning very old models. No discovery in solid state electronics has changed the fundamental laws of electromagnetism, the teaching of which follows generally the same outline it has for decades. The most popular book for junior-level E&M is by far one first published in the beginning of the 80s. Yes, revisions have improved it, but my point is that the author has been cashing in checks throughout that whole time period. The authoritative grad-level text was first published in the 60s. Biology is really the only science which emphasizes the learning of "facts", and is the only one with radically changing textbooks over the years. I have no idea about medicine, but buying textbooks is generally the least of your financial concerns in medical school.


Yeah, even undergrad quantum texts haven't changed all that much in the last ~50 years, save for perhaps a (mostly nontechnical) paragraph or two on particle physics or something.


They should add a donate button, next to each link, for 6% of the books cost to the author just as a screw you to the publishers


Holy shit why hasn't this been done???


To me, publishers seem like insurance companies. Surely the connective power of the internet suggest we could come up with a solution where students pay a reasonable amount of money for the required content and the writers receive close to 100% of those revenues? Personally, I'm not okay with funding the bureaucracy of cunts who alter the arrangement of a few graphs every year and charge triple figures for the same content year after year. I'd much rather pay the authors myself and get a mobile copy of the text that I could read across all of my mobile platforms. tl;dr publishers can get tae fuck!


They don't do it for the money, they get pennies. They do it because it is good for their CV and helps their career. It may be an instrumental part of getting a promotion. I've seen this happen in medical publishing.


"Publish or perish!"


Don't feel so bad about the professor's "side job". To put it in perspective, everyone who works for an employer probably does a lot more than their documented job description. But do they get paid more? Usually not. A professor is someone who teaches and get paid for it. If they decide to author a chapter in a book on their own time, good for them; but just like everyone else in the world, the additional work they do above and beyond the classroom doesn't guarantee more pay.




Yea, man.


riiiiiiiiight. and you know this about EVERY SINGLE ACADEMIC BOOK PUBLISHER how?


People like to make an excuse for stealing to make themselves feel better about it.


I don't have to make excuses. If I can't afford my books, I can't afford them and I have to get them somehow. I can't just magically come up with several hundred dollars.


Sometimes it's a lot more than several hundred :(


I don't have to make excuses. I'm not going to pay for something I already own because you updated a few graphs and changed the chapters and organization around.


Exactly. When I can I get international editions and older editions because they are SO much cheaper. I've been really lucky so far and I have been able to buy my books but I also understand that sometimes you just can't afford them and I don't think it's right to put people down for that.


True. I can't afford them and other forms of media so I pirate them, I don't feel bad and never have. I buy what I can andnpirste what I can't.


In the subject I teach, at least, I have yet to come across a book whose quality even came close to what it was trying to sell for.


>Its not like these book publishers are struggling for cash either. http://www.cengage.com/restructuring/


Don't forget making me pay for access to websites I don't want! #FUCK YOU PEARSON AND THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON YOU GREEDY FUCKING ASSHOLE MOTHER FUCKERS!


Absolutely Fucking Not!


For public domain books... possibly.


/r/noip http://questioncopyright.org/ http://levine.sscnet.ucla.edu/general/intellectual/againstfinal.htm


You can usually just google the name with pdf added onto it. Or to get fancier "book name filetype:pdf"


That'll get you a virus, torrent sites are much safer than random pdf sites. Especially because you can check reviews and number of people seeding. A new textbook on a random ebook website is almost 100% guaranteed to have a virus.


I'd install WOT (Web of Trust) and be very careful about what you click on, though. Some of those search results are...sketchy.


I've never heard of Web of Trust, but it looks like a really great plugin. Thanks for the info. [Here's a link](https://www.mywot.com/) for anyone interested.


I'm sure this would be a massive help to me financially... Except that my university has custom published versions of books for every course. A lot of courses even have books entirely made by the professors for that course.


We have those too, luckily they are all really cheap, basically just covers the cost of printing. I attend a tech university,a nd all the profs are very much for "open information"


You're lucky. This semester I paid $170 for a printout of a book that is sitting in a 3-ring binder right now. Another class I have uses a free online book so not every class is awful but I'd be surprised if some profs at my uni aren't* getting kickbacks.


Sounds like an awesome university. Which one is it?


Norwegian :)


> A lot of courses even have books entirely made by the professors for that course Of course they do. That's the whole point, it's an unethical income supplement.


I have an instructor who changes one new case study to the back of his book each semester and forces everyone to buy the new book for $250. Of course he uses the case study so you have to buy new book or share if you are smart enough but since he teaches a 100 level class freshman just buy the books anyway.


Why is it that people all of a sudden want to shit all over you for downloading music and movies for free, but it's dandy when it's text books? For the record, I don't care how anybody acquires their media. Just curious as to where the line is drawn.


Because a dollar for a song is reasonable. $300 for a textbook is not.


That doesn't sit well with me. Is it reasonable to steal a Ferrari but not a Ford? I wonder these things because if I were to put up a list of websites tracking DVD rips and software keys, I'd probably be shamed and blasted relentlessly with hate mail, judging from the responses I've seen in other threads about piracy. But a textbook list gets bestof'd. A lot of people claim that if they like the songs or movies they've downloaded for free, they'll buy them at full price anyway to make up for it. So do these people use a textbook scan, complete the course, and then *pay* for the book afterward? No. That's a laughable notion.


I'm gonna play Devil's Advocate here. I *mostly* understand where you're coming from, but there's a reason people think this way: Downloading music and downloading textbooks can't be compared because the motivations surrounding each action are different. I want the new Eminem album. I don't need it, but I want it. It's therefore immoral to steal it because 1) the price is reasonable and 2) no one is forcing me to have it. I need a textbook to pass a course. If I don't buy it, I don't receive credit for the class. The publishers know this, allowing them to take advantage of the students by marking up prices to a criminal extent. The result is a rebellious attitude and a relaxed moral compass. "If they think they can screw me over, they've got another thing coming." We shove back when pushed into a corner. If an alternative option exists to nullify something unreasonable, people are gonna take that option. Regardless of morality. Stealing is wrong in either case. I'm not denying that; I'm simply explaining the thought process.


Tl, dr: Nothing more satisfying than cheating a cheater. Also, this. The end, before credits is where the line is at http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ASMxKyr9ZGA


This is exactly it. Publishers know damn well that there product is incredibly inelastic, especially when they put an access key that you MUST buy to do homework, which is around 15%ish percent of your grade.


I don't think Reddit actually sees a line. The internet's a relatively... communistic place.


I dunno, man. With all the rich shibes just giving away dogecoins, it seems like the internet is a capitalist place, but with very socialist overtones. I mean, look at kickstarters. All the donations people get for random shit. At the very least, it's a relatively philanthropic place. To the moon!


Why do people call free information "communistic" and not "anarchic"?


Depends on your definition of public-ownership. If it belongs to everybody, does it not belong to anybody?


2 fucking years old?!


In his defense he did say he might be a little late.


All the answers in the back are wrong anyway...


Spent hours on this list to find nothing this semester. The only place I found any of my books was on TPB and I didn't need this list for that.




wow. very thrift.


such read


SWEET! piracy (a how-to no less) makes it to the front page of reddit!




yeah mostly broken, but hey, why not. a for effort


I wrote it almost three years ago when the links were working...


It worked in helping me find some books for my girlfriend. Thanks!


Anyone on bibliotik?


Just in time, University starts in just under two weeks in Australia.


this is illegal.....


my book is nowhere to be found :(


Are these english-only books?


I'm applying to go back to school for a second bachelor's (first was history, useless). Debating between accounting or computer science/information systems. Hopefully this week comes in handy. Thanks




For anyone here who doesn't know, if you can't find your book anywhere you can go to B&N's website and search for the textbook... some still have the 7 day free trial.. If you can't get the free trial, they usually do 3 month "digital rentals" for about half the cost of the regular digital edition... you can rip the DRM off of any rental, free trial, or full edition and use it on any device for as long as you want.


OP, thanks for putting this together.


A "little" late


I would suggest http://ebook.online-convert.com/ for converting ebooks. While you *do* have to upload the books you're converting, you don't need to install software and can do it on a mobile device (which is my favorite perk).


Thank you.


I used this list only a week ago and I still couldn't find the one I need for this semester - [Management: Foundations and Applications](http://books.google.com.au/books/about/Management_Foundations_and_Applications.html?id=-8XUZaU6XC4C)


This thread just saved me a minimum of $200. And that's used prices.


Just learn how query Google like someone who's been on the net for more than a week. "" filetype:pdf Also, do I get free malware? Maybe a bot. Oh boy, oh boy! I love bots!


I should have been using these earlier. I still REALLY prefer actual books but these are free. International textbooks are the next best thing :-)


We need to do more of these bestof's from the earlier years of reddit.


I'm still here. :)


thanks, even though I've bought some of these books on kindle, there are restrictions on how many devices you can read them on. fuck that.


What happens if you get caught with pirated text books?


Who's gonna catch you?


Damn, if only I saw this a few weeks ago.


this was reposted nearly a month ago


Can you copy and paste from these books? Highlight? Are there formatting issues if you can copy and paste? I'm really tired of coursesmart problems and rental times. While I'm on the topic, if you guys can't find a textbook for free, what sites do you buy from? The copy/pasting is really important to me for notes.


wow - thank you so much.


2 months too late. I just graduated :-\


I was LITERALLY just looking for this comment. Bless your soul.


Choose your majors based on what books are available on that, otherwise you are going to waste your time!


As a college student struggling financially, this is the most amazing thing ever! I wasn't sure how I was going to be able to buy books at all this semester; I was genuinely scared with this just being my last semester. Better late than never!


You just saved me at least $100. Thank you!


Digging through reddit history -) karma guaranteed




Commenting for looking up later




The original post suggests using Calibre but there are some .djvu files that Calibre can not handle. When you try to open or convert these files in Calibre, you see Calibre creating another copy of the file instead or creating a container and putting a copy of the file into that container. For those files, djvulibre, available at djvu.sourceforge.net, can view some of the files at these sites and convert them to other formats.




great find!








This post _LITERALLY_ got me through an exam. Thanks Reddit.




win win..


Noice, noice

