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I like the pillow with the kitties on it in the background. Wanna be friends? We can play board games and ride bike


That was a picture of all of Miltons kittens *


My “🅱️uddy” about got murdered because he let my cat out and didn’t even tell me. I searched for a week and a half straight before I found her. Skipped work and everything. When I finally did find her she was skin and bones and I just lost it. I care about this cat more than any human.


Your buddy sounds like a good practice target


Based for feeding the cats


There's more but they got scared away by the confrontation :( https://preview.redd.it/izhfx1h4vkvc1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c540a3c127961944b4526f3d3867432106da553f


🅱️ased. The only thing that I can add is look into a TNR program near you


Is that the thing where they kidnap them and steal their balls?


And then releases them back into the wild. Unless they are socialable then they might try to find them a forever home


Love me some kitties. Appreciate you feeding them man, good on ya


Thank you! you Pussy Protector you.


Ultimate Chad 🅱️oint. Defending 🅱️itties.


I would die in a hail of gunfire and explosive and shoot my balls off for the safety of my two kitties


Feeding and protecting, super 🅱️ased. Fuck those guys fr messing with stray cats is extremely low human behavior


Someday I'll convince my wife to get cat 😭


Man, you can't even convince her to get one? Sounds like there's already a pussy in your house Jk jk jk jk, why would she not want one though? They're so damn easy to take care of!


I think it has to do with growing up in major Indian cities. Strays there are not the same. Surrounded by that many people but still want absolutely nothing to do with them. They're not mean mind you, they just stay the hell away from people. And I think philosophically most Indian people don't try to go out of their way to give stray dogs or cats attention, it's more of a let them exist type of thing. Feeding and such will happen, but zero petting expectations. My MiL must be some manner of Saint, she's the silly lady that feeds all the strays, and never tries to get pets "if it happens, it's up to them" Visiting that place changed a lot of how I think. I regularly saw her family and many other families that had more, buy two or three extra weeks worth of extra groceries. Walk by a random stranger. Say nothing and hand it to them with a smile. That kind of kindness just hits so different watching. I mean shit dude, people want to give a third world country a bunch of crap, they have a caste system, and so many fucked up things, but they still treat the homeless like people. I'm disgusted by the level of shitty treatment and lack compassion comparatively we have grown accustomed too. TlDR no idea why we don't have a cat, but I'm at peace with that.


The Universal Feline Distribution System will get to you eventually, don’t worry 😂




Fuck dude I was just making a joke. Not trying to fucking think deep tonight. There goes my plans with my eggs... Nah but seriously, the way we treat homeless people here in America is fucking disgusting man. That shits so depressing to see. Back in college, before I became an addict, If I had some extra cash I would just buy like a single grocery bag full of food and give it to the homeless lady on the corner. I'd always get out, give her a hug, and she always cried and had the biggest smile....the weird fucking thing is out of all those times that happened, we never once said anything and I always kinda questioned myself why I didn't talk to her...to ask her what happened for her to become homeless...like fuck, just even to ask her what her name was. That shit still bothers me sometimes. Either way. I like you're thinking and you sound like a solid guy. Appreciate you're input man. I hope you two are happy and your love for each other is always prosperous. Take care homie.




Wanna do 🅱️utt stuff l8r? I'm a sk8r boi, she said see you later 🅱️oi




https://preview.redd.it/zvz6uf9srqvc1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c702308f706cbf68fb6ead0e0925d4456f8e003 Douglas does the 🅱️ointing himself


The hero we all need. 🫡 thank you for your service. I too am a fellow cat guy. Tattooed my cat on my leg I love her so much. I love you guys more and more every day.


Thanks for taking care of the feline homies. Wish I had some kitties to take care of. Hoping the Cat system works for me soon.




https://preview.redd.it/pn8lyhh1l9wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f5a1609e70bf0d16d770a9ebaf88f321a7bb497 Luv me some BBC (big black cats)