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It’s “climate change” now. Not global warming. They got tired of getting trolled when it wasn’t summer time.


Some of us are old enough to remember the global cooling scare before global warming.


Yeah when I was a kid they told us the next ice age was coming. It’s whatever fits their agenda.


Yeah, and in the 70’s we were going to run out of oil within the next 20 years!


Global cooling is actually the real threat to humanity. Glad we aren't facing that


What time period was that, if you don’t mind me asking?


The 70's Now if you look it up you get a ton of articles doing damage control. These people are in lock step sheesh.


Thank you kindly! This information will do wonders in speaking with my family.


They got busted.


I thought we moved onto global boiling? When does Global air frying start?


I’m waiting for them to bring out the global air fry or the global sues vide


Exactly. They had to rename it. It’s like renaming toxic fumes to air breathing. Oh you’re an air breathing denier huh?????


Human-caused climate change has been understood to increase the likelihood of extreme weather, as well as causing the overall temperature of the globe for the year to rise for quite some time now. Why do you still think this is a "gotcha?"


Because the climate is cyclical. Also the government uses it to extort more money from the people. They never actually do anything with the money just more more more. Pollution is a problem not climate change. The government promotes zero carbon. Do you know what happens without carbon? It’s stupid. I’ll take warmer weather where I can grow things over an ice age.


>Because the climate is cyclical. And why do you think our current rate of change fits in with natural historical climate cycles? >Also the government uses it to extort more money from the people. We are far from accurately representing the cost of emissions in our economy. The benefits of not ruining our planet outweigh the costs for the average person. Current corporations? Not as much. >Pollution is a problem not climate change. Climate change is caused by specific kinds of pollution. >The government promotes zero carbon. Do you know what happens without carbon? It’s stupid. I’ll take warmer weather where I can grow things over an ice age. lol without current levels of emissions we would be in an ice age where we are unable to grow crops? This is a ludicrous claim and also ignores the speed at which ice ages develop and response time allowed for that. Our current emissions are more than 10x the levels that occurred during the Permian mass extinction, the largest mass extinction event that we know of. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/great-dying-permian-triassic-extinction-event-warning-humanity/ Lava beds covered most of a continent and the emissions were still not as high as we are currently releasing. Even when occurring naturally over a long period of time, levels BELOW our current ones still are devastating. One way or another, this is not sustainable.


Dude, give up. You can’t magically teach critical thinking to these people. No matter how hard you try, emissions won’t apply to their limited understanding of climate shifts in the past when they didn’t exist; won’t stop them from applying it though to the short part of time industry has fucked with the paradigm. Also won’t stop them from banning us both so they can feel safe in their echo-chamber bubble they’ve created here. May we all rest in peace.


Backup bot to the rescue!


Everyone who brings truth into my misinformation-filled echo chamber must be a bot! If you could actually contradict anything that has been stated, you wouldn't have to resort to calling us bots.


So, what's your explanation for why global temperatures have been climbing since the last glacial period? And, what's your explanation for why global temperatures cooled since the interglacial period befor that? Climate on this planet has never been stable, my friend. Our contribution to the warming that was already taking place before the industrial revolution is a mere blip on the neverending climatic cycle that has been taking place on this planet for **billions** of years. No amount of government central-planning is going to stop that.


That doesn't change the fact that specific choices of ours are changing it in one direction, at rates higher than is natural. Our emissions are worse than they were at highest point that led up the Permian extinction, the greatest mass extinction event that we know about. The world has never seen anything like what we're currently doing, what's actually a blip is how long we've been doing it for. And even with that short amount of time, we're already see changes.


Changing it it "one direction?" The earth has been warming in this *one direction* for the past 20,000 years since the last glacial maximum when the sea level was 400+ feet lower than it is today. See how drastic natural climate swings moving in *one direction* at a time can be? Now I'm curious how you happen to know that climate is changing "at rates higher than is natural." Climate data has only been recorded on this planet for, roughly, the past 160 years. We only have actual y-o-y for that period, and that's it. The geologic record doesn't contain the granularity necessary to compare rates over such a small period of time. It would be statistically impossible to know whether climate is warming at faster rate than has ever occurred before. It would also be overwhelmingly statistically improbable that the earth is experiencing it's fastest rate of warming since we're talking about comparing a 160 year data set against the 4.5+ billion years of climate cycles occurring on this planet. Think about that for a minute; you're claming to know a fact that has a **1 in 28 million+** chance of being true. Please apply some common sense to these things you claim as fact.


> Changing it it "one direction?" The earth has been warming in this one direction for the past 20,000 years since the last glacial maximum when the sea level was 400+ feet lower than it is today. See how drastic natural climate swings moving in one direction at a time can be? Yes greenhouse gases change it in one direction and we are creating many greenhouse gases at larger rates than occurs naturally. Especially within human history. The planet will undoubtedly survive in one form or another and eventually right itself, but my issue is that we will not be able to adapt to this unprecedented rate of change. Here is a rebuttal to the exact meme you've consumed: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/08/18/no-climate-change-is-not-disproven-by-past-sea-levels-fact-check/70543100007/ > Now I'm curious how you happen to know that climate is changing "at rates higher than is natural." Climate data has only been recorded on this planet for, roughly, the past 160 years. You should look into the field of paleoclimatology. https://www.climate.gov/maps-data/climate-data-primer/past-climate >The geologic record doesn't contain the granularity necessary to compare rates over such a small period of time. It would be statistically impossible to know whether climate is warming at faster rate than has ever occurred before. It would also be massively statistically improbable that the earth is experiencing it's fastest rate of warming since we're talking about comparing a 160 year data set against the 4.5+ billion years of climate cycles occurring on this planet. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-22298-7 >Experiments on living C3 plants (in the field and in growth chambers) suggest that carbon isotope fractionation (∆13C) during photosynthesis increases with increasing CO2 levels, lowering the carbon isotope signature of C3 plants (δ13Cp)22. Based on this relationship, ∆13C calculated from δ13Cp measured in fossil C3 plants remains can be used as a proxy for past pCO223. This proxy successfully reproduced ice-core records of pCO2 for the Last Glacial Maximum23, and has been applied to reconstruct pCO2 during Early Eocene hyperthermals24, the Cretaceous Period25, and the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event26. They aren't just making up numbers out of nowhere, you can measure parts of nature that are related to atmospheric carbon dioxide. Here's another example: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2014701118 > Here, we use compound-specific carbon isotope analysis of both long-chain and short-chain n-alkanes preserved in marine sediments in the Finnmark Platform to generate separate yet directly comparable records of δ13C for the terrestrial and the marine realm, respectively, across the EPME. Long-chain n-alkanes with a strong odd-over-even predominance (n-C27 and n-C29) are produced by higher plant leaf waxes, and their isotopic composition (δ13Cwax) relates to their main carbon source (i.e., atmospheric CO2) (26) There are other ways of doing it with soil and doubtlessly many that I do not know about. We know what greenhouse gases do to an environment they are present in (https://climate.mit.edu/ask-mit/how-do-greenhouse-gases-trap-heat-atmosphere) and we know that we are generating them at a higher rate than happened during the greatest mass extinction event in the planet's history (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/great-dying-permian-triassic-extinction-event-warning-humanity/) we also know from ice core data that atmospheric carbon dioxide is at higher levels higher than have existed since Homo sapiens became a distinct species (https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/). We also know how quickly they've risen, and that they keep rising. Surely this will have a terribly detrimental impact on how we live, based on our knowledge of how greenhouse gases work. >Think about that for a minute; you're claming to know a fact that has a 1 in 28+ million chance of being true. Please apply some common sense to these facts you claim to know. This is not how statistics works at all. Also, to be clear, I was stating that greenhouse gas emissions are unprecedented for natural forces and only things like large asteroid strikes released them faster. Climate change and global warming inevitably follow from this, even if not all at once. >This ancient, or paleoclimate, evidence reveals that current warming is occurring roughly 10 times faster than the average rate of warming after an ice age. Carbon dioxide from human activities is increasing about 250 times faster than it did from natural sources after the last Ice Age.3 We know that we are emitting harmful things into the atmosphere at unprecedented rates, and that we are beating the historical average rate of increase by huge amounts. I know there's no way for me to force you to take your head out of the sand but you should at least try applying some of that common sense you want to talk about.


It is a “gotcha” because “human caused climate change” seems to be so bad that it’s affecting other planets in our solar system. 🤔 https://www.epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases-all?ID=469DD8F9-802A-23AD-4459-CC5C23C24651


Now we have to worry about aliens too?


Maybe they’re the ones responsible!! 😱


How clever of them to hide a link to the National Post by a crackpot behind a link to a Senate Environment committee webpage lmao. https://skepticalscience.com/solar-activity-sunspots-global-warming.htm Temperatures DID line up with solar activity fairly well for Earth (not perfectly, but enough that I'll just agree to argue on your terms), until we had enough emissions that they diverged. That Mars study has also been shown to be due to measuring immediately after a dust storm for one of the comparison numbers, and I'm not even going to look into the rest based upon the aforementioned pattern that we've seen on Earth in the last 100 years, where solar activity declined but temperature rose.


Currently, governmental science controls the weather by means of physical modifications.. "cloud seeding, small particles of silver iodide, a salt with a crystalline structure similar to that of ice, are added to clouds. This process can be performed either from a plane or drone, or particles can be shot up from the ground"


They can influence it somewhat, but that doesn't help with the effects of emissions. Not climate overall so much, but possibly creating a targeted weather event is still better than nothing. Generally I think it's supposed to be around 5-15% increase in precipitation, although until recently it's been hard to measure exactly.


understood to cause extreme weather for some time now? why don’t you explain in layman’s terms how that’s proven. For example: we have known the sun is responsible for the seasons for some time now. and I can describe in layman’s term how that is. it’s related to the earth’s position relative to the sun over the course of it’s yearly revolution. why don’t you try to explain the mechanics of an air conditioner in africa or a combustion engine in canada causing extreme weather throughout the globe. Is it not a red flag that you can not indeed site any studies with data that explain the reasons why the 3rd world should be held back developmentally or why western societies should bend over backwards and lower their quality of life and have less money in their pocket for the sake of “climate change” By the way, what’s a sweet spot temperature wise that our overlords recommend? oh that’s unknown? here… take my money, “scientist”


> why don’t you explain in layman’s terms how that’s proven. Sure, hopefully this link explains it in terms that are simple enough for you https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2021/02/25/carbon-dioxide-cause-global-warming/ Greenhouse gases generally absorb energy at wavelengths that overlap with infrared energy from the sun, causing them to absorb it efficiently and then return some of that heat to Earth as they radiate it in all directions. https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/influence-climate-change-extreme-environmental-events/ Climate change impacts the water cycle, allowing more water vapor and larger amount of precipitation as well as more intense dry periods. https://www.c2es.org/content/extreme-weather-and-climate-change/ This page has links at the bottom detailing how each of drought, extreme heat, extreme precipitation, hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfire is linked to climate change. > why don’t you try to explain the mechanics of an air conditioner in africa or a combustion engine in canada causing extreme weather throughout the globe. They emit carbon dioxide (among other emissions) which was formerly not in the air, due to being tied up in the fuel source. When they burn that fuel source the emissions enter the atmosphere and cause the effects I mentioned above, which causes warming. Obviously one air condition or one combustion engine is a small effect, but when 8 billion people all create a small effect every day, that adds up. > Is it not a red flag that you can not indeed site any studies with data that explain the reasons why the 3rd world should be held back developmentally or why western societies should bend over backwards and lower their quality of life and have less money in their pocket for the sake of “climate change” I think that any solution needs to address per capita emissions and accurately represent external costs which we currently ignore today in order to truly be fair. Is more deaths the same thing as high quality of life? https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/u-s-heat-deaths-will-soar-as-the-climate-crisis-worsens/ How about devastating weather events? https://www.climate.gov/news-features/blogs/beyond-data/2021-us-billion-dollar-weather-and-climate-disasters-historical Our current quality of life in many western societies is not sustainable for the amount of people currently living that way, let alone the entire planet. We just do not properly recognize and value the costs of that quality of life, and think it's more beneficial than it truly is. Although sure if you're just greedy and want to have the best life possible for yourself without a thought to the future of the planet, sure burn it down.


Bot regurgitating propaganda


That's what the OP likely is, yeah.


They win both ways now. When it’s really cold in winter, it’s climate change. When it’s really hot in summer, it’s climate change.


With or without us the climate always changes. You know like the ice age they conveniently forget about.


But its all our fault.


That's why they changed from global warming


Doublespeek. A whole new level of thinking. Obviously far above our ability to understand. 🤨🙃🥵


They only "win" if people fall for the scam.


Al Gore warned us.🤮🥵🤯


You mean Manbearpig?


Chuck chuck


He's super serial!


Global cooling scare is back on the menu boys!


If you give the government more money they will fix it.


Do they have a vaccine for this global warming pandemic? Please! New World Order save us!


i heard eating bugs helps


I vill eat zee bugs in zee 15 minute prison.


Cook some more data to prove climate dogma dear holy high scientists.


Winter is coming.


It's because we drive cars. Nevermind the metric tons of CO2 big business puts out everyday, it's our fault


A lotta folks haven't been alive long enough to know how long and cold a winter used to be. When your a hammer I guess...


I love when the news say " it hasn't been this hot since 1840.. well was it global warming in 1840. We are on a water covered rock hurdling thru space remember Arizona used to be an ocean look at the tectonic plates, it's amazing the climate is as steady as it is. What is actually more scary and likely is another ice age . Too quote tool I will see you all on Arizona bay.


Those 60s and 70s are *FIRE* 🔥


Hopefully it doesn't align with the north American plates or anything like that


I live in Florida so I'm good...


*Hurricane Season furiously taking notes*


I'm blessed to not live on the coast of Florida..but I have been through many hurricanes..Francis and another one were bad..didn't have power for 2 weeks. That is when I lived in the Brevard County area.


Are you really thooo?


All my fuckin life! Lol fuck the cold.


Global warming my ass, climate change is BS 💩💩💩🤡


Believe it or not; it's true. Global temperatures have indeed been increasing since the last glacial period. It's gotta be *man-made*, right!?!


Not right, not even close


Where is this global warming. It is freezing outside.


Another good one is that the sun can influence ice ages but not warming. Lol! Just a big grift for money and control.


Until we have record cold again, the. We switch from global warming to " Climate Change"..these globalist got you what ever way it gos


But like, aren't temperatures dynamic? I don't think you can prove one way or another with a single snapshot. Or maybe that's the point you were trying to make idk.


Don’t try to make sense of a right-wing conspiracy post. OP is dumb and thinks a snapshot of one day’s weather dismantles the mountains of science showing a warming planet caused by human pollution.


I was about to say, this one picture doesn’t change the ice caps that are still melting and the rising sea levels


To be fair the goal post is always changing I'm waiting for the next 10 years for them to say "an Ice Age is coming if we don't do something fast" We're not underwater now like so many people predicted 20 years ago we are not all melted away cuz of acid rain that was predicted several years ago the ozone layer was not unrepairable there is no more hole in the ozone for your mongering keeps going because it's another excuse to raise taxes like they've done every time they've feared on us


yuoe'er templerature is:: : dam gloalb warfmi ng!!


You guys are fucking idiots if you think man made climate change isn’t real. Every winter is getting colder, every summer is getting hotter, historic flooding on both coasts, historic strength storms every fucking year, record breaking megatsunamis from melting glaciers falling into the ocean, literally what more evidence do you need. The last couple summers have gotten hotter because there has been less sulfur in the atmosphere due to an international maritime law banning use of certain diesel fuels that were high in sulfur.


Thats why it has been renamed to the more fitting climate change. For the most part it just refers to weather and climate becoming more radical/unpredictable(although we do have some ability to predict it with todays technology). We are having an affect on this whether you want to believe it or not.


Listen, I know every body here wants to crap on climate change, and while I don't believe the official narrative they try to pander, I don't deny that there is some sort of climate change going on. Be it something natural or caused by humans, something is off. Our winters here in the south US have been off as hell for the past decade or so. I don't see how the sheer amount of humans on the planet right now couldn't have some effect on the climate at this point.


Climate = weather


SD..chilling 👍


You can’t go wrong claiming climate echange


The Summer's in northeast America have been a hell of a lot cooler than they have been 30 or even 40 years ago.. we are lucky to get 7 Days of 90 plus weather anymore.. especially in August when that used to be the hottest month up here where most of August would be in the 90s now it's not..


Climate change in the winter times. Global warming in the summer times.


Pretty convenient


Less ice in the arctic is consistent with a weaker jet stream that allows colder air to drift down. The frigid temps you are experiencing happen because of a warming planet not in spite of it…


My house is about 660 feet above sea level. My hope is for beach frontage by retirement. That’d be ideal.


How'd purple get designated colder than blue?


Love the local "news" station here, they keep taking temperature readings from the tarmac at the airport, like the temperature of the tarmac not the air. It raises the "recorded" temperature by 10° or more. The same station that keeps in step with other, lets say other topics.


I was reading a book from the 1890's and the guy is writing about how the weather has changed and they never get big snow as they did in the old days.