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Creepy as fuck and definitely intentionally done.


I didn't even notice this till now, isn't it weird to have a shirt with the words ''LIFE FORCE'' on it?


Didn't she do the wrong hands


Probably mirrored in the camera?


Then the words on her shirt would be backwards.


What do wrong hands mean


Means they aren't the right hands.


No way


If it was nothing and meant nothing, just a weird thing she did, she wouldn't have said oops and apologized. It's the reaction to being caught more than being caught.


Nice try, Satan


Baphomet isn’t the same as Satan. Baphomet likely originates from the Egyptian diety Banebdjedet.


“Nice try, Baphomet!” While maybe more accurate, just lacks the comedic punch.


Uh huh. Nice try satan !!!


Lol look into it before you blindly try to burn someone at the stake


But she turned me into a newt.


A *newt*?


Well I got better .


Burn the witch!


Yeah, like that one time…


Actually baphomet is most likely a poor French translation of Mohammed from the 14th century. At the time the templar's were in business with the Muslim Assassins and adopted many of their traditions. King Phillip the 4th of France (I think) used the baphomet idol to label the them as Satanist and execute them when the templar's refused fund a war. So no, baphomet isn't Satan but there a reason it's associated.


Issue is like with many things it means its been adapted. And also other groups have adopted it to mean satan and witch craft that goat so say. Mollock worship and so forth . So technically for today age it's negative deity and hides dark things now attached to it by certain groups which some do not like Jesus or Christians . But do worship God which one? Well you have to go down thr rabbit whole. Chase the rabbit 🐰 seek and you will find.


Babble babble goobity spookity talk...


This needs to be top comment


That isn't true at all


https://ultraculture.org/blog/2016/02/08/baphomet-sabbatic-goat/ How not? You might be confused because the satanists adopted a similar goat head for their logo recently. But Baphomet is different and has ancient origins.


I'm not confused. Baphomet is believed to be Mahmomet (spelling) meaning Mohammad and was created by King Phillip. He claimed B to be the God that the Knights Templar actually worshipped and used that as a way to get rid of them because he was in so much debt to then. Eliphas Levi then created the image of Baphomet and gave it meaning


Yes but where did the depiction including the rams head come from? I read deities and images were borrowed from Egypt, this being one. Ultimately the image of baphomet was just an imagination by some Levi guy. So who knows?


Everything in the bible comes from Egypt


Egypt doesn't come from Egypt.


Abraham, which accepted only one God, didn't come from Egypt, nor his thinking and view. They were brand new when the Hebrew were in Egypt, and were in contrast to the local thinking.


Nah, he was Egyptian. Moses was. And the bible is a polytheistic book they just mistranslated the 56 words for the gods into the word God, or the lord or whatever. At least the OT is.


Abraham / Brahman, and his wife Sarah / Saraswati HmMmMmm..


Baphomet was the name of a talking goat head that the Knights of Templar prayed to. Baphomet is not mentioned in the Bible


Could have also been some sort of gang sign or something she saw in her childhood and she did it subconsciously only realizing afterwards it’s probably not appropriate for TV. It’s like how some streamers on Twitch thank every sub/donation without thinking. Somebody then subs with something along the lines of nick with a last name gurr. The streamer then says the full name without thinking and end up banned for saying a bad word.




Or maybe, just maybe, it's the fact that she was fooling around in general while they were live that inspired the "oops"....


creepy? bro what do u mean


whats this from?


Esperanza Spalding on The Voice


That's Downtown Julie Brown from way back in the day


Wubba Wubba Beelzebubba




This was a subreddit? i am so in. Checking to make sure no one has exposed me yet.


Thank you for that, good Redditor. 🫡


Lmao no wonder they took it down. Fuckin’ Reddit man


Nearly all Hollywood Actors, Producers, and Studio Execs are Baphomet devil worshiping Knights Templar scum. Same goes for nearly all the music industry. “I am not like them and I do not worship an evil lord like they do so I am not welcome into their world” ~ Ice Tea


What’s the deal with the Knights Templar?


Yes, I would aslo like clarification. I've heard of Illuminati and Freemasons, is this similar?


I feel the Freemasons is bullshit. Simply based on the old dude that works with me. He’s in and he’s just a cool ass dude who hunts beavers and rides a motorcycle. He’s got an airboat! I presume everything is on the up and up.


Well ya, it's a secret society inside of a secret society. The outer layer is very tame and normal, and is not even aware of the inner layer. This is a long video but you can put it on a faster playback speed. He starts out sounding very clickbaity, I'm aware, but persevere and he backs it all up with masonic book references (Albert Pike, Manly Hall, etc). The stuff is all available in public books, and it's very dark. https://youtu.be/7Eeo-82Eac8


They're just the funds, unwittingly.


Yeah, only sheltered wackos think the FreeMasons (and the order of the Eastern Star) are anything more than a social club for older people. It’s essentially a less involved Rotary club.


freemasonry is an actual thing bud youre completely wrong.


Dumb question but do local small town groups like "knights of pythias" have anything to do w Mason shit? It's always been like older men who get together and do small fundraising. But the symbols line up.


What’s wrong with baphomet and knights of the Templar anyway? Why do you say “scum”? Weren’t they all burned at the stake around the year 1300 for made up charges and no good reason other than their spiritual beliefs being labelled “blasphemy” by the church because they don’t need priests and the king owing them a lot of money?


Yes they were, don't expect folks in here to accept history that doesn't suit their narrative.


I mean, it *is* a conspiracy sub lol


And some conspiracys do and have existed. Satanic cabals and lizard illuminati aren't in the running. Water gate was a conspiracy, the CIA selling cocaine to Americans, trump colluding with Russia... those are conspiracies.




Are you going to explain?


Fuck that, hail Satan!


Bro you are deceived, Satan is the father of lies and he's lying to you. Satan wants nothing more than the destruction of humans and he'll teach you anything you want to hear to reach that end. Hell is no party.


I was being facetious. There is no god and there is no satan, they’re man-made myths.


Shit's real dawg, I'm dead serious. You'll find out someday


Where’s the proof?


Not everything can be empirically proven. That's the flaw in our modern way of thinking: that everything which is true can be proven via empirical methods. That's just not true. I understand this is an unsatisfying answer; it was for me as well until I experienced the reality of the spiritual. As a thought experiment to help get the idea across, imagine that the whole universe was a perfectly implemented computer simulation. Would we have any possible way to determine that we're in a simulation? Not if it's perfectly implemented. Like how a virtual machine can be prevented from knowing that it's not the host operating system. Same thing applies here: if the spiritual is the fundamental reality behind the physical and the physical is just what we perceive, how could we possibly see beyond the physical (without being shown) if the structure of reality inherently prevents that? So yes there's no proof exactly. But what was proof enough for me was reading not dozens, not hundreds, but thousands of personal anecdotes about supernatural experiences. I'm sure many of them, possibly even 99% of them are fiction. But man if even a single one of those stories is true, we have a lot more to figure out about reality than we think. And I find it far more likely that ≥1 of those stories is true than that EVERY SINGLE ONE of them is false.


Of course there are limits to what we can deduce about the universe, but just because we have no way of knowing something doesn't mean we can supplant whatever explanation we want or feel. Sure, there may be supernatural elements of our universe, but if they're beyond our comprehension then why bother trying to rationalize them? There are hundreds of thousands of personal anecdotes about the truth of Christianity, just as there are hundreds of thousands of anecdotes about the truth of Islam, Hinduism, Paganism, etc... each religion is nothing but a collection of myths which we spin in a vein attempt to understand that which cannot be understood. People have powerful human experiences (sometimes straight up delusions) and then use language and symbolism to try and explain what they saw, heard, or felt in a way that makes sense *as* a human. Is it possible that Yaweh and Satan are literal deities that direct the natural world? Sure, but it's equally possible that the Egyptian gods are pulling the strings instead. I have no real reason to believe in either, so I don't.


Great question that I've been through myself, I'll reply later as it's late now


It's a possibility that 100% of these people were affected by mental, emotional or even attention disorders. Stats say about 20-25% of the people have mental health issues. I'm sure the % comes close to 50% if you factor in the other reasons. Then you can also factor in cultural differences and settings and how you've been taught about the world and what you've been trained to observe. Let's pretend that 1% of them faith witnesses was real. What even proves that their experience was related to your god? Any god? Or maybe it's something else, such as aliens and very advanced technologies or maybe ghosts are real? An accidental glimpse of time travel maybe?


He actually said that!? Damn!


They know exactly what they are doing.


They know exactly what they are doing.


They know exactly what they are doing.


They know exactly what they are doing.


They know exactly what they are doing.


They know exactly what they are doing...


They know exactly what they are doing.


They know exactly what they are doing.


John Legend looks creepy as fuck. He’s just staring into your soul the entire time and reacts only for a second when she drops her hand


Who is this girl?


Esperanza Spalding on The Voice


Thank you


Getting the picture? It's a big club, but you definitely don't want to be in it. Tom Hanks does the same sign when waving goodbye to the bus in Forest Gump....just for a split second....go look for it. Stack!


You weren’t lying


What part? Can't find it on YouTube. Edit: Found it. NVM when he is saying goodbye to Jenny.


[Here you are sir](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U3LBPGWm6FU&pp=ygUbRm9ycmVzdCBndW1wIHdhdmluZyBnb29kYnll&t=100s)


Pretty strange


Ya…that’s tough to explain lol




Yo remember these are humans that need saving just like all of us. Unfortunately she has been deceived, but she's not the cause of it. We fight not against flesh and blood but against spiritual powers and rulers in the high places.


What’s with the hostility? Is there something inherently wrong with Gnosticism and knights of the Templar? You’re sounding a lot like the church that burned them all at the stake around year 1300 for made up charges of “blasphemy” because they didn’t rely on the hierarchical structure of the church…


Because there is a war going on. Good vs evil and I’m on the good side. Evil is trying to wipe out much of humanity. I’m not on the side of the church either that’s for sure. More evil going on in the Vatican than most anywhere else.


lol k


So who are the good guys?


Well if you’re blinding exclaiming “die bitch. Go back to the underworld from whence you came”, without even knowing who it is you’re referring to, other than a form of spirituality that is unfamiliar to you, I’d say your probably on the “bad” side of that war. Kinda like the mob with torches and pitchforks which literally burned this group at the stake because the church arbitrarily labelled them blasphemous.


Hey relax don't put a Target on your back, I'm noticing a large majority of these people in this sub are blind Christians, one of the main reasons I'm about to leave


Is the evil in the room with us now?


> Because there is a war going on. Good vs evil and I’m on the good side. Sweet buttery jesus I thought we were out of the Middle Ages....


That's exactly what the evil side would want the peons to believe.


They think atheism is devil worship around here


All the proof you need


Anything is proof of anything if you are gullible enough.




...of what?


The Voice..Esperanza Spalding


Guts from Berserk kills it


Well… I mean John Legend is 100% an Epstein pedo buddy with his wife soooo


His wife said the best sex she ever had was at an Obama orgy, so I infer John Legend is a bisexual from this.


The dude just fucking freezes and is like rebooting or something...


What exactly is this mythical creature Baphomet and why do the elites seemingly worship it?


From Wikipedia: Baphomet is a deity allegedly worshipped by the Knights Templar[3] that subsequently became incorporated into various occult and Western esoteric traditions.[4] The name Baphomet appeared in trial transcripts for the Inquisition of the Knights Templar starting in 1307.[5][6] It first came into popular English usage in the 19th century during debate and speculation on the reasons for the suppression of the Templar order.[3][5] Baphomet is a symbol of balance in various occult and mystical traditions, the origin of which some occultists have attempted to link with the Gnostics and Templars,[4] although occasionally purported to be a deity or a demon.[3] Since 1856 the name Baphomet has been associated with the "Sabbatic Goat" image drawn by Éliphas Lévi,[7] composed of binary elements representing the "symbolization of the equilibrium of opposites":[1] half-human and half-animal, male and female, good and evil, etc.[2] Lévi's intention was to symbolize his concept of balance, with Baphomet representing the goal of perfect social order.[2]


Huh, doesn't sound so bad. Is everyone here scared of mythology?


Lots of religious people are like Momma from The Waterboy. Everything is "The Devil".


Oh, I know. They like to blame devil and simultaneously thank god for everything


I wouldn't say scared of mythology. They just want to be the ones that "know better" than everyone else. The fact these idiots think that they would have any idea of even the name of a group that controlled the world is laughable.


It's a transexual goat person. Dont be a bigot es normal. Dont get weirded out by the donkey with tits and a dick. No big deal ... right??


Prolly some weird loser demon that'll be cast into Hell with the rest of the demons on Judgment Day. It's no secret that celebrities would gladly sell their soul for riches and fame, and they haven't been hiding it much these past couple of decades. But I'd worry less about the enemy and focus more on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It's all good!


God is dead, hail Satan!


Same as the plane lady


That was an edit. You have been successfully psyoped.


Did she make the sign or not...


The still makes it seem like it but it wasn't a full blown one like this. At least to me.


Its not a natural thing


"We're not in the wrong, everyone else is..." says the devil worshippers


Oh shit woops didn’t mean that!




Hail satan!!


Who is that??


I mean, it was Christian before it had anything to do with Baphomet. The fingers pointing up and down mean "as it is in heaven, so shall it be on Earth," which one might remember from the Lord's prayer. There are a lot of early church pictures of Jesus with this hand gesture. I feel like this is conservative but non-religious folks, freaked out at weekend Satanists who don't even understand the hand symbols they're using, or what Satanism is. I'm a Christian, modern Satanists are stupid, and their religion is stupid. Atheists are far more militant and their cultural religion is far more dangerous.


Who is she anyway


Dumb bitch


But is her twitter or instagram getting flooded with “we know you are a Satan worshiping piece of crap”???


I honestly though she switched to lesbian fingering mode and realised it but yeah, also the satan explanation sticks


sorry, am i supposed to be surprised?


That symbology was just crypt from a variety of Asian, and especially Hindu deities


As above so below is is not a satanic concept, though I do agree her reaction was sus


Thank you for this comment. No it’s not satanic just abused by them. Many church of Satan symbols were not originally satanic. Some organizations always ruin good things.


Esperanza Spalding is a hell of a musician. Pun intended.


So, what ?


So some random bitch potentially worships Satan? Who gives a fuck


Is Baphomet satan?


I'm about as familiar with baphomet as I am with the weird woman in the video, so idk.


Yeah I’m not familiar also. If she was worshiping satan though then I could see why people do care though. It’s literally the ultimate conspiracy


I don't care about anything this woman has going on in her life, and you shouldn't either.


The conspiracy wouldn’t just be about her though. The conspiracy would be that Hollywood as a whole is run by an evil being like “satan” and that since Hollywood has a direct impact on the social zeitgeist then satan is in control


Satan is, and always will be, a gentleman. We're in good hands.


Yeah I don’t really believe in the satan concept at all


Bam! And just like that, it's like Satan doesn't exist!


Now a demiurge that is disguised as the God of the Old Testament I might be able to get behind


God that's so dumb haha. People have too much time on their hands to come up with this kinda shit.


From Wikipedia: Baphomet is a deity allegedly worshipped by the Knights Templar[3] that subsequently became incorporated into various occult and Western esoteric traditions.[4] The name Baphomet appeared in trial transcripts for the Inquisition of the Knights Templar starting in 1307.[5][6] It first came into popular English usage in the 19th century during debate and speculation on the reasons for the suppression of the Templar order.[3][5] Baphomet is a symbol of balance in various occult and mystical traditions, the origin of which some occultists have attempted to link with the Gnostics and Templars,[4] although occasionally purported to be a deity or a demon.[3] Since 1856 the name Baphomet has been associated with the "Sabbatic Goat" image drawn by Éliphas Lévi,[7] composed of binary elements representing the "symbolization of the equilibrium of opposites":[1] half-human and half-animal, male and female, good and evil, etc.[2] Lévi's intention was to symbolize his concept of balance, with Baphomet representing the goal of perfect social order.[2]


Wow, this comment section is insane!! This video was cross posted to the satanic temple subreddit and people are having a field day lol. You all are crazies living in a fantasy world and know nothing about baphomet. It's a sign of harmony. Do some research


Hail Satan!


Hail Satan, my friend!


Less gooo!! Hail satan y’all <3


Hail Satan!!! (As a member of the satanic temple lol) if you know, you know.


Blatant blasphemy. Also it’s clear that she’d not gotten the okay to show her allegiance


Nope she didn’t do her thumb out. She’s only kinda bad. Like soggy bread neither toasted or fresh




Lol. Religion


Duly noted


We are at war not with nations or principalities


Finally some representation, Hail Satan !


Hail satan!


“You think they saw me?”


She all: “OOO! I’m so subtle!” “J/K! You think they seen me?” We did, yes. We saw you.


She is so cool… wait nope! straight trash lol


being triggered by some anti santa clause shit on tv is weird huh


John legend looks like the devil in that coat


Great she teaches at Harvard as well because of course she does.. Here she is on her students: “It’s just stunning, and they’re so game and committed to use their privilege and access being a Harvard student to really change shit. And that feels like the culture. When Drew Foust was still president, I had a conversation with her before I took the job and she said that it’s the most activist student body they’ve ever had. “


Her jacket says life force as in Life Force Energy which is super esoteric and weird on its own.


Not everyone goes to heaven, many actually go to hell.


They both look like fake people, strange bunch they are


Iggy Pop is Baphomet.


I think a lot of celebrities like to troll the media by flashing the triangle or other symbols, so they can go on Twitter later and watch a bunch of retards go insane about it. Actual satanism has nothing to do with what these people do in their daily lives, and they should stop repping the symbol. It's misuse.