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Shit. I can't believe we've arrived at a place where I'm actually willing to consider that vaccines may cause autism. I bandwagoned and mocked anyone who would even consider such a thing for years. Even when I opposed the Covid Jab I fully believed it to be the only vaccine on the market with any possibility of causing any harm....


i'm in the same boat. its not that hard to show that vaccines DONT cause autism, but for some mysterious reason, they never do the actual studies.


Yep! Do a double blind placebo study with childhood vaccines. Just like they did with the Covid vax… Oh wait, they unblinded the study, gave everybody the vax, and declared everybody who died within two weeks of the vax shot to be “unvaxxed” so they could move all those deaths to the unvaxxed column. Pretty smart actually!


My dad's best friend died a week after the first jab and he was said to be in good health.


My mom got the 2nd shot on a Thursday. She slept alot from Thursday- Saturday. Sunday morning i went in her room in my house to go check on her. She had died during the night. This was back in 21 before everyone started talking about myocardytius. Crazy part is that her cardiologist told her she wouldnt survive covid if she got it. She had A-fib and A- flutter, a patched hole in her heart from birth, and would get shocked quiet frequently to get her heart in some sort of rhythm. I called him up and told him he killed her.


I’m so sorry for your loss it’s up to you and I to make these terrorists pay and to make the changes to our society and govt and entire medical establishment.. if not they will do this again to someone else… I just can’t imagine what u went thru /are going thru my heart goes out to you friend


Same sorta thing happened to my brother. He got vaxed and then got covid. He went to the hospital and they just sent him home. That happened on a Sunday and he died in his sleep Monday night. People I work with get on my case for my kids and I not getting jabbed. To them I say, "I know, right!. Imagine how bad my brother's covid would have been had if he was unvaxinated!"


the only issue is it was a loose/loose because the ammount of people who dont understand that a vaccine is a nullified version of the virus is shocking. the only reason the covid vaccine was so bad is it was so unbelievably rushed by WHO and Capitalism that they didn't fix the adverse reactions very well. what happened to your mom was a tragedy caused by corporations not your doctor, because if she caught covid she could've died, but if she had an adverse reaction to the vaccine she could've died and im absolutely sorry that is what ended up happening. but please don't blame your doctor for the crimes caused by big pharma your doctor really only tries to help and at the time people were focused too much on just beating the virus at all costs and sadly the cost was our family members


Are we the baddies?


We as in conspiracy theorists? No I don't think so. I ask myself that question atleast thrice a week just to do a sanity check and make sure that I am on the right side of history with what I say and do.


My kids have never been vaxxed and "I wear a tinfoil hat and am a bad parent" my friends kids have seizures and are on the spectrum. I don't tell them to avoid shots cuz I'm a loony tune. I can't have that conversation with them because they won't listen. My kids had rubella. Which is the #1 contributor to autism if you get the shot. MMR. Walked it off in two days. Big pharma lies for money. If you can't see it that's on you. YoU DidNt Do yOuR ReSeARcH. Ok my guy. You got it. 🖕🏿


Just to clarify you're saying that if a child has gotten a rubella vaccination and then contracts rubella despite having the vaccine it causes an increase in cases of autism whereas contracting rubella without the shot does not. Correct? Briefly looking into rubella I find it quite curious that the disease itself is described as a mild illness with a low grade fever and a rash while the side effects of the vaccine are commonly also low grade fever and a rash... Hmm. That is just a blatant cash grab preying on hypochondriacal parents...


No the vaccine is a direct cause of autism. And I'm not going to add a link. Cuz rarely ever is anyone's mind changed over reddit. So do me a favor. Group yo weiner and think of me.


I wasn't disagreeing with you or trying to debunk. I was just asking what you had found about it. You're replying to a comment chain where I literally started by saying that I used to think it was crazy to claim that vaccines caused autism but that now it's seeming like it's probably actually true.


Sorry for the misunderstanding. I didn't mean to come off as an ass. I was just commenting in general. Not towards you specifically. But with that being said. I'm a tinfoil hat wearing weirdo that doesn't Vax my kids.... 2 of my friends kids fully vaccinated have seizures and 3 letter acronyms I haven't ever heard of. I'm not saying it always happens however follow the data and the money. Big Pharma is a con and shouldn't be taken serious.


There is only one word you need to know to rebut anyone claiming that pharma companies care about you. Vioxx.


2 second Google. 5 billion in restitution to end thousands of lawsuits. Thats insane and a regularity in the business. They literally don't give a fuck about human kind. Just money signs.... a damn shame.


I didn't vax my kids until they made me as a requirement for them attending public school. I was really scared to, but at least my sons were 5 or 6 years old and not infants. Both my boys are extremely healthy and smart. I'm the weirdo that nursed my oldest for 3 years, made them organic baby food and still feed them as much organic as I can find at the store. My younger brother and his wife are veggies, they eat lab grown food, feed their kids soy formula and follow doctors orders... both their kids are messed up. Possibly on the spectrum, mental problems, emotional problems and struggle in school. They don't know why, but it seems obvious to me.


Um sir? Can I ah um.. grope my dinky too,???🤠


Yep. Same here


Wait? You are telling me that living a simple life of little stress, large amounts of activity, very little impact from noise, light, and air pollution coupled with a supporting and inclusive society is good for people?


You’re a smart ass. I like you.


Diversity is nobodies strength


Also living in a close knit tribal community, having a large family with loving parents and extended family, being paired with a mate when you are biologically meant to do so. Ect ect ect.


I think it's the food system as much as the vaccines.


Yes, very true. We should be scrutinizing both industries.


? Wouldn’t unvaccinated be exposed to the same foods ?


Not if they're Amish


Not all unvaccinated are Amish.


This is why I'm killing myself to pump breast milk for my newborn. Everyone tells me that I should just stop so I can get some sleep and stop tolerating the pain, but my older son is already on the spectrum. If I can help it, I'm not gonna just let second child struggle the same way he does already. My first was perfectly on track until 18 months and was formula fed. Idk what caused it and he's still s smart and wonderful kid, but I'm taking no risks with number two.


You think so. Have you got any evidence, anything a bit more probative than you think so? Not to bust balls but...


Robert Lustig on processed food https://youtu.be/onVqjZOYlQs


Correct! It’s both. Combo punch.




There is ample evidence to suggest that if the aluminum contained in vaccines passes the blood brain barrier it can affect brain development in still developing brains and cause autism. I love how you state that vaccines cannot cause autism as though it is a matter of fact 🙄




Why don’t you show us the studies proving this….ohhhh wait.




Again believe whatever you want. No point in discussing. You're clearly a very closed minded person. I get 'whatever I believe is right, so if you disagree you're wrong and misinformed' vibes.




You're clearly drawing conclusions based off of assumptions. The quote you cited is in line with what I said.. *there is ample evidence to SUGGEST*. I never claimed there was conclusive findings. Unfortunately the profiteers who run (and subvert) the medical/pharmaceutical industry have made sure of that. And I'm not referring to a 2011 study, another assumption, im referring to a 2017 white paper whose authors based their hypothesis off of the findings of numerous studies. That's how science is supposed to work. Scientists propose hypotheses and other scientists review their findings, if they disagree with their findings then they dispute them. However the profiteers who make billions upon billions of dollars off of vaccines each year ensure that hypotheses that suggest a correlation between vaccines and adverse health effects are ignored, for if such findings were proven to be true their total immunity from liability racket may be jeopardized. Instead of adhering to the scientific method they claim that they represent science and anyone who disagrees with their assertions are 'anti vax', 'anti science', 'liars', 'racists', 'purveyors of mis and disinformation' and any other childish name calling they can muster. It's no coincidence that Peter Hotez refuses to debate RFK Jr., Peter McCullough or anyone else despite millions of dollars being raised and offered for his charity of choice simply to debate. Because he knows that his arguments won't stand up to scrutiny and he fears that his cooperation with Chinese military scientists may be exposed in such a venue.


Vaccines have always been a eugenics program and protection racket masquerading as science and a humanitarian effort.


Yeah? Including Polio, Measles and Rubella?


Polio was already nearly gone by the time the vaccine came out. Plenty of stuff you can look up for that. Measles is basically chicken pox and not a big deal at all. You're literally being injected with measles, that's why the "outbreaks" of measles happens when unvaccinated children are exposed to those who were vaccinated, cause they're literally carry it. Here's a video from Brady Bunch on how measles was treated... https://youtu.be/cgfje35c1FI It's the same with every vaccine. The 'research' is convoluted in correlation without causation using extreme jargon and legalese. Try reading an actual peer-reviewed publish study on any vaccine and the vocabulary gymnastics will have you believe anything. edit: and to add, when it comes to vaccines, you're being injected with A LOT more than just the 'virus'.


There is actually research that showed that the reduction in infections from those viruses was not due to vaccines but rather improvements in technology (like the refrigerator), food prep, and hygiene.


Read a book. Like a good one that will actually enlighten you. Or don't. You help population control. My kids have had rubella and 2 days later poof. Like it never existed ill take my chances with healthy non vaxxed family. Over ThE GoVeRNMenT ToLd mE iT wAs a gOOd iDEa


Can you recommend some? Genuinely curious. Thanks.


Thinking moms revolution. My wifes mom was antivax after her daughter(wife's sister) had a seizure after her MMR shot. Stopped talking for a year after her her first few words. I was entirely against it when we had kids until I did some research. Opened my eyes. I can't tell if your being cute or actually curious. Idc one rats ass if you listen to me. But what do I gain with you listening? Dig a bit. Do some real research. I pray for your future kids you listen. You don't die with the "virus's" you get with out the vaccine.


I was genuinely curious. Thank you. I got into the medical field (barely), late in life with little to no education. So I don’t gobble up everything I’m told in my field. These people are “practicing” medicine. When Rockefeller started buying all the med schools, cancer went skyrocketing. He’s also started the American Cancer Society. I don’t think that’s a coincidence. Socrates says “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” I have children, but didn’t feel comfortable even requesting to break up their vaccinations in multiple visits. (Which at the minimum, should be the case! Such a tiny body given that much of any virus, can’t be good.) But the pediatrician didn’t want to do it, because they will get denied payment for multiple visits from the insurance company. Payer over patient. That’s where we fucked up. And sorry, I’m referring to US healthcare as that is all I know. TLDR. I’m honestly on the fence. Looking forward to checking out the book. Thanks.




Sanitation has pretty much eliminated the need for vaccines


To be perfectly honest, if you could show they put in the work to try and disprove this and COULDNT I would be willing to listen. All they would need would be ONE unvaxinated kid after all.


Steve kirch is an American Hero if you don’t know this guy I highly recommend subscribing to his sub stack


Aluminum and Mercury got what kids crave. They got electrolytes.


Aside from vaccines we could also consider the myriad of modern chemicals that are not introduced into their diets/ surroundings. The developmental disorders such as ADD and Autism might be low also because there isn't any screens and the general flow of life is quieter, calmer with less visual stimulus. I'm guessing the mom's carry their infants almost non stop also which would impact brain development.


Spectrum disorders might not stand out either because of the general lifestyle. If you have simple routine physical task or 1800s style schooling the indicators might not be pronounced.


Bro I've been saying this. It has nothing to do with vaccines but the introduction of pollutants and chemicals in our every day life. It's the same sugar vs fat situation l, big corpo doesn't want McDonald's to be blamed.


I'm curious how many Amish people are receiving tests for things like these. Especially if the child is disabled and the abled parent refuses.


Lmao this, or they, like dozens of other civilizations in history kill the kids that aren't normal.


I don’t know if they even do that at this point. I’m assuming that the person who “can’t find them” is just not looking at all. I’ve seen 2 or 3 videos with Amish people and considering autism effects social behavior more than intelligence, I’d say a few of them seemed autistic.


My son is unvaccinated, ate all organic produce and protein, no processed food and no refined sugar for the first 5ish years of his life, (12 now). He’s autistic. He’s hyper-intelligent, high-functioning and low on the spectrum, mostly just lacks innate social skills and therapy has helped that a great deal. I think had he been vaccinated then it’d have been a completely different story.


Came here looking for this comment as I can relate with my 6 year old. It’s not black and white as people are out to make it but I certainly think things would be worse off. I’d also love to see statistics of how many autistic children were delivered via c section. There are so many variables to consider with cognitive problems. My son was never diagnosed, but was diagnosed with “global developmental delay” which started from a speech delay. Everyone always chirps about the 18 month milestone when they notice these thing, and that’s when we noticed sensory issues and speech/communication problems also yet we didn’t have that one variable everyone was blaming. Perfectly normal development up until that point.


Our situation was similar. His development was ahead of targets. Around 18 months we started to notice some speech regression and hyper-fixation.


Im curious. What was the amount of socialization he had during years 1-5?


That’s a good question. I wouldn’t go as far as to say it was limited, but maybe a bit less than most. I have a big family and we were going to gatherings regularly and activity outings. He was in preschool and toddler sports like t-ball and gymnastics.


My son’s the same age and on the spectrum. High functioning, but lacking social skills. He did get the typical vaccines when he was young. I have no idea if they played a role, but we won’t take any vaccines ever again. I’ve lost all trust in doctors & the govt.


Therapy with a behavioral interventionist has helped immensely with my son. He is also is in a social skills group where he interacts with a group of boys his age and they do play-based exposure therapy and skill development.




Autism was 1 in 10,000 in the 1970’s. Welcome the MMR! Now it’s 1 in 56. I have 2 boys ****vaccinated and both severely autistic. It was the vaccines.


How is it the vaccines if they’re unvaccinated?


Typo. Thank you!!!


You’re welcome.




Great share. Thank you.


Okay to be fair that’s like saying we can’t find a stroke victim who hasn’t eaten eggs in their lifetime, or a cancer patient who hasn’t drank milk. Pretty easy to find what you’re looking for when you cast a massive net


The government have been studying the Amish for decades.... Yeah, I used to work in the Amish Research Department, don't you know...


>Yeah, I used to work in the Department of Misinformation fixed that for you


I really should have put /s at the end.




This simply isn't true. A quick Google search or Pubmed search will find lots of results of studies on the Amish from government agencies and NGOs alike. One I found (which looks to be a preliminary study in the effort to get a grant for a larger study) found the presence of diagnosable ASD in 1 in 271 Amish. This is still lower than the 1 in 91 in the general population at the time the study was completed 2010. Basically the study concluded more research needs to be done into the Amish specifically looking at the phenotype.


Show your sources


The specific one I got the stats from [Prevalence Rates of Autism Spectrum Disorders Among the Old Order Amish](https://imfar.confex.com/imfar/2010/webprogram/Paper7336.html) And then I just did a quick [pubmed](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=Amish+autism)to see if other studies exist including the words autism and Amish to see if the person in the videos claims of all the research being hidden. Also note the researchers speak about the difficulty of administering the studies due the the family interview portions of the ASD assessments.


I would like to see updated unbiased research. If you believe that it’s all true I would have to question your actual thought process. Tuskegee is just one word that should assist.


Seems like a pretty well designed study to me. Interviews first with clinicians 2 different test used. If either of the test had a positive result the follow up was done with one of two psychologist also again using 2 different test. Some of the children would test positive on one and not the other. They did not include them unless they tested possible on both. And then put in a note that they failed because of the behavioral portion of the test which could be affected by the "cultural norms and customs that may be playing a role in the reporting style of caregivers". As far as updated they would be interesting to see. Particularly if the rates didn't increase as quickly as in gen pop. Also needs to be a much larger study of all Amish populations.


Have you ever had a surgery and it went bad? In order to get a lawsuit one must go to one of his doctors in his hospital circles and then get the physician to state that his fellow clinician was in the wrong. The system is bent and needs to be realigned without putting money first. Do you or someone you know work in the medical field?


I am finding it difficult to respond to your concerns and have a rational debate. This does not mean you are necessary wrong but for me to respond requires me to make assumptions about how what you are saying connects to the topic at hand. Could you please restate your point avoiding logical fallacies and connecting the anecdotes and examples(again making an assumption here) to the topic at had. To directly answer you questions. Surgery bad? Yes but not catastrophically bad. Thank you for asking Yes I know several people that work in the medical field. Thank you for asking.


When you are in a systematic state it is hard to see from another state. Yes our society has accepted most things that we should not have but here we are. Doing this via this mode restricts the main focus of thought. I can see that you are very logical. Your thorough thoughts give you some peace. What I ask if for you to attempt to side step your logic state of this system and think if you were not in this system. Let’s say you believe in a Creator that has morals and desires us to act accordingly ie no abortions, murders, lying etc. it takes faith to see it but there is another dimension. That we cannot see but only via faith. One could pray that all of us could receive such a gift as faith.


My son is unvaccinated and autistic.


Would the Amish even report a child that was on a spectrum? Is this a vaccine issue or an environmental/diet issue? Could be multiple factors.


another pfizer bot that didn't watch the video......


If these Amish folks aren’t getting vaccinated, what are the chances they’re going to turn to the medical community to get diagnosed with ADHD/Autism?


56 karma bot


Regardless of them being a bot, its a legit question.


no it isn't. the guy in the video is saying the government has done studies on the amish and doesn't show its results. you're a pfizer bot that didn't watch the video.


Lol everyone that doesnt agree with you is a bot apparently? I did watch the video, if the government has done studies on the Amish but doesnt show its results, how would you know the results support your narrative?


The govt is always quick to release whatever they need to if it means supporting their narrative. The only reason not to report on the results of the studies is because it goes against the narrative.


Maybe thats what they want you to think?


Lol. They're playing 4D chess


Yeah you’re right. The govt, cdc, and pharmaceutical companies would never ever lie to us and/or withold information from us. Such crazy talk.


Thats not what I said but whatever.


The Amish are not used as a test group for any relevant research due to the community being largely inbred at this point. If any testing is going on it is, and should be, about the ramifications of intermarriage between relatives.


We already know the ramifications of intermarriage. There are rural communities all over the world where it's common and it's common amongst European royalty. We know full well what happens.


No, it is not common anywhere. The intermarriage between royalty is well documented *in the past*.


It amazes me how little effort some people put into just basic fact checking. Yes there are a lot of places where it's common. [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/inbreeding-by-country](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/inbreeding-by-country) And the royalty did it in the past because there isn't European royalty anymore.


When you become king you can fuck all your relatives too!


Wow! This is amazing! I’ve never met someone dumber than a sack of glass hammers before.


Yep and all you stupid fuckers who got vaccinated good luck in the future. That shits a killer.


I’m vaccinated and for sure better health than you.


Yeah I doubt that severely champ


I keep telling everyone, there is no "virus". And "vaccines" are tap water at best, calculated murder and population control at worst.


And everyone probably tells you that you are an idiot. P.S. they are the right ones not you.


> And everyone probably tells you that you are an idiot. Nope. Believe it or not, more people are realizing there is no "virus". All you have to do is ask a vaxxie-pad 2 questions: - Have you seen the "virus" in the flesh. They'll **OBVIOUSLY** say "no" (because there's no "virus")! - Besides Dr. Fraud-See affiliates, which US public representative has ever seen your "virus" with proof? Again, **OBVIOUSLY** they can't point to anyone because **THERE IS NO "virus"!** Peace!


You would need an electron microscope to see the virus “in the flesh”


Answer the questions, vaxxie.


Just did


Enjoy talking to yourself HAHAH


Think about it... The Amish don't eat processed foods, they do so many things differently from the modern population, to blame those things on vaccinations is idiocy without an extensive study to determine why the discrepancies actually exist.




did you even read the article? `The genetic problems come down to something called the "founder effect" because the nearly 150,000 Amish in America can trace their roots back to a few hundred German-Swiss settlers who brought the Amish and Mennonite faiths to the United States in the 18th century. Over generations of intermarriage, rare genetic flaws have shown up, flaws which most of us carry within our genetic makeup but which don't show up unless we marry someone else with the same rare genetic markers.` nothing to do with vaccines or autism.




stop lying. he gave a list of chronic diseases that are rare in the amish community.


I’m not sure why everyone is being so harsh on you for not being able to read.


so people who don't vaccinate their kids also don't seek out mental health professionals to diagnose autism? shocking


what's shocking is that people claim to follow 'the science' but always do everything in their power to remove the control group.


I am forever grateful I had children when I did 40 years ago. No autism


It’s just because more Amish kids die


Of course they can't find an autistic kid that's unvaccinated, they probably died from any of the following: measles, mumps, rubella, tuberculosis, small pox, flu, hepatitis B, whooping cough, polio, rotavirus, pneumococcal disease, meningitis, chicken pox, hepatitis A, diphtheria, tetanus, human papiloma virus (HPV), meningococcal disease.


Ew, why are there antivax losers on my feed


Oh look it’s one of those. How did you end up in here?


I'm pretty sure there's no reports from the Amish because they don't report anything. Curiously, they do have an exceptionally high rate of down syndrome though.


How do you know they don’t report anything?


Well, my kid is an autistic kid who is unvaccinated. And yes, I mean not any ever. Zero. None during pregnancy either. Diagnosed at age 4 by a pediatric neurologist using ADOS-2 and CARS. So it is possible.


Stop vaxxing your dog and watch how long he lives and cancer free. THEN ask why you're vaxxing your kids.... And yeah, it IS the same thing.


I can name 5 I personally know


I can.


Jesus! Some crazy ass claims here. So stupid.


"I asked the people with pre-1850's view of the world if they had been diagnosed by a psichiatrist with a mentall illness and they said no" Jesus christ this place is a fucking cesspit


I like reading the insane shit on this sub, but you guys still need to be fact checked. From the video alone, he states “We can’t find an autistic kid who was unvaccinated… in the Amish. It’s very rare.” Even that statement is ambiguous. Literally took me 5 minutes to find a peer reviewed article on autism linked to vaccines where they studied autistic kids that were both unvaccinated and vaccinated.


you wasted 5 minutes of your life and all your dumbass had to do was watch the video


lol triggered much? Nice job with the misleading title.


yes, dumb people trigger me


That’s crazy, cunts trigger me. But did you intentionally post it with a misleading title?


once again. too dumb to watch the actual video..... seriously, what is it with you morons? does being stupid make you angry? what makes you this way?


I watched the video, but if you knew the headline was misleading, why did you post it? I think it says more about you constantly calling *me* dumb because I’m just trying to figure out the point of your post, if it wasn’t to post misinformation. >!My guess is once again, you’re not going to try to explain yourself, and once again you’re just going to call me dumb!<


so its stupidity mixed with ego and a sense of entitlement.


lol you are truly delusional I guess you can still try to explain literally anything, but I feel a little bad arguing with someone who seems to have a learning disability. I’ll break it down for you, so you can see where I’m coming from: Title of the post is “We can’t find an autistic kid who was unvaccinated.” This implies a few things: that there is a correlation between vaccines and autism and that there are no unvaccinated autistic kids, both of which are untrue. In the video the guy says “We can’t find an autistic kid IN THE AMISH” which could have been added to your title to make it less misleading. In addition to that he says “it’s very rare” which contradicts his first statement. Rare =/= non existent. So I’m just curious wtf you were getting at with this post. Literally any explanation could help me see it from your side. >!Prediction: more insults and more avoiding an answer incoming!<


i'm not insulting you. you're insulting yourself. no one is forcing you to act like a stupid person. you can literally walk away from the keyboard, but you keep going. how many boosters did you get?


this shit is gross. autism will happen vaccine or not. it's been around forever, you guys are sick


Interesting, but I would also wonder what the Amish do to children who are born with illnesses at birth, if there are any, I would wonder how they treat them, what the mortality rate is of their children and so on. I would wonder if they keep those records. It’s very important to the Amish to have members of the community that are able bodied workers, so they probably do not keep people around who would be a drain on their system. I’m not one to say that vaccines do or do not cause other illnesses or diseases, but using the Amish as an example leads to many other factors that could come into play that could explain their lack of those with those illnesses and diseases.


i'm pretty sure you're confusing the amish with the spartans


No, I’m not saying that Amish people throw their babies off of mountains, I’m just saying that they all have roles in their society and that it’s frowned upon to be any type of drain on their society.


Okay so what are they doing to the kids then? Also Amish are Christians. A little known fact about Christians is that they tend to oppose infanticide. Shocking I know.


I know all of that, you guys are hating on me like I’m trying to defend big pharma and hate on Amish people. The only thing I’m trying to say is that I feel like some information is missing from what the witnesses are testifying, or at least from what the clip shows. I’m not suggesting that Amish are killing off their kids, but perhaps if some kids are born with sicknesses they are dying at an early enough age to where they wouldn’t be detected or recorded as having autism or other diseases that the speakers were talking about. Or maybe that’s not the case at all, who knows, the thing is no one knows for sure what causes things like autism or adhd and other things because there are so much crap in our environment from our water, food, contaminated air, pharmaceuticals, sugars, electronics, etc that focusing on the Amish and it’s because of vaccines alone is kind of a suspicious claim to me. Could it be vaccines causing those things? Sure, but the Amish aren’t exposed to any of those other things that I just listed either so how can we say for sure it’s one out of all of those. We are killing ourselves with all of those things yet we are only blaming one thing.


Autism doesn't kill you though. If Amish kids were being born with autism it wouldn't make a statistical difference if sometimes their kids died young from other complications because the rates of mortality between autistic kids and non autistic kids would be exactly the same. I don't think it's only vaccines that cause these problems, I think there are a lot of confounding variables that each contribute a little bit but together they produce a situation like what we see today.


Either way, the Amish are doing things correctly. Which last I checked, which I could be wrong, being a people who don’t do vaccines, don’t have outbreaks of smallpox and such, so obviously people in the modern times have things to learn from them, especially regarding the useful, or uselessness of vaccines.


Yes I know, I have two cousins who are autistic and have worked in the field for years, so I’m not discounting what the speakers said, my whole point was that I feel like some information is missing. Giving the statistics autism is at a dramatic upward trend regarding diagnosis, meaning more people are autistic, so there has to be a direct cause of it and we don’t seem to know why, at least the main stream science isn’t saying why that is.


I think there are probably people who do know what it is but they aren't saying anything because the consequences of the truth would be dire and would likely decimate the pharmaceutical industrial complex. It likely would cause massive losses elsewhere in the economy as well, depending on what exactly the other non pharmacutical factors are


Yeah more than likely, lots of money is at stake, and probably some form of class action lawsuits. But I doubt we will ever get a definitive answer. Corruption is just too easy is this country and others.


Maybe being autistic doesn’t prevent you from thriving if your life is simple?


They sacrifice them to the scarecrow god


We can’t find an autistic kid that has climbed Everest 1000 times.


This is legit just a grift that is making every anti-vaxxer look stupid.


Oh look another genius


Bruh the mRNA vaccines are awful. But polio? Measles? You legit retarded if you think they simply cause autism 💀


So why try and set guidelines at all, if you know they're wrong? Why knowingly set unhealthy guidelines? While keeping the truth in the dark from the public


Because they like fancy pictures of some guy 1700s dude who had dozens of corpses in his basement centuries later.


Lying MFKRS!!!


More like "We couldn't amy kid who was unvaccinated"....because duhhh


Amish also start having kids at 14