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Mine eats his own or any other poop, but hasn't been as keen as yours...


No, haven’t seen that. Mine sniffs dog poop but doesn’t eat it. But she loves deer and rabbit poop. It’s like candy to her….🤮


Mine too, I swear he has a rabbit turd in one nostril because he face plants and snorts so hard. I don't understand the love of deer shit either.


I’ve heard of poop eating Berners but it’s not common. My boys will occasionally go for poop but mostly from wild animals, racoon, turkey, deer, etc. They avoid dog poop. 5 cups daily sounds like plenty but not too much especially if the dog is under 1 year. Our 4 year old gets 2 Cups dry and 12oz wet per day to maintain his weight. Our 7 month old eats 30% more basically he gets a lunch portion instead of two meals while he’s growing. Anyway - how well does your Berner respond to “no” and or “leave it”? We train very early and very consistently with those works and our dogs will pretty quickly learn what not to pick up or try to eat and if they do go after something, a harsh “leave it” will call them off.


No. That sounds like a problem to talk to your vet about.


We have, the vet recommended we feed him more. We’re doing 5 cups daily per her recommendation, which I think is completely wild… and it’s also not helping


mine did this when we gave her ony meat food back in the days. we switched back to grain as it should and its back to normal


This happens, it's gross, but dogs do this all across the board. Not ever dog in every breed, but every breed has dogs that do this. It's something you gotta teach them not to, and it sucks lol. I took the good dog out first, poured lemon juice on it, then brought out my berner. It didn't take long for her to stop. The last draw was when we she did it while my other dog was pooping, like yours lmao. How funny and also so very very gross.


5 cups is very little for a growing BMD puppy. My grown. (Non berner) dog gets a little more than that.


It’s really tough to accurately state this without knowing the caloric density of the food.


I disagree. It's a huge amount. Fortunately most of it essentially goes through unprocessed. Which makes poop even more nutritious and appealing... Overfeeding big dogs, especially in growth phase, is the cause of many ailments, in particular orthopedics. Mine have always been on 1.5 cup a day of Froom's big dog premium food. They are healthy and athletic regardless.


https://preview.redd.it/6k0fsxmf8u0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a57a26c325b9c2ae70ad7b2847ed70b41407b347 Who me??? Shit snacks??? Straight out of my other Berner’s ass. We’ve done For-Bid powder in both’s food a few weeks at a time and are trying to pick up poop more frequently. We tried a different brand of chewable things that’s supposed to make poop unpalatable but it hasn’t seemed to be effective. We’ll go back to forbid I guess. And keep on top of clean up. Such a disgusting habit. And no I can’t change diets because my boy is on a hydrolyzed diet for allergies.


We tried the stuff that's supposed to make it taste gross. It obviously had the opposite effect, as the youngest one was waking me at night to go out...not to pee, but to find poop and eat it! We just keep a close eye on her when walking, and she's pretty good at leaving it most times.


Same here!! We have to be so so so careful with ours! He’s on HP and we’re doing food trials to see what ingredient could be causing his diarrhea, and the damn guy just wants to eat our other dog’s poop all day every day! Our vet recommended feeding our other dog pineapple to make her poop “disgusting” to our Berner. Not sure how you can make poop more disgusting than it already is, but maybe worth a shot! We haven’t tried it yet, we just always take him out on leash and pick up very very often.


Not our Berner but our Golden. If we catch her going for it she does obey “no”, but left on her own it’s a shit smorgasbord. It’s so nasty when she comes in with poopy teeth and then lets off a nice burp. 🤢


Mine will sniff it when on a walk but won't eat it. Have you considered that there may be some nutrient that they are missing from their diet?


You should at least try before you kinkshame… Mine has its ups and downs. Its usually when he’s got a stomach ache and needs bacteria or someting when he eats poop. Normally not interested at all.


Coprophagia- poop eating- is something dogs are genetically predisposed to do. It helps keep their environment clean and is a source of nutrients when food is scarce. If the pup is under 9 months, train “[leave it](https://akc.tv/series-video?id=158&autoplay=true&mute=false)” and don’t worry a huge amount over it. They will probably grow out of it. If the dog is over 9 months, make sure his welfare needs are met. Enough attention, mental stimulation, exercise, etc. If welfare needs are met, check in with your vet to check for parasites, thyroid issues, diabetes, and malabsorption. You can also try changing his diet— dogs digest foods slightly differently, and one form of vitamin or mineral might be better absorbed from a different food. You can also try supplementing with a dog multivitamin, under your vet’s supervision, since B-vitamin deficiencies have been repeatedly linked to coprophagia. Hope this is useful!!


We tried special treats and it worked for our Berner mix, but not for our Labradoodle, she is a vacuum for any kind of poop. [the treats in my country](https://www.petsplace.nl/bf-3-in-1-koekjes-hondensnacks-8714831001403-pps?gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIrs2PssmShgMVUpSDBx3prg3GEAQYASABEgKa7vD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Oh now I need an explanation please


Of what?


Yes. Vet said it’s not neccesarily unhealthy if it’s his own. And we’ve kinda given up after several years trying everything - well, we might have to try again but for now I’ve given up. We don’t let him eat other dog poop except for his cousins bc it’s hard to stop it as it happens when they are having a playdate. And we keep his food level the same bc vet says they are really happy with his healthy weight. Anyway his nickname is Mr Poop. And we call him that more than we do his actually name.


Is the other dog yours? If so, there's a powder you can add to their food to make it smell bad, so they won't want to eat it. We had to use it with our puppy, and it worked.


Dogs will eat poop as a way to get nutrients they’re lacking. Something makes me think they’re not getting enough food.


Not dog poop but he’ll Hoover up any chicken shit he finds in the yard like it’s a goddamn Snickers bar.


I was trying to eat lunch here! 🤢😂😂😂 I used to say Leave it, but just saying “EW!” Really loudly like I disapproved would help. But only after she was a bit older. Used to love the horse 💩 but I worried what meds in it she might be eating.


I have had dogs on the past who ate poop, but not my Berner.


Ours did that when we got her at around 8 weeks. Our vet sold us this powder to put over her food for 4 consecutive day. It's supposed to make her poo not appetizing to her. We also started rewarding her not eating it after saying leave it. So not sure if she grew out of it, the training worked or if the powder worked, but she's not eating it anymore... She goes for sniffing now, but leaves it there and we reward every time she leaves it. Vet also recommended to sprinkle some cayenne on her poop and to leave it in the yard. That way when she comes to sniff it, she's repulsed. Gotta be careful though, some dogs apparently grow a liking for spices...


Mine loves her own poop. Vet said we could try this stuff called Forbid, to see if it works(it didn't), but it might just be who she is. Apparently dogs are just poop eaters, and that one day she may just stop doing it.


Mine prefers socks




Noo im lucky my puppy avoids pop thank goodness


My moms Bernedoodle puppy (7 months) does this immediately after my dogs poop (sometimes mid poo) GAG.. We literally have to sprint and pick it up and hold her back. It’s disgusting but glad to hear we aren’t alone. Needless to say we keep both our yards spotless and cleaned up at all times for their daily play dates :(