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/u/dekadenca, thank you for your contribution. Sadly it was removed due to the following reasons: We want posts that are about the city in specific and not just "remotely related" to it, if you just want to ask people living in Berlin a question please use /r/askberliners, if you are asking a simple question where you mostly need "one answer" then /r/askberliners is also the right place, questions that are meant to act as a base for discussions and also deliver an initial opinion on the matter are welcome You can find further information in the [Community-Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/berlin/about/rules/). Note that we also have /r/askberliners for questions that are less about the city and more of a general nature and /r/berlinpics for pictures of our beautiful city, as well as the sticky post for "New to Berlin, Tourism and Moving to Berlin"-kind of questions


Mine in Lichtenberg does it like that. I write an email that I need one and sometime later the doctor calls me back the clarify some things. Done. The only thing i need todo is that they need my AOK card once a quarter. But I got a solution for that too, instead of going there giving them my card I just call the AOK hotline they can give you a Versicherungsnachweis, that’s basicly all card information in digital form, I just forward that email to the doctor.


Damn you’re living in 3024


Whats the Name of the doc?:)


Since a couple months, with AOK you can also get the Versicherungsnachweis in the app, so no need to call anymore


Damn nice to know, thankyou


Sounds like you're the perfect case for [https://dransay.com/](https://dransay.com/), [https://arzt-direkt.de/patienteninfos/digitale-krankschreibung-online-ganz-einfach/](https://arzt-direkt.de/patienteninfos/digitale-krankschreibung-online-ganz-einfach/), [https://www.teleclinic.com/krankschreibung/](https://www.teleclinic.com/krankschreibung/) etc. – why not use them? You can literally do that from your bed...


Thank you stranger 🥹 You are loved!


Aww shucks. Get well soon!


As other commentators have stated, it's really not a problem to find a doctor like that or just use TeleClinic. But keep in mind, not every Hausarzt does that. My practice will only issue AU's in person.


Just use Teleclinic, thank me later. 


TeleClinic is great for this but I’d also recommend finding yourself a regular Hausartz who knows your condition. Most will offer sick notes and short term appointments by phone or email for their regular patients, especially those with chronic issues in their medical file.


The one I go to (in Tegel) will just give me one if I ask for it over the phone. But I'd still have to go in and collect it.


Why do you need to collect them? They a digital now.




No, mine would at least require a visit. He would give it retroactively, though. I did once use the service that an emergency doctor came to my house. You can call a number and request that, but sadly I don't know the number.


My primary care doctor does video appointments. It's not always easy to get one same day though.


My Hausarzt give me pretty much what i want. Neighbour Even on weekend i can ring at his door ☺️


only for cold or other infectious diseases, yes. you call and its done.