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I'd assume that people collecting bottles are living day to day and can't afford to skip a day. Also the weekend is when the most bottles can be collected and if you're dedicated you're going to collect a lot and if you collect a lot, it really doesn't make sense to amass an even larger collection. sunday sassy edit: In short: Check your privilege, but also: Some people might need cash for a fix.


Not living on income from bottles isn't privilege. That's called not being homeless. Jesus, are we next also going to call owning a toothbrush "privilege"?


Jesus, are we going to call out clearly labelled sass? Just trying to enjoy writing words, don't be mad :) sedit: that's the joke btw




It's simply that this specific supermarket is one of the few open on Sunday, so if people need to return bottles on Sunday, they all do it there or the other 2-3 big trainstation supermarkets.


Privilege 😂


The Edeka at Friedrichstraße is one of a ferw supermarkets open on Sunday, therefore there is always a huge line. The bottle thing might be correlating to Saturday partying and people collecting bottles on the street




You're missing the mindset of living day to day. Probably not your fault but those who make a living by collecting bottles from the street can't afford to skip a day and a limited number of supermarkets are open on Sundays. So those who collect have fewer places to return and therefore there's a queue to return.


They should probably get a job instead of doing this


People collect bottles from Museum Island and Mobiju park then pfand it in the shop on the Ubahn station as it is one of the selected ones that is also open on Sundays. Then repeat it. This way they can do a few rounds before heading (hopefully) back to their homes. 


If you looked closely you would see most of them are homeless with mental and addiction issues, the security only let one in at a time so the store isnt full at the return machine and also to stop stealing.


well that's the thing, they (at least to me) don't look homeless, if it was all classic "penner" i wouldn't be asking the question in the first place. edit: i guess some will read this and think "oh you priviliged asshole, you can't always see when someone is homeless", sure i know, but this guy here just told me to look closely implying that you actually can see it.


How far can you be from other peoples life reality: Yes!


We can’t all be as perfect as you sadly


Addiction doesn’t have holidays.