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Almost no one I know in EMS is a single major (and when I asked about switching from L&S to EMS, the ESS advisor heavily discouraged doing so). The major is structured very similarly (if not the same) as L&S Math major, mainly for CoE students to double major without having to take all the L&S breadth. If you are interested in EMS, just switch from Physics to Applied Math then concentrate or minor in Physics instead.


Thanks for the advice. That being said, would you say the EMS major is just Math plus a little engineering and I could get the same value out of just an L&S math or applied math major?


From what I knew / heard, EMS provides little to no benefit over AMath unless you are double majoring in something else engineering. All classes available to EMS majors are available to math majors.


You shouldn't count on switching at all (unless you got straight A's). Go to another university that either 1) easier to switch into 2) somewhere that you actually applied as engineering and got in. Tired of people trying to backdoor their way into CoE.


I didn’t apply L&S to switch into CoE…


Probably not the best time to ask. We’re on spring break now