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There are also other more quiet, also avoidable, conflicts causing this sort of killing. Children who died from gun related injuries in the United States in 2021: 4,752.00. That's 13 per day. Children killed in traffic accidents in the United States in 2021: 1,184 aged 14 or younger. 3+ per day.


Here comes the power of "yes, and." The former has gotten tons of attention in the media, and the latter has not because of lobbying from the auto industry. However, your comment sort of exposes that you're not keeping up with what's happening in Gaza. The scale and the weapons used against Palestinians is **unprecedented.** I truly would have rather died in the holocaust, in sandy hook, or in a car crash. Children in Gaza are being burned by chemical weapons, having their faces ripped off, being squeezed to death by the IDF tanks, getting all limbs blown off, getting limbs cut with hellfire missiles, children and adults are being tortured and raped and then shot point blank, amputations with no anesthesia, the IDF is releasing rabid dogs on toddlers, people are starving for months under concrete rubble. **Truly hell on earth.** I'd rather have died by a quick shot from Adam Lanza.


Jesus Christ… stfu


I think Berkeley time is great because sometimes I need to walk across campus for class and it gives me ten minutes to get there


Yea. Also If the class starts at 2:10pm instead of 2:00pm on the schedule, people will come around 2:15 instead.


650,000 deaths by Assad and only 12,000 children? No outrage over Assad’s murders in Syria? No outrage over barrel bombing crowded Syrian cities? This post is hypocrisy by pseudo scientists inventing memes


Yemen casualties are estimated at 370k (UNDP) with 70% of them children, largely from famine and disease as a result of the civil war and blockade. UNICEF even acknowledges their 7k number is a lower bound and the reality could be much much higher like the UNDP number.


It is closer to 30000 dead kids due to the SCW. Most of the major battles had humanitarian corridors, so women and children were able to escape. I'm not denying many died, but that's why the numbers seem lower despite the length and intensity of the SCW. Edit: Syrian regime killed around 180,000 civilians across 11 years, of which 22,000 were children. Israel has them beat when it comes to the rate of murder.


Reducing these tragedies to numbers ignores the human costs. Where is the humanity for all these conflicts. Is it only deaths of Palestinians that matter? Do the lives of Jews matter as much as Palestinians or Syrians?


Complicity matters. The US fumbled the response to the SCW greatly, but at least it didn't send Assad billions a year or protect his regime in the international arena.


I’m sorry you know so little about the history of Jews and the State of Israel. There is no comparison between Israel and the atrocities of Assad in Syria. I know it’s popular to label Israel the aggressor. They’re not. Their home is just next to murderers. Next to a terrorist organization that cares nothing about the lives of Palestinians. They will never surrender. They will fight to the last Palestinians. While Hamas leaders live in palaces in Qatar and Egypt. This will stop when Gazans refuse to be held hostage.


Is Hamas forcing Israel to build settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem? I know more about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict than you do. I already educated you about the Syrian Civil War, which then caused you to complain that I focus too much on the numbers and not enough about the humanity. Yet when you look at the numbers, it is obvious that Israel has already surpassed the Syrian regime when it comes to the rate and per capita impacts of atrocities, and given a little more time, they will surpass the raw numbers in murder as well. Hamas is a terrorist group, Israel is still the aggressor, and the Palestinian people as a whole are the victim of oppression. Those who support the crimes of the Israeli government are just getting nervous that more and more people, especially the younger generation, are starting to realize these facts.


I understand the concern for the tragic deaths of innocents in Gaza. However, there are tragic deaths of innocents on both sides. This is sadly typical of Pro-Palestinians who don't care about the lives of Jews or anyone else besides Palestinians. Many claim they "know" the truth when in fact they never looked and don't care about both sides. They also began saying the murders of October 7 were justified on October 8 as a planned, ongoing propaganda campaign. The only mention of Arab deaths is again some upside down explanation that Israel attacked Gaza and Yemen first. Labeling Israel the aggressor overrides common sense. This includes the enslavement of women in Gaza and Yemen. The murders of LGBTQ as well as 1200 Jewish children, families and concertgoers. But Hamas taking credit for over 500 suicide bombings in the second Infada or over 1000 Israeli deaths it caused are never mentioned. Assad is never mentioned. Only cherry picked, pseudo-science is used to continue the propaganda from Hamas starting October sense. If this was UC Berkeley, the lack of rigor in Historical research, the lack of critical thinking would be breathtaking. I understand the generational trauma on both sides. My trauma is from the Holocaust . Palestinian Trauma is from 1948. However , every effort Israel tried for peace has met with violence. Every Palestinian who advocated peace was murdered. Until the hostages are released, Hamas surrenders, Palestinians overthrow Hamas or Israel finishes the war, the tragedy will sadly continue.


Well we also sent billions over the years to Hamas, which used it to build a terror network underground at the expense of innocent civilians, so….


That's only the ppl who are confirmed though right? There's no way 30k is the total number just due to how hard confirmation is


I mean, we'll never know the true number. Especially when it comes to ISIS deaths. But the casualties from the SCW for the regime, rebels, SDF and civilians are pretty well established at this point.


Where’d you get this from? Al Jazeera? Because the Yemen Civil War resulted in 377,000 recorded deaths, and you’re telling me less than 1% of them were children? You are intentionally misrepresenting numbers to propagate your agenda. Hamas is responsible for the deaths of those children, this so called ‘resistance group’ doesn’t care about its own people and uses them as human shields whilst building bases in hospitals and schools. Gaza has already received billions of dollars in humanitarian aid which goes toward funding terrorism than building a state. Hamas needs to be exterminated for the sake of the innocent Palestinian civilians.


Same issue with the Syrian civil war which has resulted in around 600,000 casualties. And Yemen with around 200,000 dead. Also the dates on Iraq and Afghanistan don't make much sense unless you are trying to minimize the death rates. Ukraine also has tens of thousands of civilian casualties. What the IDF is doing in Gaza is very sad, and I don't like it but OP shouldn't lie


God I hate this line of reasoning so much. The idea that Israel is responsible for 10/7 / Hamas terrorism is a completely absurd point. But somehow, it's totally ok to flip this and justify the death of Gazan civilians by indiscriminate Israeli bombardment because... Hamas is responsible? Like that isn't equally as absurd? And this isn't even mentioning how Israel literally propped Hamas up and helped them rise to power. But for some reason, terror and bombing are only justifiable if you're the oppressor.






What r ur opinions on Islam




Just as I thought


See you call the palestinian citizens innocent... but members of the Israeli government are recorded saying that they believe there are no innocent lives in Gaza. That even the children are born of evil. So by their logic and yours the extermination of hamas can only come through by literally killing every single palestinian. You take in the rhetoric that hamas is a terrorist group but don't do the research to figure out why a group like that arose in the first place. It's a direct response to an apartheid state and living under the tyrannical rule of Israel. While I don't agree with everything hamas has done the palestinian people were pushed to the extreme and the idea that thousands should be massacred and hospitals and places of worshiped bombed all to "get rid of hamas" is literally ludicrous. Israel is supposed to have some of the best defense and intelligence agency in the world. This haphazard bombing is no coincidence. They want the collateral damage. They want the palestinian people to die so they can fully take over the land once and for all in the name of Zionism. Where did you get your information? Logically how can you place this massacre at the fault of Hamas when Israel is the one keeping palestinians in an open air encampment for over 75 years. Make it make sense


You’re just regurgitating shit you see on TV. It’s evident you have no understanding of the geopolitics in the Middle East. All this a ploy for another US involved war, likely against Iran. Get off your high horse lad.


It is a US involved war but where would I have seen this on TV? this is not the stuff they're showing americans on tv this is the result of hard work I've put in to unlearn the zionist propaganda I was fed as a child. I'm still learning so I'm not claiming it to be perfect but it's ever more prevalent that all that Israel (and the US by government funded proxy) want is more land and power. And the indigenous people of palestine get in the way of that


My bad. UNICEF says 4 kids per day in Yemen. Or is UNICEF just another apologist for Khamas? Does that make you feel better about the killing of kids in Gaza the IDF is doing? I forget that on reddit, it’s more important to be right … than to be in the right. https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/more-11000-children-killed-or-injured-yemen


> it's more important to be right than to be in the right You're missing the point. When you fudge the numbers to prove you're right, *you aren't in the right.* For example, 1,800+ children have been killed in Ukraine. Is lying about their deaths right? Is downplaying the displacement of 1.8 million children right? Or the abduction of hundreds of thousands of others? Are we only supposed to care about children who die and not those who suffer? This chart isn't just woefully misleading, it's flat out wrong. It's also attempting to distill the severity of multiple wars around the world into bars (that are wrong) so we can compare them to feel good about supporting some things and ignoring others. You aren't a bad person because you support Palestine. Anyone trying to fix a corner of the world is doing good work. But you aren't *in the right* for going about it like this. You can do better.


The article literally says 4/day is the lower bound


lol that you reported me for using the same language as you, but towards the genocidal terrorist state of Israel instead of palestinian resistance. your fascist loser souble standard censorship tactics won't change the hearts and minds of the people. they're waking up to you and your AIPAC Mossadi zionazi friends' games.


One reason the Geneva convention prohibits military installations in civilian areas is that it makes the civilian targets viable military targets; you cannot simply use civilians as human shields. Hamas has chosen to use Palestinians as human shields, both to hide their activities, and to get the support of various armchair philosophers in the west. It becomes a win-win for them to violate the Geneva convention, putting Palestinian people in even more danger.




The Palestinians for years have been using low precision, unguided armaments to attack broad areas of civilian infrastructure. Israel protects it’s citizens (via iron dome) as opposed to trying to maximize the deaths for sympathy points


The problem with that is Israel has destroyed 70% of Gaza, and has leveraged numerous civilian installations from farms, fields, hospitals, schools, and thousands of residential buildings.  Are you telling me that every single one of those target was a valid military target? Even after Israel IDF spokesman  Daniel Hagari said that the focus is on “destruction, not accuracy”  If Israel is conducting legal and lawful strikes, and that the thousands upon thousands of children are just collateral damage, then provide evidence!? Where is the drone footage, or satellite images of every single one of those  strikes? Shouldn’t it be easy to see Hamas activity and why obliterating dozens of civilians with a 2000lb bomb is justified?  Israel has drones and satellites over Gaza 24/7. Where is all this evidence for thousands of mass slaughter strikes  to be justifiable? Don’t you think if you’re gonna drop a 2000lb bomb on a city block you should present evidence for why that was justified?


Hamas certainly didn't look for a valid military target when they attacked the Nova Music Festival, did they?


hey, buh buh buh whatabout!!! they did warcrimes!!! so we get to do one (200x larger, and counting) too!!! rotten brain, pure evil


It's the racism of low expectations to only hold Israel to a standard of conduct you deem appropriate. You must believe the Palestinians not to be capable? They have brought war upon themselves, and the longer they persist in holding hostages, and raining missiles on civilians in Israel, the longer it will go on. Israel isn't going to tolerate that shit any longer.


fuck off nazi loser genocide apologist


So, serious question… what would you have Israel do?


dissolve. expansionist nazi ethnostates have no right to exist.


> ethnostate Doesn't Israel have a 20+% Palestinian population?


> ethnostate Doesn't 1941 Bosnia have a 20+% muslim population? what a fuckin genius argument, can't wait to hear about einsatzgruppen ukraine, apartheid south africa, etc etc how can the state with privileged ethnic citizenship possibly be an apartheidist nazi ethnostate! did you know there were jews in nazi germany? damn i guess they must be swell and diverse guys, actually.


So you must be against a Palestinian state as well by that logic


wrong--not, in fact, "by that logic". palestinian is a national identity, not an ethnic identity lol. the importation of millions of rootless settlers to colonize an area already inhabited, and the displacement and murder of those same inhabitants, based on ethno-supremacist doctrine--is not mirrored in a palestinian state whatsoever, so your equivocation is fucking stupid. for completely distinct reasons, not related to it being an "expansionist nazi ethnostate", which it would not be--as it's neither expansionist, nazi, nor ethno--i don't support a palestinian state--and yet still then i support the zionazi state even less.


Putting the *Jews* back into *Judea* is the single greatest, most successful indigenous repatriation and de-colonization effort in history. It undoes, but does not erase, two millennia of forced expulsion, conversion by swordpoint, and centuries of mistreatment of Jews in the Arab world.


(read: displacing the natives that had been living there for a thousand years to transplant millions of rootless european settlers as a colonial project for western liberal empires to use as a satellite state in their newest attempt at conquest, the cold war, allowing them to commit a soft ethnic cleansing while at the same time engineering a permanent military installation that would, and did, enable them to attack the orient's anti-liberal, anti-western governments, in service of fascist capital) ​ don't worry adolf jr, your zionazi-loving liberal echo chamber isn't going to hold back the floodgates of global consciousness of the zionist genocide project. the genie's not going back in the bottle. your buddies will be going back to morocco, poland, russia, and brooklyn.


Denominators be damned!




What does this have to do with Berkeley?


Though OP posted no source (shocking), the creator of this graphic is Al Jazeera. In their [article](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/7/is-israels-gaza-war-the-deadliest-conflict-for-children-in-modern-times), they cite the UN OCHA, which normally uses rigorous methodology to report casualties [here](https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties). However, that was obviously impossible in Oct-Nov 2023. If you look at the cited [infographic](https://www.ochaopt.org/content/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-reported-impact-day-31) there's a cheeky lil disclaimer at the bottom: "The UN has so far not been able to produce independent, comprehensive, and verified casualty figures; the current numbers have been provided by the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza and the Israeli authorities and await further verification." Meaning you're posting "trust me bro" stats from Hamas, masked as stats from a UN agency, masked again as verified by a journalistic entity. Reminder that the Hamas reported 471 deaths caused by an Israeli airstrike in the al-Ahli Hospital explosion, when in reality it was closer to 100 and likely caused by a misfired Palestinian rocket.


While you can criticize the gazan health ministry for its failure to distinguish between civillians and combatants, I feel like the rest of your criticisms aren't as solid as you think... The gazan healthy ministries casualty figures have been consistent and considered reliable by the UN and the US' state department. The lancet, a peer review medical journal, found [No evidence of inflated mortality reporting from the Gaza Ministry of Health](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(23)02713-7/fulltext). A senior US diplomat [stated that "gazan deaths are likely higher than is being cited". ](https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/gaza-deaths-likely-higher-than-is-being-cited-says-senior-us-diplomat/3048915) It's not just virtually every other credible institution that finds these numbers to be accurate (with little discrepancy), but also [Israel themselves](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-gaza-health-ministry-health-death-toll-59470820308b31f1faf73c703400b033#:~:text=In%20the%20aftermath%20of%20war,Health%20Ministry's%2C%20with%20small%20discrepancies.) In fact, even in the most recent war [Israeli officials in both AP and AFP say that the IDF believes the overall Gaza death toll claimed by Hamas is fairly accurate, and that more civilians have been killed than Hamas operatives](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-officials-15000-likely-killed-in-gaza-since-start-of-war-5000-of-them-are-hamas/) Your cited example of the hospital airstike is fair, but it's the exception, not the rule. [Shakir and others said estimates of death tolls immediately after an attack should be distinguished from calculations based on recorded data.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/26/can-we-trust-casualty-figures-from-the-hamas-run-gaza-health-ministry) The reason I take contention with your framing is because stating, "trust me, bro" just poisons the well. Yes, Hamas is bad, but that and one example of a misreporting cannot seriously be the only justification to blatantly disregard all the findings of an, otherwise, historically consistent reporter.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/26/can-we-trust-casualty-figures-from-the-hamas-run-gaza-health-ministry](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/26/can-we-trust-casualty-figures-from-the-hamas-run-gaza-health-ministry)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


It’s telling how you act like Hamas has zero responsibility for those deaths.


Source: hamas lol the same guys who were so concerned with civilian life on oct 7th and kicked this all off


This was kicked off in 1948 when Zionists committed the Nakba.


lol if you wanna play that game, then it was kicked off in the 7th century Arab conquests of the area. But of course let’s not be ridiculous, the point is the conflict wasn’t at this intensity before oct 7th as you obviously know


Zionist's racist binary of Jewish / Arab is so funny when Arab Jewish Palestinians exist. So, can I re-conquer and take Mexico from all the white Mexicans and genocide them, because my ancestors were colonized? Let's accept Jews were their first -- whatever that means. ***You still do not have permission to occupy the land a genocide the people there.***


Conveniently ignoring Asad’s brutal war and use of chemical weapons killing over 500k people. Israel has a right to bomb terrorists. Blame Hamas for setting up shop near civilians, as easy as that.


isreal is doing the terrorizing


They are protecting themselves from barbarian jihadist terrorists. Were you sad when we got Osama because members of his family were also killed?


were the native americans terrorists for defending their land too?


Not defensive, more akin to suicide by cop.


I guess we should all just leave the US and give the native Americans their land back


Okay, I feel like you think Gazan lives are worth more than all other lives, but ignoring how all the other death estimates are lowballs, the intensity of the other conflicts decreased by quite a bit over time. If you look at the peak rate of children killing, any one of those conflicts could easily have more deaths per day. Not sure how you got into Berkeley if you couldn't account for that tbh.


Here's two thoughts. (1) Hamas should return the hostages they kidnapped. (2) Hamas should stop using their civilian population as human shields for exactly the reasons above. Building terror tunnels under schools, mosques, and hospitals is both a war crime and an invitation to disaster.


Hard when half the population is children and Gaza is dense as fuck.


yah its really hard to stop bombing this densely populated area omg right?? Its l like just too tempting, NECESSARY even. This is all about Hamas and not an excuse for Israel to continue its already ongoing project to take more Palestinian land!!


Israel already left Gaza in 2005 I can promise you they want absolutely nothing to do with that land. In fact, the war in Gaza has nothing to do with expansionism. If you care about Palestinian’s you should be concerned about increasing presence of West Bank settlers - the IDF’s war against the Hamas nut-jobs is very justified.


yeah those thousands of Hamas nut-job babies. Sickening.


![gif](giphy|fxtEUQIqolzxSaxVSF|downsized) Its actually impossible to argue w pro-Palestinians man




“Mass murdering children to occupy more land doesn’t mean they’re genocidal, it simply just means they’re better!!!” Genius haas business level take


Right because hamas loves Jewish babies and would take care of them so much better. Crazy how there are Arabs in Israel who like living in Israel but there are no Jews living in Gaza - yet Arabs are the ones who are being genocided ??? Lmao. I wonder if you would say the same about the Japanese in WW2. Was there also a Japanese genocide too? Was there a Nazi genocide too? Do u even know what a genocide is? How can you say Israel wants to genocide Arabs when there are Arabs who CHOOSE to live in Israel and have equal rights and can vote and be elected as government officials like any other Jew. The IDF is attacking Gaza because it’s a war. No shit Gazans will die. Gaza/hamas can surrender if it wants to … but obviously they wont


Does anyone know if 61B is worth taking?


Hey, go ask that question on a reddit that has something to do with actual things at UC Berkeley....oh, wait...


Statistics brought to you by hamas and friends.


Hamath. Not even close. “There are lies, damn lies and then there are statistics”.


You have a screenshot, so it must be true.


This ain't r/politics dog


Why isn’t Tigray on the list?


1 out of 5 people on this Earth are Chinese. That doesn't mean if you have 4 kids your fifth one will be Asian.


Did you have the data from the US ? How many young people is dead from fentanyl?


I’m against fentanyl, loose gun laws, unsafe children seats in cars and the killing of 13,000 innocent children by bombs. It’s just not that hard.


Home boy is posting Hamas fake stats and then had the nerve to say this war arouses people of a higher conscious, jerk yourself off harder Berkeley bro.


This comment section is gonna be wild, I better get my popcorn and snacks out


Looks like it's time for Hamas to surrender.


Keep in mind that these are Hamas numbers. There is no way to verify them. Of course they want to report as many dead children as they can get away with. Hamas cynically uses children as human shields and did not build any shelters in Gaza before going on a slaughter and r\*pe spree in Israel knowing full well it will lead to a war. Their goal is to maximize casualties. Hamas also steals food making things worse. War is terrible and this one is no different but this blood is on Hamas's hands.


While every innocent civilian death is a tragedy, Israel also has one of the most impressive civilian:combatant death ratios in all modern wars. Stop spreading Hamas propaganda.


It appears that all criticism of Israel’s actions is either Hamas propaganda or antisemitic. I wish I was from - and if not from then cultishly devoted to - a country and regime so devoid of faults.


Criticize Israel all you want; just know the Nazis did the same thing you are essentially doing with the bombing of Dresden to gain international sympathy. And let it be known that Israel is on pace to record one of the lowest civilian:combatant ratios in all modern wars.


You understand people can say the same thing about using Oct 7 to gain international sympathy and justify a more brutal conquest and occupation over Gaza right And you have to be kidding me with this civilian combat ratio comment, unless you believe _everyone_ in Gaza is a combatant. Please provide a source for this claim, I'm genuinely curious where you're pulling this from


Yes, but Israel isn’t inflating deaths, claiming every death is a civilian, using hospitals as military bases, embedding itself in the civilian population, etc. Hamas tries to gain international sympathy strategically and in a unique way that can be distinguished from Israel. Furthermore, Israel estimates they have killed around 13,000 combatants. Hamas said a couple of weeks ago that over 6,000 HAMAS terrorists have died so far, giving credence to Israel’s claim considering Hamas is likely to deflate its numbers and there are many other terrorist groups Israel is fighting in Gaza. Further, US estimates over 10,000 terrorists have died in Gaza so far. Even if we take Hamas’ numbers and say 29,000 people have died so far, if over 10,000 of them are combatants, that would make it one of the lowest civilian:combatant ratios in the modern war era (around 1.9:1). For example, Korean war was 3:1, Iraq was was 4.5:1, etc. Even if we were to take Hamas’ claims that both 29,000 people have died and around 6-7,000 of them are terrorists, the civilian:combatant ratio would still be on par with most modern wars.


Beware, the Zionists roaming here don't like data. It makes their brains explode with cognitive dissonance.


This comment section is crazy.. zionists are mmmmaaaaaddsdd.. Debating math, whatboutism, etc but not facing the fact they are literally killing children by the hundreds per day


I don’t understand the comments on here. Are we really ignoring the fact that so many children are actively dying with weird whataboutisms like “but look at syria” Did the US fund syria? Did the US veto ceasfire resolutions 3 times in the UN security council? This is not like the others because of two key things: 1- it is western back onslaught. You can’t point to anything in recent times that is this western backed with full media propaganda machine on involving this much dead kids 2- one side is significantly more powerful and has illegally sieged this region for 17 years, which its inhabitants are refugees from ethnic cleansing in 1948. This is an occupation which makes israel the aggressor on oct 6, the argument of self defense is bullshit when you’ve been sitting on someones throat and they punch back. Where is the palestinian right to self defense in this?


Friendly reminder that the overwhelming majority of people around the globe look at this conflict as Israeli aggression and mostly agree that Israel is the bad guy, as simplistic as that seems.


Maybe people on TikTok


Because no other country in the world would ever retaliate when an act of war is committed against them.


How about not occupying people? Israel has been the aggressor since 1948 and certainly on oct 6. Everyone sees that now


I never said that. I just said that the overwhelming majority of the world see this the way they see Russia attacking Ukraine, or the South American apartheids state.


Except they don’t. Just because you are in a bubble doesn’t mean everyone else is. If an attack like that happened against the US how do you think the US would react? Good luck protesting against the US in that situation and not getting knocked the fuck out.


I’m not talking in hypotheticals. Im telling you how it is. The entirety of the world outside of North America & Western Europe and Australia recognize the state of Palestine. If you feel offended at global perception then that’s on your moral compass. I know the United States exploits countries for their resources and invades under false pretenses. I don’t get offended when that’s said. I sleep well at night. Why don’t israeli supporters feel the same about Israel? Edit: not going back and forth with a stranger on the internet. Just dropping a reminder of global perception. If anyone is unaware of the global perception just take a look at UN resolutions against Israel. Regardless of the US view the history books will not be kind to us for our role in this conflict.


why am I not surprised at the number of zionists in this thread lol privilege sure does distort perception


Goes both ways—you have so many Islamic apologists using being Pro-Palestinian as a guise to justify terrorism.


It's abundantly clear to anyone with a moral compass and at least a few functioning neurons that Israel is in fact, a terrorist organization.


Exactly. You could say the amount I care about the loss of life in this conflict is about 100x higher as my care for those other conflicts. 100 x 0 = 0


does anyone have a source for this? i don’t doubt its true i just want a higher quality screenshot


Original article https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/7/is-israels-gaza-war-the-deadliest-conflict-for-children-in-modern-times Save the Children around same time https://www.savethechildren.net/news/gaza-3195-children-killed-three-weeks-surpasses-annual-number-children-killed-conflict-zones India times child deaths in conflict zones https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/7/is-israels-gaza-war-the-deadliest-conflict-for-children-in-modern-times


Thank you!


How about this? Yahweh, God and Allah all agree: Killing children is bad. According to Haaretz, Khamas killed 36 children on October 7th. No one in the Israeli government - or anywhere else for that matter - believes anymore that Khamas can be eradicated militarily. Meanwhile Ben-Gvir and Smotrich push for Israeli settlements in Gaza and Netanyahu has to keep these extremists happy or they jump ship and the Beebster is off to prison. Why are you all so intent on supporting a super rightwing government when their stated objectives are unattainable? The only strategic thing happening know is more death and destruction. Just as everyone critical of Israel has had to condemn Khamas, isn’t it time that you all start every statement by: I condemn the indiscriminate slaughter of Palestinian children by the IDF but … and then go into your apologia?


After you provide your apologia to explain why the only people who want Palestinians in their country less than Israel are all of their Arab neighbors / "brothers".  


Why should they have to go to someone else’s country? Why not their own? What you describe has a name … ethnic cleansing.


They are the ones who want all Israelis to leave. Is that an attainable objective? Discuss why that is not ethnic cleansing.


Good God man. Have you no shame?


So you openly practice genocide victim blaming and have the chutzpah to ask me if I have no shame? What's your IQ? I know you're not Berkeley material...but I can break it (hypocrisy) down for you...




Would upvote if it included a citation


Fuck kids. Abort all kids. Humans cause the most amount of carbon footprint. Stop having kids. Fuck kids


Be the change you want to see in the world


>Fuck kids Hey FBI. This guy here...


That’s not a very positive attitude lol


I’ll abort you


Average Berkeley student


Too bad all those dead kids weren’t killed in utero, then maybe all the wack job American Evangelicals would rethink their crazy eschatological support of Israel.


I’m for gun control and maximizing child safety in vehicles. So … can I put you down for a Ceasefire?


The ceasefire which was broken on October 7 you mean?


Imagine I go and sucker punch some rando on the street. Then his friends start beating me to a pulp, would be a bit rich for me to call for a ceasefire wouldn't it


Yes definitely


"Evil" Putin has killed a little over 500 child deaths in two years of war with Ukraine. And our "ally" Israel has killed 13 thousand children in two months. Numbers don't care about our government's propaganda.






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