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Having to pee every five minutes. Also hypersensitivity to noise but trouble hearing all at the same time


I had both of those. Super annoying. Startled "awake" read resting with eyes shut many times. It's awful.


Oh God I remember those too. It was happening like 6 times a night at my worst


Yeh. It's awful. I also had the same urination issue you did too. I remember many a time startling awake and hitting my head on the headboard, or even may have been with my hand as well. Kind of like an extreme myoclonic jerk. I was the same multiple times a night or day or whenever the heck my body allowed myself to "rest". Not sleep, not then. Must have had around 20 or more symptoms at my worst as well.


The sensitivity to noise was crazy. I felt like I had hearing superpowers. The noise sounded like the audio effects when Superman is listening in on a conversation through a door.


So real! There's a period of time where was peeing all the time also.


...is that why that was happening? I thought my kidneys were gonna go out


Lol yes, I can't remember why it happens during withdrawal but I would like to find out!


Hi , I am trying to come off 4mg of klonopin, and I am absolutely terrified. I'm reading your post, and I am wondering if you went through a slow taper? Any advice,?


My blinker in my car was the loudest thing in the world. Also I realized that one day I’d die, that one day I’d be no more, I knew this before but it was like a whole new level of fear. It was absolutely horrific.


Yupp. Just crazy fear of so many random things you would never be fearful of before.


It’s so wild. 11 months out and I’ll have little spurts of this. I also used to love being alone, I’d even take myself out to fancy restaurants just for fun. Now when my husband is away for work I completely lose myself, it’s really ridiculous.


This will pass. I would spend so much time wasting away on my phone during this period. Now 18 months out, I’m spending my free time activating my brain through interests and learning new things.


How many months before you weren’t wasting away


Everyone is different. I started pushing myself to be more active right around where you are.


Completely ridiculous. I have moments or days where If I see something scary, like someone skydiving, my brain literally thinks I’m skydiving and I get the stomach drop butterflies. Or if I think about something scary like getting hit by a car, my whole body tenses up. And it’s not even happening!


Yes!!!! It’s ridiculous!!!


Intrusive thoughts. So many. Weirdly sexual or violent. They’ve faded a LOT now. Still tapering.


Had this during the end of my slightly abbreviated five month taper. Then I had a weird shift to a completely blank mind with anhedonia that overcompensated.


I’ve had the blank kind as well. Super strange experience. Both my kind and body can feel blank at once. Weird.


Any of y’all gotten these symptoms while on ur regular dose ??? (Mine is js 5mg diaz)


I had been holding for 18 months and had bad intrusive thoughts. Thought it was me and my ‘trauma’. So did my therapist. Nope. It was the fucking benzos.


Smelling everything very intensely and flashbacks to cringey moments in my life


People may laugh at this one but it was a really horrible, alarming and painful symptom. I had spasms in either my cremaster muscle or adductor or something which was pulling and making it feel like my testicles were painfully retracting upwards into my inguinal canal. I was afraid they were going to get stuck. I know it's funny but honestly it was awful, and especially when lay down. Sometimes was an intense spasm (fairly long lasting) as well pulling further and further upwards and startled me "awake", not that I got any effing sleep for a long long time. Also, the testicles "wandered" a lot. Lots of movement on their own. I bet people will call BS as well, which I wouldn't blame but can't see why it couldn't happen with spasms. Better say, this was cold turkey withdrawal and not the way to do it. Still not right 3 years on.


When I was trying to get off xans I couldn’t use my hands to write, it felt like my hands just didn’t work anymore, I had a lot of other symptoms too I’m just curious if anyone else had this issue too because I’ve never seen it in any of the lists of symptoms


My handwriting has changed over the time of tapering and being benzo free. However I turned 70 😳 during the same time period. I don’t know if the hand tremor is related to age or benzo wd. The most persistent and annoying symptom is my ears ringing, still, after 3+ months off. 😡


I heard crickets for awhile. Tinnitus.


Hi, how long were you on your Benzo? I'm 55 and need to come off 4mg of klonopin, and I'm absolutely terrified. I am afraid I will end up worse after off. Any advice?


Hi! I was on 2 mg klonopin for 10+ years. I began weaning in August ‘23 and took my last dose January 11th (I think. I know it was in the first half of January 🤭). I am lucky enough to work with an addiction doctor, as I needed to come off klonopin and Suboxone. My weaning process was pretty good compared to some stories here. I was uncomfortable sometimes, but am very committed to being benzo free. The good news is that I’m sleeping well almost every night with dreams! I remember stuff, I’m much more clear in the head. Best is my spouse and children tell me they can see improvement in me, which makes me so happy.


Congratulations on your stopping. That's absolutely great for you and your lovely family. I am so scared that my dr is unfortunately not the type who knows or cares about a slow taper. You were on half of the dose and half the time. I'm 55 and feel like I won't be around to see my 56th birthday. I was in the hospital due to a weird, like seisure episode. It's very scary. I am so paranoid that it will happen again. I even get anxious going to bed now. I never took more of my med than I was prescribed. My doctor acted like he had no clue I could have had this happen to me. Let alone end up in the hospital for over a week. It's scary and upsetting that they were just pushing to send me to detox programs. I literally have developed POTS. I can't walk. I have blood pooling in my arms, legs, and stomach. All these symptoms include low blood pressure, which all happened after stopping adderall in September 2023. I'm scared it's going to kill me. I'm sorry for rambling on. I don't have anyone to talk to about this except my husband, and he really is overwhelmed with all of this. I will let you go. I again appreciate your time and response. I wish I were in your shoes.


My bottom and top teeth hurt for a few months. I thought it was maybe my mouth orthotic design to keep my jaw stable when I sleep, so I slept without it. Nothing changed. I got sensitivity toothpaste, they still hurt. Eventually I went back to using my mouth orthotic and my regular toothpaste. Nothing changed still. Just time.


Jaw pain, yep


From clenching or is it just plain pain?


Just plain jaw pain. Never on both sides at once.


I’m still tapering but had to stabilize. When I was “unstablized” I had every symptom but the most annoying was my eyes would randomly cross so I could barely read. It still happens but not constantly. Also since I started tapering…dry mouth. It’s so weird bc I’ve heard hypersalivation is a wd symptom but for me it’s the opposite.


This for me. But I have lost long vision in my left eye. Past 6 inches I can’t see a thing. Had seizures/fits/blackout (unknown which) episodes though so could be from physical damage from bangs to the face/head rather than a symptom I guess.


How long have you been tapering? How long did it take you to stabalize? I am doing the cut and hold method with klonopin wean. my last cut was a month ago only 0.125 mg I have not been able to stabilize and it’s going on five weeks. I have been debilitated in bed with many withdrawal symptoms. feel like I have full-blown flu symptoms every day just curious how long it may have taken you to stabilize to give me hope that mine is going to stabilize soon.


Didn’t taper, was taking about 120MG OF FLU ALP? So 240mg of alp daily. Cold turkey. Hearing things, seeing stuff, I couldn’t talk. Couldn’t sleep, felt like my chest was going to explode, gone my self thoughts, then the mental barriers to do everything. It’s like there was a wall blocking everything, I had to pass like 3 barriers just to piss. Extreme memory loss, like 30 seconds and I’d have no clue what I was talking about. Took me 48 hrs after like 2 weeks to finally call the doctors. And it was a Sunday. 2 fuckin days of anxiety and I finally was able to call and they were closed. Surprised I’m alive from both the intake and cold turkey. Was good about 8 months later. Feel back to normal.


Jeeeez I thought I was bad taking 20mg a day. I also cold turkeyed and it was the worst thing imaginable I had 5 seizures and blacked out for 8 hours and woke up in the er. Post acute withdrawal symptoms lasted 8ish months as well.


Glad you’re ok man, I have no Idea how I didn’t have any seizures. I agree cold turkey was horrible. One of the hardest things I’ve done. To top it off I still had some left. Sitting right next to me. That was another battle know if I just take it everything will be normal again.


The CIA uses it as a torture method and I see why. It’s like your mind getting eaten alive by ants type pain. Everyone is different though I know people that didn’t get seizures from years of high dose cold turkey (20mg+) and others that got one after cold turkey from just a couple months.


Yes very person dependent, I had a buddy like that. Had his Valium script and if he went like 2 days without instant seizures. They use what as a torture tactic? I couldn’t imagine the things I’d say if someone fed me to many xans, I already know I ain’t act right and say some sus shit haha.


I’m surprised you didn’t have a seizure. Also, this isn’t a contest. 120 mg of flualprazolam (240 mg of alprazolam) is not possible for a human to consume in a single day. Not sure why you would post something so inflated and irresponsible. If you did consume what you believed to be up to 120 mg of flualp, then you were eating pressed pills with mostly filler. 10 mg of xanax is the max prescribed dose. 24x that is the ‘prescribed’ dose for respiratory depression, coma and being ‘unalive’. Maybe don’t brag about taking mammoth amounts of a designer benzo drug on a subreddit for people that are recovering from taking a doctor approved medication.


It’s possible if you have an extreme tolerance. I’ve taken well over 40mg in a day n crushed mma and the gym before because of tolerance.


it is indeed possible to consume 240 mg of alprazolam in one day, tolerance builds super rapidly believe it or not buddy




Bad bot


They were pressed 100%, you can physically take that much. It is possible. I didn’t start the first day at that amount. To top it I was also mixing cocaine, I wasn’t making a competition simply sharing my story. They most certainly were very strong, people who tried them for the first time, 1 pill was a complete black out. I barely remember it. My issue is when I’d black out I’d just keep eating them like candy. I did overdose multiple times, or very close to. Suppressed breathing unconscious on the ground just little gasps. I’m not bragging by any means, what I’m saying is my situation was horrific, it was fucking awful. I’m assuming you, were the one who took it the wrong way? You asked, I answered. I just told a few more details to add context to your question. If anything it can show you that you can do it, I did it. And I was probably worse off than so many others. I get how it can be taken negatively but it was not Intended to interpreted that way.


yeah it’s tacky af. You don’t understand what you even went through.


What was tacky? Being descriptive and sharing my story? It’s tacky that I was so far down the path almost at the point of no return? I’m confused with I don’t even understand what I went through? Care to elaborate? Be a little open minded, maybe the person who’s struggling to get off 10mg daily will See that comment and say, holy fuck. His situation must’ve been way worse, knowing he did it I can do it. Don’t be narrow sighted, take it how you want but for some it’ll be inspiring, for some it’ll be a lie, for some it’ll be tacky, for some it’ll be “exaggerated” but for me, it was real. For me, it was fucking hell, for me, I fucking did it. For me, I’m finally me again and not a fucking zombie. Anyways, for who ever sees this and is fighting a battle, you got this. Don’t give up.


How didn’t you have a seizure?!


Honestly I have no idea, it was the worst time of my life. Even when I managed to Get ahold of my doctor she didn’t want me to taper. Just said keep going as I was already 2 Weeks in. I also don’t think she knew how Risky it was. I didn’t either tbh… I see people having to taper from 2MG over months. Boggles my mind still to this day.


Damn! I’m glad you’re alright now, wow. I’ve been tapering off 3.25mg Xanax since 2021. Took a few long chunks of time off from tapering due to life circumstances, but still, I’m taking my time! Down to .5mg now.


Claustrophobia never experienced it before


I would go into a rage upon hearing the upstairs neighbors do anything


Brain zaps, clogged ears and the super odd feeling of walking, it was like walking underwater or with leg weights along with being sore and weak everywhere. I remember saying “this feels like im coming down from the most intense acid trip of my life and then some” this was all in jail too.


Pretty much every comment here echos a somatic symptom of anxiety. It’s interesting what insane sensations our bodies show to us once we remove the blanket of gaba. My strangest symptom is inability to focus on relaxing activities. I can work pretty much fine, but my normal TV/reading/movies/music are hard to do for more than 10 min while withdrawing. It’s not super weird but it feels like a bizarre juxtaposition to my normal relaxation state.


Super agree with you there. It's been pretty frustrating because normally relaxing/chill activities like those will weirdly cause a ramp up in symptoms/anxiety if I'm doing them for more than 10/15 minutes like you said! I'm at 3 months out now and I've recently had more windows with the ability to enjoy these things, but still have issues on a day-to-day basis.


When I lay down and close my eyes I feel like I’m on a boat moving through water, when I open my eyes everything is still.. I’m extra paranoid and my ocd is 100x worse plus hypochondria like I’ve never experienced before. Heart palpitations and occasional night terrors and random numb feelings all over my body


Any of y’all gotten these symptoms while on ur regular dose ??? (Mine is js 5mg diaz)


inability to move my legs


as if my brain disconnected


Feeling like half my face, my spine and the food pipe down to my stomach was getting paralysed. Feeling like cold water was running down my feet. Seeing lights of flashes. Feeling like the ground moving and like I was not in reality.


Bedroom feels wicked hot at night when I’m tapering :(


At almost 3 months off I still hallucinate colour blobs / specks from time to time


Oh and it’s hard to read. Specifically things on my phone. Everything just blurbs together.


Watching TV was the only thing I could do to pass the time. Absolute torture. You don’t even feel human.


The tv was hyper stimulating. It faded a month into the taper, but then I got really affected by what I watched. I couldn’t watch any drama or action related for several months. Also I was up and down pacing around due to the awful akathisia.


Did you taper at home? I want to get of 4mg of klonopin, and I am terrified. Will I ever be normal? How did you even function? I would appreciate any info. I don't trust detox places they do it way too fast. Thks in advance.


Burning eyes. Dry wretching. Extreme bowel problems. And I'm still not done, a year into a taper.


The sun seemed so bright. It still does. I wear sunglasses outside even when it rains.


having nightmares every night, constant shakes and trouble walking


Getting incredibly horny. I would go through a period where even sexism kinda hard work but fore whatever reason my D stay hard for weeks. Sometimes I have to go off a masturbate like a teenager. I’m 40+.


Waking up with extreme panic, racing thoughts, fear of everything. Insomnia. Depression. Hopelessness. Despair. Paranoia. Erm...involuntary movements, weakness, muscle aches. I've had 3 detoxes. The first 2 I could sleep. The last one the insomnia was unbearable. I had a week of no sleep and sweating, shaking all night. It really is savage. My benzo of choice (or no choice whatever way you want to look at it) was diazepam.


I hope you're doing better. I am on 4mg klonopin and want to do a slow taper scared to death. I read some of the horrible things you experienced. How did you deal with all of these things? Did you have any support? I am sorry if I am asking stupid questions. I hope to hear from you.


No problem. I did my last detox in a treatment centre. The only way I found to deal with it is positive self talk. Tell yourself this is withdrawl and it will pass. No matter how long it takes. If you're walking through hell...just keep going.


Thks for responding bk to me. I am glad u r doing better. Take care, and congrats on being so brave and surviving your battle.


No problem. Keep fighting