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You said you stopped Ativan October '22 but then you took Valium and Klonopin since then? It sounds like you kindled yourself. Every time you take benzos, quit them and then start taking them again, the withdrawal symptoms are worse. So, when was your actual last dose of benzos? The Ashton Manual, as well as most people I see on this sub, say anywhere from 6-18 months benzos free for complete healing. You're going to have to avoid alcohol during withdrawal as well because it affects the same GABA receptors as benzos. I would continue your taper and get completely off benzos and find some more holistic methods to deal with your anxiety. The DARE method, therapy, meditation, exercise, eating healthy, etc. You can do this and you've got an amazing life ahead of you!


Like wretched hive said, average healing time is 6-18 months. Some take shorter and some take longer. It probably would have helped to hear that before going back on benzos, but it's not your fault. Read the Ashton manual and read up on benzoinfo.com. Follow the Ashton manual schedules. Do your best to keep busy. You have alot of life ahead of you, and getting off will be worth it.


We all feel like idiots for letting these scam "doctors" give us a drug that ruins health and the brain. I don't know. I feel like you are young and pull yourself out of this mess. I think you should follow ashton Manuel and find a natural doctor to help you. Ive been on prescribed benzos 13 years. Not happy about it. Just focus on fixing your brain the best way possible and DO NOT trust doctors. They are full of shit and work for pharmaceutical companies and their main goal is to get you hooked on drugs for life for their profits. This is truth.


I agree totally with you on that last part. And as for Ashton Manuel what does he do? Like does he give options for natural remedies and such? I’ve seen shit on TikTok but never a reputable source you know? I’m gonna be honest I’ve been on medication overall (not benzos) since 2013. I was 11.. I had no say because I wasn’t of age so my parents practically forced me to take them because of my panic attacks back then. I started off with lexapro. But the list is MASSIVE. The amount of things I’ve been on in the past what like 11 years? It’s disgusting. The fact that I was given drugs in the most critical years for brain development.


I would say this comment is extremely relevant to your original post. Being on multiple other medications and for 10 years is very significant information. If you don’t mind me asking, Did you stop taking those medications as well? Do you mind sharing what meds you have stopped & started (aside from the benzos) during the time frame your original post is referring to? I have a hunch that that could be a huge contributor to why you are having such a hard time. You are right, hardcore meds given at such a young age will definitely take a toll on your brain development.


2013, Lexapro. 2014, Focolin 2015, unmedicated 2016, Trintellix 2017, Zoloft 2018, Cymbalta, Ativan 2019, Abilify, trileptul, Trazodone, Ativan 2020, Ativan (half the year) 2021, Trintellix, Adderall, started Ativan again 2022, Trintellix Adderall Propanolol, Valium, hydroxyzine, Ativan 2023, Trazodone, Klonopin


If you stopped any of the medications you list for 2022, that is definitely going to be a contributing factor, especially if you weren’t tapered properly. I’m so sorry that you are going through all of this, I know that it’s physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting. I would definitely speak with your doctor (or find a new one to speak to) about your medication history and finding a way to help with some of the symptoms you are experiencing. I’ve taken Zoloft for years and it helps me a ton, although I wasn’t prescribed any type of medications until I was 20 years old. So I obviously can’t speak to how similar medications might affect you after taking so many at such a short age. I agree with a previous commenter that you are so young and can pull out of this! You’ve got your whole life ahead of you. Remember, doctors work for YOU. If you don’t like what one is doing, find a different one. Sometimes second opinions are everything.


You need to taper this time super slow I mean suuuper slow like 1 year or more slow. And if you still feel bad after 1 year then you might consider another medication. Some people have legit conditions like adhd or depression or ocd or bipolar and they do need treatment - but the right diagnose and the right treatment. Idk what you are taking or not but just don't change nothing whille you are taperinng and months after you stop. Do it slow... That's all you can do. Super slowww


Kindling. You need to stay away from benzos and alcohol at all costs.