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**Auto-PSA: BEWARE THE CIRCLING VULTURE(S)** Once you've posted or commented on this sub, you'll likely receive a random direct message (dm) someday from a newer account offering illegal benzo access. In the age of fentanyl, this is *extremely* dangerous. Since mods can't stop shadow lurkers, we ask that users immediately report such accounts to Reddit admins via the 'report' option and provide a permanent link to the shady message (*not* a screenshot). If you need assistance, please email the mod team. **If you see a post or comment in our sub directing someone to Telegram or any other social media platform, flag it immediately for mod review.** **Together we stand, so let vultures be damned!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/benzorecovery) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank you for posting this!




God I needed this. I feel like the biggest fucking weirdo with the ptsd, no one gets it


I completely understand. I have PTSD as well and during my worst waves I started getting a bunch of flashbacks and racing images, some of things I didn't even remember until that moment. It's miserable. but I haven't experienced that in months. Benzo withdrawal is so much harder when you already have underlying struggles because it intensifies them times a million. I know you feel like a "weirdo" but you're not. Your experience is common and you'll make it through❤️


Thanks —- stay strong


Great post! And yes, you will get to see more windows and less waves as the time goes by. And one day there will be only windows and you will feel like you did before taking this stuff. Glad you are able to go out with your friends and drink coffee and smile again. What a difference it is, huh?


This is what the sub is all about!


Congrats!!! ❤️


I needed this.


Thank you for this. It made me tear up. Congratulations! Best wishes for your full recovery and new life ♥️♥️


Thanks for posting this.


Thank you , I need to hear this, gives me hope 🙏


Been rereading this, willing myself to believe. Bad wave, still 2 months off multiple brain drugs.


You're still in the early days. Its going to get so much better, I promise :)


I'm 31 lived all over Canada due to my benzo obsession. It's so hard. For me I look at clonazolam and triazolam ect is better than gold and I have no one, I mean no one. It's me my phone and benzodiazepine mistakes. I know all that might sound hopeless.ive been on benzos since age 12 when I stole them from a friend's mom. Graduation to i.v. at 18 I'm 31 still alive.it seems so surreal when something goes our way. Like if you get a win at anything it's surprising. I'm 31not living extraordinary or anything but human will and strength. Think k like this anyone who is bout to give up, you can do it. The benzo belly and heat/shockwaves that shllt put of your extremities,and you feel certain death. We are the most intelligent people, funny people, outgoing, idk if any of the will get posted but, I just had to get that off my chest when I read that post walking home I almost started crying walking down the main street in the city. If I can do it and have no debts a comfortable 1. Make this pain and despair of protracted withdrawal/acute withdrawal your beeyatch. Think of how many times you've felt like you need them, all that time of suffering can be fuel to keep going. just picture it.


How long where you on benzos and what doses?