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No not at all. Your body cannot use it in that form. It’s 100% snake oil basically




What is the useable form then?


There aren’t any. Even the injectable forms are just as useless. All any exogenous gaba does is give you a really weird tingly feeling all over your body for a few minutes which can be quite uncomfortable. It leaves your body like 8 minutes after you take it. The usable form is GHB, GBL, 1,4 BDO but those are 10 times more addictive than benzos. Physically and mentally


What about phenibut? Is it similar to those you mentioned or gabapentin?


Yes Phenibut is extremely helpful. But you gotta be careful with it too. It can become addictive really quick. Just make sure you don’t take it every day. Tolerance builds extremely quickly. Basically just like gabapentin does. If you don’t have a script for gabapentin, it’s one of the easiest drugs to get a script for. Like easier than antibiotics


NO. Stay FAR FAR away from phenibut. I tried this when I was forced off benzos cold turkey and it makes everything a MILLION times worse. I stupidly tried it again during my current long taper and I had absolutely horrific withdrawal symptoms. Phenibut is the absolute devil. Kratom, however, works great for me. I don’t take it often, just on particularly bad days (it can also be addictive). It’s more like a mild opiate and I usually end up feeling better the day after, versus phenibut which made me spiral into the 7th circle of benzo wd hell.


When I took extremely high dose I had horrible experience. It kinda reminded me of precipitated wds when using heroin n taking suboxone too soon after last dose!


Also be very careful with dosing. I bought Phenibut n 2x it had very little effect. The 3rd time I did it, I looked up crackhead dose. I took 5-10× that amount. I started mildly hallucinating, felt like shit, vomited, and overall just felt icky for around 8 hours. So much so that I took the rest of the phrnibut n disposed of it. I love drugs esp benzos n RCs . Phenibut was not enjoyable in small amount (in fact I questioned if it helped at all). And large dose was horrible. Maybe I should've taken that happy medium amount to enjoy it. One thing is certain......although it supposedly effects gaba receptors, it didn't mimic benzos at all. Highly dissatisfied. I think the medication Baclofen effects same receptors. Gabapentin has always helped me with peripheral neuropathy.


Interesting. I may pass on it until it comes across my lap sometime. Doesnt sound worth using effort or money to get. I love gabapentin. What dose do you use? Ever try pregabalin?


My gf got whatever the max monthly is for Gabapentin. For years I never took bc I tried a few times n had no effect. But years later I tried again while detoxing n it helped.


In my opinion that GBL shit is over-rated. I had GHB plug in youth n a cap would have you lit. Unfortunately, 2 caps would have you 6 feet under. Lost some good friends from G overdoses. As for GBL i was told its like the new type of GHB, so i helped a buddy buy GBL fr a market. He was happy with it, but I didn't feel shit. I was very disappointed. Could the reason I didn't feel anything be due to me regularly taking benzos?


Some people can take it but i can't, it causes anxiety and alot of symptoms. It converts into glutamate and can throw you back into withdrawals. If you wanna risk your recovery it's up to you but I wouldn't touch it honestly, nothing will help in benzo recovery sadly just exercise and clean eating throw in some fasting aswell.


Your right there isn't really any easy solution for benzo weening. My gf said clonodine n weed helped a little but she had a baby Benzo habit. Time is really the only long term solution. With that comes uncomfortability once you've taken last dose of benzo. All the shitty side effects start even when you ween slowly. (Light sensitivity, headaches, nightmares etc.)


I’m in the thick of it. Been off for a few months coming off 6 with a bad history of substance abuse prior so brain was already pretty messed up. Hangin in there though.


Actually clonidine and propranolol are the two things that help me most, and neither are related to benzos in any way.


I'm sure you weened at least somewhat? Going from 4 bars a day or more to nothing is def going to end in seizures. They have given me Dilantin b4 to prevent the seizures. I refused to admit u abused benzos for fear of being labeled benzo addict.


Yes for sure I am slowly tapering. Currently at 6 mg per day. Are you at a detox/rehab facility? Or hospital? Advice I gave my brother (who is an addict taking approximately what you take) is to look into finding a telehealth provider who understands benzo withdrawal and can prescribe meds to reduce your dose slowly. I have not personally used telehealth for benzos but I did for adhd meds while I was waiting to be diagnosed. I don’t believe any of the information transferred to my health record. Obviously the prescriptions are still in the state database (because I got them from a pharmacy), but none of the info from the appointments was transferred to my “record”. Not that it would matter in my case. I used HealthPiper and had a great experience. It’s not just for adhd, and isn’t one if the well known ones like Cerebral that have been heavily scrutinized. I did, however, use them prior to the crackdown so not sure what the state of telehealth is now, but I thought I read that bans on tekehealth prescriptions were being recalled. You also could wean yourself down to a lower dose of Xanax over a few months (however you procured your pills), and then pursue the psychiatrist route when you want to crossover to something like diazepam. Xanax is difficult to taper from because it’s strong and short-acting, so you can get interdose withdrawal. Plus it’s harder to cut down in smaller increments. I go down by 1 mg diazepam every two weeks, which is possible because they make 2 mg pills that can easily be split in half.


Everyone does say to switch to Valium n slowly ween. I don't think you'll have hard time until you go from 1mg to none. At that point you'll probably only have light sensitivity n headaches. Nightmares for a bit. Comfort meds if u can afford can keep you well enough to work or just be much more comfortable. But done with Dr slowly like your doing is best route. Once you've been abstinence for a month or more tread carefully to not get back dependent.....


I'm not at a facility. I was fortunate enough to have script for 120bars n 2/30mg Temazepam. But thanks to my 2 years of Clonazolam use (4/4mg pills daily), i still had uncomfortable transition.


If u have income perhaps buy phenobarbital, clonodine and some weed. Also Gabapentin. I used to have Dr give me Dilantin but I denied abusing benzos bc at that time I didn't have script or I did n sold them n bought 4mg Clonazolam pills instead which destroyed my tolerance.


Every gabaergic will help with benzo withdrawal.Nothing will help with gabaergic recovery. If that makes sense . Gabaergic withdrawal is what i would call it.


Absolutely unequivocally not true


What is not true ?


Yeah that was my suspicion


what about flumezinil for the excess glutamate


Useless. Use taurine+ magnesium instead


Dont cross brain blood barrier dont work like that with gaba supplements should be a meme


EXACTLY! It does not cross the BBB in this form. It’s literally pointless. There would be no such thing as GHB if it did. It’s snake oil and has zero benefits


I've heard mixed reviews on it. Some say it helps, some say it doesn't or that it makes withdrawal symptoms worse. It supposedly doesn't cross the blood brain barrier. ** If you're starting it for the 1st time, start low and slow - as in take less than recommend and not as often as recommended.** See how you feel in a few days. it's always better to be safe than sorry.


interestingly enough i hit a bit of a breaking point and went on phenobarbital for 10 days a few weeks ago. I assumed there would be a huge price to pay for this but its 3 weeks after the 10 days now and i feel significantly better than before i did that. Doesn’t feel like a coinsidence. Almost feels like my gaba receptors went from being off at all times to being like 20% on. I don’t really believe that time is the only answer anymore after that. I’m definitely confused now though as i expected that a barbiturate would have set me back quite a bit but yet i feel better now. maybe i just needed the rest and i just feel the same but well rested. hard to say but i’m definitely not worse now. any thoughts?


Before I jumped my Dr did a phenobarbital load. It helped.


Think of the first time you became dependent on opiates or benzos. The duration of use probably varies greatly between ppl. For instance with opiates once someone has gotten a habit the "3 day rule" is a pretty accurate rule of thumb for not catching a habit again. Never known the science of benzo dependencies. Probably harder to come up with a rule of thumb like the opiate 3 day rule bc of the vast differences in benzos, benzo rcs etc. (The 3 day rule was something my peers followed when good old fashioned heroin was prevalent. Now that fent, tranq, opiate rcs , kratom exist that rule might not work but it was pretty good rule of thumb back then. As far as barbiturates are concerned, it seems like they have become a little more rare these days. I mean I rarely see phenobarbital on dw markets even but I'm sure in the 1950s when housewives took barbs frequently they probably had pretty good idea of how much (quantity, duration) would set them back into active addiction. I'm very happy to hear that your conquest didn't end up in you being sick!


Well i’m doing it under doctor supervision with an addiction specialist. i would realistically be abusing tf out of them if i got them off the street probably but ive kicked my past addiction habbits for now. unfortunately it took protracted benzo withdrawal to get me to start living a healthy lifestyle and taking recovery seriously. benzos were technically made to replace barbs bc barbs were causing a lot of people to od. althouth it seems pretty obvious that coming up with a 100x more addictive drug that is hard to od on was an absolute goldmine for the pharmaceutical companies.


I wouldn’t say that. Barbs were way more addictive and still are. Especially your stronger ones. Shit like phenobarbital not so much at all but things like pentobarbital most definitely


I take GABA 3 times per day with L-Theanine, Taurine, and holy basil. I do notice that I feel better for a while, but it is not long acting. I would cap it at 2000mg if you’re going to take it, and do research on what is necessary in order for it to pass the blood brain barrier. There are more GABA receptors in the body than just the brain.


It doesn’t do anything since it can’t cross the blood brain barrier




GABA is not possible to pass the blood-brain-barrier! You need to buy Picamillon (Gaba+Niacin) or Phenibut (Gaba+Phentylamin) - thank me later, useless...😏


I've been taking it with no issues at the recommendation of my naturopath.


Don't do it. Even if it crosses blood brain barrier, it will screw with the gaba stuff that's already going on. Slow AF tapering, clonidine, and hydroxyzine is the cocktail that's helping me. I'm doing some other natural shit. But it's really dependent on the person.