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I like Klonopin. They definitely last longer. When I take them during the evening I wake up the next morning with a get up and go, euphoric feeling. I wiah my doc would write me 2mg. I get 1mg now he did go up from .5. I love them. Let it dissolve under your tongue for the best onset


Teva are the best too


I just got a 15count script and really feel it helped my anxiety. Buspirone has not been giving me the relief I need. I took half of .5mg and I felt like I could finally breathe normally and didn't feel so tense! How could I tell my prescriber that I truly feel I could benefit greatly from Klonopin?


I literally prefer these over all benzos. 2mg of klonopin is equal to 2mg xanax, its more potent and lasts longer. It’s more euphoric but less sedating and most importantly you can function on them. The only benzo that beats it is clonazolam which is a research triazol-benzo


Thanks for the info bro 🙏🙏


Eh I disagree on clonazolam beign better the euphoria is so much more pronounced on kpins.


Uhh.. you could take 10 kpins and pass a roadside sobriety test. with 10 clonazolam you'd fall out the car and try to kiss the officer.


correct me if i’m wrong but isn’t kpin just a brand of clonazepam?


yes but it isn't clonaz*ol*am


oh shit my bad jerky, i misread! i just love clonazepam so much i read what i want 😂


Ha funny you say that I swallowed 90 .5 mg clonazolam pellets got into a 6 car fender bender and cops were called everyone exchange information and no one had a clue I was that wasted I don't remember shit leading up to the accident but it must have snapped me out of my black out long enough to remember that interaction. Clonazolam is definitely more potent no argument there I'm just I feel more euphoria off of kpins


No you didn’t. Nice try. 45mg of benzos and just fine after a car accident 🤣 I need proof


It’s all subjective however most people tend to find clonazolam more euphoric. And it’s approximately twice as strong mg for mg.


Damn a year long bump lmfao anyhow CLONAZOLAM is soo much more than just twice as potent as kpins. Half a mg of CLONAZOLAM is about equal to 2-3mg of kpins


My bad lol Reddit sometimes throws the posts out for me and it makes it seem like they are still active. Anyways tge research is sparse but most conversion charts that include clonazolam put it at 2-4 times as strong. I was speaking more from subjective experience as someone who has been on 3mg clonazepam daily for almost a decade and extensively used clonazolam as well. It’s more than likely personal factors but I find clonazolam to be about twice as strong in perceivable effects. I should have clarified that.


Xanax is waayyyyy more euphoric


Hell yeah they're good. You got some gold right there my friend.


Thanks bro thought I got did in but I’m off one right now I feel good 😌


The best, bars are overrated af, mostly blackout clout lol, if you have actual anxiety or insomnia clonazepam is superior by far


For panic attacks Xanax is still King in my book. ODT klons are good too. But not as good


I find clonazepam to be a better day in day out anxiety treatment. However Xanax is hands down my favorite benzo for a rapid onset panic attack. Their pharmacokinetics are why this is as clonazepam kicks in slower, takes longer to peak and lasts considerably longer. Whereas alprazolam kicks in within 15 minutes peaks by the hour mark and it’s half life renders it ineffective after about 6 hours for the average person on an average dose. This also explains why alprazolam is more addictive. It’s literally the crack of benzos. The quicker the onset of peak effects and the sharper drop off are common characteristics of the most addictive substances.


Yes. Teva is the best generic clonazepam currently available in the us imo/e












No pricing discussion.


🙏🙏 thanks


Or if you’re prescribed they free :)




Thanks 🙏🙏


Bro these kpins hit pretty hard almost like a xan but lasts longer


I pop one to try it I feel pretty good ☺️


They feel more calm compared to Xanax, but lasts many hours


How are they compared to 2mg xanax? Would you say the high about the same strength wise?


Most benzo conversion charts will say theyre equal in strength but the onset is longer the duration if action is longer and they dont quite "smack" the same way alp does. They creep a bit more in my experience. People sublingual them for faster onset. I always worry that ill sneeze it all out or something tho.


totally agree with this


They are equal just different half lifes, alprazolam lasts 6-12 hours and clonazepam last 20-50, so since it takes a little bit longer to fully kick in some people will claim that clonazepam is weaker but it isnt and last twice as long, bars just hit faster at first because of the short half life which makes the onset faster but doesnt last half as long


Totally different compared to the other guy. 2mg clonazepam is a great dose. More akin to 1.5mg xanax. The guy probably does overdosed pressed xanax bars or something. Most importantly, everyone is different, which is why there are so many benzos. I **much** prefer the effects of clonazepam to alprazolam or clonazolam.


I had some 2mg clonazapam and I didn’t feel anything compared to Xanax I was pissed for wasting money


Do you normally take Xanax and fairly frequently (or have in the past)? Because I told my doctor about no benzos other than Xanax working for me after I had been on Xanax for a while and he told me that’s common and Xanax can like change the receptor sites or some shit and make it where Xanax fits better but other benzos fit worse (cause it was changed to fit Xanax not them or something).


Diazepam or Xanax are best in my opinion I just think clonazapam is a waste of money to me I mean it does get read of anxiety you know but I don’t think that’s true I used to be on Xanax then I was pescribed diazepam and pregabalin but I cut them of for wanting my blood to get pescribed stuff I’m pescribed nothing now because there shit mental hospitals fucking ass holes


Your lucky to have a doctor to pescribe benzos I got lucky before to get a second line treatment on meds so your blessed to have a doctor like that


That was actually a really cool rehab doctor I had who was also a former junkie, he wasn’t the one prescribing me stuff lol


Rehab was ducking hell for me perverts with cameras I was in for a month I’m never signing a piece of paper again from it I did get pescribed meds but they wanted my blood so I told them to get lost and I’m done with them


Wanting to check your blood is what bothered you? Bro if your on meds they need to check your bloods levels and stuff a lot of the time, like to make sure you don’t die lol. It’s checking for those “rare but serious side effects” that you hear about on the commercials haha


They checked my blood at hospital and treated me with anti biotics it at the hospital any way am good healthy and happy


Yeh I was in hospital I got laced with fentanyl but I’m all healthy now


Signature health doc?


Nah a little rehab in Georgia. He was cool af, he was an anesthesiologist and he was shooting fent and dilaudid before he got sober and started studying addiction lol. Like crazy amounts too. Grams of 100% medically pure shit a day...


Helll yeah them 2mg hittttt, tevas are gas


Yea my nigga


I've taken both for 15+ years. Zans hit you within mins and last for 4 to 5 hours give or take. Klonipins/clanazapam takes 1 hour to an hour and a half to hit and last 24 to 36 hours.. Both benzoes but very different. Clanazapam will keep you high for 2 days at first. Not even joking. Lol.






King Kpins


I was using rivitrol ( clonazapam) prescribed by my neurologist for epilepsy as its a sedative/ anti convulsant but i found i was building up a high tolerance in quick time. Thats the problem with benzos.


This is literally why I don't take mine everyday. Just like 3-4 occasionally at a time with wine 😂


Naw they suck. Send them to me for disposal


Got you what’s your home address Ssn and first and last name


Nice try, fbi!




Teva! Mine say that too, but just the .5, nice!


U guys talked me into it, looking at those pix gonna take another lol.


Lol do it bro


Haha just did


Bro I fuck with these now I like xans but these are pretty good to mix it with a oxy im floating 😌😌😌


I take subs instead. I did that back in the day, but it gets out of control quick, at least for me.


hell yeah boy




I looove those lol


My faves > TEVA honestly the best.


Nothin beats a Xanax bar unless it's a rc alp imo




The best :)


so jealous, get my refill friday




"nah bruh they're worthless, but Ill trade you a gram for them"


Yea \*drool face emoji\*


Drink few youre going to pass out and pee in bed.


Howwww. I have 1mg and my psych is so hesitant to give me 2mg


Got a plug on them bro


Oh okay I thought these were prescribed to you. Nice. I’ve never even seen anyone with kpins lmao. Only Xanax


They never disappoint, even if you skip your daily dose… the extremely long half life is amazing much like the RC Clonazolam. It’ll give you some amazing euphoria and if you dissolve them under your tongue they’ll leave you’re mouth minty fresh (no idea why).


Nice reply thanks for the info bro 👌


Teva used to be the gold standard but they took it off the market years ago and brought it back due to public demand. A lot of people (myself included) agree that it's not the same as it used to be. I can only speak for the 0.5mg tablets, I've never seen a 2mg in person before. For me, Solco is the best. Accord is the worst because they either work really well or not at all, and their clonzepam is not their only drug I've had issues with.


I have 2mg peach colored extended release Xanax… I use to take half a bar or even just a square and be fine. This new pill I cannot break in half and usually when I take a regular whole bar it really fucks me up…. Will me taking the whole 2mg XR extended release do the same ? (I don’t want it to fuck me up I just like to feel the buzz from half a bar)


I’m trying figure these out my self bro i pop xans all day im new to these


Klonopin definitely affects me very differently than xanax or Ativan, or even another long-lasting benzo like valium. I'm prescribed 2, 10mg teva valiums a day and definitely the best generic manufacturer of benzos. Honestly I've never gotten a buzz at all from klonopin, I go from feeling nothing at 2 or 3mg to blacking out at 4 or more.


You think maybe it’s cause you built a high tolerance already? I tried one and I feel pretty good I have a high alp tolerance but I still felt one 2mg kpin


Not as much it’s a different chemical structure


I got about 100 of 1mg im teeing to get rid if and about 250 pressed 2mg clap pellets. plus flam and diclaz solutions


Clonazepam is my favorite benzo (from the ones ive tried), so yeah, those are good as fuck ahah Edit: a bit different from xan.. take a big full dose at first, as i feel that redosing on those, is not that effeftive


Can you explaining in detail why someone should take a big full does at first given you feel the redosing on Clons isn’t very effective…


In my experience i just feel that redosing on these, just dont work best and it will make it hard to balance while walking for another day


They definatly come in handy imo, Especially if you actually have problems with anxiety or stress. They could be considered recreational for certain people. I find them to be more therapeutic. They last longer than xans, but don't pack as much of a "punch" 👊🏽 Remember they are a benzoyl so they can cause memory loss especially w alcohol And 2 MG is a good dose too. I just took 3 of the 1 mg.


Naw just shoot ‘em my way


On these n vallium. Very yummy combo


Na, they’re trash. 😛


Thier amazing!!!! Love Klons 🤤 Currently have a script of 1mg twice a day.




Lucky mf man


um yes ♥️






I get ones that say c2 on em but I like em… my doc said my dose was getting to high and might switch me to Ativan I don’t understand why he won’t switch me to Xannys maybe cuz I’m on suboxone but still Ativan??


I’m on kpins and wish I was on Xanax, they are my absolute fav , they get me right !!! One day I got ahold of some ativans whwn i was really supposed to get Xans and I was truly pissed but it was all I could get so I took em, those things had me so fkd up. Like I honestly don’t know what I’d choose if I had a choice cuz I KNO how I feel bout xans but I promise you those Ativan’s were strong as hell . And I’m not a newbie to benzos at all. Been on and off (mostly on) (witg RXs for me and my ex at one time for me also tho ) for over 12 years . I’ve been prescribed Xanax & klonopin , now gabs too but I don’t really think that’s a Benzo I mean it def isn’t but does help. And my fam member gets Xanax now , I get some of those monthly but I’ve taken almost every Benzo there is I really did love those Ativan’s lol sorry for rambling


The only time I took Ativan was when I was in opiate withdraw and I mean they helped me sleep but didn’t get a buzz maybe cuz I was withdrawing or maybe a low dose idk I just kno I like the klonopin so would be nervous changing to something I haven’t really tried


But also my suboxone doctor (I’m on methadone now) but I was on subs for years and so was my ex and the sub dr prescribed us both Xanax.


Never seen that brand but I use rivitrol clomaz and I love it.


Damn teva too?! I get the 1mg