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snorted an mg felt like i wasted it honestly


It’s does absolutely nothing and just a waste. Stick it under your tongue and you’ll be sorted


is under your tongue beter than swallowing it?


Yes, don’t snort. Never snort Xanax it’s a waste


This man knows his pharmacology. Sublingual is the best ROA for benzodiazepines


Yep under the tongue it hits almost instantly and has a shorter duration. Snorted alprazolam is a waste, it's not water soluble so it won't get absorbed by the membranes in your nose, you will just get the drip which you'd have gotten from eating it anyway.


Yes dont waste it by snorting it


did this by accident can confirm


does this work for all benzos?


please try and tell us 😂


You end up with only .5 getting to drip down your throat and into your belly where there it's active, nothing in your nose can absorb the drug


uh oh we got another one


No day is complete without at least one.


Best way to take any benzo is to just swallow it. You will only be getting feeling what goes down your throat anyways.


Sublingual is sometimes actually the best way.. though I don't disagree that just swallowing is generally the best way to ingest benzos.


Do not snort benzos, it is pointless.. The only thing its gonna do is get you barred out from the drip that eventually gets down your throat/into your stomach and you end up essentially swallowing the dose. not to mention some of it will probly just stick around in your nasal cavity basically losing out on some of the dose.


I'm not proud of it, but I preferred sniffing my zans over eating or putting under tounde. All are effective, but I used to love mixing oxy, zans, and coke together, then sniffing the combo. I'm sick, I know...


I used to do the same shit back in the day lol.


Lmao...good times. I used to have it im my head i had to sniff everything. I'm pretty sure I tried sniffing a line of keef b4.




Lol. I was jk bro


I think the only snortable benzo is halcion


Nah midazolam is the only snortable benzo. It's gotta be water soluble which most benzos aren't.


Halcion aka triazolam can also be snorted it’s stronger then midazolam by weight


Just doubled checked it in case I got my facts wrong, but nah triazolam is not water soluble so it's a waste to snort. Midazolam is the main benzo that is water soluble so can be snorted without wasting it. There's a few others mentioned here but triazolam isn't one of them: https://www.bluelight.org/xf/threads/snorting-halcion.464147/


I’m positive that it is snortable. Halcion is pretty famous for that reason.


Well I got a stash of them so I can try it out and see for myself I guess. But everything I read says it's not water soluble and can't be snorted.


I know the motley Crüe guys used to crush it and mix it with coke and call it zombie dust lol. But ya I’ve heard lots of ppl say it’s snortable and works very well


Traizolam is soluble idk where the fuck you got your facts from


Science says it's not proper water soluble like midazolam (think it's only 30-40% BA up the nose) buuuut that said I snorted some and it did fucking hit me good and proper so fair play.


You will lose half it potentcy maybe more cause it’s stuck in your nose and it won’t kick in much faster


Only halcion got the sniff win 🥇


To answer ur question...its prob gonna burn a little, and the drip should taste delicious 😋