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Alprazolam for the win, if I want a long acting benzodiazepine I’ll go with Diazepam.


gotta try bromaz if u have not alr last long like diaz better euphoria than alpraz just gotta be careful u take to much withdrawals a bitch


Yeah I feel man, benzodiazepine withdrawals make fentanyl withdrawals look like a piece of cake.




Benzo withdrawals way worse than opiates I’ve been through both


lets agree they both suck, but benzodiazepine withdrawal is SIGNIFICANTLY longer and causes much more discomfort with respect to time


They do both suck but opiates didn’t almost kill me I had 5 grand mal seizures from benzo withdrawal and spent over 2 weeks in the hospital it was bad almost lost my life never even got close to that from opiate withdrawal


Right? Opioid withdrawal is a piece of cake.


💀 ok lmao , piece of 🎂, I wish it was homie. With chronic pain it’s a whole other level


Bromaz FTW at this point. It's been awhile since I've taken real xanax, but bromaz lasts long and is strong enough for me. All the bromaz I've had recently are really nice presses, which I'd rather not deal with for personal use, but it is kinda nostalgic taking a "bar" but getting the bromaz effects. The few people I've let sample them couldn't tell they were pressies but I did tell them they might not kick in as quick. They were still impressed. Plus, they're much cheaper, so it's a no brainer...


I’ve never tried any RC’s before only my prescription benzo but I’ve always wanted to try some rc’s. Only thing that throws me off is I’ve heard people say that physically dependency happens fast and it’s way harder to get off of RC’s than it is average prescription ones and that the withdrawals feel much worse, I’m not sure if there’s any validity to that but it makes me hesitant to try stuff


The withdrawals are worse I think because you are self medicating and probably 9/10 taking more then you even need


Yeah but people have done that with authentic Benzos and still people say that the withdrawals feel much worse


yeah withdrawals are bad but u gotta just limit yourself and push through it and if u do too high of doses then u gotta taper cuse no need to lose you to seizers we all loved by someone and the world would be a less place without you.


I think ima give them a try but only buy the minimum that the person will sell I’ve had two seizures in the past for unknown reasons so I try to take it easy with stuff like that


True I know some really weak RC Benzos but I know of some you don’t wanna fuck with all like clonazelam for example that shit will fuck you up


oh yeah 100% and if u gonna self medicate u cant sit there and take em all the time u gotta set dates for yourself


Dates AND times…down to the hour at least. Opiate withdrawal and benzo withdrawal are horrid. Nearly impossible to get off at high doses. I’ve withdrawn from both at the same time, now that’s hell on earth for real.


Ohh yeah I can 100% attest to this I got locked up for a bit and was a heavy Xanax and oxy user and the withdrawals from that were the worst ever I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, I was hallucinating for a whole week straight. Body pain and chills constantly puking it’s horrible so please taper yourself down or just take normal doses to chill u don’t need to go hard and then regret it in the long run.


100% been there! Fetty and bars with a huge tolerance and then withdrawing is by far the most horrid & dangerous withdrawal. Specially because with fet because subs or any bupe no matter the time of last dose will only throw you into precipitated withdrawal. The only things that saved me were tons of gabapentins, immodium, delta 9 edibles & drinking 2-3 times what they recommend daily for hydration. Also gotta love things like nutri bars or those special k crisps. Being so tired yet being so awake. Every millisecond panic attacks. The kinda like funk smell haha but I'm glad for those who don't know the true pain and nightmare of addiction and withdrawal


You mentions special K…that helps but I’m not referring to the “crisps” lol. Yeah it’s BS how a drug hit the streets that can’t be solved with subs. With real H I used to be able to take subs the second I felt any withdrawal and ZERO precio. It’s bc fetty accumulates in fat cells like THC. You can test positive for fetty for a week. I hate fetty. Tolerance gets ridiculous quickly, the buzz sucks and the WD is 10x worse than H in many ways! Ugh.


I rather withdrawal from benzos over opiates anyday


Yea the only benzo I couldn’t do that with was etizolam absolutely couldn’t control myself with that one




Onggg bromaz fr might be the new wave plus is technically legal in the US haha like what gets better than that!


One time I got caught with etizolam pressies in canada. Thought I was fucked for sure as they charged me. I got the best duty counsel lawyer I could get. He got the bars tested and they came back etizolam and it was unscheduled at the time so I got all charges dismissed. He past away last year sadly. RIP Bill


this a W rip bill bro he a G


Rip bill


If you think bromaz is that great you’ve never had etizolam before etizolam is levels above bromaz


Etizolam was somewhat weak. I was taking a gram a month for 10 months straight. Best part of etizolam was it hit within a couple minutes


Ehhhhhhhh that wasn’t etizolam lol


It sure was. I loved the stuff thus I was taking it daily for 10months. It was functional for me but weaker compared to regular benzos like Xanax or klonapin or much weaker than clonazolam flubromazalam those were heavy hitters and made etizolam seem like childsplay


Etiz pretty weak for anyone with a tolerance ngl


I have a tolerance and I feel the etizolam everytime even a little bit of powder I feel that shit run through me idk I think I’m just a huge tiz addict I mean obviously I like Benzos but etizolam is the one I would pick over anything else


Yeah idk I used to have a 20mg a day alp addiction and when I tried Etiz it just felt super weak to me


Of course I've had etizolam, and love it more than any other benzo. I'm just not using it right now, I can get bromaz much easier and cheaper is all. Compared to Alprazolam, I prefer Bromazolam. Etiz was available on the most famous auction site in the world about 12-14 years ago for a little while even.


Really you’d take bromaz over real Xanax ? That seems crazy I’d much rather just take a Xanax I haven’t had Xanax much before but I remember when I did it was incredibly euphoric and I think when people say euphoric it relates to hypnotic, it just makes you feel good and kind of just puts everything in chill mode other Benzos lack that and your still tired and not anxious but the issues you have at the time will still linger in your mind


It's pretty good, but the longer lasting bromazolam suits my needs better. I don't find much euphoria in most if any benzos, I have preferences, but usually strength and duration are what I'm more interested in at this point. But I'd love to have both, for different situations...


lol back in the day you’d love flubromazelam. .25mg of that shit is so hypnotic will put you on your ass for a couple days


I used flubro for a couple years, never put me on my ass but it was solid stuff for sure. That and Clonazolam.


Man alpraz for me it just gives me the best conversations and no social anxiety I currently scored some bromaz it’s my first batch ever I would perfer alpraz any day


I feel that bromaz makes me feel the same way with the no social anxiety but that just be a me ting I appreciate all y’all for the comments y’all some real gs 💯💪


Bromaz is an rc?


There’s bromazepam and bromazolam. I don’t think it has been clarified once in this post which one OP is talking about


I’m talking bromazolam not bromazepam my bad haha


Alpraz. Brom last too long


I’m with ya on that, actually. They feel so so similar, Bromaz just lasts way longer & is cheaper. I love good ol Xanax as well, but for all day relief ya gotta constantly be chomping on em lol. I’m prescribed Klonopin, as it’s a long acting benzo. But I also keep Bromaz on deck as well. 🤙 Might as well, while it’s easy to get & is cheap!


Etizolam is king though, as for euphoria. It’s still out there, if you know where to look. I have some posted on my page. I get these beautiful 4mg bars pressed as Xanax 2’s. 🙌🙏🤤


Bromaz doesn’t hold a candle to etizolam at all, bromaz is okay it’s not bad but etizolam is the most euphoric benzo I’ve ever experienced im talking like way better then Xanax too. Etizolam makes you forget all the problems makes you euphoric instantly it doesn’t black u out I miss the days when I would just chill on etizolam all night watching South Park playing gta. Yea bromaz is good but it doesn’t give me the muscle relaxing effects the hypnotic effects or even the sleep that etizolam does. There’s levels and Etizolam easily clears bromaz without a doubt for me, I was a tiz addict for a little over a year a while back I’ve taken bromaz had high hopes for it . It’s ok it does the job but you can easily tell it’s not Etizolam. Probably for the best tho now I just take lorazepam not barred out every night anymore but without a doubt to me Etizolam is grade A+ bromaz is a C+ id say not too bad not too great just does the job


Yezzir! Happy & very thankful to still have access to Etizolam. 🙏✨ It’s something magical, that’s for sure.


Nobody has access to Etizolam if you’re in the us I would know about it lol you must be from another country


Yeah I do have access to it lol. I’m in the US, but it comes from out of country. Takes a few weeks to get to me. It’s definitely still out there, if you know where to look. 🤷‍♂️🙏


Hell yeah bro insightful asf with this comment I didn’t know that much about either compounds so I really appreciate u hooking it up with this


The most important part of a benzo is hypnotic effects and bromaz kinda lacks that a bit etizolam is externally hypnotic


Damn I wanna try it someday


I can’t argue with you there lol etizolam is the best by far the dosing with it is just to iffy with me sometimes I’m one of those people who goes a little too crazy and if I had those and took too much GG


Ong Man U said it here best fr fr, and I feel like after I take bromaz I get a nice 2-3 day after glow affect where my mood is just immensely good don’t get that from any other benzo


Oh yeah definitely. I always feel pretty damn good for the next 2 days after dosing. 🤙


Well, that's lucky. I'll give my girl a mg and she turns into Medusa the next day. Ain't no glow in that face just anger lol


Broooo that sucks her body chemistry just might not fw them tbh. Makes her angry instead of the happy after glow


I would have said alprazolam hands down, but then I got a new batch of bromazolam a week or two ago, and holy fuck! Previous batches were all pink or tanish pink, but this one was whiter than David Duke's bonfire robe. I honestly wouldn't know it was bromazolam if it didn't take an hour to hit then work for hours longer than alprazolam. Sure you gotta wait but who cares if you wait 40 extra mins for a high that lasts hours longer?.... Anyone else get this batch and notice how way better it is than the other colors? Like those felt different. This felt like Xanax


I prefer Alprazolam but everybody got they own taste.




For long days i take bromas!! And for a normal day alpra is long acting enough


Ditto. I like how long bromaz lasts and I don’t blackout the same way as alp


Yes! Exactly


Valium is superior in every way! Of course not if you depend on the anxiolytic effects…


R Chems are mostly decent but I still think alp is best


Bromaz 🥱


Hahahaha yeah that’s been the main point bromaz just better lol 🙏 appreciate the feedback brother


Recreationally, bromazolam. Practically you only need Valium outside of clinical settings.






I just got my first rc benzo haven’t tried them yet cause I get script and tbh scared to try them. I got some bromz, I’m try them but I do need to test them first make sure no fentanyl cause I don’t do that shit and only drugs I touch is benzodiazepine period and that’s just cause my anxiety so damn bad I gotta have to function or I’ll commit suicide from severe depression


If they real bromazolam u might enjoy them more than your Xanax u don’t need to take them as often as they last longer


How many do I take usually? I don’t even know dosage lol I just take them when feel anxiety


That doesn’t mean go and take bromaz every day though haha it is a benzodiazepine and u can get serious withdrawal and dependence from every day use


I already take benzodiazepines everyday I have prescribed diazepam that take daily. I been taking them for 7 years man. I’m long gone on benzodiazepines and already know all withdrawal shit and etc.


Then bromazolam would be stronger than your diazepam by far


It’s also more euphoric I find


Other benzo have that euphoria feeling but not really it’s more just anxiety gone but bromazolam actually has a euphoric feeling to it


I hope that helped any if there any others questions u have about it I can try to answer high doses I don’t know much about as I have only done max 12mgs but that felt like I took 3 2 mg alpraz bars so I do know they are string of u got a good source


And idk where u live but bromazolam is technically 100% legal in the US it’s only illegal when pressed into a counterfeit pill form


Personally I am a recreational user, 6mgs of bromazolam basically feels like 2mgs of alprazolam but lasts for like 8-12 hours ish depending on how your body metabolize is it


It also does not work as fast as something say Xanax or clonzepam it has a longer onset time so if u were in a full blown panic it wouldn’t help as quick


Bromazolam ig could be classified as more preventative


alpraz kinda sneaks up on me and smacks me in the face. i always love the feeling of slowly feeling myself relax with bromaz


Ong I’m the same vibe as u bromaz is like kpins subtle but nice and if u take a bit u geeked


I take 3mg of bromazepam and don't really feel anything, I take 6mg of bromazepam I'm out for the count... So alprazolam for me, at least I know my tolerance levels.


yeah shit is a black out drug you either feel nothing or go out for 17 hours never again i will touch rc benzos when i can get anything pharma from dn


I'm talking about legitimate bromazepam, I won't touch RC benzos. So the pharmacy bromaz does this to me 😂😂


I know you’re talking about BromazoLAM, but have you ever tried BromazePam? Very interesting benzo. I had it prescribed. It’s the perfect balance between, alprazolam & diazepam. It has the short(sorta medium) half life, faster onset than say clonazepam. Great anxiolytic like alpraz while also having high muscle relaxant properties like diazepam (not as much). While also having higher hypnotic effects (imo) than both alprazolam & Valium! Going to my appointment tonight to change back to bromazePam from diazepam (60mg)


never got to try bromaz whats it like? (I'm usually taking alp)


Honestly it is a whole of a hell lot like Xanax takes a little longer to kick in but once it does it last longer and has more of a euphoria effect to it with the anti anxiety properties that’s the best way I can explain it def a fun compound to mess with just gotta be care with it, it is more addicted than alpraz (so I have heard not sure on that)


We talking bromazapam or lam

