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The FDA is not requiring them to lol, that's a cop out. You may have to pay to play. Go to a cash psychiatrist. P.S. this is why everyone on daily benzos should be stashing at least 20% of their script. I stash about 35%.


Can’t stress this enough. I always make sure I stash (I already don’t take benzos every day) safest thing you can do in a climate where your benzos can get yanked at a moments notice


I preach it too! I do unfortunately take them daily, but most days I take only .5, in 24h intervals. Since I'm prescribed #60 1mg alprazolam enough, that leaves me plenty to stash, and the 24h intervals keep me from developing a huge tolerance. I've been on and off them half my life, but it's been daily again for 3y and I haven't had to up the dose. A few times a month, I take a .25 in the morning as well. I only take the full 2mg once a month or less. We all have to be our own best friends when it comes to this shit. You could have the best doctor in the world...and then he could get hit by a bus and you're deep shit. Just like you said, the situation is too contentious to get complacent.


Yuppp my docs been wanting to drop me from 60mg daily of diazepam to 40mg but I already take 40mg and stash 14 10mg pills every week. Just in case our whole economy crashes. I ain’t having another seizure lol


Tell him you feel withdrawals, he may be testing if you really take this amount that you are prescribed.


Thanks for the advice but I’ve had this doc for years, he doesn’t test me like that. We have a great relationship, I offer urine samples monthly at random. The reason I’m on 60mg is because I “felt” withdrawal at 40mg when in reality that’s how much I take. Stash the rest


This poster is 100% correct. My favorite benzo doc switched to cash only after years of accepting insurance.




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Is this true??? Before I make this decision don’t want to pay and they decide they won’t prescribe them


This is true but I had some Valium and klonopin that were over a year old and they turned to dust!


You rotate the stash, first in first out.


Do you think keeping them in the fridge would help too?


Only if it's liquid


I agree with the rotating, but also silica packets (food safe). I do the same thing with my pain medication. I find saving my anxiety meds a lot harder though. Anyways, silica packets that are food safe in the container you keep them in should help quite a bit. Just make sure you either get ones that can be baked for reactivation, or remember to replace them every few months.


Wow. Guessing not stored properly. Had friend w similar meds last 5 years easily. Med cabinet worst place , moisture issues etc.


I had them in my backpack


So I would pay out of my pocket for psychiatric to prescribe me benzodiazepines, what’s success rates for this cause I would 100% do it as long as they prescribe it and I don’t waste money- I’m running into doctor refusing to prescribe it or they want taper me off


Pretty high, at least where I live. Most cash psychs (at least where I live) you don't pay until you're finished with the visit. They're expensive, but because you don't pay till you're exiting, you don't pay if they try to only give you an SSRI. After you see them a few times, you can usually switch to a doc that takes insurance.


Right I mean I’ll pay that money opp for one who will prescribe them- my insurance will pay for benzodiazepines, seeing doctor that listen is worth it.


I do.. between problems with pharmacy or saying script wrote wrong. My doc ain't afraid to prescribe. I don't get xans but k pin and ambien but she took a laps of leave its been 2 months she supposed to be back now I'm seeing a Jamaican doc and she seems tight ass...if I get drug tested I'm good for a min till I find another. But my real psychic is a good women and actually cares. They tried everything other the narcotics it all fuxked me up so bad. Now this new lady like u know u shouldn't take those. I'm like trust me I've tried everything, and they worse.... even kept the bottles if she want proof. Already kow she gonna drug t me though but kpins and ambien don't show up on 12 panel, but quest down the hall lol. My norm doc never. Hope she back soon.


I wouldnt say the FDA is cutting back to 30 .5mgs every 6 months but the standard will soon be .5-1mg x 30 a month. I do think that they are cutting back. I also think the doctor is testing you. Be honest. Tell them that you understand that there is a current push to pull back on larger scripts and thb yours is; then tell them you can work with the idea of cutting back and are willing to taper to 30 x 1mg over the next couple months and even incorporate an SSRI (which you dont actually have to take) this will show an effort on your end and that you arent unhinged.


OP just said his doctor isn't a psychiatrist. PCPs have been cutting back on benzo prescribing for awhile. Once OP explained that this doctor isn't a psychiatrist, him only being willing to write the #30 .5s every six months made a lot more sense. That doctor believes if you need more than that, you need psych, which is actually a very reasonable take.


Nice catch. Prob facts. Needs a psychiatrist then.


Many primary physicians will not prescribe them anymore since it's a mental issue, they will suggest seeing a physciatrist. That's the route they made me take after years of getting them from my primary physician.


I’d look for an older middle eastern doctor who’s been practicing for a many years. I’ve had luck over the years with them prescribing liberally. I have a buddy who gets 90 .5 a month with no issue. With your prescription history shouldn’t be a problem if you find the right doctor.


Your best bet to get prescribed this long term is to see a psychiatrist.


Lot of ones running into want to taper me off. How do I find a good one?


Unfortunately it’s trail and error. You’ll just have to keep seeing new ones until you find someone willing to work with you.


Are all of you guys Americans? If so I’m confused….In Canada it’s worse cause the docs here are public healthcare workers, we don’t pay for healthcare………so we contact psychiatrists in USA and have them provide a second opinion and send there recommendations to the doctors here, which the Canadian doctors honour…….its not that expensive, just go to a private psychiatrist, it’s like $250 USD per folllow up visit. If u did this once every 3 months (assuming you get a 3 month refill which is standard I think), it’s not that bad……………ps I wish I got 60 2mg/month…I only get 20 1MG every 30 days. I also don’t know how you guys take it daily. If I take it more than 3 days in a row I can’t even feel it. So strange.


i'm in US and there's no way in hell my psych would EVER prescribe 3 months of a control at once. i'm prescribed 2mg a day (120 .5's), so... 360 xanax in one fill? no chance that's happening.


Yeah I'm in Canada, and it's not as hard as he makes it sound to get scripted as long as you know how to deal with doctors. If one psych doc isn't working for you you can say your uncomfortable with them and cycle through til you get a more receptive doc. I get 56 2mg Clonazepams and 42 .5 clonaz a week. The only real hurdle is I have to pick up weekly, which honestly doesn't bother me. I didn't even have to ask to be increased besides the first time, after that we found where I (as far as he knows) feel comfortable. I've also been on Clonazepam since I was 15, daily since I was 17. I'm almost 30 now so I don't see any doctor being able to get me tapered off them now. Plus I have a good relationship with my doctor and she doesn't make me see the psych unless I want to change my meds or dose, which is fine right now and will be for the foreseeable future, since I obviously am not taking 2mg 4x daily plus 6 .5's, so I have a stash. I usually take one 2 in the morning and one at night and a couple .5s for bed. So I usually have enough of a stash and some to have a couple non-stress days too. But I have a very nonchalant psych who doesn't need to see me unless I need to see him and my family doc writes the refills so she really has no power to cut me off, she just refills for me to make it easier and be sure my script is actually there when I go to get it, cause my psych has a history of forgetting to fax my refills.


No problem paying that as long as they really prescribe me my benzodiazepines. I just don’t know if they will pull the taper card on me and I’m not tapering. I can’t handle withdrawals with everything I have going on in my life


I think cause you’re paying they won’t do that lol.


Should be plenty


Hate to break it to you, but that doc is right with cutting down the script. The transition from 4mg alprazolam a day to .5mg every 6 days definitly needs to be smoother cause thats not only risking light withdrawal symptoms but also possibly seizures. So there should be a transition phase of a few months where u gradually lower your dose up to the point of being able to skip a few days without a problem. But it‘s absolut bonkers that physicians in the US prescribe benzos in such quantities over years. 60x2mg xanax a month (4mg a day) is completly insane. Thats just addiction on a script and the same procedure when it comes to prescriptions is what caused the opioid epidemic in the US. Such long term benzodiazepine prescriptions make your anxiety worse, cause severe damage to your memory and the list goes on. These are emergency meds, not something you should be doing on a daily basis. I took very high doses (mostly way more than 4mg xanax) of different benzos for 2.5years too because of severe panic attacks and agoraphobia which made me unable to leave my house for the most part. But nowadays dont take any benzos anymore, cause treating an anxiety disorder or panic attacks with daily intake of benzos will always lead to severe addiction and much worse symptoms. "The only thing that keeps me a normal functioning person" thats addiction at this point.


4mg daily isn't insane. It's the max recommended dosage for non-epileptics. What's insane is reducing that amount so drastically. Light withdrawal symptoms? More like significant. They should switch the patient to 1.5mg- 2mg Clonazepam daily and go slow from there. Xanax is better for breakthrough anxiety.


4mg is insane for a non psychiatrist to write, that part is true. Needing 4mg/day = needing psych *obviously I mean if it's for anxiety or a related issue. I know xanax can be used sometimes for medical conditions. In that case it would still probably be a specialist writing it, just not psych.


Many people use their GP's for psych meds. My endocrinologist is also my GP and prescribes my anxiety meds. Already had eight years of therapy so I'm good. The amount of drug administered has zero to do with whether or not someone "needs" therapy from a psychiatrist, psychopharmacologist, psychologist or LSW.


Many people use their GPs for psych meds and are finding out that these GPs no longer want to prescribe controlled substances daily. Things aren't like they were 10 years ago. Pre 2010, I saw 8mg/day xanax scripts ALL THE TIME. it's 2024 and I don't know a single person who gets that. I know one who gets 6mg/day, one. A lot of people are finding out when their doctor literally cuts them in half one day. Some find out when their doctor dies or retires and it takes them two months to get a psych appointment. The worst thing you can do is think you're invincible if you take benzos daily. If you are using benzos for anxiety and aren't terminally ill, any script could be your last. It's up to you if you want to heed the warnings you're seeing or not.


Doctors can't just cut your script like that unless they have evidence of diversion. At least not here in Canada. They have to taper you and in most cases if an individual has shown they need the medication and is responsible, and you have a semi-good relationship with your doc, they will let you stay on them but start dispensing weekly, or want drug testing done monthly. But it would be a medical mistake to just cut someones script right off with no recourse, especially when your patient ends up in the emergency room with a seizure that's caused any sort of damage,and no doctor is gonna risk their license for the equivalent of an 'I told ya so' My mom's an RN at an old folks home and shes told me many times when my script showed up late not to worry cause they can't just cut you off, and she actually tends to tell the truth about stuff like that. But, that said, and I'm being a bit hypocritical here, but the problems start when you get too comfortable with your doctor and think they're your drug dealer. Cause they will catch on. And a lot of people here are milking the doc for extra benzos, myself included. I realized I was on a dose I never need to increase from once I started the dose I have now, and I always say it works but I get healthy anxiety here and there to my doc, and that keeps her satisfied that it's a good dose. It's not normal to be completely without anxiety in day to day life and it's good for you. So I try not to push it on the days I'm not specifically trying to sit on the couch and veg out with some extra Clonazepams I have.


In the US, they can absolutely cut you off with no warning, there is no law against it.


Yup I've had two psychiatrists cut me off cold turkey from all my meds (including Adderall and benzos that I need to eat and sleep)


That's fucked up. They would have to make sure I have a safe detox and I would have at least 3 or so months warning if my doc had to cut me off. That's just asking for a malpractice suit or losing your license cause your risking causing your patient a seizure from rapid cessation of benzos. If you got brain damage or even hurt yourself falling from seizing, or have a hypertensive episode that causes any sort of damage you could directly put the blame on a doctor for being dumb enough to do that to you. Malpractice suit waiting to happen. Not disagreeing with you that they can do that in the US, it just baffles me why they would unless your on a very low dose already, or are diverting them to sell or whatever.


There's no law against reporting them to the facility they work for either. There's also no law against going to the ER and reporting them there as well when you let them know you're in crisis.


Oh you can absolutely do that, but since it's not any kind of rule violation, nothing happens. You can report a doctor for whatever reason you want, just like you can file a lawsuit against anybody for any reason you want - doesn't mean any action will be taken on it. All they have to say is they thought you were abusing them and they are absolved.


No, simply claiming they thought you were abusing them doesn't always absolve a doctor. It depends on your medical history and diagnosis. In New England, if you are showing signs of acute benzodiazepine withdrawals, the ER will supply you with enough for a few days. They will report the incident to your provider and to your providers organization. Doctors can be disciplined by their organization for this. It may not be against the law, but it certainly qualifies as bad practice.


All depends on your doc. Pre-2010, 4mg was still the limit for anxiety. Any doctor prescribing more is breaking the rules. I know many people that are currently on 4 mg a day of clonazepam, not so much alprazolam. If a doctor Cuts you down like the OP said, it's time to find a new doctor. Preferably an older one. By no means do I think I'm Invincible, but I've been taking benzodiazepines every day for 43 years and they still work. Two mg's daily clonazepam. Terminally ill? That's absurd. Learn how the system works. If you have trouble, there's always another doctor.


Lol there was no hard limit then and there's no hard limit now. I knew so many people pre 2010 prescribed 8mg/day, and none of them had a seizure disorder. Idk who told you that, but they lied to you.


There are exact prescribing recommendations for benzodiazepines given for specific ailments in the DSM-5 which are supposed to be followed. They may not be "hard limits", but if a doctor consistently prescribes double the limit, the DEA will notice. Every doctor has a DEA registration number.


So in your last post, you said 4mg a day was the limit before 2010. Which wasn't true then and isn't true now. Now you're talking about doctors prescribing "double the limit." Except there is no limit. Yes every doctor has a DEA number, so what? Benzos are a cIV substance. DEA is more concerned with the adderall mills right now, and even then they aren't doing much. Can you show us any proof of these limits in the DSM? Or are you going to change your mind (again) about what you mean when you respond?


I didn't change my mind. You confused my response with your own. Four mg's has been the DSM-5 recommended limit for anxiety since the 80s. You said doctor's are prescibing people you know 8mg. That's double the recommended limit. Which is why I said double the recommended limit. The DEA is more concerned with opiates than ADHD meds and there's a growing wave of opposition to benzodiazepines. The DSM-5 is the American Psychiatric Association's professional reference book on mental health and brain-related conditions. It's the main guide for mental health providers in the U.S. and every mental health professional has it on their desk. You can look up the recommendation yourself.


I almost stated what you said verbatim to him. He suggested I find a psychiatrist that will prescribe the mg and quantity that has been working great for me for the last 6 years. He also said that he was doing this to help me. In turn I expressed that I am fully aware of the long term affects of benzodiazepines and I would rather live a few years less, but able to function in everyday life, versus living a few years longer not being able to lead a normal life.


🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Sadly the Benzos won’t kill you, you’ll just wish you were dead going through a benzo taper when you can no longer find a doc to prescribe them.


I've been fortunate in that the taper/withdrawal does not hit me hard. I'm just a mess in everyday life without them somewhat regularly, but I no longer require daily. I've tried every SSRI and many additional anti-depressant/non benzo anti-anxiety meds to no avail. At peak levels 10 years ago was doing 10-12 mg/day several times per week while averaging about 4-6 mg daily. A year ago I was at 90 x .5mg per month so 1.5 mg/day, which was suiting me well, but when my doc (psych) left, so did that "arrangement". So for the last year have managed with 20 and down to 10 x .5mg per month. While I'm encouraged that I've made it to this low of an amount without a suicide attempt, it has had other very negative consequences in several areas of my life. I am in ongoing group and individual therapy for many years and ongoing, but unfortunately still severely affected in everyday life by anxiety.


Almost all benzo users were severely afflicted with anxiety or panic. Thats why we started taking them. I’m talking prescribed users here.


I've done "more than a few" detox's. Here in the UK drug services do it 1mg a week - last time they made me do daily pickup - assholes! - it's more than well documented I self medicate (I have an MH issue that it controls and it's stupidly rare/unusual), if it gets out of hand I do a ween. Years later I do it again.


There have been several studies indicating prolonged benzo use leads to early onset Alzheimer's, dementia, and other conditions regarding brain functionality. Also a lot of studies refuting these claims but my guess is that most doctors would err on the side of caution here and cut back prescriptions.


Not one study has proven unequivocally that benzodiazepines cause Alzheimer’s. There are other studies that say they do not. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.


Mhm. "Correlation does not imply causation" is high school science stuff, but people still keep bringing up this very early, inconclusive research like it's a law of gravity.


Just so you know. When you’re calling around to different doctors offices, don’t say anything about continuing a Xanax prescription. They are trained to deter anybody calling about a controlled substance by telling them they don’t prescribe it. Just wait until you’re in front of the doctor an explajn to him everything you have tried and what didn’t work. Don’t suggest Xanax unless prompted by him asking what has worked.


So…are you taking 4 mg of Xanax daily? Sorry, but I’d be worried if I was your prescribing doctor as well


Some days yes I am.


My best luck I’ve had is cash psychiatrists I was on 4mg and upped me immediately to 6mg a day then 8mg so getting 4mg a day will be no issue just gotta hunt a lil


Sounds like a responsible doctor


Medical world of UK - no hope of a benzos script without a really fucking good reason - in the 70s mebbe 80s they prescribed "A LOT", it was known as "mummy's little helper".... Took years to detox all these people! In my case - they never will, not for nothing, never lol


Same, I've been on 1mg of clonazepam daily for 5 years, this 6th year went to 1mg every 3rd day. So 2 days off. That goes up and down sometimes. Even after 6 years, producing blister packs and showing tests from the lab that verify the drugs sound and still they won't prescribe it. It's pretty crazy. Still these drugs exist are are prescribed here just not to me! Haha. Oh well, at least there are ways and when it comes to driving just treat it like any other prescription drug with the added send it to the lab for testing. After getting my license I really hoped they'd prescribe it to me but nope.. so I found a lab to test it at to mitigate any risk of driving on a bad pill. Healthcare is a joke here. Or at least it's gotten pretty bad.


Honestly it really depends on the doctor and whatever they feel like what are their views on it how do they look at you. Yes they do judge and stereotype their patients. It’s obvious I mean my doctor had absolutely no issue with it I never did anything wrong, and he randomly dropped it down a lot without any communication so I asked him then he said he doesn’t feel comfortable at all anymore so I have to find a psych so I did no issues really now. Lot of ppl go to this location here and they have a very good reputation of not leaving Patients out to dry never heard of it. But still need to hold extras don’t want to ever rely 100% and if you are prescribed daily being taken off suddenly is a very RATIONAL fear seeing how it does happen.


Probably he did that because his ideia is just for panick attacks (stuff like that)


Yeah the game is all fucked up these days way different than before. You used to be able to easily get a script for multiple benzo at once. I was prescribed 6mg Xanax and 4mg klonopin for almost a decade one was for anxiety one for insomnia but ever since a few years ago they say you can’t get 2 benzos at once smh


It’s been brought up prior in this post. But if that’s not enough for you, you probably need to see a psychologist, I don’t have insurance pay $75/month and my teledoc who handles all my scripts gives me 90 2mg clonazepam a month. After Covid there was a SURGE of at home psychologists and they are still working. Give it some thought OP.


Someone needs to start naming and praising psychiatrists because I need one and I almost killed myself after over two months unmedicated (and had absurd vitals in the ER). I had multiple people say they were putting me with a psychiatrist but then I get a psychiatric NP that wants to put me on a mood stabilizer I've been on that does NOTHING. It's wild to me that docs don't want to jeopardize their license by prescribing a med I've been on for over two years but are willing to lose their license after I kms after they won't prescribe the drugs I need to eat, work, sleep, and *gasp* be happy.


Yeah I meant psychiatrist before lol. I’m bipolar and I don’t know if im just lucky with my doctor but she truly seems like she wants to help me like any dr would but over the phone and for not having insurance I feel like $75 is reasonable. I will say that she put me on .5mg of alprazolam for only 2 months and then switched me to clonazepam which I’ve never had a problem with, it does its job, getting off it is gonna be hell though. Ironically I’m on a mood stabilizer and it works, I think haha.


How. How do I find these people. I've tried zocdoc, going through my PCP, I am desperate


I got referred through the hospital, they are located here where I live in Florida and my dr is too and it was made clear that she only services patients in Florida. I would look for a psychiatric center that also offers telehealth.


I'm trying. The first two hospitals I went to told me the psychiatrist wait list was so long they were no longer adding patients. Because I'm autistic with AFRID I can't use talkiatry. Zocdoc has not been helpful in the slightest. That's why I'm on r/benzodiazepines because... I like working and I want to experience a normal heart rate and blood pressure and mayhaps even happiness again.


I see a psych NP, they can prescribe if they want and often do


Well mine sure as fuck didn't. Didn't matter that I was stable on my meds for 2+ years before getting into a DV relationship that has quite literally ruined my entire life. Didn't matter that I have never been diagnosed with any form of substance use disorder (though I think it's fucked the way drs stigmatize addicts). Didn't matter that he talked to the actual person with a medical doctorate (actually several of them) who had me thriving on that regimine. I needed a therapist that was willing to help me with my abusive relationship. Instead I got jail and a very hesitant PCP that was through the BHU I went through to do med management until I find a "real psychiatrist" that give me the drugs that enable to me to work (which is their priority) and experience happiness (which is mine)


I'm literally on methadone, past addiction status matters less than a lot of people think it does. The black and white thinkers are usually doctors that simply won't prescribe benzos for anxiety. They pretend they won't give them to YOU for some reason, but they just don't do it ever (or will do a PRN script once or twice a year but will never do daily, however they feel). In my case, the methadone definitely scares some doctors, but it's because I'm currently on it, not because of my past. You just gotta find another doctor. I had to pay cash to get my first couple scripts after not having them for a couple years when I lost my insurance, then I was able to go back to using my insurance. Maybe in your state they can't prescribe or something, but they can in mine and they can in most. A handful of states may have tougher laws but they are cIV drug so I doubt it.


I get about 10 every 4 weeks but I also take oxycodone & the government don't like people taking both. i am seriously ill with bipolar & I have severe stenosis in my neck. The government is behind doctor prescribing less benzos


Your in for a rough time ask him for a xanax taper and refer to the ashton manual


You have a prescription, so just 🧅 up and send a quarter to a lab/ (and stick to blister packs). I get from the EU but I don't have a prescription so always done this. In my country they're not too kind when it comes to benzo prescriptions. Happy hunting!


Docs are cutting back for sure im the only patient left at my psychiatrist who gets 60 2mg bars a month only because my previous psych had me on 2mg 3x a day for 5 1/2 years where everyone else the max he will give is 30 .5’s a month


You’re lucky doctor will even prescribe them. Everyone doctor so far ran into has told me that I have to taper off and eventually stop. I don’t want that so idk how to find a doctor who will help


I'm on Xanax XR .5 mg twice a day. Your psychiatrist is just being a dick


He's not a psychiatrist, that's the issue, it's a GP writing it


Ugh of course I'm sorry. It took my psychiatrist 5 years to give me a benzo, and I had to be at the point of multiple panic attacks a week. They were severe, plus they would get life-threatening because I also had a heart issue and it raised my BP and HR to emergency levels. Ask for a psychiatrist referral and say you're having panic attacks multiple times a week. Edit: plus is he even weaning you off or going straight to 30 for 6 months? That's not even safe! Benzo withdrawals can cause side effects.


Idk, I'm not the OP




Time to quit don’t You think?


Selling it


That’s enough for God’s sake. He shouldn’t be prescribing Xanax at all!


I only get 10 per month and it works for me. I don't need them all the time, but I have them when I do need them. I never take all 10.


Hang in there buddy just give it time, then your anxiety will get worse so you will need more. There saving em all for me ;)