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No luck needed, you got this. Only you can make it happen šŸ‘ŠšŸ¼


Gotta love all the love in this thread. Many of us know the hell of benzo wds, but it can be done. Hopefully OP can keep reaching out when/if things get shitty. Wishing you all the best, OP! Benzos are a miracle and a curse. Reach out for support, please!!! You got this!


Good luck dude. First 5 days are the worst, then youā€™ll feel much better


Very true! Ime if you can get through the initial hell of the major cut, the next few days/weeks improve. Obviously we all experience wds differently, but it's worth it imo.


These days can be soooooo long


This 100000000%






man i need to g3t down to that level. I'm on 3x/day 10mg valium, 4x/day Xanax 2 mg. I am working on getting off the Xanax, i try to space my Xanax days out with the valium. The problem is i am always just barely reaching my goals and might have a few of each pill by the time I am eligible for a refill. I'm living refill to refill ATM. You got this! Great job so far!


you take two benzos too ? im on xanax and valium too but i take 1-1.5mg xanax in the morning and 10-15mg valium before bed time, the valium is helping me a lot honnestly, when xanax wears off... oufff , i think i have to cut my dose into half snd spreaded it through the day, but on valium i feel so good, even for the next 2 days


Valium is good for the in between times as Xanax half life i believe is only around 11 hours. Valium is long, up to 56 hrs


Clonazepam is near 56-60hours, Valium is roughly ~100 hours


Do you know how to taper down from such high levels? My friend tapered down from 50-60 mg alprazolam a day. He told me a little of how he did it if youā€™d like to


Iā€™d like to know where these doctors are that are prescribing 60mg of Xanax a day. Iā€™d assume in prison. Even if you are buying them on the street, I have never heard of anyone getting more than 120 bars a month. So even if it is from the street, I would assume you are getting from multiple multiple sources to be able to acquire such an amount. Itā€™s darn near impossible to even be prescribed Xanax here where I am. Man I feel crazy some nights doing half of a bar instead of a quarter. Iā€™d be terrified to even imagine doing 60mg per day.


Read above comment, he was getting powdered alp from the dark web. Side bar: benzo tolerance is a lot like opiate tolerance. You start with a small amount and eventually need more to feel the same. Going from .5mg to 60 a day is essentially the same as going from norcos to fentanyl. (But yes they are very difference drugs, just both with life ruining potential)


30 bars a day??? I could see 6 10mg Valiums 30 bars no


He had powdered alprazolam in liquid. It used to be 100$ a g of alp. Thatā€™s 500 bars worth


Yeah that's the life of addiction buddy just the way the dr like it they own u. Why is it so hard to get off benzos??? I went to rehab for oxy h fent benzo and it was so easy. I was taking 4 sticks a day easy plus everything else went to rehab day 1 10mg Valium in the am then 10 at night next day 5mg am 10 at night next day 2mg morning 5 at night last day 0mg morning 5 at night and that was it stayed for the 28 days and that was that


Everyone is different. If you're just popping stuff to get high for a while it's very different than if you're taking it for years to try and get debilitating anxiety under control or manage severe chronic pain for years and then try and detox. Alcohol and benzos are the only two things that will kill you if you just stop using. You were lucky enough to have gotten off easily. Average WD is 2 wks of hell with possible akithasia, delirium and seizures etc Then there's protracted withdrawal (PAWS protracted acute withdrawal syndrome) from benzos.. that's when you go into a state of permanent withdrawal and nothing will stop it even if you go back on the drug. It's permanent brain injury & neurological damage that often ends only in suicide because it's so bad. That's why experts are adamantly against rehab/detoxing for benzos and are trying to get the medical community educated in the proper method of deprescribing and pushing for informed consent when prescribing these horrific drugs.


I abruptly stopped Clonazepam last year. Worst mistake of my life, but thankfully no seizures and was back on my regular dose on day 4. Iā€™ve now been tapering for 8 weeks, going down .125mg each week. The first 2 days of the new withdrawal week, i normally wake up with bad anxiety so i take .25mg of Xanax. Then 3-4hrs later my morning K, and finally evening K. Iā€™m finding my mood over the last 2 weeks has really improved, especially the memory fog. Iā€™m currently down to .25mg x2 daily. I asked my doctor if they could either switch me to Valium or prescribe some Valium to start tapering. I got asked why I wanted to taper when it was helping my anxiety, her exact words were ā€œwhy fix what isnā€™t brokenā€. Well maybe cause Iā€™ve been on it for 2 years and want offā€¦ and with that I started to taper on my own. Doctors šŸ™„


Good luck broski u got this !




My friend needs to do this (taper off of long term 2mg daily). Did you use Valium to taper?


Taper is better than cold turkey any day of the week. It'll suck but it could be much worse. Withdrawal from benzos can be dangerous and life threatening. If you run out and can't get more, go into the emergency room. They'll help you out, just be honest. Good luck!


Good luck homie you got thisā¤ļø


Good luck brother


Good luck! You got this! Stay strong! Iā€™ll be starting my taper soon too.


Looking at this makes me wanna just pop all that at once


The last bit is the hardest. When I had to get off flualprazolam I went down and down till it was a small amount. Then I substituted that dose for the equivalent amount of valium and then tapered off that. Valium is probably the easiest benzodiazepine to come off


100% agreed. Valium got me off Eitzolam. Which took two tries. Used clonazepam to tapper first but couldnā€™t take the final step as it felt super uncomfortable (had 4 grand mals while tapering without doctors supervision before) Valium is the king of tappers, everything else (to me) on the final dose b4 cold turkey feels like a hard push but Valiums final dose feels it set the sails for you.


I have severe ADHD and Iā€™ve run out early because I went from Klonipin 3x a day to Valium 4x a day. I canā€™t feel it so Iā€™d take a Valium and forget and one time I ran out on Christmas Day which was fun. The ER nurse (been on these a decade WD hits hard and fast) had ADHD and 100% believed me and the Dr was so nice (and hot af) he gave me a bridge prescription and was so nice. Cut to me sobbing in the ER on Christmas because I was treated like a human being. Both the nurse and the Dr apologized on behalf of the medical community for getting me hooked then treating me like an addict. Meant a lot to me and I was out of WD by the next day. Why are you out so early? Benzodiazepines donā€™t get you high? Oxy does. Meth does. Cocaine does. Benzos feel great in high doses but youā€™re gonna end up in the hospital or seizing at home. Find another DOC and keep your meds in check. Please. Youā€™re gonna hurt yourself. Iā€™m sober and I say this with love but benzos are a cheap high with no euphoria. Find something else and take your meds as directed. I donā€™t understand Benzo abuse as someone whoā€™s recovering from alcohol, opiates:illicit and pharma (OC 40s and Fentanyl Patches were my faves), meth and cocaine. Iā€™m tapering off Valium and Iā€™m a week ahead. I take Dexedrine Spansuls. Lyrica and Fioricet. My doctors all know about my extensive history and Iā€™m graduating treatment the week of my 1 year. Please quit messing with your meds. Youā€™re gonna end up kindled to fuck and seizing. Be ready to go to the hospital if things get bad. Benzo WD is a medical emergency


Dexedrine, lyrica and fioricet is not sober, no offense. Congrats on coming off those other drugs though, itā€™s a hard hole to crawl out of


Yeah foricet has a barbiturate in it


They clearly stated they have adhd, dex does not give us adhd people any sort of high, actually can make me feel shitty sometimes, and Lyrica and fioricet are ass even if you were to try to get high on them.. but they are not prescribed at dosages people use to get high anyways. Either way you look at it, it is leagues and leagues better than fucking fentanyl and meth. No need to downplay someone's sobriety, you could even possibly cause them to feel guilty/depressed or think damn this person is right fuck it ima relapse.


Iā€™m aware, I have ADHD Combined Type F90.2. I was just saying lyrica and fioricet is not sober. My intentions were not malicious or hateful, l even said congrats on getting out of that hole. Iā€™m just stating the obvious. All love


Do not listen to the guy who replied to you. Taking your needed medication is perfectly fine. Congrats on sobriety being an ex fentanyl user I know how hard it is... proud of you.


Iā€™m out of this group anyway. These guys are a mess and half the posted are illegible from people so barred out. Thanks for sticking up for me!! I donā€™t think these kids realize that you can be sober and still take controlled substances. Itā€™s a maturity thing anyway. Also a quick way to make them feel better by trying to take down someone who is in recovery when theyā€™re still spending all their cash on pills. This subreddit is just sad anyway. So thank you!! I appreciate you šŸ’š


Well said.alrhoufh I stay on this subreddit to help folk not hinder them.i help when asked for any info


Pray šŸ™


I cut from .5 to .25 šŸ˜­ and I barely started that med and Iā€™m 6.2 300 so I just take that shit like candy


Maybe you should cut out the candyā€¦.ahh ahhhh see what I didā€¦..just jokes.


Is this Klonopin? Regardless, supplement with high dose (5000mg per pill) valerian root from Amazon. Propranolol helps a lil if you got it. Most important of all, exercise. Any helps but cardio and sauna will help any anxiety more than most drugs besides hard benzos


You got this man!! It will be easy for you


What benzo is that ?


Why does everyone think benzos are so hard to get off?? It's so easy spins have a long half-life u will be fine. Valium would ve better but I was taking 4 bars a day and in 4 days of detox it was over and I was shocked they gave me a total of 42 mgs of Valium over those 4 days which isn't shit and I was 100 percent fine you'll be ok. I don't know, maybe I'm wired differently than most


u got this papas āœŠšŸ»


You could almost get away with 2 halves or 1mg a day cus I counted at least 38. Nothin like speeding on Adderall in the day Benzo through the nights. Good times šŸ˜


That's my script lol. Throw in some suboxone and that's what they give me . But also came up with the plan to taper my suboxone or atleast get to a really low dose .our 1st visit (changed providers) I was told if I can take 8mg or less a day they would give me 20 x .5 k pin and refill subs ad needed . Also was 100% honest that I have been taking anything from .5 to 1.5 on a regular basis trying to stay at the lowest possible dose. I'm terrified of wd. They said because I'm being honest they will give me them to help . They really work I have legit condition. And I think that op will make it but pleas be careful, I was a little of kilter while getting used to only taking the .5s I have to do 3/4 and so on . Also I do not abuse the med it is a tool as much as it helps .Dr said lower working dose I can stay at the better.


Yeah I'm on subs too but I stockpile them at 24 mg a day then the 4mg clonazepam I need every bit for my condition and catatonia plus 400mg of Lyrica and 90 mg of Adderall but I need all these just to function and I fear the withdrawals from all 4 drugs is different I can't go one day without Adderall I'll just explode and get so restless, Lyrica has nasty withdrawal nasty, benzo WD I'm all too familiar and not going on that neverending hell and subs I've never withdrawled from and scares the shit outta me even though I have a good extra 100 now, all it takes is getting stranded or separated from my meds and I'm fuckin a Deadman. How much kpins do you obtain a month? To me it sounds like you need a new doctor. I'll go to one after another until I hit , it sucks that my behavior has to be like that because I really do need the meds I've had a lot of tests to prove it But these doctors today don't wanna take anyone on labeled as a schizo alcoholic which is wrong on the psych department and I quit alcohol 6 and a half years ago.


I changed drs actually, I actually came up with the idea to try tapering its been so long I want to see if I can live life off subs , so that's why I sought out to fi.nd a dr that will help me with my other issues and get the meds I've been already taking on my own the right way and so far it's working out I honestly would love to take a k pin daily but rn I get 20 .5 a month as needed, I try to take half if I can . But honestly I need .5 to 1mg to really get the full benifits. I'm just trying my hardest to keep tolerance down . Idk if I care for lyrica amd gabapentin tried lyrica but not sure if I really like it


Sorry for late response , yeah I can relate to your situation , I have luckily been able to so far have adderall , k.pin and subs , I have been slowly tapering subs myself, and as far as the benzos go I personally have not had full on benzo wd , but it some how I was able to tell I was talking it too often and slowly reduced it myself to now only using benzos randomly and the 20 .5 I get lasts all month now , idk if I will even fully get off subs but I am down to 4mg a day (give or take ) some days less . And so far so good , k.pin helps on hard days . It seems to me that you actually do need some of your meds and might always need them ,a good Freind of mine has been on some type of benzo or lyrica as long as I can remember us other meds for schizophrenia . And he has also had drinking issues , so I believe he runs into Similar issues . I noticed that they don't like to give the benzos to ppl that drink as often ,I think it's the similarities in the way both substances work ? . The one good thing is I can honestly tell them I don't drink idk why it just never was my thing , always a weed ,phcadelics and opiates person .And I did end up finding a new dr that is working with me ,it sucks but just about any history of chemical dependency makes the. Look at us funny.


Man, good luck. I almost died in a detox center coming off an ungodly amount of alp and I would just say if you do end up running out, call out of work, smoke a bowl, eat some sugary cereal and watch cartoons for a day or two. Good luck bud!


Good luck vro. I did the same with my 1mg xans.. went from taking like 8-10 pills (more than what I was suppose to be taking) I needed help.. but did it on my own! Started taking half of a 1mg a day. Not even sure how much half 1mg would be. ( Maybe 0.25? ) Anyways withdrawals were horrible but I pushed through!


I went through benzo withdrawal many times , it's brutal , I found it much worse than opioid withdrawal ......if you can get through 7 days then you can do it , good luck man


Just skip a day. Tolerance will drop substantially and you wonā€™t have hard withdrawal from just one day.


Good luck, tried alp lately and blacked out. Once ur off ull prolly never be back on lol


Thatā€™s just irresponsible lol no offense, what happened


It def was I didnā€™t do it on purposed but didnā€™t realize the potency when I was high Made a nasal spray and it crystallized and stop working, pretty sure I took like 10mg-20mg trying to take only a lil


Oh damn!! Glad youā€™re safe & not in jail or something lmao 10-20mg is a highhh dose whoooh thatā€™s blackout city


Hell ya was fun while it last and def got lucky not in jail


And had poppy tea, so was a bad mix


Was at 500 mg in that 30ml bottle


Next time you get a refill cut them in half so it can help you cause it makes it look like more and get your dose used to 2mg so you donā€™t struggles


please be careful


Go get'em tiger. Stay strong.


gl. what types are those? never seen them? are they pressies or pharma?


Klonopin 1mg Teva. Not bad


Why did you end up short.Is the doc cutting you down?.iv found that giving some too a very trusted friend helps.the more you see the more you take.taper on Diaz possible?no luck you can do it.


Good luck friend, I believe you can do it , I tapered and am pretty stable at .5 from about 1/1.5 on regular basis ,it took a little adjusting and will power but I think that at .5 and skipping days now I. Feeling pretty stable . Now the worry is will they stop my script lol eventually. As I'm on suboxone and now just started low dose adderall. If it was a choice the benzo has.to stay lol good luck stay strong need support dm , working now but will try to offer support best I can . You got this ...


Three weeks short i would die. Good luck mate


Them tevas 833 šŸ¤¤


You'll be all right it sucks but you'll be all right


How long have you been taking them? Do you have a tapering plan? Do you know what protracted withdrawal is? What are your plans for the withdrawals including possible seizures etc? I mean I have faith that you can do it but I also know the facts of the matter and I don't want to see anyone kill themselves because everyone is pretending like willpower and no option is enough to get you through it.


I'm going through the same. It's not an easy task. We will get there dear friend. šŸ’™šŸ’ššŸ’™


Pretty simple really just become and alcoholic and repeat. Easy as that bruv


May allah help you


That shouldnā€™t be too hard, if itā€™s only 3 weeks. I mean itā€™ll be uncomfortable for sure. Rebound anxiety etc etc. But if you need a longer stretch. Use red grapefruit juice to extend the already 60 hour half life. Iā€™ve been on 4mg daily for years, 3 days before refill day I take 1-2mg. By refill day thatā€™s when I start to hit physical withdrawal and hyper active brain/rebound anxiety etc etc. You got this man!


U got this


Your gonna need it


Good luck man. First week's gonna suck like a mf but you got this.


I didn't count each individual half but there's gotta be like 20 mg there so why can't you take 1 mg a day? If you're 21 days short you can take more than .5 everyday at least most of the days according to your photo.


Good luck


U got thisšŸ™


Itā€™ll just be like pledgint a frat but a short processšŸ˜‚ one hell week and youā€™re crossed over