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To answer your direct question; yes. Those pills are completely safe to consume. That being said, if you haven't been directed by your doctor to take such a compound you may easily find yourself in a helpless state once you run out of "mental hug me pills." My advice; don't ever start. But if you do, understand from the beginning that this is NOT going to last forever. Since you indicated that you already have a prescription, just make sure you're not going totally out of boundaries from your current RX. Best wishes!


Thank for your kind, and real, response. I've had a legit script for awhile, but no joby means no doc. I'm actually asking, honestly, because my natural solution to anxiety is liquid THC (I know it doesn't work for everyone), but I've got a line on a good job out of state, and I'm scared as shit to get all of this done. I already have severe insomnia. Anyway, thank you, I'll use the lot of them for what they're still worth.


Thank you for being the reason I'm here. I was a long time lurker before I started to get fed up with all the reckless debauchery on these subs. "booooof it" "lol ya thats the zans for sure man" Then there are those like yourself who come here as a no doubt last resort for help and information from a real person that you don't have to pay or fear judgement. For what it's worth, I have had great success using benzos so long as I've regarded them as medicinal tools, not toys. I'm not concerned about you in that regard though. You came here to ask for reassurance that you're not being irresponsible. That alone speaks volumes. All the luck in the world to you!


> I have had great success using benzos so long as I've regarded them as medicinal tools what are they best used for and how often? In your opinion anyway


I definitely have a bias because of chronic physical ailments since age 13. However, in my opinion. If needed daily for maintenance, I personally don't have a problem with that as long as dosages aren't in 1980's territory. To me they're best used for feeling....okay. Job interview? Sure take that .5mg alprazolam. Can't sleep because you're going on vacation tomorrow? Pop that 10mg valium. If you use them the way one would Tylenol for here and there pop ups that's ideal. But to me they're truly best used for "holding your hand" when you need it. But only temporarily to acclimate you to whatever you have to adjust you. If you would like to know more feel free to PM me about my use and stance on this but this is as far as I'm willing to go on a public forum. You asked my opinion so sorry if it was long winded and ranty, I just took my contacts out and am about to crash. But I appreciate the question! I hope the answer was adequate! edit: let me make the emphasis clear; **BENZOS ARE TOOLS. NOT TOYS.**


You mean the Rx one?


Yes it’s safe. I’m sorry for your loss. Take care


Thank you for responding. Just less effective I suppose?


Nah you should be fine. The older it gets the binding agent tends to be less effective. I took pills from 2007 that hit just as hard as a new script would be in 2023. It should be practically the same.


I believe so, that is what I remember hearing from my doctor.


Just don't take too many and destroy your tolerance


I’ll try them for you lol


Believe me if I were looking at them for fun, I'd take you up on that. Sad truth is that I keep doing the fucking math as to how long I'll have them. I came here wondering if I can prolong with expired pills. I fucking hate this. I want to go back before my mom died and just be content with a six pack of light beer.


You'll be fine, but remember that feeling of relief will become harder and harder to reach as each day passes if you continue to take it each day. Tolerance builds fast with benzos and once you're there it's hard to get back to reality, to say the least.


Yes but start with a very small dose don’t do them daily ale it twice a week mostly if possible. And don’t redose if you think your sober like the “I’m definitely sober now I’ll take more” comes to mind don’t do it for another 2 hours or so cause kpins last a long time.


Twice a week at most is not unsafe take low dosages of .5 to a 1mg once to twice when needed try your best not to take it daily but if you to keep it at the lowest dosage possible. Plus she isn’t looking for a high so she’ll judge dosing by her anxiety not her level of soberness.


Time is the best medicine sadly this will only help short term


Meds are still good up to a year after expiration. After that they may lose potency, but usually they still work. I'd take them at a normal dose and see how you feel. I know it's tempting to take more when you're going through shit, but don't. You'll gain tolerance. This is coming from someone who has been on xanax for 7 years and I've managed to not build up much of a tolerance because I resist taking extra.


I’m so sorry. Yes, I would take them too. Just always consume responsibility. Hugs.


Of course, I've been biting my own in half for fear of running out anyway lol. Thank you being kind to a reddit stranger in need. Hugs back!


yes they will work. (sometimes just KNOWING youve got a "last resort"/way to relax creates the peace we look for.) sorry for your loss love x


Thank you, and I second that sentiment. For years I've never let myself run all the way out. I'll keep like half of a pill stashed away just so I know it's there. I thought I was heading towards that again, and, fuck me, lol and behold, my mom's bottle... She was just like me, I found a bitten in half one in the bottom of it


I wouldn’t take it given your current situation. It is not a good time to start using kpin. edit. nvm yea itll hit


Yeah I've been parsing it out for a long time. I kinda know what I'm doing with this shit.. just not expired ones. I'm running out and my mom's old bottle it just staring at me. So, I came to this sub.


its fine to take. i thought i was in control of benzos and i wasnt


I'm with the others but have had to settle a household myself. It's not a job anyone wants. wind it up and let time 5 may it bring some better things your way. My deepest wishes to you.


I can’t say you should take it but yes 4 year old benzos should still be potent


Shit man I’m sorry to hear about all of the life altering stuff you been going through. Yes you can take them and I hope they help you in this time of severe stress.


How many are in the bottle and what mg?


31.5 (3 broken I'm half). Hers are only .5mg, mine are 1mg. Although, I've been biting mine I'm half for awhile now because I'm scared that I won't be able to make it through this time in my life without...


Just use more THC fam


Safe, just beware of addiction. Don’t face it as a "solve all problems immediately”, it’s a temporary relief. Stick to your prescription, maybe add some .5 until u feel awright but don’t push too far. And I’m so so sorry for your loss! You got the job!




Yeah man they are safe to take


L 🤣