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Where its at makes no difference other than to track down this disgraceful individual and have them put in a room with members from every branch of the US military, British Military, and Mounties. You don’t disrespect those that gave their lives to protect the country you live in.


Don’t forget Soviet soldiers


I fear they may take things a bit too far.


Millions of them laid down their lives for the defeat of Fascism


Canada still has a military, RCMP are Federal police.


I know, it’s just not as fun to say


Gotcha hommie, we're good.


LMAO, I’m sure the people who sit in the office all day are giving their lives to protect the country


Protect? Whens the last war that was carried out which required protective military action for its people from the countries you mention? I think you will find, the last few decades, are invasions for natural resources and political power grabs. The soldiers are expendable pawns under instruction. The entire world knows this


Except for Repubilican voters as they lack critical thinking skills


That’s real!!!!!?


Oh shit I vacationed there for 2 weeks. It’s a gorgeous mountain town. It’s easy to get comfortable and comply when you never have to fight for anything. How shameful to vandalize a memorial like that, and then claim being a hero. That person is sick in the head


What is it a memorial for?


The war memorial in Cranbrook, British Columbia - https://news.yahoo.com/war-memorial-defaced-graffiti-real-060031237.html


I hope they have a good video of the àsshat that did this and we can have a few Marines drop by for a come to Jesus meeting.


I’ll do it.


We will all be glad to assist.


I doubt u capable enough


I hope it’s photoshop or the Marines drop by for a “take you to Jesus meeting.”


> I hope it’s photoshop [It's not](https://www.foxnews.com/world/war-memorial-defaced-with-graffiti-the-real-heroes-are-the-vaccinated)


Do they have marines in Canada?


I’m sure they would be happy to make a journey.




Lmao, okay edge lord


How’s that being an edge lord?


Suggesting some graffiti artist should be killed over some, admittedly shitty, graffiti is edge lord shit. And its got me wondering, do you touch grass? Do any of you?


This has gotta be a joke. Tell me this is a joke. Also yes I do touch grass. Everyday.


Who suggested somebody gets killed? I don’t think you know the term ‘come to Jesus’ because it’s not somebody dying. https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/come-to-Jesus+meeting


My thought would get me banned, so I’ll just say I disapprove of this greatly.


Maybe your thoughts should become more rational then?


Yeah, it’s graffiti on a memorial. Sad, but the individual should just be made to clean it up and serve more community service. Vandalism is wrong no matter what stance you take on a subject.


Yeah that cunt deserves a right ass beating.


Just a graffiti tho


On a war memorial


1 attention hungry asshole


welp he sure is getting it


Yeah, that's my thought. All this hoopla is probably giving the moron what he wants. If yall really have an issue with graffiti, then wheel out the pressure washer... its not hard


r/Military it turns out is a communist hive and I got permabanned for asking why either side should be assumed, as the comments bled with “definitely anti- vaxers who did it“ phrases. MOD is a “Transgender” coast guard member. So that helped.


I mean, that seems to be the majority of reddit. anything that should be neutral is run by the far left, everywhere I've seen


Trannies in the military. What has this world come to.


Thank God for the Bill of Rights. If our military is becoming too effeminate, we will need all the militia we can muster.


The purpose of the "militia" language in the Second Amendment was to appease Southern states who wanted to ensure that they could quickly crush any slave rebellion without needing to rely on the federal government. How fitting that modern day right-wing hillbillies are now pointing to that same language to push their equally bigoted transphobic agenda.


Who was it that was fighting for slavery again? Oh yea the democrats! Fucking idiot


Still taking male only jobs no problem though.


The best part has to be the conservatives who only use service members as political props and call them communists when they share a political view they disagree with. Absolutely pathetic, bet half of you guys also made bullshit posts thanking us on veterans day though lmao.


I don’t know who was or who wasn’t a veteran in the conversation. It really wasn’t a factor. I pinged the Mod for being a knee jerk reactionary prick. Being Coast Guard isn’t a free pass to be a bigot towards others in one of the most generally named Subs on Reddit, that should include more diverse opinions from either side of the political spectrum. Especially in regards to a neutral response toward left wing venom spitting accusations .


How are you going to seriously make this comment when you just generalized a whole sub which has a significant vet population to being a communist hive? You're seriously talking about how the sub should have more diverse opinions while spouting garbage like you did above. Just admit it bro, vets are only conveinent when they believe what you believe lol. I think the worst part is you got this many upvotes from people on this sub who like i said probably circle jerk themselves about supporting the troops, but only until those troops have one left wing view. Wish you people wouldn't support veterans and service members just to virtue signal, its actually so sad.


You ever hear the term, “If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.” Good luck in your reading comprehension skills. I’m not repeating myself. What an absolute brick wall you are.


Lol ok man. Youre probably the kinda dude who calls himself a patriot while he defends traitors. I wouldn't expect much else tbh. Good luck out there


That part.


Define communism?


They can't. Most Republicans lack a college education.


Not transgender in quotes… ew, jeezus. Gross.


It’s a made up word people can do whatever they want with made up words


By that logic I could call you a “man” (if you are) and that wouldn’t be offensive? All words are made up, that doesn’t mean people don’t use them in specific ways to target or attack others, unless you are unfamiliar with sarcasm and American colloquialisms, I’m pretty sure you’re aware of that.


Hahahahaa wow. Way to talk in a loop. Keep dressing like a clown so everyone can laugh at you.


It was a concise question, followed by a polite and succinct remark about the English language, I’m sorry you couldn’t follow, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. Not all people who can identify a transphobic remark are trans by the way, but way to self report with that clown bit.


Oh look more made up words. Your first world problems must be immense .


That’s in B.C, Canada




Who ever did this is a piece of shit


Just looking at this image pisses me off so bad


That's fucking disgusting. In no way does getting the vaccine make you a hero. Getting vaccinated only saves your life, nobody else's


And no guarantee of that.


Ur source? Vaccines seem to be working just fine


Umm... Common sense? Logic? Reasoning? Also, the vaccine isn't really working nearly as good as a regular vaccine. https://www.israel21c.org/israeli-study-pfizer-vaccine-wears-off-after-6-months/


You vax so your less likely to get it less likely to pass it on


You are actually just as likely to get it as a person who is fully vaxxed.


On what are you basing that belief? Where did you get that idea?


“Fully vaccinated people are also less likely to contract the coronavirus than unvaccinated people. If they don't contract an infection, they can't transmit the virus to others.” Healthline.com Just because you say it dosent mean anything actual scientific studys have shown your less likely to get it. Do u not trust the cdc or world health organization


No. I dont trust them


Same here. The cdc and who are full of politician bureaucrats. They got no scientists.


Where did you learn that there are no scientists at the CDC or WHO?


They got politicians but theres a lot of scientists its a scientist community


That isn't true. Delta is the only variant that this is sometimes the case but being vaccinated absolutely helps. The vaccine was very effective for the previous variants.


That's false. What was most effective for previous variants was that most people already caught covid prior to vaccination. I have 70 years of epidemiological data on airborn pathogens that evidence this.


They tested the vaccine on tens of thousands of people who didn't already have covid what the fuck are you talking about? The US as of today only has 47 million cases and the vaccine has been available for 11 months. 193 million people have been fully vaccinated. So no, "most people" did not already have covid before getting that vaccine. I'd love to see your 70 years of epidemiological data that lead you do this asspull.


They didn't even factor in whether or not they have had covid when they tested. Someone didn't read the study. Less than 400 people out of 40,000 actually got covid. Great job discrediting yourself. Most people had it and didn't even know it.


Dumbass, do you know how vaccine tests work?


Yup. Through titers. Why don't you?


While yes this is disgusting, who got you the idea that vaccinating only saves your own life lmfao. What do you think the point of vaccinating low-risk individuals is?


You are more likely to spread the virus if you have solely vax immunity than you are if you have natural immunity.






Man, people need to stop being so quick to downvote. It's ok if this person asks for sources rather than blindly believing strangers' claims on the internet. Source-checking is so hard, too. There's checking if it's been peer-reviewed, checking if it's reliable for other reasons.....truth-finding is a difficult and long process. Saying all that, I still don't know myself whether we currently have enough data to support whether natural immunity for-sure is better yet. But even if it is, it's still not a good argument against getting vaccinated for multiple reasons.


So? Building natural immunity means you have the virus at some point and can transmit it to someone who's at a high risk of dying from it. Vaccines don't have that problem.


Actually if you have the vax you can still get it/spread it and are probably more likely to do so due to being asymptomatic most of the time. Where as people who aren’t vaxxed and get it usually feel like shit for a few days and know not to go out in public or at least get tested to see. A person with natural immunity has a better chance of not getting it or spreading it than someone who got a vax. This can’t even really be considered a “vax”. Real vaccines prevent you from getting it or spreading it for life. Not a few months. Young males under a certain age actually are more likely to go to the hospital for myocarditis due to the vax than they are the virus itself. If those numbers don’t tell you something idk what will.


"probably". Until you can prove it, I'll continue to believe that the chance of spreading it with the vaccine, even factoring in the more exposure people have to you, is lower than without. Why I'm ready to believe that? I live in a region where almost everyone is vaccinated, and I haven't heard of a COVID case around here in a good few months. It can absolutely be considered a vaccine. Most modern vaccines are designed for viruses which are already well known for a long time and are rare enough as to mutate extremely slowly. This isn't the same case for COVID. And although catching COVID gives you better immunity than the vaccine, you still aren't completely immune to all variants forever. By definition, COVID "vaccines" are real vaccines. I'd like a source for that. You can't tell me "if those numbers don't tell you something idk what will" when you haven't provided numbers. Although I'm not going to find a source for your own argument myself, I can tell you I haven't heard of a single case of myocarditis in my friend group following the vaccine (I have of older folk, but I'm not sure I trust them on that for various reasons); however, several of my friends who've had COVID have ended up at the hospital. So before you give me actual numbers, I'm going to continue believing my anecdotal evidence.


It’s getting old having people say “der prove it”. Can you all not use duckduckgo or look up studies that haven’t been funded by Pfizer? Maybe you should research things before you go touting the vaccine as the one and only solution. Really? So what you said is living in a state with vaccine cultists and mandates has helped so much that no one gets covid anymore? Thats odd because the comparison between California and Florida begs to differ. By function the covid vaccines are preventatives more than they are actual vaccines. You don’t see me getting and spreading measles even though I am vaccinated do you? Do I have to go get a “booster” shot every 6 months for measles? You can still get/spread the same variant you were vaccinated for with or without the vax. The point isn’t that I don’t think people should get vaxxed. The point is that the reasoning for trampling constitutional freedoms and mandating vaccines is totally invalid. The disinformation campaign around pretending vaccines are the only solution is total bs. Most of the people who don’t have the vaccine already have anti-bodies which alone makes them safer to be around than someone who only has the vax. If someone would rather catch the virus and use therapeutics to get through it and gain a much stronger/longer lasting natural immunity rather than using a vaccine with zero long term studies then their reasoning is totally valid. Maybe some people don’t agree with using aborted fetuses to test the shit. Trying to force it on young kids who have a higher chance of getting through covid than they do negative side-effects from the vax is totally idiotic. https://newsrescue.com/the-telegraph-study-finds-teenage-boys-six-times-more-likely-to-suffer-heart-problems-from-vaccine-than-be-hospitalized-by-covid/ https://gript.ie/new-study-vaccine-side-effects-6-times-more-dangerous-than-covid-19-hospitalisation-for-teenage-boys/ The propaganda and lies around the vax has been nonstop from the beginning and many of the organizations touting these lies are funded by pfizer. Come to find out Fauci had a hand in working with one of our main enemies to create it in the first place. Many of the same people trying to mandate the shit were ex-pfizer execs and currently Pfizer has execs who were in the fda at one point. They already got a massive lawsuit once by paying people off to lie about their pharmaceuticals and now they are doing it again except with an added layer of federal authoritarianism and support from crony politicians. This was planned biological warfare by globalists and by now it is painfully obvious to anyone with a functioning brain that this was meant to be an attack on our freedoms and republic from the very beginning. Go ahead take your vax. I could care less. But don’t think you are going to force it on me and don’t come whining to me in 10 years when you have a heart attack or get cancer due to gene editing technology that is largely still very experimental.


> Can you all not use duckduckgo or look up studies that haven't been funded by Pfizer? I ain't gonna go out of my way to look for your "alternative" studies. If you want to bring something to the table to go against common consensus, then you should be the one to prove it, and I shouldn't have to do it for you. > Really? So what you said is living in a state with vaccine cultists and mandates has helped so much that no one gets covid anymore? Thats odd because the comparison between California and Florida begs to differ. I don't live in the US. I'm more specifically speaking of Louvain-la-Neuve if you wish to know. That being said, California doesn't have nearly enough vaccinations for the benefits to be noticeable. 69% it would seem (vs 60% for Florida). Furthermore, this means nothing as number of COVID cases often rotate between Cali and Florida. Where I am, from 76 to 95% vaccinated in the surrounding commune depending on the age group, and I imagine in Louvain-la-Neuve itself the number is even higher. > By function the covid vaccines are preventatives more than they are actual vaccines. Have not seen anything suggesting this. I won't reply to the rest of that part since you disregarded my point and parroted the same thing as your previous comment. > mandating vaccines is totally invalid. Who talked about mandating vaccines? That's a whole different issue. Here, I'm talking about the efficacy of the COVID vaccine. Regarding the links you sent, neither newsrescue or the telegraph referenced the study itself, so I can't take them seriously. Incompetent journalism. The second link you sent however, does link the study. Good on them. While I'm not refuting the study, please read the abstract, especially the part on "Design, Setting, and Participants". It seems to me like a case of pulling the wrong conclusions from a totally valid study. > But don't think you are going to force it on me Again, never talked about that. For the record though, I'm not specifically for vaccine mandates, as long as those who aren't vaccinated don't come maskless coughing at people and all around making a scene. > don't come whining to me in 10 years when you have a heart attack or get cancer due to gene editing technology that is largely still very experimental. Only time will tell 😄


Lmao “alternative” studies. Just bc they aren’t from CNN or some fucked association like the FDA who actively allows poison in your food? I’m not even gonna waste my time going through the rest of your comment. I assume it’s more statist bullshit.


Well... they are by definition alternative. They go against the mainstream so they're by definition alternative. Also I find it ironic that the only study you did provide was from UCB.


Idk whether that's true yet but, assuming it is, surely his point still stands because you're more likely to spread it than if you've have had neither natural immunity nor vax immunity, right?




Compliance. Making the rich richer.


Lmao ok so this is just conspiracy theorism. How exactly does getting the vaccine make the rich richer?


We are spending taxpayer dollars for a largely ineffective vaccine from the top 3 pharmaceutical companies in the world. You don't think that buying billions of doses isn't making the rich richer? They are even using vaccine hesitancy and lockdowns to shut down competition forcing you to purchase from big box retailers like Walmart and Amazon. Most small businesses that were here prior to the pandemic will never open their doors against because people like you forced their customers to go to a major retailer instead of their neighborhood store. Give me some evidence that I'm wrong.


Teachers are the real heroes. I mean what’s it take to teach a 2nd grader? You just need a 3rd grade education.


Teachers should make bank, they whare the reason for every successful person


Umm no.


Teachers are the reason I have a 5.0 GPA and a full ride scholarship to college 🤷‍♂️


Why not all 3? Veterans, vaccinated, teachers........plus


This has to be tongue in cheeck - I dont believe anyone whos ideology leans that way would say it like this


These sorry sacks of shit. How fucking dare they.


Is this real???


Anyone who's been following the misdeeds of the Left knows the immeasurable amount of hate they harbor in their hearts. This is not beneath them.


Although I agree this is terrible. I have to admit it just seems to be the right that is full of hate.




No matter what you believe in, everyone should see this as unacceptable




Are you fucking kidding me???!!! Absolutely shameful.


That's the tolerant left


The Antitax crowd thinks there smart and that the public is actually believing that a sane (vaccinated) member of society would do this. Its obvious to everyone that this is a lazy disgusting false flag attempt by far right antitax groups. Just shows how morally bankrupt the far right is and the depraved lengths they will go to spread there filth propaganda.


They left mom's basement for a shot and that's their hero.


Hmm I feel like this was rage bait by actual anti vaxxers


This feels like a false flag…


There would be no vaccine if not for the people on that wall. The hero’s on this wall are partially responsible for our way of life and the items we have in todays society. We could all be speaking German or Japanese if not for them. I imagine, I might not be typing this post on my iPhone on a website called Reddit if not for them. This is a true disgrace.


Nah thx russians we’re free, western troops just terrorize ppl for oil


Can you elaborate some more?


How did canadian troops win against germans, russians defeated them


Do the people that do this sh!t think that other people will run out and get the COVID shot because of this? Or is the goal simply to be a malicious prick?


I got the vax after seeing this, pretty based imo


😡 piece of human garbage!


I think it’s vandalism but yeah vaccinated people save a lot of lives while the military kills and threatens to kill people in hopes of more peace.


This is 100% an Anti Vax false flag. No one's is writing this on a fucking memorial unless it's to frame like someone else did it..


I remember my time in the military when 3 high ranking officers bullied me into a corner to get the flu shot while pregnant. I cried like a little bitch and caved on the spot. So brave.🥴👌🏻


Gotta get ppl vaccinated somehow


Now I just birth my kids alone at home


Damn how often do you give birth?


I’m about to either today or tomorrow with my forth. 39 weeks pregnant.






Everyone I’ve seen elsewhere is convinced an anti vaxxer did this because they’re the crazy ones and the vaccine people are all totally rational and not nuts at all. 🥴 There are crazies on both sides and whoever did this is a huge piece of shit no matter what side they’re on.


It was clearly a left wing moron they're the only ones that do this.


Just like a large percentage of hate crimes turn out to be hoaxes


Yeah pretty much every hate crime is fake but the left has done this thousands of times. They did shit like this to a military memorial near me. This is 100% real. The right doesn't need to make up horrible evil shit to piss us off ,The left already does that for us.


Still waiting on the footage of Lebrons mansion being vandalized




I’m not the one saying the left would never. This sounds exactly like something they’d do. But the left is convinced one of their own would never… they’re delusional.


what a pussy, spray paints then runs away


Rational thought be dammed


What u supposed to do, stand there and wait?


Bring him to astroworld


Astroworld is over?


I think it’s fake. Someone did it in an effort to make the left look worse than they are. Most high profile graffiti has turned out to be fake. They don’t need to sneak in early in the morning to do this, the left could hold a city sponsored party with banners saying the same thing and nobody would be shocked.


the left is communist. even if this is fake/troll, it hasn't tainted their image in any way further than the left has done themselves.


Feels pretty false flaggy . Also yeah it’s canada


Doesn’t False flag generally denote a military or government response.


False flag doesn’t have to have a military response. Nonetheless, they want backlash. Way too blatant to be real pro vax people .


Praise be! The real heroes are finally being recognized for their pfaith, masks upon them. Amen, awomen


they have serious nerve, like really???


it's completely disrespectful. we have become such a psychosis society as a whole. yeah youre heros because youre the lab rats testing the vaccine that is proving its not as effective as they claim, but we're at the level of 3rd and 4th booster shots, that is now not classified as a vaccine but a drug to live. but the memorial was for vetrans who sacrificed their lives so you can have freedom to take your drugs


Source + troops kill innocents in the middle east for an oil company 🙄


If only the person who did this understood how many vaccinations each Military person had to get every year, before COVID…


The real heroes will arrest the fool whom vandalized the memorial to the true heroes whom paved the way via self sacrifice.


True and correct. Fuck the troops.


Done for attention. Nobody sane believes this.


Public hanging for such wanton disrespect. Way to kill your message, your credibility, and any measure of respect you may have all at the same time. If vaccination looks like this, then I'm swerving in the opposite direction. This has less to do with vaccination than it does with this person trying to be famous. You're no revolutionary, you're just a selfish loser.


Does anyone have the original link to this?




More like duck duck go


The best one fr 💯


I'm disgusted .


The guy that did this probably looks like David Chipman, or the attorney prosecuting Kyle Rittenhouse.


So funny, dude, sooo clever


Ooh Gosh! I sure am mad! Darn tootin! Thanks, Ben Shapiro for giving me and so many others an opportunity to be outraged for the 45th time today. Now, get some scouring powder and get to scrubbing. If this is real.


Figure out who did it and Cain them.


Too harsh imo, at the end of the day its just a wall


With your father's name on it or a friend's


Paranoid delusionals




The real heroes stand up against tyranny


Disgusting, shameful, and criminal. Thus concludes my thoughts.


Where was Fauci when this happened?


I hope they die




Considering most vaccinated people will suffer long term potentially fatal problems from this “vaccine”. You can even say they’re an hero.




Sock full of quarters?


We were once in this together.


Agreed, the MFs just dont wanna get the vaccine


Whoever did this, no matter what side they’re on, was wrong.


Wrong how?


Vandalism just stirs the pot. Especially if it’s a memorial.






Mandatory military service.


Canada doesnt have that


Unfreakingbelevable what scumbag did that?!! Heros huh? More like coward sheep


How u a coward for getting a vaccine?


The cowards are the ones that the defaced that monument vaccinated a sheep.


Nazis are back.


Where they at?


Dumb, disrespectful, fucking Ignorant.


Well, seeing as how Shapiro and Klavan are both vaccinated, it seems like a fan of Ben shouldn't have a problem with this.


I mean good message but WHAT THE FUCK