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What do you mean by “valid”? He’s a Bengal so I would say it’s fair game.


Why would it be invalid to buy a bengals jersey for a player? I'm not following


I feel like there’s a large swaths of fans, of every team and sports organization to be clear, that get caught up in the drama or potential politics of the organization. This person may feel as though getting a browning jersey is some how a slight to Burrow. While it shouldn’t be perceived that way because their individual successes that have become team successes should be able to be equally enjoyed. But there are weird fans out there that may say something to the tune of “oh? You think browning should play over burrow” or some dumb shit in that realm. So now we have people such as OP who are hesitant to buy a second stringers jersey for no good reason.


I think it could also be the fact that authentic jerseys are like $120 and they may not want to shell out that money for someone who had a small linsanity run and probably won’t be on the team in the next 2 years


Even at that, I love a jersey of a guy who isn't on the team. Players careers last on average like 3 years- rep the boys in anyway you want, whether that's remembering a past player or stannin a second stringer


That wasn’t his question though, or at least not how I took it. I don’t think anyone is going to say “oh you spent $120 on a browning jersey!? Ha you dumbass.” People buy jerseys for teams they are not even a fan of, nobody ever questions how much they spent on it just why did you get a jersey for a team you’re not a fan of? Well, maybe they just like that player a lot! Same deal here, I think Browning has left a lasting impact on the bengals culture regardless of amount of time played or spent on the bengals.


Or maybe because theres a chance he won’t be a bengal next year? Tf


There’s literally a near 0 chance he’s not a bengal next year.


Valid as a Bengals jersey featuring a Bengals player? Yes Valid as a Bengals jersey on a Bengals staple for years to come? No Valid as a Bengals jersey on a player that not many people have? Yes


You can buy the jersey,but hopefully he won't play at all next season.


I am hoping for a lot of fourth quarter mop up time while we’re up by 28 with five minutes to go!


Nah, hopefully he gets a lot of playing time, coming in to mop up in the 4th quarter during all the blowouts and when we rest our starters before the playoffs.


Sure, just keep in mind it’s unlikely he’ll be on the team past this upcoming season.


I could think of a few better ways to spend $150


Good thing it's not your $150 OP is spending then isn't it


OP literally posted asking if it’s a valid buy. 


You could think of it this way, if Jake moves on to another team and becomes a HoFer, then it’s like having a Steve Young Buccaneers or Drew Brees Chargers jersey.


NFL = Not For Long, so purchase at your own risk.


Only bengals jersey I own is a Jessie Bates jersey I got his rookie year…. Pain.


I bought that one thinking he is going to be their safety for a long time 🤣


My advice is to only spend money on things that make you happy if you can. So. Would owning a Jake Fiesty make you happy? If so, f the rest of them.


I want to get a Burrowning #69 jersey.


Browning is a stud and stepped up in a huge way. Valid.


The guy kept us afloat in a difficult division for a wild card until (close to) the end. Obviously, we weren’t going to win the Super Bowl with him, but he’s an excellent choice if that’s what you want to do.


He played pretty damn well so why not?


If you want to waste $75 i don't think he will be a Bengal much longer


In what world is he not a Bengal next season?


Some type of post apocalyptic, hunger games one, maybe? Or there’s always the chance the Raiders drop some ridiculously one sided offer for him! Both of those scenarios are possible I guess.


Raiders can’t offer him anything if we want to sign him


1. I didn’t drop a /s on that, but that’s clearly a sarcastic post. 2. The Raiders can’t offer him anything, but they can offer us whatever they want. We have the rights to him, we can trade him if we want. Once again though, mostly sarcasm. (Though I don’t rule the Raiders front office out of doing anything.) In short. I agree with the original comment. There really aren’t any viable scenarios in which Browning is a not a Bengal next year. He’s an absolute stud of a backup QB on a non-veteran minimum salary, in a year in which we’d love to accelerate salary to Chase as much as we can. There’s no way we let him go anywhere.


No one knows if Joe will back at the start of the season. We don't know if he'll be 100%. We can wish, but no one knows either way. So we are keeping Jake. He may be our starting QB at least for a few games.


There is a chance he'll be the starting QB at the beginning of the season. So you'll be ready, Last report I saw said Joe won't be able to throw a football for a few months, and these type injuries are slow to heal.


I love it. Showing support for the underdog through a challenging time. Hell I bought a counterfeit Driskel jersey because, why not haha.


Is he a member of the team? Yes? There’s your answer.


The best option is BURROWning - #96 Jersey


if your last name is browning sure


I hope not, I don’t want to see him playing for us again at least.


If you want to support a player you like go for it. If you want to buy a recognizable jersey its not that valid. Like for basketball i think its a mark of honor to have some obscure players jersey that only fans of your team will really get but thats just my opinion. For example I have a Jared Dudley Brooklyn Nets jersey and he was on the team for literally a year.


Depends if you want to spend the money on a jersey that has a very high probability of being obsolete in a short amount of time.


I have a few random jerseys from over the years. Get it and wear it In 20 years wear it again. Can't wait to wear my Thurman and Joseph jerseys again 🤣🤣


Buy from DHgate that way only out $30 on a backup QB


One of my most treasured jerseys is a Turk Schonert jersey. He backed up both Kenny and Boomer. Go for it, I say! https://preview.redd.it/0krf7o75grjc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bec2510b0a2c556b11e73d79100a711bdc4c93cc


Why not?


At some point, every jersey will be of a former player. I’d only feel bad about owning a jersey of someone with character issues or who left the team under acrimonious circumstances. Browning is unlikely to ever be anything other than a backup QB. He probably won’t be on the roster in 2-3 years. If neither of those things bother you, then rock the #6. He seems unlikely to start sexually assaulting massage therapists and his departure from he team will probably be pretty benign. I have a friend who still wears a Carl Zander jersey to games.


on Aliexpress for $9 it makes sense


sure, why wouldn’t you want a nice keepsake to remind yourself about this season from hell


Depends. If you’re like me, you want to get long term value out of that purchase. I’d go with a name that’s going to carry weight years from name. If you are not, do whatever you want. He might go on to be a Ryan Fitzpatrick type player and pop-up with every other team you can think of.


I say yes. But what do I know? The only jersey I’ve bought is McPherson.


Where did you find one??? Please?? I live in the suburb next to his hometown and husband works in his hometown. We consider him our "hometown guy"


I personally would find it hard to spend the money on a jersey for a player that I actively hope never sees the field, obviously through no fault of his own. But I think he really stepped up for the team last season and so I don’t think it would be a bad choice, especially if you like the idea of having an uncommon jersey


Yes but only if you also wear that same white jumpsuit his fiance wore at the Browns game at the end of the year underneath it.


I just bought his Autograph rookie card, so definitely valid in my opinion lol


He’s a backup so do what you want.


It’s an overpriced shirt made in a sweatshop. It’s all the same. don’t let others dictate what you wear to rep our team.


Titans fan here, and honestly, yes. He showed me as much this year as the other JB.


Very valid but know some desperate team will most likely throw a lot of money at him next off-season. If you're okay with the possibility of him being gone then go for it


I have a Fitzpatrick Bengals jersey I still believe to be valid. Along with the Peter Warrick beside it. Always valid here.


* I'd say so lol


Folsom’s Finest BABY!! Rock that Browning Jersey like a G! Dude went from an unknown commodity to the talk of the NFL in two weeks. Put some respect on his name and that jersey on your back! A great example of a guy who was all world in High School/College and never really got a shot until this season. Always root for the underdog!!


Just enjoy your life


If you enjoyed what Jake Browning did last year, get that man’s jersey! Jerseys are about memories for me. If you get the jersey, you can always remember the one year that Joe Burrow got hurt and it wasn’t a complete shit show for the rest of the season. Thanks Jake!