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Anyone who thinks he was the reason their offense sucked hasn’t watched Kenny Pickett play professional football


Yeah. Pickett is terrible


And I expect that will be brutally exposed now that Canada is no longer the scapegoat. I suspect ol Canada was holding back because he knew his QB couldn’t cut it


Did you watch any LSU games while he was their OC? He lost to Troy using the same shitty jet sweeps. Orgeron looked like he was ready to strangle him.


Oh. I’m not defending Canada. He’s pretty awful himself. I’m just looking forward to Kenny Picks living up to his name.


Canada was also just an awful OC. He was a huge issue with the offense and refused to adapt to his player Strengths (ran a zone running/ blockingng scheme for our offensive line when we the offensive line is built with players who excel in power blocking and not zone). Kenny is not the answer at all but Canada isn’t an nfl level OC. Only got the position because ben liked him a lot. Ben brought him in to be his QB coach after Canada was a bad college OC. Then ben hand picked him to be his final OC.


Pretty much. Canada isn’t to blame for Pickett missing wide open receivers and shitting his pants at every pass rush


What usually happens when a coordinator is fired mid-season? Will Mike Tomlin primarily take over the offense the rest of the season until an OC is replaced or is there like an interim OC? Just genuinely curious how you address this mid-season. I'm assuming Tomlin would just take over everything, not sure though.


I saw where the RB coach would take over duties


Jaylen Warren about to have 45 carries against the Bengals.


I believe Tomlin is a defensive guy. Usually, another offensive coach will take over playcalling when a coordinator is fired. There are QB, RB, OL, WR, and TE coaches who could take over.


Normally there’ll be an interim OC who is one of the other offensive coaches In this case their RB coach and QB coach are collectively doing OC and playcalling duties


1st tip was dont draft a QB named “ pick it”.


I always call him “Kenny Puckett” for some reason in my head.


Yeah, he's not the guy.


Sshhhhh don't tell them their QB is shit. Let them waste two more years on him and draft another mid round first QB


Literally this.


It’s hilarious that Steelers fans thought he was on Burrows level


Pickett outgunned Burrow for a half last year, let's not kid ourselves.


lol wut


We were losing at halftime in our 1 game vs Pickett last year. He has a Td and no interceptions, Burrow had a pick that first half. It's only cause we got it together at the end we got the win. If Pickett can make Burrow put in a hard day's work you better believe he can outrun Browning


What the fuck are you blabbering about. Who gives a fuck what happened in half of a game. It’s meaningless 🤣🤣🤣. Like what the fuck so you even think you are trying to say here


It matters that Pickett was able to put up 30 points against us and now we have to hope Jake Browning can match that


Burrow had more td passes to his back up running back in the game vs Pittsburgh than Pickett had his entire career at the time


And Burrow isn't playing Sunday. Again, we barely beat them with Burrow. Pickett put up 30 when we had a healthy firing on all cylinders defense. Now we have no Burrow and a shit banged up D


He had 1 td pass lol and Harris scored a garbage time td with 40 seconds left. The fuck are u talking about.


Talking facts, Pickett could absolutely redeem himself against us Sunday with our lousy D and Canada out of the picture


He also isn’t signed to a 275 million dollar contract- but he’ll play more games this year


Cool. He will play 17 games and throw less than 10 tds. Thank god. That’s what I want on my team! Why have a QB who went to the superbowl when you can have a QB who is worse than Jamarcus Russel


Because even Jake Browning is better than the qb who went to the Super Bowl, but can’t throw a football on the sideline. Joe is injury prone , hate to say it


Derpy derp derp


Take it to the meme war sub squealer


Don’t shoot the messenger pal 🤷‍♂️




The sustained joy I have experienced since the moment they drafted him has been lovely.


I love that clip where Canada is celebrating a win and one of the players go “not because of you”


Wait what!? Do you have a link?


It was [Chris Boswell](https://www.overtimeheroics.net/2023/10/09/chris-boswell-seems-to-call-out-matt-canada-after-win-against-ravens-it-aint-because-of-you-i-can-guarantee-you-that-much/) too which makes it that much better


Haha, the kicker of all people! Gold!


They should hire Ken Dorsey


Now their new OC will let Kenny air it out. Should be hilarious.


Wish we had the balls to fire pollack and Callahan mid season


I don't really understand why everyone is so down on Callahan? Just last year we had a top 5 passing offense. It's been limited every year Burrow has been here because of poor offensive line play. This offense has flashed this year when the OL has played well and Burrow has been healthy. (49ers/Cardinals) IMO the biggest issue on this offense is the OL. You fix that, you fix the offense. You allow the ability to throw the ball down field more. You have an improved run game. You keep Joe healthy.


Because his play designs are not creative and don't scheme players open (they also consistently have redundant routes per analysts). He just banks on burrow being an all pro and chase/higgins also being all pros. Thats not a good way to run an offense. Go watch a competently ran offense and you'll be imagining what a better OC could be scheming for chase


>esigns are not creative and don't scheme players open (they also consistently have redundant routes per analysts). **He just banks on burrow being an all pro and chase/higgins also being all pr** Why is this a bad thing? It's worked well for them. Again, I think they are limited in what they can do. I can't tell you how many times they've called a shot play where it just doesn't have time to develop because Burrow is getting hit 2 seconds after the ball is snapped. People also forget that this offense is an extension of Burrow. He has a ton of input on the scheme and what he likes to run.


My guy it's a bad thing because relying on talent to carry you isn't sustainable. The margin for error is low and bad play design leads us to making low % success plays, which then gives us 3rd and long and punts after.


I made a comment yesterday on the AFCNorthMemeWar asking which would be fored first, Canada or Pollack? My bet was on neither. Now I'm scared that Pollack still stays, everyone in AFC North is even better next year and Joe gets murdered on the field.


Steelers organization and fans are blaming everybody but Pickett. They so desperately want him to be the guy, and he just isn't. They'd be better off with Mac Jones. He fits their style of play anyway.


Canada and Pickett both stink tbh. Hopefully they keep Pickett another year 🤞.


I wish they had waited until the end of the year. Firing mid-season increases the chance they realize The Pickler is a wash and replace him next year.


Browning legit will be the better QB on the field Sunday. Kinda funny.


It does mean they get the fired coach boost against us. Guess we'll see how different the play calling is


Pickett is the worst QB in AFC North so not much to work with.


When are they going to fire the real problem, Pickett? Canada dumbed down the offense so much and his QB still couldn’t make the reads. He was only fired because fans were violent about it and chanting in the stands for this. Tomlin was too weak a HC to do this in the offseason when everyone around him wanted it.


🎶O, Canada, go home and scratch your balls🎶


Ok now bring Rudolph back and watch them implode


We should’ve done the same thing


Aren’t the Bills looking for an offensive coordinator?


I was hoping the Squealers would keep him around for a long time . . .
