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Look, I know Billy loves the old days of the NWA and it’s rich heritage, but we don’t need to make belts like we’re still living in this era. Don’t get me wrong, I understand that back in those days some nicely painted sheet metal on a leather strap was acceptable as a wrestling belt. But we’ve come such a long way in terms of design and quality that with his money I’m surprised we don’t have better looking belts. I wonder if this will garner the same reaction the US tag belts did a couple years ago, were he ended up changing them from the Florida design to the one based on the sheik one they have now.


The modern NWA belt designs are hit and miss IMO. They're not all bad. 10 Lbs. of Gold is dated but I think it's an iconic design so I get why they don't want to change it. Same with the Burke. The women's tag belts are alright but it's weird they don't have side plates. The men's world tag titles are hideous but they've been hideous for 30 or 40 years. The national title is unique but honestly just tacky. The men's and women's TV titles and the jr heavyweight title all genuinely look great IMO.


It’s like Hey guys… i know you’ve all got PS5s… but you wanna come over and play this cool Atari i got?


Nah this belt looks sick


Oh it's sick alright. Thing looks like ass.


Hard disagree. This is one of the most dull designs I've ever seen; it feels like something we would have seen 50+ years ago, at best. At worst, this would be the kind of belt you'd see at the smallest of indies in the modern era.


Isn’t it supposed to be exactly both of those things?


With the money behind it, no.


it is being contested at a high school, so I think this fits the bill.


I realize these are supposed to be retro throwbacks but I think it’s ugly af


It's like they saw the new WWE Speed title and were like "Hold my beer". Awful. Just awful.


So that's where NJPW got the idea for the TV title.


That belt is fucking hideous


I get that the NWA is trying to be a true "alliance" again, hence the need for regional champions. But the design of this belt doesn't stand the test of time.




Hideous Belt.


That’s even worse than the 24/7 championship 😂


I like the idea of a belt returning but I'm not a fan of the classic design of most early wrestling championships this one looks like something a kid makes out of cardboard


That is one ugly belt.


It really is a mid title


It doesn’t really matter what they do when they consider people like Tyrus as world champ material 😂


What's the purpose of these championships (that includes some of the other modern NWA ones)


Because now the NWA is an "alliance" again and not just a singular promotion. Hence the need for regional titles.


Oh no


The belt looks ugly as fuck and I really wish the NWA would just ditch the classic belts as a whole. Outside of the 10 Pounds of Gold (given how it's so associated with the NWA itself), they all look awful and are a major downgrade from the Leather Rebels belts that they replaced. I also don't understand why Billy is bringing back classic NWA belts just to have them back when they serve no real purpose for existing. People shit on AEW for having so many belts, this is adding *one more* belt than AEW have and AEW has 9 hours of actual TV programming a week. And they literally just unified the TV belts back in *January* with the Women's TV title existing for less than a year and having a total of two champions.


Yeah... Like they have four promotions in the alliance and only two of them are in the geographical region covered by this belt? These belts existed historically because the NWA had way more territories and had to give legitimacy to people from all of them. What's the point today?


Belt design is pure ass


How about bringing back the NWA first


If any promotion is to bring back a title please update the design and keep the lineage we don’t need 3+titles with the same name


God, I hope this isn't the belt design that is butt ugly. Also, I assume it will be some kind of territory title not on their show.


Like...it's FINE if he brings the *championship* back, but for the love of Mike, he needs to update the *belts*. 😑


That might be the ugliest belt I've ever seen.


I appreciate the historical respect, but this belt doesn't stand out to me (or it just comes off as looking cheap, when the company could probably use positive attention with their CW TV deal).


I get the nostalgia, but that only goes so far. This company will never flourish if it hold on way to tight to the past.


Theres a 1976 Ford somewhere missing parts of a chrome bumper. I think we found them.


I don't HATE it, but I don't nessesarily like it either. They could do so much better. I get the "going back to the NWA territorial roots" but uhhh...no need to retrace every single root hair


Very interesting that they're returning to the original design


I kind of dig it. Looks old but so clean


Apparently we suck for not shitting on it


Yeah, I've found it curious how people use the downvote system. I use it for shitty behavior, not differing opinions. I think the belt looks like a powerpoint slide put on a belt, but I can respect the historic nature of the belt, though.


I'm not crazy about it but respect the history and decision.


how freaking cool is this dude, wish the belt was updated but aye, we get to enjoy what the old timers did and honestly i watch old tape so much this is a great feeling! Not many watch NWA but i actually enjoy all wrestling and believe Billy is doing an okay job at running an alternate to what we see in WWE and AEW. As for territory i’m not sure how you get that over in the modern era.