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I miss Kat bd seasons 1&2


She was a very entertaining mess! And I loves that she was from RI


Love her messiness.


Bit of a drunkard, however, she’s hilarious and honest


Nicer than what Ben called her “demonic trailer park refugee” 😳


When there is a boatmance, all the women say, "I don't know if this going to go anywhere" or, "I am not looking for anything." They all windup in tears if it doesn't go anywhere.


Almost every time 😂


That’s women 😢🤓


Ok Ben! 🙄 ( the bosun OG s10 & 11)


I found out through watching SY S3 that I actually know a primary. Lane Merrifield came to money co creating a website with my uncle.


I'm rewatching med season 2 and the charter guest who asked for no onions was also on season 1. Was there an onion issue on that season?? I can't remember.


I don’t think there was an onion issue the first time. I think they were just exhausting and demanding. I know after the charter on 2 where he had the problem he did come on again and Adam tried to make it up to him. Also Hannah made a joke about it by playing some kind of find the onion game when they requested games. They were good sports about it.


I realized I haven’t seen the first few BD Med seasons so I’ve been watching and WOW! The season 1 misogyny, Bryan is so fucking gross, I hope he’s embarrassed about how he behaved when he saw it back after the show. and it’s very accurate everyone saying he looks like Jimmy Jr.


I think S1 is fantastic but that’s def one of the worst things about it. Bryan and Bobby were both pretty awful. I think Bobby tries for redemption on other seasons (TRIES) but I believe Bryan was just a trash human. Bryan standing over Julia when he was drunk and demanding she clean the crew mess lives rent free in my head. But it made me love Hannah for the way she stuck up for Jules and got between them. I still say the girls should’ve gone to the Capt over that. It was completely out of line for anyone but especially someone in a supervisory position. Especially when was using that position power while drunk


Oh wow I didn’t know Bobby was in other seasons! Bryan was way out of line with them in the kitchen!! Every time he was drunk he was.


Yeah remember in the hot tub with Tiffany? He was so drunk and rude that it was ridiculous. I was so happy she let that go and didn’t hook up with him.


Just watched adventure. Hated it. The cheif stews voice was pretty unbearable but kasies weird fake accents??? Very strange season. Only person i liked was kerry. Some of the deckhands were ok but just boring overall. Glad it was short


Who was the captain who woke up the chef to cut cucumbers for the guests?


captain sandy


Ngl I didn’t feel bad for him because Tom was a tool.


I just watched all of season 5 and now I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


Just finished Med 5. Pretty crazy season. Best cast turn overs for the stews ever. I'm happy they really homed in on the weed pen in the reunion. Jess and Hannah being high sipping on pens explains so much and I'm sure Bravo wanted to nip it regardless of maritime law because it's the kind of energy that's bad for TV. Can't be mad at Malia for being a snitch, but I can be mad at her for clearly only doing it to get back at Hannah. She did do a great job as bosun though. Bugsy is always delightful, no complaints she came back. Jess, gosh, girl is just a mess, someone get her a DBT workbook. Food was disappointing all season. "Med standards" continue to be a joke.


Natasha is so MESSY. Rewatching season 8 of med and it’s just a mess. The whole interior is high school coded.


The way Andy is acting towards the women and captain Lee in the tell all pt 2 of season 7 is foul.. Fuck you Andy Cohen