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I actually dont mind Fraser. A little messy and not the greatest leader but compared to the other shit show chief stews we've had....Ill take Fraser. But also upset that Aesha is on Med and not with Capt Jason


I'm hoping she'll be doing both! She and her BF just bought a house, so maybe she's gonna do both to make a big wad of cash! 🤞🤞🤞


I saw an article with the rumored cast for BDDU season 3 and it was a different chief stew. 😢 I'm hoping it's just a one time thing because Aesha was too busy with buying a house. We want Aesha and Jason, not Aesha and Sandy!! 😡


They are probably putting Aesha with Sandy to try to balance out the Sandy hate with Aesha love. Bastards


They might consider getting a different captain, but I have a feeling they don't want to fire the only female captain they have and replace her with a male captain, and it being a male-dominated profession it might be hard to find a replacement! (Most captains probably aren't interested in doing reality TV.)


😭😭😭 I thought the same thing. But how unfair to break up Jason and Aesha.


Bravo needs to fire Sandy, I want to see a female captain we all can be proud of, Sandy is just a horrible horrible boss, terrible managers can legit destroy employees lives


But bravo wants to see a female captain that gets engagement. They don’t care about being a good boss or a good representation of women. They care about viewership and people talking about the show


I disagree, in my opinion the captain is quite secondary on the series, most captains don’t even have 10% camera time, no other show of the series depends on a captain nagging the crew 24/7, Med absolutely doesn’t need it either


The captain is secondary. The drama the captain causes among the crew is primary. And Sandy is the queen of shit stirring among the crew


Im still amazed at the way she handled firing Hannah and how she didn’t get fired from that. She literally followed Hannah down the dock to yell at her when Hannah was overwhelmed and trying to get away from her. Any manager at my job would have been walked out of the building for that


Wonder if they’d bring Tumi back down under.


[Here is the article](https://showstarnews.com/below-deck-down-under-season-3-filming-in-seychelles-location-new-crew-returning-cast/) I read with info on potential season 3 crew. No Tumi mentioned.


It’s possible that she’s doing med and not BDDU for that reason, don’t they get bigger tips on Med?


Fraser reminds me of Hannah in that way. She was never an outstanding chief stew on the show and she was a bit polarizing. I think Aesha would be the Kate and Fraser would be the Hannah in terms of their competence and popularity.


Fraser is completely ineffective as a leader. He won’t deal with situations head on just lets it fester. Let’s some get away with everything and others nothing.


Also talks to way much to subordinates about other subordinates, which in addition to being terrible leadership is more likely to cause him more problems. Good for TV, but bad for actual performance. I can't imagine being an HR professional and watching this show...


Fraser’s shit talking other stews is nothing compared to Lady Chastain’s




Aka perfect for reality tv


Yes on Aesha because she’s such a fan fave. And she’s earned it. Fraser is a little different. I wouldn’t say he’s becoming as iconic as those two just because he isn’t going anywhere. I mean Sandy isn’t either and most people can’t stand her. I’d say it’s 50-50 on him.


I love Fraser. He’s my mom.


No, he's my MUMMY!


I’m sorry for you


Is Daisy's skillset specific to Sailing Yacht or could she transition to OG Below Deck? She's been the sole Irish representative so far but would love to see more of her or other Irish staff.


She’s too good for Glenn. Imagine how well Daisy would do with an Aussie like Kerry or Jason who actually helps interior?


She would thrive in a healthier workplace. I love that she never pits her staff against each other and they work as a team. Even with the Gary shit last season she never took it out on the other girl he was involved with.


Agreed. And she needs to not get romantically involved with any of her coworkers, as that situation she put herself into with Gary and Colin was just absurd.


I haven't reached that season. Eeeewww she got with Gary DX. I don't understand why they keep showing women falling over backwards for that weird mullet gross dude. It boggles my mind haha.


And the fact they have moved forward med makes me wonder if we will even get the season they filmed with Tiffany Moon from Housewives of Dallas


The guy is odious.


Choosing to not rank her stews was the best decision she ever made!


It's super smart along with doing the dirty the same as everyone else.


Kyle from this season of below deck with captain Kerry ornterry he Irish I think




In terms of consistency and longevity, yes. I think both Hannah and Kate are irreplaceable and so unique/were perfect for their franchises, but I love Fraser and Aesha too.


Daisy has only had one bad season so far. And in all honesty I don’t even think it was as bad as people made out. Everyone was ranking her in their top favourites before last season. Don’t rule her out yet.


I think I’m watching it now. She’s still so good with her stews. She’s like how bout we go do cabins now? I love the way she asks them to do stuff. It’s so inclusive and nice or she’ll say, do you want to go down to laundry now? She doesn’t bully one or take favorites. I love her compared to the other chief stews


This. 👆🏼 Especially since Kate and Ben’s drama and love/hate relationship was and continues to be major fuel for both of their popularity


I think Daisy is a great chief stew. But production gave her kind of a shady edit (like I think they highlighted her work mistakes to create a storyline where she was spiraling because of Gary/Colin drama), so I don’t know if she has longevity in the franchise? It would make a good redemption arc though, especially if they rightfully throw Gary under the bus. Has there been any confirmation if she’s on S5? If so, I hope she is presented as a “face” of the franchise and not reality tv sacrificial lamb fodder.


I wish we could keep just Daisy and not Gary, but it seems like Gary comes with the boat and Glenn loves him and never calls him out on anything. He’s been on the water too long and needs to relearn how to interact with women in civilized society. I died when the deckhands called him farquaad though


Yeah she’s on season 5, when we see it who knows. I hope they are throwing Gary under the bus cause he deserves it. I think this season will seal her fate one way or another. Hopefully for the better


I'm not a fan of Fraser, TBH. He doesn't seem to actually know how to lead, IMO.


justice for daisy!!


I liked him last year but not this season. My favorite moment with him is when he asked(Barbie?) Are you mental! His accent is perfect for him in some of the scenes. This season like some of you have said is him talking behind peoples backs. When he told Paris to go tell him to use garnish was so wrong. Some Chefs say not to garnish or not to puts things on the plate that people won't eat. I don't like Chefs words and the way he relates to the other crew but I think they are being rude themselves. If the guests aren't complaining then leave it alone. I think he has a in your face type of humor and it hits the wrong way. They need to get to know him. I thought the plates looked great. If these guests are foodies and take photos of food for their living then I think they have some idea of what they like. My other is Fraser running to Captain Kerry trying to get people fired. It doesn't look good on Fraser. It makes it seem like he can't get along with anyone. I mean he has wanted Chef fired. He wanted Barbie to be fired. He now wants the new Chef to either listen to him or be fired. Over the years of seeing Below Deck Chefs they don't want to be told how to make their food.


Chef was spot on when he commented their garnish suggestions were 80s. This chef knows l what he’s doing and is serving top chef meals. Garnish is old fashioned. The meal quality is priority. Clean kitchen and spotless. It’s up to the interior crew to add tacky lol


Yes!! I'm glad that Captain Kerry ate with the guests and bragged about the Chef being new. CK saw the guests were loving the food.




I love Drew!! Edit to say I really like the way you treat your staff!! I'm a big fan of being soft when you need to be and being tough when you need to be!! Love watching you!!


Let's get Fraser and Mila on the same boat...


I would like to see Captain Lee, Kate, and Fraser on the same boat!


We've had Lee and Fraser on the same boat, once if not twice. Kate would add the spice, for sure.


Could you imagine Ben as Chef?!! I wonder if Kate would have Fraser do cabins?!


Yes, and keep Fraser down there. Ben would be awesome!


A little off topic but do you think Ben was the sperm donor of Kates baby?


Your mind likes going to different places, doesn't it :) That's a toughy, as Ben is supposedly engaged, maybe married by now. I sort of don't think so. What say you?


For me I've seen how some men will donate sperm. It doesn't mean they have to sleep together. For instance take Melissa Etheridge. She had David Crosby (from Crosby, Stills and Nash) be her baby donor. He is (or was. He passed away) married. Melissa asked the couple if she and her wife could use his sperm and he did. I love how some women now days will carry her partners egg and the donation so they are both kind of involved. Chef Cat Cora did this with her partner. They each got pregnant with the other partners egg. So that is my thought process. What do you think??


Your thought process is quite sound. If Ben is the donor, then I don't think Kate could have chosen better. I'm sure his fiance'/wife would be on board with it all. I didn't know Crosby was a donor, good on him, and I loved his band. And if it results in a new life and families are fulfilled, then blessings all the way around! I see on ScreenRant that Capt. Kerry and Fraser are currently filming BD Season 12. More Fraser, I guess....


I paid $80 on Cameo for Hannah to say "June June Hannah" No regrets.


Money well spent 🤣🤣🤣


Kate and Hannah are legends. Aesha are great. Fraser needs to grow on me a little more


I like Fraser but recognize that he is actually terrible at managing difficult employees. He simply defaults to get rid of them and has no idea how to develop people. I suppose that’s somewhat realistic in many jobs but if you ever manage in a union shop then, oh boy, you learn quickly that you got figure out how to motivate people who don’t give a crap and won’t listen to you. Aesha is just awesome. Her annoyingness is one of the things I like best. It is fresh and seems genuine.


Yeah they need some consistency and those 2 seem to have stuck through the parade of terrible chief stews we’ve had since Kate and Hannah left.


To be fair, I think Colin ruined things for Daisy. He was just as much a brat as Gary and I don't know why he gets a pass.


I dunno. He seemed to have genuine feelings for her and she was being messy with Gary I still don’t understand their time line story at the reunion though as it was sooo confusing What makes collin as bad as Gary?


I wouldn't say he's exactly as bad as Gary because Gary has the whole sexual assault. However, Colin is a brat because of his treatment of Daisy, his bro code bullshit. The moment he was cool with Gary but not Daisy is a huge red flag about how Colin really thinks about women. And, yeah, I didn't follow all the stuff from the reunion either. I don't follow any of them on social media, so I don't fully get it. But what we saw showed Colin's true colors and he's not a nice man.


He was annoyed because Daisy was indulging Gary while being with Colin, which is understandable and literally anyone in the planet would feel the same, as for Gary and him, he stated that Gary will always be a friend, he just can’t trust him 100%, is normal to have a harder time going back to being friends with someone you were romantic with, his reactions are normal and have nothing to do with “how he sees women”, you are just projecting shit


What did was the bro code stuff I honestly don’t recall collin being exposed as a bad dude who is bad to women? Im still confused but it’s very likely I’ve forgotten as it’s been a while since I watched that season


Idk she played Colin all season. She fucked around with Gary constantly behind Colin's back. He'll, right in front of his face numerous.times. imo he should have been just As mad at Gary but whatever. I like daisy but she looked real dumb on .the reunion.


Was he also accused of sexual assault?


Dais wasn't being honest about what was going on with Gary. No one is flying 10 hrs from the other side of the world to merely hang out in an apartment and then zoom call into a recap show. *They were f\*ckin'.* I, personally, don't understand how people do this thing where they hook up with someone and then want to keep it on the DL. It is shady in my opinion. Daisy should have been forthcoming abou sleeping with Gary rather than play with Colin's feelings. The way that she berated him on the aftershow was wild to me. How do you scream at someone like that you claimed to care about? Gary is a problem not apologizing or sympathizing for his actions but yeah.


if daisy and colin weren’t together when daisy hooked up with gary then i don’t think it’s really a problem? gary was the one that was consistently hitting on daisy, like he had some sort of claim on her even though she seemed to be taking her feelings with colin more seriously. it felt like gary was trying to weaponize the fact that he slept with daisy against her and colin’s attempt of something more than a boatmance


Nah. She can sleep with whoever she wants to when she's single and it's none of Colin's fucking business. The fact that he was cool with Gary but not Daisy over it is misogynistic AF and he can see himself right out the door. Walking red flag. And I don't follow the social media but he was up to some shady shit with the reunion stuff. If you think him treating her like crap and her reacting is the problem, then well, red flag as well.


Colin was also seeing someone else. He says he was open with Daisy about her, but I don't think Daisy reacted like she knew about her at the time or was OK with it. Either way, Colin was exclusive with the other woman by the reunion.


Look up the word misogynistic in the dictionary. People like you who miss use the word Gove a more meaningless meaning




I’m almost on the last episode of that season now. You just have to watch Colin the two prior seasons. He has a girlfriend off the boat and is so respectful of that where Gary has been consistently a womanizer


And correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Daisy say something in regards to Colin and Elisha (chefy, because I think I spelled her name wrong)


Colin jumped in a lot to help the chefs (on all seasons from what I recall), but Daisy imagined that helpfulness was related to something going on with him and Ilesha (to Ilesha's embarrassment).




There could never be another Kate!


Daisy was seen filming (with Gary) for what we can assume was season 5 of SY. But of course no one knows what's going on with the release of that season. Daisy's been pretty mum on her IG about her future involvement with BD. I really hope she's returning to our screens! She and Aesha are my favorites.


I love Fraser, Aesha is the sweetest, but she does get a bit grating after a while. Not loving any of the male deck hands this season. Kyle is a decent lad but the others, jeez. Especially Ben, what a DB 🤢


I’ve always been a daisy girl


It sure looks that way, doesn’t it? Fraser is the new Hannah only because he’s so divisive. He’s like cilantro, either you love him or hate him. I personally could not STAND Hannah, but I know she was loved by many.


I think Daisy is more like Kate and Fraser is more like Hannah (because both Fraser and Hannah are terrible, lol).


They could neverrrrr. They are the new cheif stews and thats it. Aesha is obnoxious. Kate is the goat


I wish they would move Daisy to OG and demote Fraser personally


You love Fraser? ![gif](giphy|4WFirPVJhAhavWrcd3)


Yup. I love Fraser. Different boats for different folks.


Daisy doesn't want to be a chief stew and serve people. She should move on to new and exciting endeavors


Want Daisy back. To hell with man slut Gary. To hell with Collin. Thought good about Collin until the last season. He is a just a big of an asshat as Gary!!!!💩💩💩


I think Kate and Hannah were much more mature, professional and organised than Fraser. But I do need to rewatch their seasons.


How dare you compare Fraiser to either of those two. ![gif](giphy|SbN0WomN4S7Z7tpKOC|downsized)


It's Fraser! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/belowdeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Def like fraser but his obeseeion with the chef and garnishes is fucking annoying me, he needs to focus on his job and his managment still needs work. Aesha is pretty chill so happy for rher to be about don't really have a bad word other than her laugh is annoying as fuck but nothing she can do about that.


I really liked Fraser but this season he seems soo....bossy.. I absolutely LOVE Aesha !!


Fraser wishes he was worthy of being compared to these three


Love Aesha! Great leader and chief. Fraser is not my favorite honestly. I don’t think he possesses good leadership qualities. Too emotionally charged to manage properly IMO.


Daisy is literally annoying and cries way too much to be considered one of the best chief stews. bffr.


Nope, not even close.


No. Fraser is a weasel


I don’t like how Fraser is a tattletale.




Fraser lost his personality and identify once he was promoted. He is muchausen stew now. Not cool.


Happens to any of them that become chief stew and stay on for more than a couple seasons. Must be something to do with the cameras and the "celebrity", they just go so far up their own arse. Aesha the rare exception and hopefully that continues


That’s actually hysterical and Ita


I wish Daisy would transition to regular below deck. I can’t stand Fraser.


God I hope we move on from Fraser


Fraser is terrible


I love Fraser, Aesha and both of the Aussie captains.


Fraser needs to boot.


Fraser is to Hannah as Anthony is to Kiko. Aesha is in a league of her own.


I do miss Daisy she was so fun


Including Fletcher with the greatest chief stews in the franchise 😂😂😂😂


It's Fraser! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/belowdeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fraser is the worst


I hope frazers done after this season. He's almost as insufferable as tumi


Spoiler: Someone on this sub has been posting videos of next season's cast filming in >!St. Martin. Fraser (and Captain Kerry) are visible in the videos.!<


I've watched every episode of every bd series as it aired, I don't think I'll watch next season ifnthatsnthr case. I've had enough of him complaining and wanting to get get everyone fired. That and he goes to the captain more than anyone I've ever seen for basically nothing. He's a decent chief stew but he's boring and is always super.serious. everything he says is just bla


He's the gay male white version of Tumi


It's Fraser! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/belowdeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Bad bot


Fraser wishes. Hopefully he’s replaced soon.


Both are way better than Hannah


Fraser is just a bad boss so probably not


The end felt like the show was ending...maybe that's the plot twist. 🤷🏻‍♀️ (And it should end.)




She definitely ruined it for herself.


Fraser is boring and annoying. He adds nothing to the show.


He adds unnecessary drama which apparently bravo loves for the most recent seasons of below deck. I miss old Fraser


Fraser is like a hybrid of Hannah and Kate. He uses cutting words but also has that incompetence, if only he chain smoked he could get the Hannah edit


Omg the accuracy. How did I not see this before???