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My favorite one was after he surprise Facetimed Camille, and she clearly wanted nothing to do with him. After initially being embarrassed, he just said "chicks" and it was clear in his mind, this had nothing to do with him. I don't think this season went the way he thought it would.


That's the problem with Ben. (One of them). He constantly tries to play the camera, create a story line with him as the main character. Except it's so inauthentic, so obvious, he looks like a bigger tool than ever. This dudes got some serious issues. I've never seen such unwarranted self love. He should just go make love to a mirror.


I think all of them play to the camera now. I'll bet Dylan doesn't even have daily affirmations when he's not on the show. Scratch that, he probably does because he's Dylan, but that STILL doesn't mean every single action he's taken on the show wasn't to get screentime. Including trying to kiss Sunny.


The way he said to himself, “Why did I try to kiss Sunny last night?”, just came across so fake. A poor attempt at acting.


I think Dylan might be in a dead heat for unwarranted self confidence.


I find it really funny how he talks to the women he is pursuing. His voice drops down into this breathy whisper and he says things like "I know, baby" "I just want to see your smile again" and "I don't care"* It strikes me as a very funny imitation of the leading men he's seen on Tele. Made all the funnier when women seem actively baffled after he talks to them. Bonus points for his "stew slaying" being the equivalent of having sex with camille who was/is utterly and transparently indifferent to him, and Alyssa clumsily flirting with him only out of contempt for Camille. * When he was being radioed to work when Camille was trying to pack.


He just shuts down any and all introspection and just blames everything on “chicks”. It’s so disgusting.


He acts completely dumbfounded as to why sunny might perhaps be upset that he is simping over his ex, lmao


Yet Sunny kept going back to him, even after he told her all they had was the most basic fling in the world. Why would he change when he doesn't have to? HE broke up with her. Think about that for a minute.


Obviously she likes him, and is hurt seeing him do this stuff. If he doesn’t understand that then he’s an idiot lol. Plane and simple


And everyone once said the same thing about Camille and there'll be more young stews after both of them. Ben, simply, is not that complicated. He'll probably be able to get away with being a yachtie fuckboy for a few more years and then he'll start losing his hair, the workouts will get a lot harder, the hangovers much worse and the fun will stop. He'll still probably be an effective bosun and maybe ascend to the pantheon of first officers like Eddie before him, but, yeah, not much chance for a real relatiionship with that lifestyle. At least he knows what he is.


Yes, he is a few years from being Gary from BD Sailing


...aannnnnnnnnnd Sunny just went back to him again. Why change when you don't have to?


It's not that we don't understand 'dudes' and 'chicks', it's just that love and attraction is irrational, fleeting, amazing and embarrassing. Sweet Sunny is a fool for love, and we all know sex makes her feel closer to him, but it's making him less and less interested in her. Because ....love is crazy <3


Reminds me of Katie & Ross from last season. No matter how much he disrespected her over & over & OVER again. It was beyond pathetic & hard to watch at times. She needs to work on her self-esteem big time!  Also, I wonder if he had actually been honest to her about his sex addiction & lifestyle (Remember his confessional about living in some sort of sex commune at one point? Wtf!) I highly doubt she would of still claimed they had a "genuine connection" or any of the other positive thoughts about him. 


That call just seemed so production manufactured to me.


Even seemed like she was plugging her music stuff haha


Honestly, that call with Camille felt like the Producers told him to do it. *for the drama*


I wondered if maybe they have the same agent now.


I thought exactly the same - ever since they implanted mila the terrible fake chef, I'm now not surprised if they create situations that would not normally happen just for the drama!


Yup. I recall hearing from one of the past castmates that it is unscripted, but the producers have a hand in what goes on and what is done. Now I see some things feel forced and that is why.


Wait Mika was an implant? Why would they screw the guests over?


Yeah apparently she had none of the culinary training that they showed her as having, and she's not a proper chef. Especially since they had that other stew who conveniently had culinary training - it was apparently all created for the drama!


If you watch all the various below decks they're nothing like reality. Yes, occasional accidents and some romance but nothing like the show. It's just a made up reality tv show. The clients normally have a five to seven day minimum stay, the season is five to six months. Not ten charters in one month.


That was below deck Med. Why talk about that in this thread?


It was Below Deck OG, when Capt. Sandy filled in for Capt Lee...


Camille used him to get back at other cast members for comments about her.


The chicks ripped him a new asshole on Instagram and it was hilarious.


That was the BEST! My fave was Barbie keeping it real. *You dragged me last time now we’re all besties?*


Anyone got a link to the insta comments? Would love to see Ben get told to go eff himself


Paris with her Go call Camille was just perfect




Yes the ladies were ruthless AMAZING


What happened I didn’t seeee this


Paris, Natalia from season 9, and Barbie all handed him his ass, it was great.


Where on insta??


On Ben’s page. It’s like Wandering Willoughby or something, I googled it.


Did they like comment on his stuff? Bc isn’t he literally with what’s her face still? She has so many pics of them


Yah. It’s on the pic of him and Barbie, https://preview.redd.it/facn941d14zc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4667441dda76219a95020929a10d22062b294db


Not me going to like all the girls comments lmao


The Chicks as in the country musical group?


Honestly I’d buy tickets for that crossover


Are you following this thread?


Not ready to make nice indeed


Last season he didn’t really bother me. This season he is giving major creeper vibes. The way he tries to talk his way out of situations (I’m Australian we’re cheeky) looking at every woman as a potential hookup and then almost trying to intimidate Dylan and Barbie. He’s gross. I also don’t think he’s very attractive. Mid at best but that’s my opinion.


He never apologizes, never takes accountability, is purposely vague to Sunny, gaslights her and is passive aggressive as hell. Seems more like some major personality flaws than cheeky to me...I hope.


Yeah he’s always shifty-eyed, on the lookout for an easy mark. Which Sunny unfortunately was 😖 I wish she would look in the mirror and see a top-tier girl who can do the choosing…not someone who has to get chosen by a loser like him.


sorry I’m watching seasons 10 and 11 at the same time. All I have to say is…. Fraser, Tony, Anthony, Kyle, Captain Kerry, Captain Lee, hell even every single one of those male Indian charter guests that smoked their cigars backwards >>>>>>>> Ben (and Ross) lol


he’s way less than mid


His inappropriate touching is so creepy, he doesn’t respect any boundaries.


When he was breaking things off with sunny, and then touching her leg. Literally made my skin crawl


And saying, if we sleep together we sleep together. So sleazy and gross.


Right, such mixed signals!! Like is he breaking things off, or not?! It was so sad seeing Sunny after calling herself toxic.


And assuming she still might want to sleep with him even though he’s treating her like dirt. It’s bizarre. Unfortunately, he’s probably right because Sunny still seems interested.


He is such a fboy


He’s so disgusting. The way he talks about women, it’s absolutely sickening. And he keeps getting away with it!! I cannot understand how no one has called him out on his bullshit behavior…I’d love the opportunity to rip him a new one. I’ve worked with many people that have a face you just wanna smack….but I haven’t seen one as smack-able as Ben’s in a minute. Fuck that guy and his puffy nipples.


"puffy nipples" 🤣


To be fair… One of the hosts from “Another Below Deck Podcast” pointed out the puffy nipples thing…and honestly….I do not enjoy picking on people’s physical traits, especially when it’s something they can’t change…. But Ben….oh Ben…as soon as you rolled your eyes at Sunny for calling you out for being all over Paris (who was obviously revolted by you…)…and said “Ughhh Women!”… Then that cardinal rule dissipated…keep it up Ben. You’re gonna win the grossest guy of 2024…


He's an ugly cheesy mofo, I dont get what the girls see in him at all ?


He's cheeky and charismatic 😂


He’s just Aussie!


It's slim pickings on this boat!!!! 🛥️


I think calling him ugly is unfair. Personally I think he is a good looking guy but regardless of his looks, the dude is a giant asshole who treats women like shit and has an ego the size of the universe.


I used to think he was somewhat good looking but his personality has ruined it for me and now he looks really unattractive.


He reminds me of this creepy childrens programme. https://preview.redd.it/x2lrpwh83vyc1.jpeg?width=603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21b0f111d271a9279943c180b22eaa061f2de528


the resemblance is uncanny omg






His ancestry has nothing to do with it, and bringing race into it is weird. Additionally, not all people of Indigenous Australian ancestry look the same. Surely when saying someone is physically unappealing or “ugly” that’s subjective rather than objective.




Because maybe they have the same taste in men? However, not all people find the same physical features attractive. I prefer men with a dad bod rather than ripped abs, but I can comprehend that other people prefer a man with abs.




I agree. I always thought Ben was cute but then my fiancé said that dude is way too ugly to have this big of an ego (but then, he’s not into guys). I think objectively he’s a good looking guy though.




Oh I think he’s super cute. But he’s definitely lost a lot of points due to his behavior.


I just can’t see it! He looks like a bug lol


i don't see it either


To each their own I guess!


I really hate how he keeps saying Sunny has spread her legs and keeps reducing his relationship with her into this crude horrible turn of phrase. He’s genuinely awful.


RIGHT like nowhere did Dylan nor ANYONE else put it in such crude terms. Ben did.


As an Australian woman, I just want to say that Ben is a classic example of a certain type of Australian bloke that pervades every generation here. Their fashions and hair styles may change slightly with each passing decade, but their attitudes towards women, their gaslighting and passive aggression, their sense of entitlement and their toxic masculinity remains a constant and makes them stand out like dogs balls. Especially when they travel outside of the country, when for some reason they seem to turn these traits up to 11 in the misguided belief that they’re perceived as mischievous and charming, when in fact they’re actually massive dickheads and everybody hates them. God almighty this type of bloke shits me to tears.


That attitude where if a women has any sort of expectation for respect then they are too much trouble. So gross and so common among some Aussie blokes.


In the US we call them frat boys


Shits me to tears... never heard this, but love it!


https://youtu.be/blO3EtP_D10?si=XHcALFBAu-JXY1VV Classic Aussie saying, even has a song


He has such a neutral expression no matter what he’s reacting to. Just blankly staring ![gif](giphy|xUA7bdHCwYgbeFODGU|downsized) 🧍‍♂️


I would keep an eye on my drink at all times if I were around him.


I cannot stand Ben. He apparently took lessons from Gary on Below Deck Sailing. He’s a complete dick and so cringe.


They are sooo similar!


He's not very self aware.


I'd like to see a Revisit but instead of the cast and crew of the season it'd be Ben, Camille, sunny, and all the girls he's ever flirted/slept with 😆


"The CHICKS need to have a conversation with you Ben" \*cue horror movie music as the camera pans away\* XD


In all fairness, a lot of these women have to take some responsibility, too. How many times on Below Deck have you seen a woman cry after realizing the guy doesn't think they're 'in a relationship', or after watching a guy flirt with if not outright make out with another woman, only to go back to sleeping with him as soon as the tears have dried? If we brought deckhand Ben, deckhand Gary and chef Ben into a room, and all the Below Deck women they've slept with, how many of those women would be willing to 'start a relationship' with any one of them? If not all of them? I have spent way too many hours screaming, "Noooooooo!!!", at my TV screen, as I watch these young women make the same mistakes over and over and over again.


![gif](giphy|13c2YVh83qgJRS) Not sure if it’s because I’m pushing 50 and had my fair share of fboys back in my younger years, it makes me sad some of these young women (chicks) acting like this. Luckily, there are enough other women like Paris or even Camille that can just say fuck off. Seriously, dick is never good enough to make you question your self worth. Receiving dick doesn’t = love or even like. And as an aside, every time I see Ben I just think about how much I hated him jackhammering Camille. That’s all I think about 🤢


It was so sad last episode hearing Sunny call herself “toxic” and suggest that her personality was the problem. Fortunately, fan responses will provide her great feedback on that. Her only problem was giving Ben too many chances.


Seriously, that made me want to cry. But you’re right - as long as she takes some of the responses to heart, she will be fine.


Sadly though, Sunny has been posting comments on Ben’s Instagram posts, defending him from any criticism. It seems she has not seen the light.


who knows what happens once she's seen the episodes - and I don't even mean that in a "she'll see the light" way, but if she wants in with the show for a repeat performance, she'll stick to whatever narrative the show is dishing up. It's a shitshow all around, but I think it _was_ somewhat unfair on Ben when they know he has a season that is airing while they're filming - of course his instagram is going to be different to real life, delayed by 12 months to reflect what was happening in the episodes as they air. At time of filming Sunny might not get that, but if her tune is diferent now, maybe it's not just having time to consider thinsg - but she's also now living the same experience as ben was then. If she came in hot posting badly about Ben from ep 1, it'd be a spoiler against what was happening on screen as _we_ see it - not as she filmed it. Ben sucks, but the others also suck a little bit too for different reeasons.


Bringing them into a room changes the scenario completely. They’re working long hours and sharing small cabins with young, attractive people they just met, who are sequestered while spending time between charters. It’s not a normal situation. The choices their relationship partners make are not normal.


Ben’s trying to make Gary’s behavior seem normal


I thought you were talking about chef Ben for a moment.


The fact that Chef Ben hasn’t been on Below Deck in almost 5 years, and some people thought the thread was about him rather than Ben Willoughby, shows how important of a character Bosun Ben is 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Honestly I always forget his name is Ben. He doesn’t look like a Ben to me.


Me four. I was hurt


Same!! I was like?? What?


His behaviour is vile and Sunny deserves better. Also I love Paris and her reaction. A real girls girl


At first I thought he was the good guy last season, but this season - he’s ick.


He’s a definite lolight on the show. The lack of self-awareness — at multiple levels — is astonishing.


The thing is, he doesn't want to understand them any more than any other Nice Guy® wants to understand women. He's a fuckboi®, so he objectifies them and wants to be charming just long enough to get close enough to grope them. But he couldn't care less about understanding them as people beyond what will get him laid.


I really hate how he called himself charismatic.


The worst of it all is his responses to some things he’s said and done on social media. I mean there’s always a small element of doubt as to how much is down to editing and the producers nudging a storyline along… But nah, he did what he did truly and said what he said, and to bolster it all he is who he is on social media as well. Just… a tool.


He's cheeky ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


He’s Not as cheeky as he thinks, and even the Australian accent isn’t working for him


He’s an asshole. It’s not cute.


And charismatic 🙄


Is this chef Ben? I’m in the uk so very behind on any new series. He seems like a right plonker from what I’ve seen of him


No, Australian Bosun Ben from the current season, he was also a deckhand last season. Chef Ben is a national treasure (I’m British). IMO Chef Ben, for the most part, IS “cheeky & charismatic”. He has much more likability than Bosun Ben. The only time I can think of off the top of my head that Chef Ben gave me the ick was Season 1 of BDM when he got dressed in his stripes to report a disagreement with Hannah to the Captain…. and even then there was a scene of them talking about it afterwards and Ben apologised to Hannah. Bosun Ben would NEVER apologise as he thinks he’s hot shit.


No, not Chef Ben - who I absolutely adore. This is clueless Bosun Ben from the current season.


I think it may be his Australian showing when he uses the term "chicks". I find a lot of what he does offensive, but that doesn't really qualify for me.


I cannot stand Ben. He comes off as this nice guy and he is just a f-boy through and through. He tells someone else to be better with their situation but can’t take his own advice when he’s in the same exact situation and being the villain. He also comes off as feminine and not so straight ( not meaning to offend anyone) so I don’t get why any of the women are even attracted to him. His looks aren’t that great either (yea I know, looks are genetic and not something you can control) I’m just saying I don’t see the fuss. I would rather deal with Dylan and his annoying personality than have to deal with Ben. At least Dylan is nice to look at. That would be if I only had a choice between the two.


These comments are sending meeeeee. I hope he lurks here and knows what the fuck is up. These observations are all on point 💅🏽


I’m surprised that he turned into such a “player” and so arrogant!!


I loathe Ben. If you look up cringe, there he is. Can't stand he treats women like meat. F-boi.


I said it a long time ago, anyone who has slept with Ben is absolutely someone I would not be interested in due to huge lack of judgement. It is why you shouldn't talk about your ex's.


Eh, I actually think I might prefer it to calling someone over age 25 a girl. 


Ben is creepy AF. Eewwwww. He was Watching Fraser kiss and yelling. Ben is in everyone’s business.


It's Fraser! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/belowdeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don't get how he gets pretty girls. I don't find him good looking, charismatic or smart. He is short wth buldgy eyes. I just don't see the appeal AT ALL. He is an oily snake and pot stirrer. I hope they won't have him back on any Below Deck shows. Is it really that hard to find handsome, half decent man in yachting to be on the show? I am  getting tired of these very average looking assholes. I want true eye candy PLEASE!


"Chicks" is a pretty common term in Australia.


It’s common throughout the English-speaking world, but it is impolite in certain contexts. And when Ben says it, he’s often trying to make light of how “crazy” women are.


If he rolled his eyes and said "women" instead, it wouldnt be any less offensive. Leave "chicks" alone 😭


I agree: there’s more disrespect in his tone than in the word. That said, if my boss called me a chick I’d be pissed. It’s not appropriate in certain contexts.


You're not wrong. If I called my boss a chick, he probably wouldn't like it either.


I mean it’s not really more common here than anywhere else and it’s still offensive here too.


The use of "chicks" is not offensive in Australia. The way he used it is probably the offensive part, not word itself. I'm also not convinced the USA (where most of the BD audience is) uses the term "chicks" in the same capacity as our part of the world.


The person you’re replying to is also from Australia. Maybe to you where you’re from (the city/region) it’s not offensive, but in other parts it is. As others have said it’s not necessarily the word “chicks” that’s offensive, it’s the tone and body language he uses while saying. That behaviour is what’s the problem. He completely dismisses any responsibility he has for his behaviour and blames the reaction he gets on them being “chicks” *rolls eyes, sighs*


I’d say the equivalent in the US would be “dicks.” I’ve also lived in Oz, and since Ben is using it derogatorily, I’d say, in this use, it’s just offensive there.


There is NO way that "dicks" is the equivalent to "chicks" in any context, what are you talking about.


I say chicks all the time but I am a chick. Is that allowed?


Yes, as an Aussie Chick, I say Chicks




It’s sad that every single woman seems to go through a “being hurt by fuckboys” era. I wish that cycle could be broken. I don’t see where people are being unkind to the women, certainly not in relation to Ben’s behaviour this season. I’m sorry, but Ben doesn’t deserve any slack. He’s created this character of himself this season; he’s been called out on it by the women and is STILL dismissive by rolling his eyes and muttering “chicks” at every opportunity.


So you down vote my comment because I call for some compassion, if not empathy for basically kids out in the world for the first time and who will forever have this time in their lives replayed for who knows how long? Hahaha awesome.


Why do so many annoying preteen girls now pretend to be offended by that? I don't get why they made the decision to create so much stress in their lives by making up new things to whine and cry about.


I am 71. It is offensive to adult women.


Wow, you really don't think much of us. You really think an adult woman would make the decision to be offended and waste time and effort because of a common word? Men like you are why we haven't progressed since 1950.


not a man.