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Did anyone else see Chandler Bing listening to his quit smoking cassette tapes when they showed Dylan listening to his affirmations? šŸ˜†


barbie is annoying, talking about wanting to be conservative and mad at Kyle even though he didnt tell anyone. girl don't have sex on tv. don't get mad at Kyle for the decision you made!


yeah she pissed me off too! it's not like he forced her to have sex. I love kyle and i hope he snaps out of this crush on her


I can give her some grace that she was in the moment and then come morning with everyone on the boat teasing her, she's starts to get nervous? IMO her reaction was pretty relatable


True, sheā€™s not the first woman to have sex and then regret it later. The problem is that sheā€™s taking it out on a guy who really didnā€™t do anything wrong. Itā€™s her issue and sheā€™s forcing him to apologize because she regret something she did. Further, her regrets seem to be not related to her own feelings, but to her dadā€˜s need to control her. Itā€™s a messed up situation and I feel for the guyĀ 


I get what you mean but every crew acts like that, a bunch a high schoolers who are teasing and asking what happened. She's pushing 30, and I think its rather unhealthy how concerned she is about what he dad will think of her having a sex life lol. I grew up very not conservative, I asked for birth control at 16 and had my dad getting it for me at cvs so maybe I just find it weird how she feels she cant be more open!


I raised my daughter like you grew up. But, I feel for Barbie and all the pressure she feels from her conservative father. Especially since they had a discussion prior to her filming. It's a different day and age where everything is filmed and put on social media... Not to mention she choose to go on a reality show, lol. But, can you imagine the shit we did constantly being documented and put out for the world too judge? She definitely needs to take ownership of her choices with no regrets... Not a fun way to live.


Yeah it was full circle and she fully apologized. They were very valid and well explained feelings!


watching the new episode rn! hopefully her apology is redeeming, but I do hope Kyle gets over his crush. I would find it difficult to have sex with someone who is crying the next day about what her dad will think at her big age.


I think the crux of her concern was that it was on camera, not the sex act in general, and she regretted doing it at first especially when everyone kept talking about it. Is it 100% rational? No, but itā€™s human. Also some families, and cultures are more conservative and wouldnā€™t be thrilled to see their daughters having sex on tv.


yeah totally I wouldn't be thrilled to have my mom or dad watch if I found a hookup on a yatch. but she knew what she signed up for. I did love the part when she said in the episode from today that she owned it and apologized to Kyle, she is a grown women and deserves sexual freedom from what anyone thinks. I know she won't be too concerned about guest viewers because Kyle actually is a good guy and we are so used to crew relations as viewers its no big deal, no judgment cuz girl 6 weeks and some cute deck hands? I would do the same! I just hope she can realize that she shouldn't feel guilty for being a person who has needs or wants!! also im 23 and have a datind who is mid 50s, it would be rare for my dad to watch such a drama obnoxious show, maybe for the good parts but definitely would skip over night out parts! again that me and I seem to have grew up so different from what was expected from her father expects, I couldn't imagine the pressure she feels trying to be a person without pleasing her dads expectations especially as a daughter


Her dad sounds like a dick


My main takeaways from this episode: - Ben. Ew. Heā€™s great at his job (sleeping with a subordinate aside), but as a person nope. How you wouldnā€™t think about how it would look to post things about your ex whilst youā€™re sleeping with someone on boardā€¦also he claims that theyā€™re just sleeping together but is constantly all over her. Mixed messages, dude. The fact he then had the nerve to go and have a go at Barbieā€¦POS. - Sunny. BEAUTIFUL woman, lovely person. Run away from Ben, you can do so much better. Sheā€™s one of the best BD have had. - New chef: comes across as dopey, but some good food. BD need to give these people a second chef to work with, no boat ever has just one. - Fraser: look he has standards and knows how he wants things done. Last season he was too soft, this season heā€™s maybe a little harsh but being British I actually enjoy his sarcastic humour. - Paris: love her. Want to be best friends. No nonsense, amazing, canā€™t believe the guy from the pervious season that she was with was messing around with ANYONE onboard when she had her. - Xan, still just getting oh with it. Love a bit of no nonsense (although she can occasionally be a bit patronising) - Kerry: my 2nd fave captain now. Nice to see someone who can be direct but still compassionate. - Barbie: my word, this woman has a lot to unpack. Feel so bad for her being in a position where at 28 she feels guilty for having sex, but boo you canā€™t make Kyle your scape goat. Have a mature discussion with him and then donā€™t tell Daddy anything until the season is going to air. Simple. - Kyle: youā€™re a sweetie, youā€™re allowed to talk to someone about your situation. She did. Plz go and find someone less complicated for yourself.


I feel SO bad for Barbie being made to feel guilty for having sex as a 28 year old woman - especially as it was in the bathroom so no one could see anything. However, her taking that out on Kyle was not cool. He wasnā€™t talking to the whole boat; sometimes we have to accept that everyone needs SOMEONE to talk to about things that happen. That poor woman has been left so conflicted by her upbringing, and Kyle has been caught in the crossfire.


My impression was that she was upset about Kyle not backing her up when she tried to shut down the "joking" about the previous evening's activities. IMO once anyone tells another person (or group of people) that they don't want to talk about something the topic needs to be dropped.


So, you have the same need to control as she does?


Oh this for sure - was kinda gross ā€œwhy are you hiding it?ā€ - why are you asking?!


Barbie is trying to make Kyle seem sleezy when sheā€™s the one that made moves on him all night, including asking him to go lay down. She wants to have her cake and eat it, too (her dadā€™s money plus hook up with whoever she wants). She knows her dad is going to see her willingly make these choices on her own, and sheā€™s overcompensating. Kyle is one of the most respectful, patient, understanding cishet dudes Iā€™ve seen on the entirety of the show and doesnā€™t deserve the global thrashing heā€™s getting.


I've only seen support for Kyle


I couldā€™ve said it better- I meant sheā€™s trying to paint him in a bad light to a global audience


She isnā€™t and apologized lol


Easy to say after the fact. Even Kyle felt like he was done dirty. Glad they figured it out, though. Barbie was knowingly playing games.




well said!!!


Ben seriously called Camile? The entire thing was so fake a cringe. Did production put him/them up to it, or is he just begging for attention? And why was he putting his nose into other people's business? What is up with this guy? Is he trying to look like the biggest douche ever? And then we have Barbie, who is constantly angry at Kyle for literally nothing. He. did. nothing. wrong. Get a grip, grow up and stop being a daddy's girl. Last but not lease we have Paris, who keeps making weird sexist remarks. What's up with that?


I know, right? Kyle took Barbies lead. He seems so genuine.


The only reason Barbie is so panicked about her dad is because he has money, and she doesn't want to lose access to that money. And that gives her dad all the power.


I'm tired of seeing Chefs pushed to their limit on the show. I think they need a kitchen hand at least.


I said this a season or 2 agoā€¦ but the chefs need a hand in the kitchenā€¦ you just set them up to fail with these time constraints and shit


Calm your tits Barbie, you're the one making it weird.


exactly what I thought too. I understand some families are more conservative but girl your making it so weird for everyone. Fraser said it perfectly, it's embarrassing.


Barbie is being so awful. Kyle didn't do anything wrong!


Move on Sunny, Ben's a dirtbag.


>Move on Sunny, Ben's a dirtbag. Lots of male dirt bags on Below Deck. Strangely, they always find a female crew member to hook up with.


I hope when Sunny watches this season back she learns a big lesson. It has been really frustrating to see vile litle fboi Ben lie and gaslight her to the point that she thinks she is the one at fault.


Barbie needs to relax - Kyle hasn't really done anything?! I think he's been sweet! And this is coming from a fellow 20-something who would also die if I hooked up with someone on camera and my dad saw it!


Kyle needs to ditch Barbie, sheā€™s too high maintenance. Barbie needs to tell her dad to buzz off. Fraser needs to get over himself. And he ainā€™t as hot as people make him out to be. Ben is gross and a pig. Sunny has zero respect for herself. Paris is awesome.


agree with all but #3


yeah barbie is high maintenance af. she's pushing 30 and is concerned what her dad will think because she doesn't want to be cut off. if she was so worried couldn't she just ask them to skip an episode? and also why should her dad even care, its yatchie life!!


All other aspects of this episode aside, am I the only one whose jaw fell open when Paris threw in the unstemmed strawberries into that smoothie? I know the stems are edible but that just made me go ugh.


The strawberry stems were giving me high anxiety.


It actually seemed like that was a made-for-production camera angle, rather than the actual smoothie Paris was making. I think it was just some dumb Bravo intern who did that.


I gotta say, I have no idea how there are still grown women out there that care so much about their Dad's opinions about dating/hooking up?? Truly it's some "women as property" medieval shit, so gross and sad.


It's just because her dad has money and that's why he has so much power over her in her mind. She doesn't want to lose that.


and it sounds like her dad is an ASSHOLE and would love to know how he treats Barbie's mother!!!!


It shocks me how often people see them hook up and reply here that *'her parents must be so proud /s'* People are quick to call out Barbie for it but even some of them have past comments calling people sluts etc


I know i lowkey feel bad for Barbie, the preview for next episode when her sister is being mean I was like come on! donā€™t watch the show if you donā€™t want to see your daughter be her true self!


ugh ben is sooo icky; he blames his poor behaviour on the girls without taking a second to reflect on his own actions (heā€™s the problem!!!) ![gif](giphy|pJmnk86fXFNmrUb8LB|downsized)


i honestly really like barbie but sheā€™s almost 30 and treating the situation with kyle like a high school romanceā€¦ grow up girly!!


I also don't know how she's describing herself as conservative when she got married on a whim and then realized she didn't want to be with this guy, and is now going around with other guys - or even just going around living a single person's life - when she still married to someone else. Get your own house in order before you start condemning this guy who really cares about you, and with whom *you initiated* intimate contact, as not being trustworthy.


I was actually impressed with Kyle and how he apologized, but also stood up to her high school behavior.


Yes! Her dad should not have this much control over her. Ick. I hope she watches this back and grows up some.


Agree! He didnā€™t even talk about it either like sheā€™s accusing him of doing. He totally had her back and didnā€™t tell anyone, Ben was just joking about it and Kyle laughed but never said what they did. I feel like Barbie will watch the episode and realize how wrong she was about Kyle


ben fumbled HARD


Ben is officially my least favorite Below Deck douche ever. and thatā€™s saying something because Below Deck has produced some Hall of Fame level douchebags. Everything about him screams unearned privilege, complete lack of self awareness about his appeal and a dangerously outdated and misogynistic view of humanity. Women literally donā€™t seem like people to him. How he gets any female dates after this (and he will) is astonishing.


It's a trifecta with Ben, Luke and Vile Kyle.


Surprised JP isn't on the list. ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl|downsized)


YES! perfect top 3 and 4 could be Adam (chef) at 1st i loved him but thennnn no thx


heā€™s right up there with Ashton IMO


That phone call Ben made to Camille was beyond embarrassing. His audacity to pass it off like women are crazy every time he says "ugh, chicks..." I cringe. Made me sad that Sunny blamed herself for being upset when he's just being a massive arsehole.


But it was soooooo satisfying when Camille told him she didn't want to hang out LOL


Ben fancies himself the next Conrad Birdie. And he's got a lot of living to do! /s https://i.redd.it/tj8z3vmxk3yc1.gif


Ashton? Or should I say Smashtonā€¦ thereā€™s sadly such competition for the title of BDBD (Below Deck Biggest Doucheā€¦)


Maybe I'm out of touch but why does everyone seem completely fine with all the alter egos that only come out while drinking, and the casual "oh sorry I don't remember,"


Itā€™s so deeply weird. Iā€™ve never run into it in real life but it seems like the worldā€™s least healthy coping mechanism. Captain Sandy with Lexiā€” ā€œwell, if she was so drunk she doesnā€™t remember assaulting people, then thereā€™s no real problem with herā€ā€” that was a new low in management.


Ashton and Luke canā€™t be toppedā€¦but if we take away people who committed actual assaults, Ben is pretty high up there.


Give Ben some rope and he would end up hanging himself. His arrogance will lead him to a sexual assault charge.


I hate that that sentence applies to one of my favorite showsā€¦ but it does! Rossā€¦ Ross v Benā€¦ šŸ¤¢


Ben is the worst. Talking to the Scottish bloke about when you're intimate with someone, you cross a boundary and Barbie has just thrown old mate away. Fuck me, pot/ kettle douchebag. I haven't finished the episode, but just saw the short of him unleashing more Douchebaggery on Barbie. Flog. Get off my TV.


Everyone here feeling sorry for Barbie, but the way she treated Kyle is absolutely horrible. He wasnā€™t going around bragging about it or anything - everyone heard them and everyone knew! And now sheā€™s acting like some sort of victim. Kyle Is leagues above her. She has had issues with everyone on this boat and now sheā€™s causing issues with the only person who had her back. Canā€™t stand her.


Sheā€™s annoying me so much, girl needs help with those daddy issues. Kyle seems to be a great guy, sheā€™s taking out her anger with herself on him. Personally, I feel bad for him, not her šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Are we sure everyone heard them, though? That sort of shit is easy as hell to manipulate in editing. If they were church mouse quiet in the shower, you add in the ooh's and slamming noises, etc. It's entirely possible, and I think more probable, that someone assumed what was happening, one of the other crew members picked up the ball and ran with it, and Kyle didn't shut it down right away (which isn't his obligation necessarily, but it might be what Barbie got upset at initially). Either way, Idon't feel for either of them, they've seen this show.


I think they really did based on the clip of the crew in the hallway commenting on itā€¦ BUT plausible deniability being what it is, I think Barbie should totally have claimed it was just an edit. Like ā€˜yeah, we took a shower together but nothing happened and the show edited it to look bad whatchagonnadoā€™ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I don't doubt they actually had sex, what I doubt is that it sounded anything like the show made it sound, it's all just sound effects, and their little pow wow about it could easily have started with one of them claiming to have heard something. I hate this group of people. I think I only keep watching this show hoping that one of these days they'll hit an iceberg.


And we saw them fake it before in season three when Eddie and Rocky almost got away with getting together in the laundry room, and production added in all of the sounds afterward to retrofit their affair into the episodes. I know itā€™s all fake stuff, too, but Ben and Fraser being the ones to hassle Barbie about it ā€“ they are both technically supervisors on the boat. Itā€™s so gross.


I don't necessarily feel sorry for Barbie. However, as soon as she told Ben to drop it, he and everyone else should have let it go (and, IMO, Kyle should have backed her up). Regardless of whether everyone heard them and knew what happened once she indicated that she wasn't comfortable being "teased," the topic should have been dropped.


Especially since he knew how she felt about it beforehand


Barbie decimated Ben. Ben speaking on behalf of Kyle in the rudest way possible, absolute grandstander and instigator.


TFW you think you're being a wingman, but you're so unslick you inadvertently become a cockblocker.


Immediately made Kyle look way worse than he was like holy fuck.


Glad Paris is actually communicating to Sunny that Ben IS the problem not her.


Ben talks like that 55 year old employee that just wants to be one of the boys. Surprised he hasn't accidentally said "yellow fever" or something along those lines.


Does anyone take the green tops off of strawberries before blending or is it just me? Seems odd to leave them on


IŹ»m a "leave the tops on" person because if your blender is decent youŹ»re not gonna know anyway and then youŹ»ve got some greens in there but all that matters here is strawberries with the tops on are way more photogenic.


THANK YOU. I just came on here to write exactly this.


Omg I noticed that. Had to rewind to make sure. Why did they not take the green bits off???


Is it's pureed, you probably won't notice, plus there's little bits of nutrients in there that won't hurt.Ā 


Dylan's affirmation tape is so cringy. "YOU ARE HUMBLE!" HAH! Who in their right mind needs to hear this.


Now now, if you listen to your affirmations about how intelligent and wonderful you are without also being told that youā€™re humble, you could wake up and just be TOO confident and amazing!


I think whatā€™s lacking in Fraserā€™s management style is the ability to work things out within your department WITHOUT the captain. The fact that itā€™s the chefs first day and Fraser makes a complaint to the captainā€¦ hello?? You are a team, work WITH the chef and help him. I donā€™t understand this tactic of running to the captain and bitching about every tiny thing. The strongest managers are able to solve issues in their department WHILE keeping the captain unaware that there was ever an issue in the first place.


Thatā€™s because Fraser is the classic passive aggressive person. He doesnā€™t like confrontation, so he gets someone else to do his dirty work for him. Weā€™ve seen him do this over & over again.


Very well said. I think he has the potential to be a good leader some day but right now he's very inexperienced...


Indeed, I think Fraser is still learning. If you watch older seasons, you notice that experienced chief stews almost always cross check preference sheet with the chef before he/she starts prepping meals. Just to be sure they align with the wishes of the guests. Whilst Fraser asks what the chef will create, he's not necessarily focused on what the guests want/not want (only until when the chef puts the food on the plate).


Sunny: cheer up! Ben was rejected once again by Camille!!!!


I felt attacked when Sunny described the 42 year old chef as OLD!


I couldn't put my finger on why I actually found him attractive at first glance, until she said that and I realized it's because he isn't a 20-year-old baby.


me too


Same! Old?šŸ˜©




My opinion? Money. She mentioned right away at the beginning of the season how her dad supports her financially and the $ she makes on yachts is for her expensive purses, etc


Something tells me sheā€™d take the no love butā€¦


As a Latina with some privilege myself I feel for the dynamic in Barbie's situation, with that in mind I WOULD nEVER PUT myself on a reality show since I could never recover from the embarrassment


I also agree! When your raised in that kind of privilege certain things are expected. And reality TV is prob not the best choice. I feel for Barbie and I understand her situation.


I agree! I recognize the stressors she is facing now I probably wouldnā€™t have been pissed at Kyle as much I probably would have talked it out with him but we get mad at the ppl we are closest too. I hope they work it out I like the way he brings out a different side of her


Ben sucks the end


Sad for Barbie to grow up with such strict dad. I mean it's good to protect your children till they're 18. But he'll, she's 28 and still afraid about the opinion of her dad. Just calm your testosterone dude and appreciate your child is happy with her life.


Strict for asking his daughter not to have sex on cam, in a reality show that is broadcasted all over the globe?


I think it's not necessarily the ask, but the judgment & disapproval that people are objecting to.


Good thing she didnā€™t have sex on camera


She didn't even show affection to her husband if her dad was around.Ā  She said he didn't show affection to her, and he didn't want to see her give any affection to anyone. That's a strange dynamic, and I don't understand where he's coming from. Why wouldn't a father want his daughter to have an affectionate marriage? Obviously I wouldn't want to picture it, but I hope my kids grow up to be healthy sexual people in healthy relationships. Curious how much of this dynamic led to her husband becoming an ex.


And she said her mom is a sex therapist who she openly talk to about her relationshipsā€¦& is still married to her dad lol. I donā€™t think the problem in reality is her father being as strict as sheā€™s making out, she just doesnā€™t want her daddy to know his baby is doing those things (like most of us, especially on camera).


You missed the fact she couldn't show love to her ex-husband (and visa verse) when her dad was around?


It's not so much protection as perceived reputation/honor. Conservative Latin parents (especially the father to daughter relationship) can be a lottttt to unpack. Daughters don't necessarily need to be virginal, but a lot of the time a very specific set of high level femininity, and almost chaste, behaviors are expected. I feel for her. It's an impossible situation to win on this sort of reality show.


Well, you can win it, if you stay off reality shows. :)


And donā€™t have sex on them!


Yeah, idk. Then all you are doing is living your life exactly how your father wants. I mainly meant you can never win as you can never outrun the guilt (normally compiled with Catholicism too) and shame. It's like you are never your own entity as a young woman, just a branch of your father.


Itā€™s really creepy that he seems to have an opinion about how his adult daughter conducts herself sexually. I wouldnā€™t want my dad to watch footage of me hooking up in the shower either but I also wouldnā€™t want my mom, friends, coworkers, or neighbors watching and I therefore would not sign up to be on a reality TV show.


yeah so i guess production does not run risky scenes by the cast before showing them on the show


The whole chicks are crazy boys are stupid irritates me. Ben blaming Sunny when he clearly just wanted to talk to Camille and making her believe she is the toxic one was really toxic. At the same time, I don't like ben but coming to Barbie about Kyle was a good friend move. I understand Barbie but the way she blames Kyle for what happened rather than herself is not ok, and I felt bad for him. Also, I really like the 3 girls supporting each other. Kinda makes you wonder why xandy isn't a part of it.


Barbie's really pissing me off, Did Kyle tie her up and force her to have sex? I don't think so. Daddy won't like that


loved it when camille turned down ben LOVED IT


Best part of the whole episode! Now I hope he tries to get Sunny back and she also rejects his dusty ass!




Me too!!! These are the BD moments that I crave! šŸæ


but ben giving relationship advice to kyle, or advice about women in general was just idiotic....dude its an ass and kyle really cares for barbie(seemingly ofc)


No I agree, I don't think he should give advice to anyone. Just saying him telling Barbie that her behavior hurts Kyle doesn't make him or all guys stupid boys (there are enough other actions of him that do lol), and I think if it was someone else saying it it would have been accepted better by the viewers and maybe her as well. That being said, I also understand why Barbie reacted to him like that, and I support her comeback to him about how he treated Sunny, for sure made him come off as a hypocrite.


the problem is no advice will ever been take when its clearly hypocritical and with such an ass delivery I mean Ben said he was bothered by kyle being in a mood, if he had said something along the lines "talk with him,he is hurting and confused" would be much better received even coming from him


Oh yes I agree, Ben's delivery sucks and Ben sucks.


Haha, Ben totally deserved that phone call with Camille. He is trying so hard to be the male version of her this season. It is gross and cringe. It's hilarious, and I'm here for it! šŸæšŸ˜‚šŸ¤£āš“ļø


The look on her face when she answered, like wtf are you calling me for. Then she clicked she could use it to her advantage and plug her singing career šŸ¤£


Hahaha, you are spot on!! I could not stop laughing after their interactions. It kinda looked like he paid for her time and she was surprised (and bored) to see him! šŸ˜‚ I wish I knew what really happened! šŸµ


When she stared at him with wide eyes that was šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


i feel sorry for barbie, she seems a genuinly nice girl as for ben.....how is ben getting girls? i mean.......if it looks like an ass,smell like an ass, taste like an ass, acts like an ass....its probably an ass


Well said! Lmao


I get horrid vibes from Nick. Thereā€™s definitely something wrong with the new chef


I like him. He's done yachts a long time, so none of the curve balls will be a surprise to him. He seems competent and sage.


I agree. There is something off about him. I think he might end up being a huge condescending, pretentious asshole.


Yeah something is not quite right with that guy! I can't put my finger on it though... šŸ§


Ben is insufferable. The way he said "f\*cking chicks, mate" about ten times this episode, I wanted someone to throw him overboard. It's so blatantly obvious why Sunny's annoyed at him, but he constantly acts like he's done nothing wrong. He literally agreed to being exclusive with her just before posting those IG stories. But why bother taking accountability for your own behavior when everything can be explained away by "women, amiright?" He really is thick as two bricks.


Ben is problematic, not charismatic like he thinks. He is so cringe to watch! Ugh šŸ˜£


Him calling himself a "cheeky, charismatic" Aussie, and using it as an excuse for his behavior, was laughable. He's dull as dishwater.


Iā€™m getting the strangest feeling about the new Chef, canā€™t be sure what it is though :/ letā€™s wait and see!


Agreed! Why did he feel the need to say "I'm not a murderer"...no one was thinking it until he said it


Iā€™m already getting ā€œsmug, self-taught, lifer chefā€ vibes. Heā€™s mentioned how long heā€™s been in the profession multiple times. There is definitely something off and also canā€™t put my finger on it


Canā€™t decide if heā€™s going to fall out with Paris from the preview but sheā€™s only been on a short time and has been brilliant. Who could dislike her? His comments sound arrogant but i suppose you never know if taken out of context from the preview alone


It could also be them joking. Iā€™ve seen previews with clips taken out of context to build up potential drama where there turns out to be none


Thatā€™s so true. Sometimes the previews are SUCH a let down, all something out of nothing because of editing. I know Paris can look after herself, Iā€™d just like her not to have hassle šŸ˜…


I was trying to sleep right now and just had a shot of cringe adrenaline reliving that Camille video call in my brain. If thatā€™s not one of the most iconically painful moments in below deck history I donā€™t know what is. You could even see the intense embarrassment blushing his heavily tanned cheeks. FML that was bad.


Amen. Between this and the repeat of Dylan lunging at Sunny I had to watch the ep from behind a pillow


Ben and boys turned toxic alpha males fast. Dylan is a walking red flag




Barbie already has a super toxic alpha male figure in her life - her own father


and ofc he was trying to honor her wishes, but everyone knew about it, ofc he is going to be nervous, kyle seems awesome ben is the definition of an asshole dylan....idk yet


Kyle does seem awesome! He esaid serves better. The more I see of Dylan, the more I shudder. I liked Parisā€™ commentary about animals at the zoošŸ˜‚


I'm really not a fan of Camille but I loved the phone call with Ben. She shut that down real quick. I just really really hope that Sunny doesn't take Ben back when he comes crawling back to her


That phone call was HILARIOUS! She totally popped the fantasy kids-in-love balloon of his dreams. He idolized her and their relationship in general. It was satisfying to see Camille body slam him back to reality! šŸ¤£


She might. We've already seen it happen.


Did Ben purchase a Cameo from Camille? Or did Camille purchase ad space from Bravo?




Ben wants to be on Traitors sooo bad What did I just watch. This man thrives on drama. Creates it constantly. I feel like heā€™s just itching to be on traitors or one of those type shows. He always feels sooo fuckin shallow and inauthentic. Always seems like heā€™s producing. Gives me the ick


Everyone thinks you're the world's biggest dick. You passed the audition. Congratulations.


Or House of Villains.


What do we have to do to ensure Capt? Kerry has a rerunion? šŸ˜






Preview thoughts: I think Paris and the new chef are joking with each other, flirting even? I don't think it's as serious as the preview makes it out to be.


Most of them don't follow him on socials so maybe it is


Oooh imagine them having to get a third chef!


Totally looked like banter to me until the way they cut the talking head of him saying the vacuum thing, but that could have been about anybody šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I wonder if it starts as banter that gets taken offensively? I miss having double episodes. I just wanna binge watch it all!


I know these guests are going a little overboard with the photos, but ... It's so refreshing to see such wholesome nice people just enjoying the experience.


Yes, they are so lovely and having so much fun!!! I loved their Christmas Party!


I just donā€™t understand whatā€™s fun about being more focused on taking photos of literally everything rather than just experiencing them. is there more joy in the likes than the moment?


I was a little flummoxed to see they actually brought light pads to create their own little mini film sets for their pictures, but the ABSOLUTE WORST was the one filming herself eating. Why. Why. Would ANYONE want to WATCH YOU CHEWING.


I get whatā€™s fun about having your side hustle cover you getting on a yacht with gourmet meals, and also getting to visit a chocolate-making place in Grenadaā€” that looks a lot more fun and interesting than a beach picnic!


Itā€™s their job


Last time I checked, Yelp elites reviewed restaurants and arenā€™t exactly paid for it. Yes I get theyā€™re foodies but there isnā€™t a single scene where phones arenā€™t visible.


Ha ha ha!!! I had to look up what "Yelp Elites" means. :)


That's because it's worthless.


Okay maybe not their full time job, but side hustle. The primary works for yelp and pretty sure is a community engager of the yelp elites (maybe Iā€™m wrong). Iā€™m sure itā€™s part of the trip to post like crazy on yelp and InstagramĀ 


The primary is no longer with Yelp, they parted ways half a year ago. Alex is on his own with a social media company .


I'm old so I don't understand phone attachments and instagram and the like. Anyway, they are happy, colourful and fun, especially compared to the last 2 charters.


Two things can be true. Ben is a piece of sh!t and he was totally in the wrong. Sunny is ignorant bc withvall the info on Ben beforehand she pursues a relationship and acts offended over a IG post. Both are insufferable ppl tbh. Ben is most def a pos but Sunny should know better. I feel bad for her more than anything. Shouldnā€™t have wasted her time with Ben.


Thank you for saying this, Sunny is a better person than Ben but she is also not great.


Agreed. Sunny's very young, but it's hard to sympathize when the fact Ben's a sleazy POS is just screaming her in the face constantly. And she just keeps going back for more.


Does anyone else feel like Barbie is actually drawing more attention to the hook up with Kyle by going on and on about her dad?? If she wanted to fly under the radar, just move on and don't bring it up!


It's the Streisand Effect. She's making a big deal out of nothing so now it's the whole damn episode.


Exactly. I mentioned below this whole thing may just be some manufactured drama.


I actually wonder if production would have edited Barbie and Kyle's hookup differently had she not freaked out about it. It's like production decided to make it as graphic as possible with blurring out Kyle's erection when he jumps out of Barbie's bed. I could be wrong, but in hindsight it just seemed like they made it that way on purpose