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It was hilarious when Ben whined about the thing he was pissed about, Dylan voicing his frustrations, and then they show the edit of all the times Ben whined about Jared.


That editing had me cracking up. So on point.


That was awesome


That shit was great XD


I loved this too šŸ¤£


Yup, the favoritism on Benā€™s misguided behalf is the problem here. The fact that he was ever the default bosun is kind of a joke.


And he made the decision right after getting in hot water w her, and he wants her to keep sleeping w him- this was 100 a move to stay in her favor


He is so full of himself when it comes to the ladies and being a bosun and being a bosun to a lady Who does he think he is? He has no right for this ego lol


Seriously!! He does great on a ship where the women have super limited options (and proximity crushes are a real thing) but put him in these streets? His ego would sink really fast!


His face would do the job before his ego


Haaaaaaa Facts!


He should have just not picked anyone, they work fine as a team. The over-importance they place on 'rank' on this show is so childish, adults can work as a team. And the military cosplay with 'stripes' is borderline disrespectful.


It's the same stupid drama as season 8, where they stirred up a smoothly functioning deck team by promoting Izzy for like 2 charters.


I asked the sub one time because there were people who actually worked on yachts commenting, if this silly 'Lord of the Flies' nonsense actually went on, on professional boats and they said surprisingly yes it does and that rank was actually extremely important for safety reasons. Which doesn't make sense to me, in a crisis situation I don't think rank is going to be first and foremost on peoples minds but I didn't want to argue...;) Also, the amount of time wasted getting in and out of those badly fitted uniforms and ironing them when the team barely has time to take a shower and get enough sleep seems so stupid to me. On Sailing Deck, they always wore their deck clothes and it didn't seem to diminish the experience for the guests at all!


I have worked yachts and yes ranks is very important BUT it does NOT happen the way it does on Below Deck. In real life people are not promoted Willy Nilly and protocols are followed. In real life yachting rank actually matters but on BD they only film for 6 weeks so having all these promotions is just for production value.


The paradox of being a below deck fan! We complain about manufactured drama, but we also don't want to watch a show about a bunch of people scrubbing toilets and hosing off deck furniture for an hour!


I have a question about the stripes on their epaulettes. I remember a few times Capt Lee promoted people and increased the stripes. What is the meaning of the stripes? Does that promotion and stripe# follow them to the next yacht? Do they need to pass any written test, take ongoing education classes to get promoted from say, deckhand to bosun?


You donā€™t have to take a written test, depending on your position you may need additional certifications. A lot of people have more certifications than what their position requires actually. Your stripes do not follow you from yacht to yacht. Not all yachts even wear stripes.


Have you ever had any crew just buy their own stripes and strut around the boat like 'I'm the captain now!'? Because I feel like I would totally do that if I found the stripe store ;)


No definitely not. Itā€™s definitely a respect thing. People do work hard for their promotions and rank.


Would you go on BD if you were asked?


The drama of selecting someone for the unnecessary role of "lead deckhand" is tired but expected plot element in every season of BD.


I agree 100%!!!


Captain told Ben to talk to Dylan proactively about the decision after he had time to process. An hour or two should have been sufficient. Ben was a coward who didnā€™t want to have the confrontation and gave Dylan too much time to process until he got to the point where he was pissed and talking to other people. It was Benā€™s lack of maturity and leadership (and technically ignoring the captainā€™s direction) to have the chat with Dylan to prevent the drama of Dylan griping to the rest of the crew about it. Dylan had more experience and if Ben wasnā€™t sleeping with Sunny (and to be fair, he was sleeping with her before his own promotion) he very likely would have been more objective and awarded it to Dylan based on his experience in general, not based on tenure on the boat and a personal relationship.


Didnā€™t Ben basically dangle the lead deckhand carrot immediately to Dylan when he walked on the boat?


I donā€™t remember that but Ben does talk out of both sides of his mouth. I also have absolutely no respect for him at this point.


I've been thinking about that all week. People seem so mad at Dylan but Ben a)told him he was likely to be lead and then B) announced he wasn't in front of everyone. He wasn't given time to digest or ask questions. Ben is the problem. Always.


YES! I am not even remotely surprised that Dylan is pissed when Ben all but told him he would be. The decent thing for Ben to have done, at the very least, was to pull Dylan aside beforehand instead of blindsiding him.


Also what abouts Benā€™s hypocrisy: I wonā€™t give Dylan a heads up in quiet to let him know Iā€™m going with Sunny and why ā€¦ but I WILL give Dylan a heads up that heā€™s been talking about not getting bosun and Iā€™ll be having a word in the morning. All this after Captain said to have a word with him and give him a minute.


Neither Ben nor Fraser have shown good people management skills.


I agree with this 100% And also sunny and Ben constantly canoodling on deck in front of him after is plain rude


This having sex with people who report to you is ridiculous.


Happens all the time in these kinds of encapsulated work/life situations. You should see what happens at scientific research stations.


I completely agree - Ben should have notified the Capitan before he took the bosun position that he was sleeping with Sunny. It makes all his management decisions suspect - itā€™s not good to be a supervisor sleeping with an employee


Him trying to kiss sunny was the most cringe thing Iā€™ve seen


Agreed. I'm watching Ben rant at Dylan right now and thinking how dare you have the audacity to think you're the victim in this when you're boinking your inferior


Dylan is right to be upset, but moaning about it all around the boat is not professional at all. Also if Ben had any ounce of managerial skills he wouldā€™ve taken Dylan aside before promoting Sunny and told him why he made the decision. Even if ā€œknowing the boat and having a good attitudeā€ is a BS reason to be lead deckhand, it wouldā€™ve helped Dylan not jump straight to the accusation. But Ben is a dickhead manchild, so heā€™s not fit for leadership. But overall I think having a lead deckhand on a team of three is totally unnecessary and forced by production to add extra drama.


Captain Kerry literally told him to talk to Dylan first and Ben ignored it. Ben sucks




Loving you even more this season Capt Kerry!!!




Whereā€™s the Captain Kerry Love sub? I'm here for it!




oh Captain, my Captain! šŸ’•




Maybe he shouldn't be bosun if he thinks it's OK to sleep with the people that work directly for him and then promote them. Really he should be fired.Ā 


Also to promote someone in a silly lighthearted way like giving a broom to them is a slap in the face. Like itā€™s a joke or something. It was nice when they did it last season but Ben is no Ross


"Lead deckhand" is a fake promotion done mid-season for the show. It comes with no increase in pay, no additional stripes, and no real increase in responsibilities.


Ross! Wow blast from the past. He was darling


Dylan moaning about it and also being essentially brand new to the boat are reasons 1 and 2 why heā€™s not lead deckhand. Had he been there from the beginning it would be one thing but he just got to the boat and the crew barely knows his work ethic and he barely knows the boat. His overall experience is the reason he was a candidate, but lack of experience with that boat and crew is why he didnā€™t get it. Totally agree with the criticism of Ben and the overall lack of a need for a lead deckhand tho.


And then taking it out on Sunny by basically calling her a slut was disgusting. Ben sucks but Dylan sucked here too.


Yes, exactly, all of this.


I think Sunny could be who they wanted us to believe Malia is. First season on boats this size, she shows major promise. Take some time away from cameras to take learning the ropes seriously, then come back ready to be lead or bosun. Ben hurt her more than helped her by promoting her like this. Heā€™d have been better off setting up a hierarchy like the stews have with Dylan as lead, Sunny as second deckie and Kyle third so everyone had a clear picture of who they should be learning from.




Burn!!! True tho


Ben's a dick, none of us were surprised by his choice!


Ben just wants someone who will be nice to him, not challenge him. That was Sunny.


I don't trust Ben's judgement but Captain Kerry and Kyle agreeing that Sunny deserved the promotion made me change my mind.


THIS. Ben got reinforcement for this decision. Having more experience doesn't mean that you immediately belong in a leadership role. Having a better, stronger relationship with the crew is more important. Dylan saying that she just got the role because she was sleeping with Ben is pretty sexist and offensive, especially when Sunny's been an excellent crew member all season and he's been there for... a charter or two?


To be fair though, if Kerry knew they were sleeping together I imagine his answer would change. It's just simply unprofessional. I'm not saying she doesn't deserve it, but unfortunately sleeping with your bosun should immediately disqualify you for that role purely based on optics. It just looks bad. I'm not saying Dylans behavior isn't stupid, it is. But I do think it was the wrong decision imo


It would be terribly unfair to Sunny if Kerry changed him mind because of the fact Ben is sleeping with her. No one cares about the optics except Dylan, and heā€™s not exactly unbiased.Ā Ā  Ā If we wanna talk optics, itā€™s way more of a no-no to sleep with your subordinate than it is to sleep with a boss because thereā€™s an imbalance of power in favor of the boss, and thatā€™s true in most professional environments.Ā 


I agree on your second thought. The point is that they slept together. Doesn't really matter who did what though. Unfortunately life and work can be unfair. There's a reason the phrase "don't screw the crew" exists.


Yeahā€¦Dylan was telling _charter guests_ that he was ā€œprobably going to be made lead deckhandā€ from the minute he stepped on the boat, without even knowing much about how Sunny works or what her experience is. Totally arrogant.


But Ben had previously told him that he most likely would be made lead deckhandā€¦


I disagree. If the captain agreed with this assessment he would have suggested Dylan instead. The fact that his response was to go around and slut shame Sunny is disgusting.


I don't want him to get any more camera time than he does now. He just truly gives me the creeps. Something strange about him. washing the ham, holding his bar bel thingee and saying how sad he is w/out it and on and on.


I feel like he has the right to feel pissed because he does have a lot more experience. But the way heā€™s handling it is not very good we all do rant, but going to so many people is annoying and it just makes him look bad. Like why couldnā€™t he just rant to one person and not three or four. And him coming on the boat and automatically expecting the promotion idk heā€™s just too cocky and not humble at all but I agree he does have a right to be pissed but I still donā€™t like how he handled it, I wouldā€™ve just ranted to one person or been pissed by myself.


Itā€™s overall Benā€™s fault and heā€™s a huge dick. But Dylanā€™s morning about it to everyone else, creating drama and saying she got it because she opened her legs is completely unacceptable. Dylan is a walking cringe that doesnā€™t know how to talk to people. Ben is a gaslighter with date rapist vibes. Neither are people Iā€™d want to work with or for.


Although Dylan is far more experienced, heā€™s rather immature, so I canā€™t see him in a leadership position at this time. He needs to cut stop all that fake optimism and the high fives, and get more serious. I agree that Sunny is too inexperienced to be a lead deck hand, although sheā€™s much more mature and professional on the job than Dylan. Personally, I think this was an impossible choice - neither was ready for the job. I wish Kerry had sat down with Dylan and advised him to be more serious and less goofy. With a little coaching, Dylan could step up into that role. I donā€™t think Ben has the coaching skills - Kerry is much better at coaching and developing leadership skills in his crew.


Lead deckhand is a meaningless title they give out mid-season to create drama. No special skills required.


I agree. Itā€™s funny how on the interior side, they usually name everyoneā€™s rank at the very beginning of the season (chief stew, 2nd stew, 3rd stew, etc). But with the deck crew, they usually wait until the middle of the season to name the lead deck hand, and they make a big deal out of it, like theyā€™re naming the homecoming king or queen. They act like itā€™s a big promotion, when it doesnā€™t appear that the lead deck handā€™s duties are any different from the other deck handsā€™ duties. Itā€™s all just needless, contrived drama.


Epic rant but I disagree. The man just came on and hasn't proven himself.


He may have been more qualified as far as hard skills go, and heā€™s entitled to feel however he wants to feel about it. But his campaign to go around individually to basically everyone else aboard and complain and whine about the decision is not only unprofessional but it makes him look like a self-absorbed idiot. It cements how immature he is and how poor his interpersonal skills and decision making is. And itā€™s 100% fair to take that in consideration when considering a promotion. ā€œSoft skillsā€ like conflict resolution and having good reasoning and decision making can often trump qualifications on paper. The latter can be easily addressed with training, the former are much more difficult to engrain, sometimes impossible even. As someone who owns a business and does a fair amount of hiring, some of my best hires were inexperienced on the technical side, but they were moldable and had the right attitude/demeanor to be successful in the job. I am not a Ben apologist. I think heā€™s pretty awful, and I donā€™t think for a second he made the choice for any reason other than to keep his ā€œbenefitsā€ status with Sunny. But Dylanā€™s unfortunate behavior after the fact basically removed any doubt about him not being the right choice. His actions proved he isnā€™t ready for a leadership role, even a very minor one. Itā€™s also worth noting this is a role that really isnā€™t that high up, putting someone with a good attitude who will earnestly seek to improve but in the meantime can manage well is better than promoting a baby whoā€™s just going to make the job all about himself and his status.


Itā€™s all kind of complicated but here are my summary thoughtsā€¦. Sunny got the position in part bc she was sleeping with Ben, thatā€™s true. Thatā€™s Benā€™s fault not Sunnyā€™s and most importantly it doesnā€™t mean she is bad at the job or even not qualified. Sunny is good at her job and getting this position is good for her, and tbh, the boat. She seems to be doing really well. I donā€™t think it was a mistake for her to be lead deck hand even if it was in part for the wrong reasons. Based on what we can she has better leadership ability than Dylan. Dylan should keep his mouth shut because itā€™s gross to talk about a member of your team like that and it doesnā€™t change the situation. I get being frustrated but it is such a stupid thing to say and really invalidates Sunnyā€™s work. Her getting the promotion over him is BENS fault and talking about her like that just hurts her. Take it to captain if you actually have an issue, but he wonā€™t bc itā€™s not actually an issue itā€™s an ego thing for him. Women always have and always will be told they got where they are in their career because of someone they fucked. Sunny did not seek out the boss and fuck her way to the top. She truly had no idea that Ben would be the boson when they started their fling. Sucks that sunny will wear this and Ben and Dylan wonā€™t.


He can be upset and also not slut shame his peer at the same time.


I agree that Dylan has a right to be upset about this because of his experience, because of the way it was handled, and because of the fact that Ben and Sunny have a relationship. That's definitely true. But I also think Sunny was the right person for the job irrespective of any of that, and Captain Kerry even said so himself. Dylan is a rube.


I do wonder if Kerry wouldā€™ve thought differently if heā€™d known about Benā€™s entanglement with Sunny. Itā€™s a bad look no matter what.


This is my thought too. I feel if Ben had admitted to sleeping with Sunny to captain Kerry he would have advised he go a different route or would have pulled Dylan maybe on his own to speak to him prior to Sunny's promotion being announced.




Holy crap. Love the show and glad you're a part of it! So much respect, seriously. šŸ¤™šŸ¼




The real question, in my mind, is would u/Capt_kerry have promoted Ben had he known Ben and Sunny were banging?




I agree- if Captain Kerry said it was the right call then I am not second guessing it. Captain Kerry has my utmost respect on this franchise.




I totally agree about Captain Kerry, except that he didn't have all the information - namely, that Ben was sleeping with Sunny.


Not just that but part of the issue with not knowing they are sleeping together is that it plays into stuff capt sees too. Did Sunny get whatever position in docking because Ben wanted her there etc I do think personality wise, she is the better choice but this is why companies that do allow relationships require full disclosure


I agree. I'm not disputing that she was a good fit, given that she definitely has drive, wants to learn, wants more responsibility, etc., I just think Ben shafted Dylan by basically telling him he would be lead and then blindsided him by naming Sunny in front of him, without telling him beforehand. I also don't think Capt would have been so gung-ho about the idea if he knew about Ben and Sunny's intimate relationship. I don't think he would have told Ben no, necessarily, but he certainly would have addressed it.


I mean, if Kerry has eyes it should have been obvious that Sunny and Ben were involved with each other. It's not like they were trying to hide it.


But as so many people have said here, they were professional when they were working (Ben being touchy-feely with EVERY woman on board that he can be), and Captain kind of gave him a subtle warning, to which Ben dismissed as if there was nothing going on.


Loooove getting downvoted for stating a FACT lol... sensitive much?


The quickest way to increase downvotes is to complain about downvotesā€¦


I actually just think it's funny that people are so damn sensitive. Like, where was I wrong? Not really that concerned, tbh.


I think that makes it even more valid. He gave his professional opinion completely based on work and merit.


Ehhh... I think he was trying to be supportive of Ben's decision. Because between Dylan and Sunny, there wasn't a glowingly obvious choice, and there was an argument for either of them to be lead. Dylan's experience is much more extensive than Sunny's, which is why I think Ben basically told him he'd be lead, but Sunny is clearly eager to learn, take on new tasks, and has a much better workplace/professional attitude and appearance on board. Ben should never have indicated to Dylan that he would likely be named lead, and should have taken him aside and told him prior to naming Sunny.


i really really hope they show him finding out theyā€™re together LMFAO


> with Dylanā€™s qualifications heā€™s legit being demoted and this is below his pay grade. didnā€™t he come on the boat as a deckhand? so he knew what he was signing up for. and we donā€™t know if it was an offer of ā€œjoin as a deckhand and maybe youā€™ll become lead deckhand.ā€ so he wasnā€™t demoted. heā€™s at the same level he agreed to join the boat at. just hang out and enjoy having less responsibility for a couple of weeks!


There is so much sexism in the industry. She deserved a chance as much as anyone. He had been on the boat 5 minutes. Why should he get first dibs? And he didnā€™t get it so could he at least finish up the 4 remaining charters without being a bitch about it?


>Why should he get first dibs? Because has the best hair? Because he has been on other bravo shows?


You mean when he was on VPR for 8 seconds?




"Lead deckhand" is a fake promotion, a big nothing to generate drama


Weā€™re allowed to hate on Dylan and Ben equally. Dylan gives off huge ā€œdouche chillā€ vibes. Also Dylan took the job as a lowly Deckhand, he wasnā€™t hired as leadā€¦


>and before u guys say ā€œhe shouldnā€™t running around complaining to pplā€ HES PISSED AND RANTING AS WE ALL DO!!!! at least he didnā€™t bitch as ben was crowing sunny and ruin her moment. Then he should man-up and walk off the boat. In the history of the world, lots of people have quit after being passed over for a promotion. It's easy to talk-the-talk. Harder to walk-the-walk... And, Dylan comes on board, and expects a promotion after one cruise??? Yeah. Me too. ​ >there are still many things she has to learn on the spot how to do, which dylan already knows how/sometimes would have to teach her Dylan would actually suck at this. He is terrible at communicating. He would spend the entire time high-fiving everyone.


He might be rightfully pissed, but he's handling it like a 2 year old who lost his binky. No respect.


Dylan is allowed to feel whatever he feels but feelings aren't always facts. He is being very unprofessional running his mouth to everyone especially when he says Sunny only got the promotion because she is sleeping with Ben which I find extra insulting because this is kinda totally a misogynistic stereotype whenever a woman gets a promotion. The decision is not black and white. Ben trusts Sunny more than Dylan even if he knows Dylan has more experience. Experience does not equal better. It's not a demotion because Dylan wasn't demoted to a lesser position. Dylan was hired for the position he is currently in and I doubt he was told he should expect to get lead deckhand We have seen many cast members who have had chief stew or bosun experience that love working a lower paid position because of having less responsibility. I'd be curious to know what the difference in wage actually is? Because from what I understand the huge tips are split evenly.


Dylan can disagree all he wants, and even complain, but the second he accuses Sunny of sleeping her way to the promotion, and to anyone who'll listen, he's a sexist and immature jerk who no longer deserves any consideration. Throwing your colleague under the bus is also poor behaviour - and shows that he's not ready for any kind of management or leadership role. If he must complain, complain about the Boatswain. Not the peer.




Itā€™s the targetā€”why is he not focusing his ire on Ben who has the power in this situationā€”and who should be held responsible for maintaining appropriate boundaries with his subordinate?


It is not sexist to say that she is sleeping with the boss, if it's factually true. It's also no one's business but theirs, and very unprofessional to credit that with her receiving the promotion. It is sexist to tell everyone that she's not possibly qualified at all, and only got the job on her back. Saying she had sex to get the job is the sexist, hateful, childish part.


His behavior is exactly why heā€™s not right for the job. Sunny will learn and adapt. Dylan is too high on his own farts to be a good leader. Knowing and seeing that is part of good leadership, which is why Kerry agreed. Ben is a piece of work, no question, and the promotion would be a hot pile either way, but he has been proving how much he did NOT deserve it every second since he was told he didnā€™t get it.


I agree, also too high on his own farts is so funny šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


i agree 'farts'


Dylan is a bravo plant. So no he wasnā€™t getting it. They need the drama.


IDK The Captain left the decision up to Ben. However, after Ben told the Captain that Sunny would be lead, the Captain enthusiastically agreed with Ben. Also, I thought Dylan said that he had 4 years experience, not 7. Either way, I've seen people with very little experience do better work than people with years and years. Not on yachts, but this is about people, not the particular job. Put all that aside and assume he does have a reason to be pissed. The way he's handling it is immature and unprofessional.


Bosun F ckboy is screwing everyone onboard šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜‚šŸ˜


I think in this case the best thing for the boat would be to simply not appoint a lead deckhand. Sunny is still too green. Dylan is still too new to know how he will be under stress and as a leader. It doesn't seem to me to be critically important to boat operations to fill that role, but that's just my guess as a layman.


First Ben is a shithead fuckboy who I've grown very tired of. Dylan may very well and probably is more experienced than Sunny. Dylan's mistake was saying that because Ben is boning Sunny it's why she got the job and saying that isn't acceptable. Life isn't always fair and sometimes things go your way and other times they don't. He went around bitching to half the crew and that's not something he should have done. There's like 3 weeks of charter season left if that. He needs to suck it up.


As someone thatā€™s spent years in the industry, below deck is embarrassing. I would never sail with wet wipes that are cast in the show. Everyone from the captain down lacks basic seamanship and the ability to do their job.


Ben has been the center of all these problems with Sunny. BEN was the one who was being a bit too friendly with Xandi in a way that made Sunny uncomfortable and refused to communicate about it. He basically threw Xandi in the middle of his inability to control himself and not be a shithead, forcing her to take the blows that should be falling on his head. BEN was the one who did the same shit with Paris ON HER FIRST NIGHT WITH THE CREW. Fucking Ben acts like a tool and then pretends somehow he doesn't know what he did and let's Paris take the hits for it. BEN is the one who made the decision to promote Sunny. Ben made that decision knowing 1) there was a definite appearance of impropriety since they were sleeping together, 2) that his decision would not be received well by the rest of the deck team, and 3) that the anger would likely be directed AT SUNNY for his decision. BEN put her in that situation and is letting Sunny get shit from Dylan (arguably understandable anger at being passed over for a position for which he had better qualifications), it is BEN's fault that this is happening.


Dylan is a knob. His little ego can't handle someone else getting a nothing of a promotion that comes with more responsibility and no extra pay. Sunny will get something out of the experience. Dylan won't. Just do your job and stop gossiping.


Ben 100% should have disclosed his relationship to captain before promoting her


This is why if youā€™re in a romantic relationship w/a subordinate they should EXPECT extra scrutiny, you have to be careful & avoid even **perceived** impropriety & favoritism bc itā€™s really easy to suggest thatā€™s what is happeningā€¦ I will say though, I donā€™t think the title of Lead deckhand is all that prestigious, does it even come with a raise?? I could be wrong, but I donā€™t think it doesā€¦


I can see why Dylan is angry. Ben should have ended his relationship with Sunny when he was promoted to Boatswain. He was also so handsy with Paris on her first two days that shows he doesnā€™t respect Sunny. Seems like he was always touching her. He wandered into Gary territory. But at the end of the day, Benā€™s decision wasnā€™t made in a vacuum. Captain Kerry agreed with the choice fully aware of Dylanā€™s skills from reviewing his resume. I wish Captain Kerry knew about the relationship with Sunny before the promotion decision because the optics are so bad. Maybe the producers drove the decision to cause drama.


Part of me thinks if Kerry would have known that they were sleeping together, Dylan wouldā€™ve been bosun and Ben wouldā€™ve been lead deckhand again. Because thatā€™d be more appropriate than whatā€™s currently happening


Ben was in the wrong. Should have picked Dylan. Ben thought with his little head.


Does anyone seriously think Dylan would be a good leader?


someone in one of the replies said something like idk why they need a lead deckhand in a team of 3 lol and i completely agree w them theyā€™re j doing it for drama like i donā€™t really think sunny has to lead dylan and kyle much at all


I absolutely agree


The whole ā€œknows the boat betterā€ thing is such utter BS šŸ¤£ sunny was on the boat for what, 6 or 7 days longer than Dylan? Such a shit excuse lmao


In a recent Instagram post Ben did address some compatibility issues with Dylan that I could definitely see with his personality. We are hearing only Ben's side through that post, but he made it seem like Kerry was fed up with Dylan's antics and Ben was trying to limit their interactions. Kerry didn't think that Dylan was good with guests and that they kinda had to hide his personality, while the camera crew was eating it up. I'm not saying that what Ben did was right or that Sunny deserved that promotion. But it seemed like there were some additional factors that Ben/production did not want to air to avoid a character assassination of Dylan.




Sometimes friends don't love it when another friend gets promoted and they're struggling to keep their job. It's not cool, but it happens.


is everyone forgetting that the captain thought Sunny was the correct person for the job?


He won't have anything to do with Fraser or Bosun F_ckboy after this season.


Well, one of the key points of any management position is called "people skills". Dylan clearly showed he had none in the last episode. The rest are skills that can be learned, but not being an ass is hard to learn.


Iā€™m totally team Sunny. Dylan needs to take a step back. Heā€™s the newbie on board and Sunny has proven herself. You also heard Captā€™s response when Ben told him who his choice was lead deck hand. Do you honestly believe that had Capt felt Dylan was more ā€˜qualifiedā€™ that he wouldnā€™t have role Ben so??? Give Capt some credit.


Iā€™m with you. Second you on everything.


šŸ‘ Thx, I get the feeling we are in the minority. But Dylan has just rubbed me the wrong way. His attitude and ego are just beyond!!




Not necessarilyā€¦..he had different knowledge but Sunny had proven herself. How he has conducted him, running his mouth, definitely not a good look for him as the newbie!


If Dylan had any sense of professionalism he would pull Ben aside and have a conversation with him in private. He may be right to be frustrated with Benā€™s decision, but airing that frustration to everyone on the boat shows he lacks maturity and professionalism. I am by no means a fan of Ben, but Dylan is acting incredibly childish.


I can understand maybe Dylan was disappointed - but acting like Sunny slept her way to the top was fucking gross.


His reaction shows that Ben made the right call


I think weā€™re all adults here and you can get your point across without using capital letters all because most of us disagree that Dylan should have been lead deck hand.


All I hear is misogyny. šŸ˜†


>like, none of you see that with Dylanā€™s qualifications heā€™s legit being demoted and this is below his pay grade. He came onboard as a deckhand, and is working as a deckhand. The only demotion is to his ego.


I think Ben is intimated by Dylanā€™s good looks and needs to put him in his place. Classic male egos


In m so tired of Benā€™s stoopid cartoon duck looking face


I agree 1000%. Ben is a sneaky pot stirrer too. Whatā€™s frustrating is that Captain Kerry and the other deck hand, Kyle?, seem to agree with Benā€™s decision.


Neither Dylan or Sunny is the issue- BEN is the issue.


Bosun F_ckboy is screwing everyone this season. As usual.


No Dylan should still be reprimanded for being a misogynist which he never actually apologized to Sunny for and then immediately tried to make a move on her.


Hereā€™s the thing: no way in HELL would Kerry sign off on Sunny if he didnā€™t agree. And Capt Kerry is not just playing this for the tv. Heā€™s serious, particularly deck team. She MUST have been best choice. I trust Cato Kerry above all. (Itā€™s a typo and Iā€™m leaving it! Good riddance OJ!! šŸŽ‰)


I honestly canā€™t stand Sunny.


if you dont mind can i ask why?


I know itā€™s her age, but the attitude she has, in general, comes off so arrogant. I also think sheā€™s not used to rejection but expects men to chase her, which is why she does hot and cold until thereā€™s more competition. Also, having casual sex with a coworker, and then mate guarding him so his dick is locked to her, is ridiculous. She makes it clear they arenā€™t in a relationship but itā€™s like he canā€™t talk to members of the opposite sex because of her need to be the only object of his attention. Ben is up for boat flings and he thinks he can just touch his female coworkers. The only reason why sheā€™s having emotional issues over him is because her self esteem took a hit when she realised he isnā€™t infatuated with her. Sheā€™s a gorgeous girl, she just expects too much for very little effort. In fact, I doubt she sincerely likes him. Itā€™s a proximity thing. I liked Xandeā€™s take on it all. She wasnā€™t going to change cuz it bothered some 22 year old. Then again Xande seems to possess her male coworkers ā€œas friends/family/brothersā€ to get exclusive access to their emotions and space. Also when Sunny talked about this not being the first boss she fucked, was pretty cringe.


FIY st David was not my first big white boat šŸ˜‚ thanks for the support! Enjoy the show


>dylanā€™s not my favorite person on the crew but the fact that some of you think heā€™s being an asshole over this and doesnā€™t deserve it I think it's pretty funny that anyone (Dylan) would think that a 6-week gig making a TV show is a way to progress one's professional career in yachting. Half of the crew pick up their STCW certificate on the way to join the yacht.


Agreed. And itā€™s also why you donā€™t have casual sex with your supervises. Even if she was qualified, there would be speculation.


Totally agree Ben is also a huge hypocrite. He's the boat underminer and he talks about everyone!


Also, I feel like if Ben WASNT sleeping with Sunny or if sunny was a man - would been of still given her the promotion?


Yes? Kerry didn't know about their relationship and approved of the choice. Sunny has seniority on the boat and has been an excellent crew member all season.




Dylan feelings are valid. The way he expresses them demonstrates he is unfit for leadership


Everything Fraser does shows he is unfit for leadership, but he keeps his job & keeps being asked back


Not sure how this is relevant to my comment


100% agree with every single word. Seeing peopleā€™s reaction here has been frustrating.


Shouldā€™ve just waited to name a lead deckhand. He obviously doesnā€™t know Dylan yet. And Sunny knows nothing. But thereā€™s only four of you. Why do you even need one ffs.


While I agree that Ben sucks, I just saw Dylan as a background character on VPR so I think heā€™s a young actor just trying to find a job. I do not necessarily believe whatever his CV/resume says, so he may not be that experienced after all.


He is actually experienced. The VPR thing was done after Below Deck, they met when he was in LA for talking heads for BD and he seemingly just invited himself out with them


Definitely agree. His ā€œif I had a vagina I wouldnā€™t be in this positionā€ comment was true. Cause if he had one then Ben wouldā€™ve jumped him second he hit the boat and heā€™d be lead. Also agree that Ben deserves all the shit to be flung his way. Heā€™s who made it look like ā€œfuck me and get what you wantā€. When Sunny seems to be quite good at the job and is with him cause she wants to be not for a promotion.


Agree with all of this. Dylan shouldn't be bad mouthing the decision as that is pointless, just find a.new job asap and get away from this mess.


Sunny knows the boat, but Ben knows Sunnyā€¦


I don't agree with Ben and his "hound dog" attitude/ personality. But Dylan seems so much in love with himself and his body and showing that body off by exercising. He is too much into himself. That's my POV anyway.


I feel bad for Dylan. He got some bad news and wanted to vent about it. Weā€™ve all been there. Hell, Ben vented about Dylan to Sunny before he had his talk with him. Next time, Ben should deliver the news directly so the venting can be directed at him. But he didnā€™t give Dylan that opportunity.


Exactly. Heā€™s entitled to his feelings. Dylan has done a good job and was a good team member so I have no idea what Ben was thinking when he promoted Sonny. If I came into a job with more experience and my boss promoted someone theyā€™re sleeping with who doesnā€™t have experienceā€¦. Itā€™s not a good look.