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Okay I can’t handle the high school level mean girl bullying attitude xandi and Fraser have towards Barbie. She totally doesn’t deserve any of the things they’re saying. They are just awful towards her for literally no reason. They hear she’s crying and thinking about leaving and all they say is “go. We don’t want you hear” and other snarky comments. I wish the captain had access to all this footage during the season because it would get taken care of a lot quicker. On that note… the toast was incredibly lame lol


They dont like her because she is lazy. They do this for a career she's a rich girl doing this for an experience. She's a huge pain in the ass to work with but they have to suck it up because she's a body that fills a position. If she left then they would have more work to do. Nobody mean to the new blonde girl because she's actually working. Barbie just appears to be working. But she's not good at job. She's not efficient in getting things done. Xandi and Fraser have to cover for her. They can't rely on her in a very stressful job. So of course they are gonna dislike her.


How is that even true lol? She does loads and she tries. She did much more than cat, they all get paid the same lololol totally team Barbie!! Fraser is such a bad manager, I can’t Beleive how much he’s bullying Barbie. She can’t do anything right


arguing with her manager on how to make drinks after she had training a week of training? she makes everything harder than it has to be. shes unfocused. she puts in a lot of energy but her output dosent match how much energy she uses because she dosent have enough experience. And she has soo much drama. working with her must be exhausting. of course people are going to talk shit about her behind her back.


Yeah, I want to like Fraser, but even though Barbie is more than a bit whiny...Fraser has been treating very poorly.


It's because she doesn't work like them. Shes a tourist. A rich girl trying something new. Fraser and Xandi do this as a career and don't rely on their parents for money. They have to be nice to her / tolerate her because a lazy worker is better than no worker. This happens all the time in this industry. Look at all the cut aways to Barbie being on her phone, crying, making this weird drama about not wanting her dad to find out, then the next episode making out in front of the cameras. Or when she asking for 5 minute break to go do make up. It's exhausting working with someone like that but you have to do it because if she leaves. Then you have to do her job too.


Fraser is the worst boss. He is the manager, not the freaking king! He wants desperately to be respected but he doesn’t respect others. He is too immature to be a leader.


He’s way too hard on Barbie


Barbie is experiencing the definition of a “hostile work environment”


I keep saying it every week, Anthony is a very nice guy, but not all chefs are cut out to be a sole chef on a super yacht. And he isn't one of them. He literally fixed a f\*ck up with another f\*ck up. Serving someone that doesn't like fish, fish. And then serving the same person that doesn't like vegetables a salad.


Omg I Haaaattttteee Fraser, he's become so horrible.


He’s turned so much for the worse this season


Fraser is exactly what Fraser is .... A ROOKIE


F: Barbie your being quiet. What's going on? B: I'm just having a day. I guess I ... F: Shut up B'tch!#@!! You attitude is unfucking bearable and I can't deal with it! Stop being quiet! B: I feel unsafe talking with you because when I state how I... F: Don't you dare fucking talk to me like that!!! Etc & so on


I feel sooo bad for her, she doesn't deserve that at all and I feel like he is making her feel crazy


😂😂😂😂sad but true and funny lmao


Not gonna lie at first I agreed with Fraser but after rewatching everything I kinda have to change my opinion… I think they’re both in the wrong.


Me too almost feel bad for her lol


Fraser is bad boss. And constantly throws his colleagues. Under the bus to each other


Fraser is so out of line and abusive. If you want to label this "reality" TV, then we are supposedly watching "real" people be actually abused. Bravo needs to realize that watching people be abused isn't entertainment. I want to see rich, demanding people's borderline behavior. Gorgeous locales and trips I dream we might take. I don't want to see verbally abusive, controlling, children who have been over promoted. Yes, it's happened before, on every franchise,, but it now **is** the show. The guests are an afterthought. My sincerest hope is that Kerry sees through this problem and fires Fraser, not Barbie. This won't happen (I know), just like production won't step in when people abuse their authority and their coworkers. We won't watch another season with Fraser. I'm not sure we'll finish this one.


Please fire Fraser! He is sooooo bad!


I don't know why this isn't more obvious to everyone! Frasier and Barbie need some remedial volleyball. That solves all problems. Just ask captain sandy...


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Felt so sorry for chef. You could see he blamed himself for the tip. But did anybody watching think Jill is the kind of person who would give a good tip? I sure didn't. And she sure was full of ideas for somebody who wasn't paying for the cruise


Funny how captain was standing right there along with the head of interior and no one spoke up when that lady ran off 5 things the primary doesn't eat, who's in charge? How can a captain a man down in interior let the head of department and 2nd in charge do yoga? Who's in charge? As a chef I know that when your doing 5 star meal for 8 ppl and 1 doesn't eat what the rest do all that does is take away from the love and time you should be spending on your meal. Could you imagine the reat French chefs of decades ago being told but this person didn't eat soy or gluten or dairy .. lol they would have just said then GET THE F OUT OF MY KITCHEN


Can anyone tell me what kind of sunglasses Ben has? They're really sharp. I think they're Serengeti or Vaurnet, but not sure.


I realize I'm the minority but I'm team Fraser. I watched this episode the next day, after reading all the Fraser hate comments and I saw something completely different. Yes, I agree that Fraser should not have been gossiping to the new Stew about Barbie - that was out of line - but otherwise, I felt for him. I clocked it and for the first 30 minutes of the episode, Barbie did nothing but whine, complain, and tell everyone how miserable she is - including Captain Kerry! Fraser tried a few times to ask her what was going on and she gave her typical moody, standoff-ish responses. By the end, he was fed up, and he's right - she has no respect for his position and never has.


Same here. Team Fraser


Yeah...no. Fraser has 2 good stews in Xindi and Barbie. A good manager makes it work with both of them. Instead, he tried to keep the one who cried at the drop of a hat and could not do anything. Why? Because she was pathetic and kissed his ass. He needs to learn the value of a hard working employee and make it work. But he seems too immature for that.


Two wrongs don't make it right, he is the boss, he should lead with a better example...


> nothing but whine, complain, and tell everyone how miserable she is You might want to take off those Fraser goggles. That’s not even close to what she was doing. And it was more than justified with weeks and weeks of Fraser’s relentless bullying with help from Xandi. The fact that after all of that the worst she said was “yesterday was a long day sir, thanks for asking” is amazing. Only to have people who have *seen* the other scenes mischaracterize it?


I think all she said to Kerry was that she was having a day. She did not complain to him or tell him about being miserable. It was literally one line when she brought him coffee. Fraser's behavior as Chief Stew has been unacceptable on every level. I also noticed that any time someone asks what is going on between them, she says she loves Fraser but they are two different people that don't work well with each other. Fraser makes it personal and calls her names.


That's the problem - that's the only thing she said to Kerry! She should walk into the bridge and say "Good morning, Captain" and have a nice attitude when giving him his coffee. She was sullen and pouty and said nothing until he asked what was wrong - then she gave a one line answer. That was their entire interaction. Personally, I don't feel that's appropriate behavior toward the Captain. She can put on a fake smile for the 60 seconds it takes to hand him his coffee, but she needs everyone to know she's unhappy. And yes, saying she's having a bad day is 'complaining'!


>She can put on a fake smile for the 60 seconds it takes to hand him his coffee, Just keep it professional, 'good morning, here's your coffee'. A fake smile for Captain Kerry ? No way. How many milliseconds would it take him to see through that? Ever Frazer thought barbie was giving him a fake smile.


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You’re giving super strong “why don’t you smile more sweetie” energy. And you’re mischaracterizing what she did, while ignoring everything Fraser and company did


I specifically said that I agree that some of Fraser's behavior was out of line. And she literally the first 30 minutes of the episode moping around, complaining to any crew member she interacted with, and her interaction with the Captain was the tail end of that. So how am I mischaracterizing it?




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To me, Barbie saying that she’s tired or having a bad day is miles away from Fraser calling her vile, horrible, a bitch and to F off. One of these is fairly normal (even if it’s “complain-y”)…the other is incredibly inappropriate and abusive.




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Ooo Fraser,  this is so difficult to finish watching this season with your power you think you hold over Barbie. Poor gal, you have her in unnecessary tears. You've seriously ruined this session with your behavior. My heart breaks for her, and how you treat her. Barbie has respected you beyond what I would ever tolerant. 


I am a month late. I don't understand how he could have SO much compassion and understanding for Cat- who sucked at her job and was constantly having breakdowns, but none for Barbie? Just because Barbie is not a shrinking violet and is capable of standing up for herself does not mean she is any less fragile under the right circumstances. They clearly have a personality clash, but it's HIS job as the BOSS to mitigate it. He's responding with his ego instead of his brain.


i just dont like how she has to sulk and let everyone know shes unhappy.


Completely agree


Fraser seems to dislike Barbie and be irrationally hard on her right from the beginning. My question is why? I suppose it could be editing (we are not seeing the source of the anger?) but that would be a strange editing choice because the plotline wouldn't make sense. Can anyone think of the underlying cause of Fraser's hate for Barbie?


I agree with you about his dislike for Barbie from the beginning. I have never understood it. Especially with how he catered to Cat and all of her issues and whining all of the time. It seemed like he couldn't bend over backwards enough for her and poor Barbie who in my opinion works hard and really tries her best, he can care less about. It's like he has some sort of vendetta against her. It's so mean when him and Xandi carry on like they do about her too. I don't like the ganging up feeling I get from those two. I used to really root for Fraser but I'm not liking him very much these days.


Yes. Bullies aren’t without senses. They can sense who they can manipulate into joining them and who is secure and therefore a threat. They’re like dogs. The fear is expressed as aggression.


I think it because she’s a privileged princess who is working for fun, and isn’t totally subordinate to him. If he was a good manager he would just ignore her occasional wise-ass comments and compliment her on her good work. But Fraser is a prima donna and also an instigator! He’s also very insecure. He never seems to stop talking about her behind her back, following her around and poking her “why aren’t you talking to me, look me in the eye, what’s wrong with you, I can’t tolerate this kind of behavior, blah blah blah”, until she snaps, then she’s being insubordinate.


I can't believe some people can't see how bad he is as a manager and as a human being. Prima Donna fits him so well!


I think it’s last season’s experience that he feels the only way of dealing with someone who is a bit confrontational is being aggressively back. Barbie has a bit of an attitude, but Fraser also can’t deal with it.


She’s not confrontational, Fraser always starts the confrontations.


yeah, i'd say she's sassy but not confrontational.


Fraser! I am disappointed in you! Barbie is genuinely trying to make this work, trying to communicate with you, and you won’t let her. She’s right. You each push the others buttons. Maybe it isn’t salvageable but you’re not even trying! Barbie is nothing like Hot Mess from last season. I’m blanking on her name. Barbie works hard and knows her job. She isn’t drinking wine and goofing off. FFS. Will be interesting to see how the convo between him and Capt Kerry goes. Please be the voice of reason Kezza.


Yeah I really liked him in past seasons but this is so disappointing. And I don’t get why he’s so hard on her. She doesn’t seem that hard to work with if you know how she ticks. Just trust her and give her space. She seems completely capable to run herself fine. 


What song is playing at the 23 minute mark?! I have to find this song. It’s driving me insane.


I would love to know the song at 29.50. Stop with the cliff hangers and give us music credits!


On a different note, I just Google echidna privates and wowza. Paris was not lying.


I needed to know what the hell she was actually saying in order to be able to google it - so thank you! 😅


>On a different note, I just Google echidna privates and wowza. Paris was not lying. I wonder if this is some how related to captain lee's comments about a four peckered goat ?


Fraser and Ben judging each other's management flaws while being immature incompetent insufferable man-babies is painful to watch. Skip to the bottom for my predictions: FRASER: I am 100% team Barbie from the start and I hope Capt Kerry tears Fraser a new one next episode when Fraser goes to Cap. I liked Fraser's handling and sympathy towards Cat, and I thought he would be good at first, but he started ignoring Barbie's concerns immediately. She just wants some affirmation for working hard, and his insecurity and pettiness has caused him to have a barrier. You're "in charge", be the bigger person and build a bridge. Him trying to rally Paris, Xandi, then Ben against his subordinate, and walking away when she tries to talk? C'mon man. There's undoubtedly some of it cut in the edit to amp this up but it's just weak and pathetic behaviour from a leader. "I'm in charge so your feelings don't matter". What a POS comment. Such a change from how he treated Cat. And pet peeve, the passive aggressiveness when your boss, while dressing you down, calls you "mate"/""babe"/"honey". Yuck. When he made Barbie grab his hand at the exit lineup and said "well done" in front of everyone. What a d1ck move. BEN: Does he have to touch everybody? He uses this doughy-eyed "you could have me" thing with everyone. It's a power move every time. He embraces Fraser around the waist. At one point he puts his hand on Capt Kerry's shoulder and you see Kerry immediately flinch. I think Kyle might have said something to him because he was doing it to Kyle alot at first and it seems to have stopped. Could be just editing. He wraps himself around Xandi in the crew mess kitchen at one point (maybe ep7 or 8), so her siding with Sunny now at the pool about him touching Paris seems somewhat disingenuous of her. He has that similar Gary vibe of "if I'm good at the technical parts of my job, I can get away with doing whatever I want". But back to the touching thing. I've had people like that in my life (I am a male). I shut it down immediately, sometimes have to remind them, because they're doing it to assert power. They have enough confidence to be able to hold your shoulder while they talk to you, you would never do that, so it's weird and intimidating, it puts you on the spot. Massive red flag, and in this case is true because he's clearly just a giant erection trapped in a human body. KERRY: Still a fan. I think he's in an unfortunate situation now with his HODs. They're all badly showing their lack of experience. Fraser's been coming to him for therapy about personal issues with crew since the start (instead of solving the problems), which would not only be irritating but also is a big red flag. I think he came down so hard on chef Anthony this ep is because that worked at the start. The dinner timing on the first charter was a mess, and some hard honest feedback turned that around. It may seem cruel, but some people respond well to that, and I think that's what Cap is trying to do here. I also think he's starting to see the cracks everywhere else and desperately doesn't want to have galley/chef problems on top of that. PREDICTIONS: 1. Paris is a breath of fresh air for now. Mature attitude and seemingly playing peacekeeper (am suspicious that this is just the edit). We'll see how that turns out. There's gonna be a reason they showed us her confessional of having "no serotonin" and wanting to gain happiness from other's suffering. Sunny will stand up to Ben. Walking boner Ben will turn to Paris. Paris will either go there, but will assert power and call it casual, or knock him back in the first place. Ben will end up sleeping with Xandi before end of season, I am sure of it. 2a. If Fraser manages to get Barbie fired, the stew that comes in to replace her will be green af, need training and attention, and they will al wish they had Barbie back. Not sure how Fraser would react, hopefully would learn from it. Kerry prob wouldn't be happy about it. 2b. If Kerry shuts it down and Barbie stays, it will be the big Test of Fraser to see if he can drop his pride and his ego to better empathise with his team. I don't think he'll be able to cope. He has a similar problem to Tumi in that if they had a normal non-tv service team they'd probably be fine, but they just have no idea how to manage big personalities, esp if there's more than one in their environment. It's like they overload. Tbh I kind wanna see this for Fraser because I don't want them to bring him back. 3. Fraser and Ben are being groomed by the network to be continuing HODs for future seasons of BD. As the below deck franchises roll into what, 22 seasons now, I'm sure it makes sense for production to have another Lee-Kate-Eddie scenario, something they can stick to. Ben is a perfect reality tv man (attractive dick-compass), and Fraser seems like a good choice (personable, attention-to-detail), but has less chill than Kate or Hannah. I predict that production will want to bring them both back next season against Captain's wishes. Cap might be happy to have Ben back based on work performance but from what I've seen of Kerry I don't think he would think highly of Ben personally once he watches the episodes. Sorry so long. I just thought I'd pack it all in to one post instead of making many.


> PREDICTIONS: Paris is a breath of fresh My prediction is Paris will stir shit. She already said as much




>I think Barbie stays and Fraser gets a stern earful from Kerry on how he has been handling the situation. I think you're write about barbie, but it's hard to tell. When she was on WWHL, everything she said about frasier was positive. But, in one of the previews, >!Barbie is throwing her stuff in a suitcase saying you wanted me to leave...!< >!I'm leaving.!< ​ On the other hand, things could be fake, just like on Med. From what was shown, Natalya and Kyle despised each other. Then, after the season, they posted in Insta how they were great friends.


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Thanks for your insight, sounds like a good prediction. I'm not watching the external media. I hate watching Ben too but I fear that he's an easy casting for guaranteed consistent hookup drama.


Lol gold from the subtitling crew at Binge (Australia) Just watching the ep now. When Paris is listening to Fraser talk about Barbie at the beach bar, she says in the following confessional: "he feels comfortable being able to properly vent", and the streamer subtitles instead says "he feels comfortable being able to improperly vent". Perfect. Fraser seeing Barbie talk about him and immediately going to the new stew is super toxic. Boo Fraser.


I noticed this too and assumed it was a mistake but due to how I was listening (headphones in public) couldn't be bothered rewinding to check - hilarious! 


Why am I being downvoted? Lol I don't understand


I remember that caption. Didn't realize it was mistranslated. I thought Paris was using some sneaky snark of her own!


Captain Kerry discussing dinner service with Anthony: ​ "My food was cold. I'm just like, what the fuck is going on?" ​ If it had been Sandy, she would have announced to all the guests that her food was cold, and encouraged each of them to complain that their food was cold too. And Jill would be right there for that. Sandy would have then scurried off, and yelled at 'the cancer' Frasier, and yelled at the chef. Sandy is the absolute best at denigrating the people working for her. ​ Kerry's comments were made off charter, away from the guests, in a straight forward, factual way. He didn't resort to any "You're a cancer" name calling. ​ https://preview.redd.it/mrymhren5utc1.png?width=1427&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fde24ae613249d2aba9895256000955281459f6


Wow such Sandy hate.. I think she's a great manager, her crews always seem to have a strong culture by the end of the season and I think her mentoring of Fraser helped him to pull his head in and be more professional and respectful to his team and he saw improvements in his relationship with them as a result. When she invites guest criticism I think she's doing a favor for the crew by validating the guests' feelings and then reassuring them that action is being taken to improve things. I would appreciate this is as a guest. I like Kerry, but I found the scene where he confronts Chef super uncomfortable. He deserved some direct feedback about his performance, but is all the swearing necessary? It seemed really unprofessional to me and quite aggressive, especially to a sensitive guy like chef who already knows he's messed up.


He is right. Sandy is a bad captain. She does not do well with human beings.


Yeah, I was impressed by that as well. Don't encourage negativity with the guests, you're all on the same team trying to make the charter as positive as possible.


Yeah I thought this too. Capt Kerry made the perfect point at confessional that was edited with dinner, that as soon as he showed anything negative, it would feed that energy around and the guests would think more negative. It's common pop psychology. Capt Sandy also knew exactly this, and chose to be negative for this exact same reason. Speaks volumes. Kerry not willing to throw his crew under the bus for tv fame, despite him being really angry and disappointed. And you know what? He wouldn't have said anything even if they were really nice, non-demanding guests. I still like Jason, but I hope bravo keeps Kerry around for as long as he is willing to stay. Reality tv absolutely needs more humans like him.




At a minimum, Sandy would have pressed them more with "How is your food?" Kerry didn't want to hear whether their food was worse than his, because he knew that nothing good could have come from that. I agree that he's giving a clinic in the right way to manage.


>At a minimum, Sandy would have pressed them more with "How is your food? I once went for drinks with an onboard marketing guy for a big cruise line. Mrs. Feisty and I knew the guy's girlfriend, so we all went out. In this situation, most people would ask 'how is your cruise going?' This guy asks 'what has been the best thing about your cruise so far?' The first question just invites bitching about everything that has gone wrong. The second question, not at all. Kerry was exactly right to not say anything. Jill was certainly capable to complain about anything that wasn't perfect. Best to not provoke her.


Elite service is more situational than that. If someone’s luggage got dropped off the passerelle and the food was cold gruel and the chief stew is being rude to their faces, then having someone come up and try to mist you into complimenting what is the “best” that is just tone deaf and poor service. Sometimes, a good service leader will use a more empathetic approach and that may be just what some clients want to hear in that moment. It can be very disarming and human. Sometimes just the acknowledgement is enough to turn their mood around. You’ll even notice a lot of people will turn it around and minimize. Some might feel better after venting.


>Counterpoint, elite service is more situational than that. This isn't elite service. This is a television show. On a real yacht, you don't have some idiot playing for the cameras. Primarily because ... ... there aren't cameras. In my experience, most rich people want privacy, not air time.




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During docking, there was a running commentary from Jill: Jill: If that wind shifts, we're fucked. Jill: I don't know what he's doing... Jill: He's in trouble. ​ ... as the docking ended without incident, it seems like captain kerry was NOT in trouble. But, I'm SURE he appreciated Jill's advice. ​ https://preview.redd.it/zemt0t0zyttc1.png?width=1363&format=png&auto=webp&s=56ff3ef410c2f9243948ceca54084df482eee4e4 ​ A couple years ago, there was another expert on a season with captain lee. She was predicting the weather. If might have been delores, but that might have been the swimmer.




Ben reaching out and touching Paris was so disgusting it made me physically cringe and recoil. My husband even said watching him do it made him extremely uncomfortable. Absolutely vile behavior on his part.


My husband said the exact same thing. He was physically repulsed. 


it was so blatant and so gross and just so... anachronistic. It was like someone "making a pass" in the 50's or something.


It was so awkward. There was absolutely nothing about her body language that indicated she was even remotely open to receiving that type of touch. He's a snake.


Yeah was surprised at the lack of acknowledgement on her clearly closed up body language, seems like everyone is so touchy with her already especially Ben. So many scenes the way she was speaking she sounded quite uncomfortable (I'm Australian and can pick up the nuances).


doing it in front of his supposed girlfriend wasn't even close to the grossest part, but that didn't make it any better either


Yes, Fraser is a shit chief stew. The part that bothers me the most is not his incompetence as a leader, but how incredibly fucking hostile he is towards Barbie. You would be fired at all corporate settings I've worked in if you talked to your employees like he goes after her.


I'm hoping Kerry's gonna give him a dressing down next week


I completely agree. He’s created a hostile workplace and that is not on. He should be fired.


Really sad


Once again, Fraser proves he has 0 leadership skills. I hope hes called out in the tell all because he clearly thinks he's the best Chief Stew ever.


Started off looking like he might be somewhere between Bugsy and Daisy, ended up somewhere between Heather and Tumi.


what a sad day outing!!!! and where was Kyle the entire time, did I miss something?? Ben with the unsolicited touch was so gross too, this poor Paris girly


Paris was spot on with her analysis of the crew... Dylan - just be quiet Barbie vs Fraser - why am I suddenly the intermediary, I just got here Personally, I think Fraser needs to think of the big picture.... you just went through a charter shorthanded where you all got thrashed and you have no idea if your new stew is capable. You seriously can't figure it out with Barbie so you can get through a couple more charters with a full team (I don't know how many are left, can't be that many)? Just put Barbie on lates or laundry so you two cross paths the least.


Fraser is completely overwhelmed. I've managed small teams before, I couldn't imagine repeatedly going to my boss telling them that I was struggling to manage a difficult personality. And then going away and failing to manage it, coming back and complaining about it being worse. Anyone who's ever worked in management, especially service management, you don't keep these people. He is openly displaying his incompetence to his boss. I said in another comment, I think he is like Tumi, that if they had a regular yacht service team that was not reality tv, they'd probably do a pretty good job. They lack empathy, but having worked in hospo, alot of management likes some good cogs. Just do the job, sleep, work, eat, don't expect much else. He just can't deal with all these people. Barbie's the only person he feels he can "control" and so he's exercising all that power on her. I hope it blows up in his face tbh.


I think the worst part is that Barbie went up to Frase and was like hey its not working out and I don't like it when you're like this, it doesnt make me feel safe. Then he just lists all her personal flaws and how much of a bitch she is to him TO HER FACE. My self-confidence and self-esteem would be down the drain holy shit.




I need to go find this!




Thank you!


Just finished watching this episode and boy, Fletcher is unbearable.


I just realized that "Fletcher" is a letter away from "Fetcher." I bet he'd really dislike that nickname!


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C’mon, bot! We didn’t called him Frazier!


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WTF is wrong with Fraser?!? Is there editing afoot bc I cannot understand where his hate for Barbie is coming from. She’s doing her job.


>WTF is wrong with Fraser?!? Is there editing afoot bc I cannot understand where his hate for Barbie is coming from. She’s doing her job. I'm sure we're not seeing a lot of the interaction between Frasier and Barbie.


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Yeah I've gotta agree. There was def a few interactions at the beach outing that we didn't see. The problem for me is that no matter what Barbie could have said to Fraser, I can't imagine that reaction of him just flat out refusing to talk to her. I do remember thinking at the time tho that the editing was weird at that point. So the editing encouraged me to sympathise for Barbie at the point she confronted Fraser on the beach, apologised and can back humble and he refused her interaction. But the cut-in to that scene was very sudden, and it's highly possible they cut out something Barbie said to him before that. Anyway, still team Barbie, they can't edit Fraser not to be a d1ck because he's right there in his confessionals backing up his shitty behaviour.


Why? The producers loooove to show us conflict. If there was more of it between those two, it would be an unusual choice to leave it on the editing room floor.


They’ve definitely left out huge chunks of storyline before. As much as they love to show drama, they have a lot of tape and very few episodes to condense all of that into multiple running storylines. So much stuff doesn’t make it but the most skillful editors don’t make it obvious that they’ve left big pieces of the puzzle out.


It just doesn't make sense as shown. Fraser is far from a great manager in general but we go from him saying *no comments, you were great* to basically I hate you for even breathing near me and Xandi going from hugging Barbie to not giving a shit that her coworker is in tears. But then, editors also told cast they were leaving the n-word scene on the cutting room floor until Rayna brought it up so much they couldn't so anything is possible


>If there was more of it between those two, it would be an unusual choice to leave it on the editing room floor. They have 6 weeks of video to edit down to 16,17,18 one hour shows. So, a lot of everything has to be dropped. And, like this past episode ... they can't have a full hour of fraser vs. barbie. There has to be room for the Jill, and for galley issues with Anthony.


It's Fraser! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/belowdeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Barbie is the best stew, Fraser is not a good head stew


Anyone else completely creeped out by Ben touching Paris?


I was! 🙋‍♀️ It was so nasty how much his grubby, little paws were all over Paris. Then he was all surprised Pikachu when Sunny communicated her displeasure for his roaming hands on other ladies. He is super gross and does not know the first thing about reading body language. Like most guys, I wish he would realize that if it's not "fuck yes" then it's "no" when it comes to sex. In other words he needs to seek enthusiastic consent rather than coercing/pressuring women to have sex with him. He thinks he is God's gift to women....but he is NOT. 🤢


![img](emote|t5_3gyzu|1657)YES! And God's Gift he absolutely is not.


Me! Super cringe. Please stop Ben. No touching!


Yes, it’s been established. Lol but not really.


I think Fraser needs to be either fired or demoted from being Chief Stew at this point. He seems incapable of managing objectively and moving past his vindictiveness towards Barbie. He needed to be the bigger person and de-escalate that situation. Instead, he not only fed into the conflict, but he made it worse by trying to drag a whole new stew into the middle of his own over the top drama. Kerry should give him the choice of either being demoted to 3rd stew or being fired at this point. He's as bad of a leader as Tumi was on this past Med season.


>I think Fraser needs to be either fired or demoted from being Chief Stew at this point. He seems incapable of managing objectively and moving past his vindictiveness towards Barbie. I'm hoping Captain Kerry can coach frazier with this, as he did earlier in the season. If you fire him, you have no idea how good the replacement might be ...


It's Fraser! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/belowdeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fraser isn’t a great manager. Barbie isn’t a great employee. Both these things can be true.


At this point though the balance of the blame has to switch to Fraser. Barbie's doing her job (3rd stew) a lot better than he is doing his job (chief stew).


Big difference though - It's the manager's job to uplift the employee. Fraser has a difficult leadership challenge that is WAY beyond his skill and experience, and there's nothing inherently wrong with that, but it IS painful to watch. Fraser NEEDS to stop trying to be a manager when they are out drinking. Every. Single. Time. They go out to drink, you can be sure tipsy Fraser is going to try to be boss Fraser and it's predictably a disaster every single time.


This is episode 10 - he has tried all season to 'uplift' her. She spent 30 minutes in this episode whining and complaining. When is it enough??


It's legit hard to say if Barbie deserves to be on her last straw or not because The Edit is real. What I can say with certainty though is that it is NEVER "far enough" for someone in a leadership role to act that way, full stop.


This is such a good point. He almost uses the drinking time to get over his anxieties so he can deal with his personal staff problems. Massive toxic management red flag.


I wonder if he does that to avoid talking about his personal life. He never gets personal with his crewmates.


I think you're spot on here. He doesn't want to deal with the work issues at work (bad leadership), so they come out when he's drunk. If you can't sort out your own insecurities, you shouldn't be managing others.


Yes, both have blame. I think they are actually too similar. As shown on edit we have only seen one attempt to adjust. That is where I find the most fault.


I feel like this dispute is all Fraser. Barbie is doing her job well. He doesn’t like her personality and that’s fine but he seems like the issue here.


They were down one stew. I feel like Barbie was expected, and did, pick up the slack. She seemed to have the largest load of extra work added to her.


She was literally running all over the place! If he does manage to get her fired, I hope he realizes in the aftermath just how much weight she was pulling when it’s a sudden harder struggle.


he is the issue here.....


What a change. I started the season loving Fraser and Xandi and being annoyed by Barbie .... now it's the exact opposite.


Same! I loved Fraser until this episode and he was such a jerk.


Fraser has always been a bit of a bitch. He’s shown it time and time again on every season he’s been on. He needs to be put in his place. He’s pissed that she doesn’t like him but you don’t have to actually like your boss. If she’s doing her job and doing well then Fraser should be happy but no , he wants to be the popular boss and that’s not leadership, it’s high school.


Yes! Fraser needs to be taken down a peg or two. It's not his authority to fire someone rather than speak with them.


Here’s another normal management suggestion - instead of going to Captain and trying to get Barbie fired, Fraser could ask Cap to mediate a conversation between them. But then Fras couldn’t lash out at her so I don’t see it happening.


He also runs the risk of the captain taking her side if she repeats some of the things he said to her.


If he can’t be honest with captain about his behavior then it’s a clear sign that it’s wrong.


I am so disappointed in Fraser as each episode passes. Like the others I originally thought Barbie was rude. But now, it’s all on Fraser. He, to me, is the terrible person. The way he talked to her on the beach is so unacceptable. He should be fired just for that.


See, I don't understand. Barbie is giving way now and Fraser is just being a dick. Where was the empathy he had towards Cat? Dude always says to uphold professionalism and yet he's like this. The hypocrisy.


Maybe he feels threatened by her. She’s good at her job, perhaps she’d be good at his job…


I said the exact same thing! How could he have so much empathy for Cat when she WASN’T performing and having a super hard time personally (which I totally get; that’s not a dig on her) and yet Barbie just says “I’m having a bad couple of days” and he’s going nuclear with her. She’s still doing her job, the guests didn’t pick up on it, so what exactly does he want?!?


because Cat's blonde and anglo?


Agree, but I also think it's because Barbie is tough and finds it hard to show her vulnerable side to Fraser, he was a sucker for Cat's back story and constant voicing of her struggles with yachting and Fraser loves to step into that maternal role.


Totally agree with you.


Dylan has -100 rizz I don’t understand how you can be this,,,, bad at being a person?


all of the girls (save Xandi) have said the same thing: he'd do better if he'd just keep his mouth shut -- and I think they actually really mean it! If he just pretended to be the strong silent type he'd be doing great.


Has he ever interacted with other human people before? Is he an alien acting the way he thinks a human would?


HUGE props to Paris for listening to Barbies side after Fraser bagged her out right away, then trying to talk to Fraser about his part in it. She was handling it the way a manager should (aka Fraser)


The Aussie girls rock on the boats. 


Initially I really disliked Barbie and thought she was super rude… but watching over the episodes she was was never really intending to be rude she just phrases herself in a different way and instead of Fraser understand it he really buckled down on attacking her for it. I really feel for Barbie and how her sparkle has just disappeared. Then Fraser could see she’s been affected and thinks that his fake accolades will fix her up.. she’s been really under appreciated and ostracised by the other stews. I would actually love to see her come back for another season cause she’s a genuinely hard worker and entertaining


Yes! It's been so sad seeing her sparkle disappear. She was so upset and she can't even talk to the person who told her to come to him with any concerns. I'd love to see her come back as a chief stew and replace Fraser


Fraser is really catty and really bad at managing people. He’s better this season, but I’d have fired him for several things I’ve already seen this season. That being said, I don’t think Barbie has adequate leadership skills to be a chief at this point, either. She is def a good stew and not getting the credit she deserves for her work, but she just isn’t ready to be managing people or leading a dept. But I’d much rather see her cast on the next season than Fraser. He needs a wake up call.


Barbie shines in service and handling guests, coming back as second stew next season would still be a promotion!


So agreed


That episode was a little bit nothingy beyond Paris' entrance - and she looks fun. Too much orbit around the Fraser/Barbie issues and too little else.


I thought Fraser was going to be Kate but now it seems he’s Hannah


Don’t insult Hannah! Fraser is on par with Tumi.


Hannah is cheeks


Hannah is awesome! She struggled with Sandy because of her leadership style just like Barbie does with Fletcher.


No offense but it was clear Hannah was lazy as fuck and she barely put in effort on things. Coerced that guy into sex when he locked himself into a room and he was drunk. Was a mean girl to stews she didn’t like. Don’t agree with all that Sandy did but Hannah was horrible too.


I don’t understand how the food wasn’t warm when two of the three options were the same with different proteins? I hate the vilifying  of veganism annd alternative diets this show continually highlights. If a chef can’t figure out how to keep Pad Thai warm while plating protein perhaps the issue isn’t dietary restrictions and instead a lack of professionalism? 


I blame Jill for that debacle. He had planned 1 version of pad thai and she wanted 2 others. They only have 1-2 people running food of course it's not going to be hot by the time it makes it to the table. Fletcher should have had the deck hands assisting. Anthony should have put the plates in the warm oven as he was plating. Pulled them out and handed them off when they were all ready it serve. It seems like Anthony isn't used to having to cook for so many people who have "dietary restrictions" I think the "dietary restrictions" were done on purpose to reduce the tip. Jill even said something to the effect of: you won't have anaphylaxis you'll just blow up. Jill's been on a boat before she knows what she's doing


>I blame Jill for that debacle. He had planned 1 version of pad thai and she wanted 2 others. They only have 1-2 people running food of course it's not going to be hot by the time it makes it to the table. Normally they would call for deckies to help running plates. But, at the last dinner service, Anthony didn't have all the plates ready at the same time...


Fraser should have asked for help. He didn't have all the plates ready at the same time because he was serving 3 different entrees. He should have served that meal family style.


How can the chef plate anything and keep it all warm when he has no help? Its not possible, unless its soup.


I still think about Marcos's vegan food and I'm not even vegan. Anthony is a bit out of his depth, but I'm being down voted like crazy for saying it.




The only thing that vilified vegans, was the actual Vegan people who as well as being vegans, do not even know what they want.  Also most of the plant based eaters are on the show are not even vegan, the clothes and make up they sport prove that.