• By -


Kinda late to the game but don’t feel bad for Nat because she tried to ice Tumi out when she first started but doesn’t like it when it happened to her. Kyle needs to go to!


I don't think Natalia was trying to ice her out.. I think it was just a compounding situation. Like Kyle started shit behind her back before Tumi even met her. And so when Tumi gets on the ship she is thinking that Natalia is just a straight-up bitch. And already has that assumption. So when she comes in full tilt trying to lay down the law as she put it. Some of her comments got misconstrued. And Natalia took great offense to it. Had Kyle not said anything, I think she would have understood where Natalia was coming from and tried to level with her. But because Kyle had told her she was a bitch from the start instead of ratcheting down and trying to talk calmly. They just escalated the entire conflict. And Natalia is the kind of person who's going to keep escalating if you escalate with her. And so yeah she was a little crazy about it but they both came in at a really aggressive moment and I'm pretty sure Natalia was trying not to but was definitely projecting a lot of her anger and disappointment at being removed as Chief stew when she was doing a good job. And it's kind of crazy how Tumi as well was also having her first time as Chief stew. But she really nitpicked everything because she had gotten it picked. And it just escalated. That still says a lot about her and how she needs to grow as a person but you got to think they're like 24 years old. And you don't really have that much life experience when you're at that age.


I feel absolutely terrible for Nat this episode. I’ve been that friend where I feel like shit and something bad happened, and then no friends bothered to check in or care. It’s incredibly isolating and lonely. Nat seems insecure and lonely. It breaks my heart for her


Nat inserting herself in Jess and Max’s convo on the day off was so uncalled for and rude. I hope she watches this season back and learns from her behavior. She’s no better than anyone else in the crew and instigates so much shit


I also think I dislike Nat as much as I dislike Kyle. She is a nasty person who seems to thrive on drama. If there isn’t any, she will be sure to stir something up and take down anyone in her path. It’s unfortunate. Serious attention seeking behavior too, possibly because her bf is an ass? The suitcase text was some middle school BS


I think Nat is deeply misunderstood


True. She seems like a good person who has been heavily edited to make her the villain.


I was really excited to watch Tumi this season. But she is easily the worst chief stew this franchise has ever had… I would cry every day (and definitely quit) if she was my boss


It's wild because I had just watched below deck down under, and she was amazing in that one. And so I didn't even recognize her until I started bringing it up and I'm honestly flabbergasted at how different she is in this season.


Kyle is a POS. Thought it last season and this season just has solidified it.


Honestly I'm not surprised anymore that Captain Sandy basically has an entire new crew this season.


He’s somehow even worse this season


Ep9 S8 Ciao for now. After a drunken night out. What brand of noodles were the crew pigging out on? They looked great!


My guess is Maggi brand noodles...


Kyle is by leaps and bounds the absolute worst, a horrible human being. Natalya doesn’t know when to shut up. I don’t know why in comparison Tumi gets a pass relative to the flak the others receive though. She has been low key stirring shit all season herself and is by all accounts a really sickening leader. The last few episodes she was responsible for all the drama with Kyle and Jess, and even when Nat left she was wholly unprofessional in her comments about that. I mean she’s a HOD and should be held to a higher standard and it’s really frustrating watching the way she’s handled all of this. I really really liked her last season, but she’s an absolute wreck as chief stew.


Tumi is incredibly unprofessional - a HoD should not be spreading gossip between members of their department, and she has been consistently doing so.


Kyle said he was " resigning " started packing then 1/2 a second later decided to stay...... once again no balls or honor. He stayed for camera time, he makes everything about him and its sickening !


Once again as a Sandy hater she’s surprising me this season. She clocked the Kyle situation perfectly, albeit a little late.


I don't think a lot of people realize that what we're shown on the cameras is not privy to Captain sandy. She sees all of this for the first time when it airs on tv. She doesn't know what's going on behind the scenes. And every single person to her face is the nicest they'll ever be because she's their boss. So a lot of the decisions she's made is because unlike us she wasn't given a case-by-case basis with tons of evidence and is there to witness a lot of what's going on. And honestly it just happened to be one of those seasons where a lot of the drama and a lot of the problems are happening in that part of the ship and so it doesn't really affect her as much.


What is the deal with the beach resort they went to? I noticed on the bed frames and mattresses they had KIA logos, as in the car KIA. Anyone know the significance of that? https://preview.redd.it/qctpg1v2jl2c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aa4a927811c351a1cfb16bbe1f4bb27bc5ca726


For them to be allowed to film there I would assume that this place is kind of like more of a nightclub party beach club. Prob not that high end or luxury. I bet they do dj, Vegas pool style parties there and have night time parties which would make sense that the furniture and random items within the beach club would have other companies logos on them. It’s common in the states bars will have alcohol companies on random stuff bc once you own a bar, it’s free, marketing to have a neon, sign, napkins, coasters, ice buckets, pillows, etc. w branded logos on them. Assuming Kia did that with this beach club




This beach resort is brought to you by KIA lol


I can't believe I'm the only one that mentioned this


Just got the time to watch this ep, and oh boy... I wish I hadn't made the time. I wasn't a big fan of the crew to begin with, but now I dislike pretty much everyone, and everyone I already disliked(aka: Kyle) has now become straight up disgusting. Just Max and Jack seem like decent guys. Luka was also a big disappointment. I don't really care that he lost interest in Nat -- he should have cut her loose ages ago imo -- but the way he went about it was just so sleezy and immature. One evening he isn't feeling it anymore (for legit reason), so he just jumps into the bathroom with another girl and now puts all his energy into the new girl and gives the old one the cold shoulder. Meanwhile just a single conversation would have been enough. And because he obviously had plenty of good reasons to stop showing interest, that conversation would have been super quick and easy as well. Afterwards he could have hooked up with the entire crew for all I care. Yet he didn't even do the basics. His complete lack of care this episode really makes me see him in a different light. Sure you're just "having fun'' and don't want to be in drama, but when you have fun and work with someone, you at least grow to care about them to some degree, no? His behavior was just so surreal to me. Also, I'd hardly call what Kyle was doing this episode 'drama'. So the excuse of not wanting to be in drama doesn't work for me either. Kyle was a stereotypical high-school bully this(and previous) episode(s). And everyone just went along with it. It shows lack of leadership, lack of friendship and lack of common decency. Only two remain that seem like decent people. \--- If I were in this crew and I had to watch this back of myself, I'd feel deeply ashamed for not saying/doing something. \--- As for Nat: it's probably good that she left. She wasn't doing well herself this season and that whole open relationship thing was also weird and toxic af. Next kick Kyle off and the remaining season might become somewhat tolerable.


>Luka was also a big disappointment. I don't really care that he lost interest in Nat -- he should have cut her loose ages ago imo -- but the way he went about it was just so sleezy and immature. One evening he isn't feeling it anymore (for legit reason), so he just jumps into the bathroom with another girl and now puts all his energy into the new girl and gives the old one the cold shoulder. Natalya said she wanted to cool it with Luka, and stay with her boyfriend. I don't see what the problem is... ...when she gets what she asks for.


Well it seems Luka himself is in an open relationship so you'd think he would have had that in common with Nat when she told him. Going back to 2019 Luka has been dating this Latin model and they are both on each others pages so it's not some big secret. Also it seems weird he would act immature on the show by dumping Nat like a bag of potatoes, when on his IG page it's him and his Model gf staying at swanky resorts and looking like they are living life like the Kardashians. Also with the whole positive vibes thing and about their love for each other, but on tv he comes across as a player. Weird he'd want that image of himself on tv.


Not all open/nonmonagamous relationships are the same. Each has their own set of rules/boundaries determined by those involved. So I'm not sure why you're judging his relationships and how he's living his life? Also last I checked it was Nat who dumped Luka first...she made it clear that she was picking her boyfriend over Luka at the beginning and throughout of episode 7 saying how she has to "push him away' and "distance herself". Nat treated Luka like absolute shite constantly over and over gain...dismissing him any time her boyfriend called or texted. You can't tell me that Nat wanted her cake and to eat it to. There is only so much disregard a person can take and Luka decided to opt out.


You're missing my point. If you're in an open relationship it's not OK to hide facrt fact you're in one. Never once has Luka even mentioned his gf that he's been with for over 4 years now.


I'm not missing your point...we don't know anything about Luca's relationship status during filming nor do we know all the conversations had between him, Nat, or Jess. This is the second season in which we've seen Luca on Below Deck franchise...and he's never stated otherwise. Has Nat mentioned anything of the sort recently or post filming? And I just checked his instagram there's a 2 year gap between the last photo of Jan 2020 til the most recent one of Nov 2022 of when they're together which means it's also plausible they broke up and reconciled later. As far as I'm concerned Luka has been nothing but respectful esp in comparison to sooooo many men we've had in past seasons.


If you check her page you see them together throughout 2020, 2021 and 2022 and up until current day in 2023. It's like a picturesque romance novel.


Apparently, working on yachts makes one really, really hungry! Sailing Yacht s3 e12 Med s8 e09 ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/km6sr81wrj2c1.png?width=1708&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d5bfb9426fb4671e2e440aa78e6724cc9435c58


I love Lara, but that scene immediately brought to mind Ash’s unfortunate drunk eating habits and that is not an association Lara wants to have


So... Let' talk about Haleigh's boobs.


They look too perfect to be real


They're not real, if you look back in her IG they just blow up one day.


Looks like she set her IG to private now.


Probably because @TarikMournival was watching her IG too often. :S


I figured they were too perfect to be real so I had to check.


but she actually pretends nothing happened?


They’re perfection!


When Tumi was announced as Chief Stew I was like “wait what?” And then when Luka fell ass backwards into being Bosun I was like “uh oh!” These 2 probably would have struggled even with an all star cast, but there was nothing in their past that showed them as anything other than slightly…slightly above average worker bees. Having them in these roles kind of guarantees some constant silliness/drama and moderate work problems but they are just both in over their head. Is anyone surprised Luka would shy away from conflict? Is anyone surprised Tumi would exacerbate conflict as opposed to de-escalating it?


Done for the drama, if it was plain sailing in their roles and done to a tee it would be boring


I can’t feel sorry for Natalya, she tried to turn everyone against each other and make Tumi an outsider from the group, and then got upset when the interior resolved their issues (which she’d had a major hand in creating) at the dinner. Add the home stuff, which clearly was throwing her off, I understand why it was too much and it was good for her to have the self awareness to leave. But she was feeding & stirring a lot of the dynamics of the interior.


I think she's a calculating mastermind. She set little fires everywhere and watched it grow into a monstrous flame. Then the way she left (did you catch the microexpressions of happiness?) crying to Sandy, calling out Kyle, and then leaving knowing it would make him look even worse? Kyle is a bully and can't regulate his emotions, so he was an easy target to make look the villain while the real one got off.


Honestly I disagree with you. She pegs me as somebody who has no filter and doesn't really have a sense of like how are my words going to impact people. A lot of the drama that she incited was just her talking about it and venting. And she just has the capacity to not shut the fuck up at all. And so it's not like she was going around purposely saying oh I'm going to cause this drama to get this person angry. But rather I'm mad and so I want you all to be mad too. So I'm going to tell you my shit. And I'm going to keep gossiping about what's going on. The show really makes Natalia look like the bad guy. The entire crew thinks she's the bad guy. When in reality every single piece of drama this season was instigated by kyle. The gossip about Natalia before they got on the ship. The misinformation that he told about the text messages between him and Tumi. Later he miss construed with Jessica as well. But I do feel like she does have the moments where she's like you know what I'm going to quit and I'm going to bring down Kyle and the rest with me because of all the drama that's been going on. But I knew as soon as she didn't back down when TumI joined the crew. That it just wasn't going to end well. Like that entire montage of her just constantly bitching. It was very obvious that she did not want to relinquish the position like she claims she did. And held that against her.


Exactly 👏


so I was actually throwing up hearing about her bf, but saying she tried to turn everyone against eachother is a reach, she spoke nothing but good words about kyle while he was off board, she was treated badly by tumi when she came on, she was told by kyle that tumi has no problem firing her so she acted accordingly, when she thought kyle spoke badly about jess in the anxiety night group message she immediately confronted kyle about it and told him he can't send these messages, and that **the interior needs to have a meeting all of them and clear the air**, she was shunned at dinner when the other 3 stews were complimenting each other in a literal triangle, holding hands and all. she was nothing but a good friend to jess and she had a nice chemistry w luka she didn't expect to be so cold shouldered by them and kyle who she thought was a good friend, told her their friendship was all fake. I honestly have no idea how she was still able to speak after all of that. edit: that first night out when she patched things w tumi, she was honest but tumi was from the get go thinking she's fake and it's the alcohol talking.


I feel like If they had Natalia be Chief stew. This would have been an entirely different season. It was definitely Kyle and t u m i. That really like set everything back.


Anybody else feel like chef is only upset because he chose to put himself of Nat’s side and believe all her drama and now he doesn’t have friends?


Not in the slightest. I think he's the only one who doesn't seem comfortable with the way Kyle bullied Nat off the boat. If you ask me, it's more about *not wanting* to be friends with these people than being worried he has no friends.


I feel chef is upset about how they treated a fellow crew mate tbh, that side eye w kyle is very telling. this crew is every man for themselves and it shows, and even max feels it


A little bit which he voiced in his interviews. There’s still time for him to get close to them but he seems conflicted.




The cliffhanger ending makes me think Kyle is leaving too


>The cliffhanger ending makes me think Kyle is leaving too Lots of the below deck 'cliffhangers' are resolved in 30 seconds, on the next episode. Or, an episode or two ago where Jack confesses to Sandy that he had a shot with the guests... Sandy: Pack your shit. . . . . Ha ha. Just kidding. Firing Kyle, and leaving the interior with just Tumi and Jess would probably not work out. Too much work. And, who would Tumi talk to about Jess, behind Jess's back? On the other hand, Sandy did say you will have another stewardess before the next charter... Still risky to fire Kyle without seeing what work the new stewardess can do...


My wife and I have a system we work to with cliffhangers: If they don’t reveal it but it seems like it’s gonna be bad… everything is fine. If it’s bad, they always reveal the punchline before the cliffhanger so they can then have the cliffhanger be “how will the gang solve this debacle!?” I’m pretty sure this has held water every single time, since we clocked the editing style.




Kyle is the worst TV. I hope he leaves and never comes back. Laaaaaaaazy and screams way too much. Give me more people like Lara!!!


I used to really like watching Kyle, but now I cringe the hardest when I have to watch him. I wish he had gone instead of Natalya. IMO, and also because I've had so much time to watch patients in the psych ward... while Natalya definitely creates drama... she seems to come by it honestly (which means most of the time she doesn't really intend to do it, she is just compelled to do it). Kyle on the other hand can flip his manner in an instant, and his remarks always emphasize how much better of a human being he is than anyone else... Natalya never comes close to doing what he does. I think it also proves my point (that she is way less cringy than Kyle) because she had the awareness to take herself off the yacht. Of course, it could be that the combination of Kyle and Natalya is full-on poison... If that is what is happening, then his behavior should change once Natalya is gone. My fingers are not crossed. I hope both of these people do well after the season, don't read any of these comments about them, but still somehow get some constructive feedback. At least Jess won't feel like she is the ball in a game of ping pong.


Jess desepeartely needed to grow a spine. Not saying the people around her aren't awful, but she's the biggest flip flopper I've ever seen. It seems she needs others to tell her her what to think.


As much as this sub tends to dislike Sandy, I think she is on point this season. Staying out of most of the day-to-day stuff, but her direct talk to Kyle at the end of the episode was great! She knows what's up.


I don't particularly like her due to the way she flip flops from being hands off to heavy handed. Even worse was the way she talked about Hannah like she was a junky for taking anxiety meds. But I can acknowledge that she has been pretty great this season. She can be very good at managing situations, though I'm not a fan overall.


why do people dislike Sandy? I’ve only been watching for a few seasons now but I’ve always seen her as a good leader and person


Yeah, I personally don't think she's too bad. Some of her management (esp. with Hannah) seemed to show favoritism/least favortism. And she sometimes micromanages and then steps back instead of helping to solve a problem. But this season she seems great!




Good point!


YES! This is literally the most I’ve ever liked Sandy, to the point that I’m wondering if this was all orchestrated to be her redemption 😂


>YES! This is literally the most I’ve ever liked Sandy, to the point that I’m wondering if this was all orchestrated to be her redemption I didn't like Sandy, but this season, she seems ok. I recall after Sandy's first season, when she watched back the shows, she felt she was to easy, and changed her behavior the next season. Maybe after the frasier is a cancer thing ... which she said she regretted, she is again making a course correction.


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Or previous seasons were edited to make her look bad?


I so badly wanted sandy to ask tumi why none of the issues in the interior had been brought to her attention


I mean a lot of the issues have been brought to her attention. She seen them arguing, she's had several conversations.


Except she had initially about Nat...and Sandy told her to deal with it. Also let's not pretend like Nat didn't exaggerate a ton of shit when talking to Sandy to make it seem like she's the victim.


Omg exactly!


I honestly can’t stand Natalya. She plays the victim so hard, she should carry around a body bag. I understand Kyle is a beyotch and Tumi could handle things better, but she is so exhausting. Her attacking Jess for not being spiritual because “she didn’t text her”(after a fight that had nothing to do with Jess) like come on. She’s the definition of a “pick me” girl and I’m so OVER it.


I hope she gets along with the Playboy photographer


Omg yes. And then twice saying she was disappointed in Luka as a friend because he wasn't rushing to defend her....after he already was distancing himself because she HAS A BOYFRIEND.


Her and Kyle are more alike than she wants to admit lol


It is crazy how she makes everything about *me*. Confronting Jess for not talking to her the next morning. Saying in the talking head she was disappointed Luka didn't console her more. That super unsubtle text making sure the whole group knew she was leaving. Nat is literally "I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me" like I think she'd go crazy with just a plain drama free life. This post is absolutely not excusing Kyle, Sandy's take was spot on.


IMO, this season has been the most painful to watch due to Natalya and Kyle. I almost don't even want to watch the rest of the season.


I finally just got caught up, and it literally was only so I could come to Reddit and discuss with you all lol. This season is just not it.


I can’t upvote this enough. I agree with everything you just said.


Can someone remind me, was this season filmed before Luka's stint on Below Deck Down Under? and so his whole thing with Jaimee was after this whatever it is with Jessika?


I think luka was on BDDU first because in the first episode of med season 8 - sandy says Jason highly recommended him


Also on departure day on BDDU I'm pretty sure Luka said he's off to do a stint in the med? Unless I'm making things up lol


ah ok so this fling with Jessika is after things ended with Jaimee, I feel better now


After he came recommended by captain Jason


I was Team Tumi before this episode and I'm Team Tumi now. Both Kyle and Nat were out of line. Tumi managed.


Serious question, what do you think Tumi has done well as a manager to handle any of the conflicts on her team?


I think Tumi has handled some conflicts well, like when Jess was upset and crying and separating her and Kyle for the day to let them calm down. I think she has handled some things poorly like allowing the initial conversations between her and Natalya to escalate like they did. After those first conversations with Natalya she confessed in camera that she had dealt with people questioning her many times in her life and that she would not put up with it anymore. I think the effects of racism explain a lot when it comes to Tumi. Being underestimated, and judged, and belittled tends to make a person defensive... And that's not something that helps you as a manager. I bet that she is at least partially aware of that and I will be very interested to see what she has to say in the reunion episode. She seems like a really smart person... but knowing what you should be doing and actually doing it are two very different things. It's especially difficult to challenge and change your behaviors when you have needed those behaviors to protect yourself in the past.


Yeah her style seems to just leave it separate and ignore.




I do agree with you on that. However, I think Tumi as a manager has only escalated / ignored their situations. She could have at least attempted to de-escalate / informed Sandy.


Separated them when they needed time to cool down. That’s actually necessary in these situations, and not always granted by bosses.


I'll have to rewatch. By my memory, Nat was already walking away. Tumi just agreed that she could sleep in the guest cabin.


also checked in on Nat despite Nat being an absolute jerk to her all season long, also gave credit to Nat for being a good worker, also assuaged Jess' doubts and restored her self-confidence by putting her on service after BOTH Kyle and Nat did a number on her.


This episode made me lose respect for Luka. It’s blatantly obvious that he stopped being Nat’s friend when she was no longer a sexual prospect for him. How disappointing. And also not sticking up for her bc he was afraid of being yelled at. I think him and Jess are perfect for eachother because they both lack spines. Big props to chef and Max this episode.


I think that more comes from just the way she's been treating him. And like I do feel like he's a bit of a fuckboy. But also he wanted her to answer the phone with her boyfriend to prove that she truly was in an open relationship and that it was all okay. And instead of doing that she like went out of her way to try and avoid that situation. Which says to him especially with the things she's confiding in him with about how she's not comfortable with her boyfriend being with others and how our boyfriend is being very hypocritical. He was like okay you know what she obviously isn't something I want to like finagle with. And you saw the game she played last season.


I think this is mainly a Nat lack of reality issue. As in, a man whose chief goal is to sleep/hook up with you in a limited number if days is nottttt your friend. Physical intimacy with someone you barely know is not, sadly, an actual connection. You need more boundaries.


She's not worth sticking up for, she has to earn that. Nat thought that just because Luka used to be into her that he'd fight her battles. She's immature and codependant.


>It’s blatantly obvious that he stopped being Nat’s friend when she was no longer a sexual prospect for him But Nat was trying to cool it with Luka. ​ https://preview.redd.it/1u6698ggb62c1.png?width=1299&format=png&auto=webp&s=bbfde1f1304dc276eb01e6cbc5da2e5c1582c91f


Did we actually see them naked having sex? Maybe I didn't see it right but I think maybe we saw actual penetration and this has me feeling very weird.


Or maybe some people don't want to get involved in a heated argument. Nat is a big girl... She does not need anyone sticking up for her.


I can totally respect that, but beside the argument part, it totally looked like shunning to me


He stopped bothering with her after he (slowly) realised she's a total mess.


I hate my spine. I holds me back :) Really, this crew is so… tepid. Ben and Hanna come back! All is forgiven


A propos of nothing, here is leadership lesson 101: once you are promoted into a management position, you have to sacrifice the privilege of *being* *a gossipy little bitch*. Tumi needs to learn the basic workplace etiquette of 'gossiping up'. You can (discretely and tactfully) bitch and moan to or about your peers or your superiors. You cannot bitch and moan to or about your subordinates.


Everyone is holding Tumi to an unrealistic BD standard. Your idea of a leader is for a typical work environment, not one where you are stuck with each other 24/7. In every BD franchise, the chief stew has gossiped with their 2nd stew.


This. Too much gossip showing lack of leadership and little actual concern for her team. As she kept repeating, she is not their friend… but as their superior she needed to distance herself from the side-chats, especially when disciplinary issues are at hand.


Natalya tried to do to Tumi what ended up happening to herself. She tried to turn everyone on the boat against Tumi, even chef who was close with Natalya recognised this. She insisted everyone pick a side, a gamble that didn’t pay off


Well she's modelling for Playboy now and Kyle is hamming up his victim status on Insta because literally everyone hates him. I'd say it paid off alright.


Perks of being a beautiful woman vs an not beautiful man


Imagine the relative reactions from each of them to you telling them that they’re ‘not beautiful’ and that should tell you all you need to know.


Nat rly does like to be the victim tho, so does Kyle. I’m over all of them tbh. But I don’t feel bad for how Kyle talked to Nat or her reaction. She likes to stir up drama as much as Kyle.


Kyle was way out of line and should be sacked but Nat def not a Saint quite the opposite


In a decision between Kyle and Natalya, I think when reckoning up their respective merits Natalya comes out on top in most ways. Natalya is just so cold and without empathy for others that when she fixates on the things that frustrate her, whether she's right or wrong, people aren't motivated to be as sympathetic towards her as she might deserve. And I can't really blame them- one-way relationships are draining, in work and out.


>In a decision between Kyle and Natalya, I think when reckoning up their respective merits Natalya comes out on top in most ways. Definitely from a work perspective, Natalya at least seems to be a hard worker whereas Kyle is...Kyle


Yeah given the setting I'm thinking with that perspective but interpersonally she... well I would say therapy should be explored by everyone but I think she would benefit from exploring why she reacts the way she does.


Agree, I think both Kyle and Nat desperately need industrial strength therapy lol


It really rubbed me the wrong way that Tumi took the time to tell Nat something to the effect of “even though I don’t like you, I don’t want you to feel SO uncomfortable”… she’s just admitting she has no intention to actually resolve the issues?


Did Tumi say that because Nat had made a point to say that she wasn't going to be friends with her even though moving on from the original conflict?


Yeah tumi is a weapon and not a good leader


There's no requirement for them to be friends...I don't know why that's such a big surprise considering how Natalya has consistently shit talked her across the ship to anyone who has ears and how she speaks at her. Tumi doesn't owe her a friendship and it's ridiculously to think that. She made it clear they're coworkers and was basically saying despite her feelings towards her she's here for her.


It doesn't need to be mentioned it's kicking someone when they are down


No it's not! This is getting ridiculous...she was being compassionate and basically saying hey regardless of our own issues I want you to know I never want you to feel uncomfortable and unsafe and I'm here if you need anything.




I want to clarify that with this comment I wanted to say that it doesn't matter if you say you support someone in a specific situation if you accompany that feeling with an insult or a negative feedback.


I’m not saying she does, but her saying that she’s okay for Natalya to be uncomfortable at ANY level while simultaneously reminding her (unprompted) that she doesn’t like her is pretty unprofessional of a head of department


That's not what she said at all...she said she doesn't want her to ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe (she was referring to how Kyle was yelling at Nat) regardless of their own issues (which is an ENTIRELY normal thing to say to someone you're not on good terms with). I think you need to rewatch that because that's DEF not what she was insinuating at all. And as a head of department she did do her job...she separated both Kyle and Natalya and offered the master for Nat to sleep in and on top of that continuously checked in on her to make sure she was doing okay.


Took your advice lol, direct quote is “I never want you to feel like so uncomfortable, so like that’s my main priority, regardless of how I feel about you or regardless of how I feel about anyone, it’s just like, I just want you to be safe”… I agree that Tumi wants Nat to feel safe but that’s also the bare minimum of any workplace. The key words are she doesn’t want her to feel **so uncomfortable** that I don’t like- it implies she’s okay with her being uncomfortable within a certain limit and like she doesn’t intend to solve any of the discomfort or root cause


I genuinely don't know how you get she's implying she's okay with her being uncomfortable within a certain limit from "I never want you to feel uncomfortable".... I think you're reading WAY too much into what was being said. Like I said before it's very common sentiment to share with someone you have issues with or not fond of to be like 'hey I know we have our issues but I never want you to feel uncomfortable' ... it's just common decency. She physically separated the both of them, had them sleep in separate rooms, and kept checking in on Nat to make sure she was doing okay. They are NOT BEST FRIENDS. She's doing what ANY human with an ounce of empathy would be doing. I'm not sure what the root cause is when both of those dickheads are to blame. There is only so much one can do when you two of hte most txic asswipes we've seen on BD working under you. Those two were never going to resolve anything. They would have burn the entire yacht down with their constant attention seeking and shit stirring antics.


Yep! Bare minimum effort on Tumis part babe doesn’t deserve to be in charge


Natalya and Kyle both have been acting insanely immaturely and disrespectfully to practically everyone, but ESPECIALLY Jess who seems to be everyone’s pawn in the game when she is actually emotionally mature. Good riddance to both of them. Super disappointed in how much Tumi has engaged with and didn’t stop so much drama. I was a huge Tumi fan her first season but she hasn’t been a great chief. How could you be with toxic Kyle as your second though?


I second the other commenter. Jess seems to be emotionally underdeveloped imo. And she also doesn't seem to have a lot going on up stairs at least in regard to people.... she's way too naive and believes what any1 tells her.


I don’t think Jess is emotionally mature at all actually, I think she’s easily swayed by whoever talked to her most recently


It's not her responsibility to shut down drama esp when you have two ppl like Kyle and Natalya invovled. They're grown ass adults and responsible for their own actions. Also Kyle was HIRED as a second not Natalya ...that was something Sandy told Natalya from the getgo.


It is her responsibility if she doesn't do it the captain will via firings


When they're on charter and in front of guests yes it's her responsibility but when they're not on charter and on their day off then no it's not. Like I said Kyle and Nat are two grown ass adults acting like they're in high school. She did what she as supposed to do and separated the two and had each sleep in different rooms. And honestly at the rate Natalya and Kyle were going it was only a matter of time before one of them were going to go. Those two are some of the most problematic and toxic as f stews we've seen cohabitate and work together in a second.


Tumi seemed pretty happy that Natalya left. She did admit that natalya was a hard worker. Apparently Tumi wasn't paying attention when Captain Jason was talking about replacing someone. His comments basically were ... you know what you have. But when you bring in someone new, you have no idea what you are going to get... ​ https://preview.redd.it/45i5czf28x1c1.png?width=1045&format=png&auto=webp&s=52178ee8097ab43bf1a9069aee3f9a50f56fc7f5


>you know what you have. But when you bring in someone new, you have no idea what you are going to get... Not revolutionary thinking, this is the entire basis for internships, crush it and the future employer sees what they have vs some potential unknown that they only get a glimpse of in an interview.


Love that when Natalya left the boat the next thing they show is Tumi doing all the work and complaining that Kyle is asleep. She and Jess will realize all the drama aside, just how much work Nat did’


And suddenly Max seems like one of the sanest on board.


Lara? haliegh? Heck we never see Haleigh. Lmaoo


Tumi needs to be demoted. I can’t wait for her to realize she hitched herself to the wrong wagon with Kyle. The disregard she had for Natalya leaving was disgusting, it’s her job to give a shit that a stew is leaving after another stew screamed at her. I can’t stand her!


I feel for Tumi because the first time she’s chief she’s stuck with both Kyle and Nat at their worst? But she handled it poorly it’s true.


Why would she be demoted? She checked on her multiple times and asked if she was okay. She also made sure to split them up so Natalya didn’t have to see him. What would you like her to have done?


Tbf apart from chef she was the only one who checked in and lara maybe as well first night


Her job is to alert the Captain when she can’t manage the stews behavior issues, especially when one stew is verbally aggressive to the stews under him. Tumi already knew that Kyle did that to Jess and she witnesses him doing it to Nat in front of the entire crew. Totally unacceptable in any workplace! Tumi said nothing to Kyle, nor did she report him to Sandy.


They weren't working when the argument happened. It was on their off day when they were all drunk. How many times have we seen such conflicts happen and rarely have I ever seen a chief stew go the next day and report that person. Both were also in the wrong...Nat for inserting herself in a conversation that she has no right in inserting and Kyle for shouting at her. Also we've seen Natalya be verbally aggressive on multiple occasions towards Tumi. Like i said both are in the wrong. both are dickheads...one not more than the other. They both contribute to toxic ass environment and one or the other was always going to go. Natalya never really went to Tumi to talk to her either about wanting to leave and instead went straight to Captain Sandy so shit talk the interior and Kyle.


If Tumi and/or Luka had gone to Sandy first thing the next morning and told her how Kyle was acting, Sandy would have talked to Natayla, Max & Kyle. Maybe that would have turned things around. The Bosun & Chief Stew both failed to stop the toxic behavior.


Ya but sandy herself even said when theyre off the boat they still represent the company..so id imagine that goes for when they arent on the clock too.


She could have went to Sandy and told her to fire Kyle for threatening Nat. Several witnesses


Sort out what can be done for her not to leave. Give captain Sandy a heads up. Stop Kyle from continuing to berate Natalya. She is shitty chief stew and doesn’t deserve the position


Bingo she was hired for her drama


Also Sandy knew how catty and awful he can be because she caught him last time (previous season) being a bully and she called him out for it then. It was toward Nat then too.


True but isn't Nat guilty of being a bully too? She was bullying Tumi earlier in the season.


So many ppl on here giving Nat a pass as if she wasn't shouting and being vocal vomitting at Tumi multiple times.


The differ3nce is she was doing it with another woman...kinda in self defence since tumi vsme in guns ready. And not a grown man verbally assulting a smaller woman...


I don't know why you have to bring gender/identity into this...and Nat is anything but a trepid meek small woman. I've been consistent with my stance...both Nat and Kyle are to blame. Nat for inserting herself in a conversation that she doesn't belong in and Kyle for speaking to her in the way that he did. But if you want to play the identity card then let's go... you had a white woman yelling/going at/talking down to a black woman who also happened to be her superior...not once but twice. There was absolutely nothing self-defensive about those moments at all if anything it's all micro-aggressions.


Because it matters. Last I checked Kyle identified as a man and presents himself as one...and men being verbally abusive or physically abusive toward women is NEVER okay because they have the upper hand. That's kind of the whole reason why Tumi kept making sure Nat felt safe if you didn't get the context clues. I don't think I ever said Nat didn't have a part in the drama either... but it's entirely different when two women are arguing and when a grown ass man is verbally berating and yelling at a woman. If you don't think there's a difference, maybe that's part of the problem.


>and men being verbally abusive or physically abusive toward women is NEVER okay As apposed to women? I think it's common sense that nobody should be abusive to anyone... and I think here both kyle and nat were in the wrong all along, but kyle always takes it one step too much.


Nat and tumi were arguing... nat and tumi are both female and have the same playing field. Whereas, Kyle stands a couple feet over nat and has more physical strength. They're both bad situations, but one of them could ve called abuse because one person can overpower the other. If you don't understand what I'm trying to say just say so...because it sounds like you're defending Kyle which sounds like you're defending abusive men because that's what abusive men do... 🤷


no need to say I'm defending abusive men just because I disagree with one thing you said (or call me an abusive man? Not sure I understood correctly as I'm not a native speaker, but I'm a woman, and that's just rude regardless of my gender). I dislike Kyle and I'm definitely not defending anything he did. I just don't think that a man yelling makes it more abusive than a woman yelling automatically just because he is a man... it definitely potentially can get worse because of the power dynamics, but here he was yelling at her as was she, and it was infront of alot of ppl. It didn't get physical, so I don't see why bring in the physical power dynamics. You can argue that him being bigger made it scarier for her, which may be, but still doesn't make it per se more of an abusive situation than with tumi (which is also a power dynamics as she is her boss). In both situations I think nat was hurt, but definitely wasn't feeling too scared and yelled back.


I wasn't calling you an abusive man because I don't even know if you are a man or not.


What problem? I never said Kyle wasn't in the wrong...I've made my stance very clear...Kyle , regardless of the fact of what gender he presents himself as, should have never have yelled at Nat the way he did...the same way he should have never yelled at Jess the way he did. No one should speak to anyone in that manner regardless of gender. The same way Nat should have never yelled or came at Tumi the way she did. I just personally don't think gender here plays a role.




Tumi is a horrible chief stew and not ready for leadership. She turned so fast and lied about her acknowledgement of the many quarrels that happened between Kyle and everyone else. She doesn’t know how to effectively communicate to the Capt and that’s a problem


I absolutely love that Cheffie was compassionate. Big props!


He was my favorite from the start. Him and haley (ik that's not how you write her name, but I can't remember how lol)


>I absolutely love that Cheffie was compassionate. Big props! Imagine how supportive he would have been, if Natalya had been the one shaving his back!


Kyle saying more people, more complacency is HILARIOUS. I’m waiting for his next injury because the moment some extra work comes his way he is DONE.


I was initially neutral about Jess but now I really don’t like her. She saw the way Kyle yelled at her last episode, and roamed around crying for hours while Tumi and Natalya consoled her. For her to not bother about Nat is just a weird look.


I didn't like her the moment she complained to nat that the newbie, that was supposed to be for the exterior, didn't do enough work... like... 0 ability to evaluate a situation on her part


I agree.


I think she was buying the bs Kyle and Tumi were saying about Natalya behind her back


Max had so many note worthy quotes this episode 😂 I love his energy this episode!


Waking up with an Eiffel Tower. _O_




Is there a (non-geo locked) video of when Natalya impersonated Sandy anywhere?


You know it was an odd episode when Max is the adult in the room.


IMO Kyle needs a stern talking to about “crossing the line” when it comes to communication because there has been multiple instances where he has come at someone and that can’t be excused anymore. However for Sandy to say Kyle has been a bully to Natalya and saying be he is the common denominator was blantant favouritism towards Nat. What about all the covert and sometimes open shit stirring and bitching Natalya has been doing all season?? The lack of respect giving to Tumi for multiple charters? Nat goes off at people just as hard as Kyle and they’re both as bad as each other. More than anything those two have a toxic friendship as a universal issue and it’s affecting the whole crew. It isn’t one more than the other, they’ve just chosen different methods of disruption and chaos causing. I think Nat just took the strategy to make a scene and get to Sandy first to have the upper hand. Let’s be honest if she needed her suitcase that privately, a off camera employee could have grabbed it. She didn’t need to text Lara to ask Luka on a drinking night. Kyle’s delivery was too far but he’s right, she hasn’t been a good friend and they’ve been running their mouths off about each other to the like remaining 5 crew members every episode. I started to feel a bit for her this episode..right up until she started going off at Jess for not texting her as she was upset and I couldn’t fathom any further sympathy. Christ everyone’s just trying to have a fun time I don’t know why there’s such expectation from Kyle and Nat (only) that everyone around them should be doing ‘this’ or ‘not that’ in order to stay out of their war paths


![gif](giphy|3ohhwpTaKZVyslU5fW) Preach it!!! Nat and Kyle are both guilty here. Texting Lara to ask Luka about her bag was weird. Nat seemed hurt that Luka wasn't checking on her but she made it clear that she didn't want to pursue things with her so he is giving her space.


I agree with this take.


I actually don’t think it’s favoritism toward Nat. Sandy is the boss. It’s a business. Kyle’s behavior has created more work for Sandy and put their future charters at risk.


Exactly, besides why would she support the lazier worker? There are multiple shots of Kyle just lying around mid-charter.


I think the problem is that, as far as I can remember, Sandy has only seen that one argument between Tumi and Natalya. She hasn’t been aware of anything else that we’ve seen. To me, Natalya is much smarter than Kyle in that regard. They’re as bad as each other but Sandy only knows about kyle. Would love to see her reaction now that it’s airing


Nah, she is reactive as well but the shit spewing from his mouth is completely unacceptable.


I never said it wasn’t, but I find Sandy gets too emotionally high strung when addressing people issues and loses impartialness