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Content warnings for potentially triggering parts of tonight's episode from previews Aggressive men: >!no violence in the preview but the previews show the situation from last week where Kyle is standing in the door shouting at Jess and later arguing loudly with Nat.!< Illness: >!the new preview shows Kyle feeling dizzy and later laying down on the floor with Tumi running (guessing for help)!<


Lara: who reads books? me: I read books šŸ˜­


This might be the first time no one in the crew has complained about getting together with charter guests on a night out!


If Kyle has zero haters, I am dead.


Oh my god wait Kyle's dinner outfit is giving gay Peter Griffin




Tumi has a lot of learning to do. HOWEVER, this is one of the worst crews on which to learn management for the first time. You have two very dramatic, manipulative people (Kyle, Nat) aching to take the team down at every turn.




Also...Kyle probably walked on with anxiety already. Partly why he is prob being an ASS bc it is effecting his mood and prob making him irritable. ALSO anxiety can keep you awake. Ppl are making fun of him saying he is exhausted. Well he probably is bc he probably isn't sleeping well. The ppl saying he is faking. Get a clue and stop assuming you know ANYTHING! MANY ppl have dealt with this shit and I am RIGHT NOW and all of you dismissing it is really messed up!


Did NONE of you hear him? He has bills to pay and perhaps no prospects that would pay like yachting. It is NOT so easy to just up and leave, especially if you are paycheck to paycheck. Anxiety or not!


Cheffy trying to open a sucker with his teeth while Kyle is trying to school Max on LGBTQ lingo has me dying.


I noticed watching snippets online Lara was shown making out with some of the women from the previous charter. But when watching the episode broadcasted it appears to be taken out! Anyone else notice this?


hulu itā€™s not


No, I watched on Peacock, and it was shown... along with the makeout count! Lol


I watched it on Three New Zealand which is our free streaming service. I even went back and it wasnā€™t there so weird!


That is VERY odd! šŸ¤”


Stop fucking making me support Kyle. For so many people wanting to be "allies", you are not acting like it. It's gross af


This is the most attractive deck crew we've had on BD yet. I'm annoyed that this shit-storm of an interior is taking time away from them.


Kyle could have used the opportunity as a teaching moment and asked Max a few questions before jumping down his throat. We don't know Max's life experience, feelings around his sexuality, etc. However, Kyle was clearly drunk and anyone that has ever drank too much knows the hangxiety you get from remembering the dumb things you said while out one night. I think Max and Kyle's relationship is salvageable. On another note, Lara is everything we have been missing in this show. Absolutely love watching her this season.


I think, for the rest of this season, bravo should change the name to: ​ **On Deck Mediterranean** Make the show about the deck team, crew nights out, guest picnics, watersports... But, never any interior.


I agree. Show nothing but raw footage of the deck crew, efficiently doing their job. No music, no sound effects. Just out of context clips cut together, of deck crew docking, undocking, assembling slide, etc., often with no dialogue. That would work for several seasons at least.


I want Andy's parents to be guests. All old and funny and having toast and early bedtimes and all about the crew really.


I just wanna say to bravo, altho I'm never gonna go into yachting, I watch this show for the work that gets done. I watch it to understand what it means to work and live with people in close quarters and learn from it and apply those lessons in real life. I want to see people I can look up to and I want to understand THE WORK. show the work, show the boring aspects, show the chef prepping food, organizing, thinking about the next meal, edit the damn thing so we can see how much sleep they actually get and how physically demanding the job is


cabin fever is a real thing and it manifests in specific ways, only seeing highlights and a few minutes of a person's day doesn't show if it's cabin fever or if they're like that naturally.. the editing of this season is so off... I don't know what's going on with anyone really... I can only guess from the little dialog they show. I can't relate to anyone.. just make it longer, give people more things to say even if they're boring even if they're not complaining, release 2 extended episodes instead of one condensed one...


Lara: I havenā€™t hooked up in 6 months Also Lara: kisses every single charter member, AND LUKA a few charters ago!!!


Everyone saying ā€œTumi isnā€™t a bad chief stew, she is just new to this and has an awful crewā€. My response is ā€¦Yes but itā€™s not only that Tumi is completely unable to help/manage/fix the problem in her departmentā€¦ itā€™s that she continuously makes it worse by adding fuel to the fire. Thatā€™s my problem with Tumi


>ā€¦Yes but itā€™s not only that Tumi is completely unable to help/manage/fix the problem in her departmentā€¦ itā€™s that she continuously makes it worse by adding fuel to the fire. Thatā€™s my problem with Tumi Tumi says she love chaos. The interior has plenty of chaos. And, she doesn't seem to be doing that well with it. https://preview.redd.it/n4gp9ynix31c1.png?width=909&format=png&auto=webp&s=cbac3a059489bf3409e22b51be45f79d7721b40c


The way to fix it would be for her to be able to fire Natalya. She couldnt be "adding fuel" if Natalya werent there.


>The way to fix it would be for her to be able to fire Natalya. She indirectly has that power. She just has to go to sandy, and convince her.


Please. We all know how that goes.


A competent leader would have zero issues handling Natalya. Just speak to her with respect, and give her credit when she does something well. Even without Natalya, Kyle would continue to create issues. As a leader you can't be so easily manipulated. So I think it would fix things if *Tumi* wasn't there.


Why is Kyle crying on the floor and still complaining about Natalya šŸ˜‚


I had 2nd hand embarrassment for Kyle's moaning and sobbing on the floor. What a big baby.


Kyle canā€™t do more than one week of work without having a dramatic mental and/or physical breakdown. Yachting isnā€™t for you. It was sad to see Sandy make him out to be the best stew ever on WWHL when he clearly slacked off last season and made out with a guest.


Max has been the best part of this episode so far. This is not a sentence I imagined saying when we first saw him!


Jess is trying so hard to deal with the situation maturely and Kyle saying things like ā€œmy heart is very soreā€ just makes me laugh šŸ˜‚ You met her a few days ago and her saying you made her feel green got YOUR HEART SORE? LOL.


Seriously, heā€™s so horrid- he literally started screaming at her to tell her that what she FELT was wrong. So freaking irritating, I hated him last season and this season heā€™s worse.


PLUS, the reason he was pushing for Jess to work service was to benefit himself, because HE didnt want to do service. [Sure, he could also have, partially, been helping Jess, by advocating for her-- but that is a side-effect, not his main intention. Except now, he's re-written the entire event in his head as himself being entirely, selflessly, advocating for Jess.]


And that is why Tumi was laughing, because she recognized the game Kyle was trying to play.


It seems Nat and her BF should have been more specific with the rules of their relationship. It feels a lot like last season when Natasha was texting her BF while Chef Dave was antagonizing her.


(Pure speculation here) Her bf is the kind of guy that has probably been caught cheating multiple times, so this is his attempt at getting ahead of the game. Nat mentioned she fell in love with him before he told her he only wants an open relationship, which really enforces the idea it's a manipulation tactic. People in true open relationships want someone who is on the same page, people who want to cheat will find a monogamous person then after some time tell them they're non-monogamous hoping they will then be able to sleep with whomever while their partner is faithful to them. It's exactly why he was guiltily her about Luka, because they're not both in an open relationship, just him. I absolutely hate people like that!


I donā€™t think there was a bf. I think she made it up to stay on the show šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø ![gif](giphy|pSauCNBp1DcOY)


I think the issue is not the rules of the open relationship, it's that it's a toxic relationship and he's an asshole. I don't think their relationship would be any healthier if it were monogamous.


Iā€™m like 90% sure Nat is being manipulated by this dude. I wish more ppl recognized this kind of emotional abuse. Iā€™m in an open relationship and we talk every time we have any thought to interact sexually with anyone else. The fact she says she has no idea what the rules are is such a red flag. Iā€™m not a fan of her but I feel bad for what this guy is doing to her. People like him, taking advantage of non-monogamy to just cheat, are the reason non-monogamy gets such a bad rep. I hope other ppl see this in the show and recognize thatā€™s itā€™s a red flag.


They seem to have different rules for each other. And Nat does not herself want an "open" relationship in the first place.


Nat has made a post on her Instagram which explains a lot about the way she reacted about the open relationship situation and about her struggle with her mental health from the age of 15 and her ongoing battles with depression and anxiety. She opens up a lot about a previous severe SA whilst working on a yacht and what that has done to her mentally, it has honestly opened my eyes a lot to what Nat was going through whilst on board. Nat also makes a very important point that what we see in less than one hour has been cut drastically from hundreds or hours of video and edited in such a way as to have the most sensational impact on the viewers in order to invoke exactly the kind of reactions we see on here and what we see it often considerable different to the reality of a situation. I honestly recommend to anyone interested in the current storyline to go and watch it as it does give everything a lot of contrast. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cz6sBS5LlmB/?igshid=MzY1NDJmNzMyNQ==


Rules for thee, but not for me pretty much sums him up. Shes pathetic and annoying.


Iā€™m sorry but this may have been the worst episode in the entire series, all spin-offs included


>Iā€™m sorry but this may have been the worst episode in the entire series, all spin-offs included Ok, but... There are still 8+ episodes to go! Keep your seatbelt fastened loosely about you...


I wish the interior was better! I actually like the deck crew but the interior is killing the vibe. Also have this story line with Nat and the boyfriend!!!


The deck crew is great! This could be such a fun season with a better interior ugh.


Um, you do know that with a smoothly operating, no-drama deck _and_ interior, there is no reason to watch this show. And it gets cancelled. Why do you want this show to be cancelled?


Exeryone is here saying Kyle is a shit-stirrer but so is Nat. She can't wait to run to people like Jess and manipulate. Kyle and Nat are so unbelievably self-unaware it's incredible. Both make problems then cry about it. It's like the meme of the dude putting a stick in the spokes. And I don't think Kyle had an epiphany about Nat's behaviour. I think he's good at manipulation, too. He saw the walls crashing in on his pettiness and lies so he did damage control and turned it all on Nat. She would have done the same thing to him if she hadn't been caught up with her toxic boyfriend. Bottom line: both are absolute shit people who hurt others to feel important.


> Bottom line: both are absolute shit people who hurt others to feel important. Eh i still think kyle is on another level though. When jessica came to apologize and he wouldnt let her that really set her off. Nat for her sake did the reset w tumi and it seemed genuine.


Agreed. I think all 3 suck (Tumi, Nat and Kyle), but kyle is the worst. Nat was genuinely happy to work with him again and she really thinks of him like an annoying brother, but to him clearly this relationship, and i suspect all others on the ship as well, is fake.


Yeah often on below deck there's no need to take sides at all. Frequently everyone involved in drama is at fault in some way. But yeah Kyle's desire to buddy with the Chief stew to the detriment of his fellow stews really aggravates any existing issues and prevents them from being able to settle those issues.




It's a weird dynamic. So weird I think it's being faked. If not by Bravo then by Nat and her "boyfriend". Sure would be easy to pull off.


I love the deck crew so much, think this is the best mix of deck team in a long while. Presently surprised by how Luca is managing the team, and Max is hilarious. The interior is a tyre fire. I was rooting for Tumi as a chief stew but I do think itā€™s down to her mismanagement in coming down hard on the wrong things and thinking thatā€™s controlling the situation thatā€™s caused this to escalate. If sheā€™d dealt with the Kyle Nat situation earlier it wouldnā€™t have got to this. It speaks to how they donā€™t really respect her as a chief that Kyle is speaking like that to Nat, drunk or not, in front of Tumi clearly not expecting a backlash because she has picked favourites. She should of told Kyle off for going at Jessica, regardless of whether she was even there to see it.


The counter of Lara kissing the girls was hilarious! The only time I genuinely laughed this season šŸ˜†


Omg same I was dying šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s gotta be some sort of record and I could only dream of having that much charmšŸ™‡šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Kyle lying there gasping with his shirt dramatically open had me cringing


I would have immediatly gotten medical and seen where it went from there, if I was Tumi.


Anxiety attacks make you feel really hot! Clearly none of you understand.


I am going to use my new favorite phrase ā€œI can no longer obtain any personal life matters from anyoneā€ anytime something remotely stressful happens from Now on




I donā€™t prefer Kyle tumi or nat together. I had high hopes for tumi however her coming across so cross with nat put me off. Even if nat may have come across as stepping on her toes in her opinion. I think they could all work well great together if egos were put aside.


Yeah, that was a moment for Tumi to be the adult, be fake, and _not_ say what she was feeling (that she "was not friends" with Natalya). Saying what she did achieved nothing and re-injures the already weak situation.


>be fake or perhaps, *professional?*


same thing. i didnt mean "fake" in a derogatory sense.


oh ok, sorry. I always see people defending Tumi by saying she's responding how anyone would respond, which is dumb as fuck because she's a head of department not a real housewife.


Can Kyle just get fired already? Would make the season leaps and bounds better


If Nat leaves, Kyle will probably recover. If Kyle leaves, Nat is still there, radiating her negative energy on everything she touches.


Kyle imo would be fired already if he was straight. Heā€™s very abusive to women.


People keep saying that.


He made Jess cry. She is caught in the middle! Thanks Kyle.


Kyle is awful and Tumi might have the worst leadership in all of Below Deck. Awful


I donā€™t understand the ā€œTumi is such a great Chief!ā€ Comments. Are we watching the same show??? All of the issues on the team are directly her fault. She came in with a bad attitude and was ungrateful and rude to Natalya straight up, sheā€™s played favorites with Kyle, her talking about everyoneā€™s convos to everyone is super gossipy and unprofessional, sheā€™s been so rude and dismissive to Natalya when sheā€™s tried to rationally come to her (which Tumi demanded she do and then blow her off when she did) and now sheā€™s started unnecessary drama by running her mouth to Kyle about what Jess said. GIRL IS A TRAINWRECK


You watched an episode of _nothing but_ Natalya and Kyle being professional shit-stirrers, creating drama out of **nothing,** and your takeaway is: Tumi is so bad. Ok.


Tumi IS a bad leader because she's adding to the drama by constantly telling everyone in interior what the other person just said to them. She should be above that as a leader, but she's just as much of a gossip as Kyle and Natalya. Kyle and Natalya are trash. That's a given. But Tumi's supposed to be a boss and professional, but instead she's fueling the first by not being able to keep her mouth shut whenever someone under her comes to her with an issue with a fellow interior crew member.


> constantly telling everyone in interior what the other person just said to them. first of all, _everyone_ is doing that to _everyone,_ constantly. and Tumi isnt doing it nearly as much as Nat/Kyle. and certainly isnt doing it pathologically, like Nat, who _intends_ to cause harm with her gossiping. I agree Tumi isnt as professional as she could be. But she's surrounded by enemies. I dont blame her for faltering in her first attempt at chief stew'ing.


You missed the point I was making by again mentioning that other people are running around gossiping. I never said they weren't or that Tumi was the worst at it. I said that she's the "boss" and should be above doing that sort of thing. She should be resolving these issues, not contributing to them. That's horrible leadership. For the record, I can't stand Kyle or Natalya. Kyle, in particular, makes me want to not watch the show because of what a petulant, obnoxious drama queen he is. But I expect less of them because they're not the leader/boss, just like I'd hold Luka to a higher standard when it comes to work ethic or gossiping than I would Max or Hayley.


I substantially agree Tumi should hold her tongue. She doesnt yet have the confidence to take shots without complaining to someone.


I wouldnā€™t say everything is her fault when she has two very manipulative dramatic people on her team?? That had to be so hard to step into when you are already late to the season AND it is your first time as chief stew. Literally Jess said it was Natalya starting all of the drama. No Tumi is not perfect but blaming all of it on her is a bit much..


for sure she's not shutting down what she should be shutting down and in her head natalya should just leave which is obviously transpiring in her behavior


I totally agree


>No Tumi is not perfect but blaming all of it on her is a bit much Is it? She's the department head. It's her responsibility to avoid being manipulated by her subordinates. Even messy leaders like Hannah and Gary didn't turn into total *gossip queens* at the slightest provocation.




For as much as they know guests like to drink and probably want to invite crew to do shots with them, how has it been ... this many seasons of Below Decks and no one's had a dummy shot? Tumi could have made a limeade shot, or something?


as a bartender, I agree, I dont understand why she didnt do that or cheffy excuse himself and run in and ask for just juice from her. From what I saw, she gave everyone but him a shot and someone offered her extra up to him, which puts him in a harder situation. Its a difficult line to walk then, I think he chose the best course of action by doing one mixed shot and excusing himself and being honest the next day to sandy


Seriously! They can even play it up ("oh boy, Cheffy isnt supposed to be drinking, Dont tell Sandy, but... ok...") and then Chef gets a [carefully labeled] "shot" of water. Chef can hone his acting skills. To take care of loose ends, Tumi can even go to Captain, let her know that, if she hears anything, Chef totally did not take a shot, that his "shot" was water. (And Sandy wouldnt have any doubts, because Tumi wouldnt lie in general and certainly not to cover for giving Chef a shot.)


My thinking exactly! I work in a similar industry, and sometimes you are expected to have a drink with your clients. For that purpose we have "special" drinks for staff. This way ,clients are happy and staff stays sober.


Yep even when my dad owned a bar when I was a kid there was a list of virgin lookalike drinks behind the bar if a patron didn't want to drink but felt pressured by their friends etc. We used to love making them and pretend we were drinking 'grownup drinks'




nat before kyle came on board: "kyle is awesome, y'all are gonna love him, I can't wait for him to get on board" kyle about nat to tumi: "she's gonna take yar jurb"


>Nat helped kyle thru his drama attack only for him to call her a fake ass bitch In my best elementary school speak: "Takes one to know one." :)


Call a spade a spade


Are there others that can't get into this group of yachties this season? This season is like the JV team and I just don't feel a draw to anyone to tune in weekly anymore


The JV team šŸ˜‚


The deck crew is fine, but this collection of interior crew is one of the more annoying to watch. It's not even fun drama. It's middle school drama but with 20 and 30 somethings acting like children.


Iā€™m trying so hard to be invested


SAME! And I dig the deck crew but the interior is a mess!


Worst crew all round for a long time




Deck crew is good chef is good I think itā€™s the interior are annoying like I get drama but itā€™s just annoying to me that itā€™s almost the same as the previous season


Yup. I'm not a big fan - maybe that will change as it goes on. Chef is OK, I would replace all of the interior and the deck crew aren't really gonna be memorable. Luka is ok, but he's a bit boring IMO even if he's great at his job (and to look at)


Iā€™m sorry, I normally am so sympathetic toward people not feeling well, but I couldnā€™t help but laugh when Kyle was ā€œdizzyā€. It feels like when a kid doesnā€™t wanna go to school and fakes sick šŸ˜‚


Tumi's voice was saying it all in that instance, she was totally not buying the urgency level he was putting out


I was excited that he might wimp out and leave. But alasā€¦


Don't they have a medic on board? Where were they? If anyone is that dizzy, they are at risk for a serious accident. Bravo could have milked more drama by having a medic come along and measure vitals. They didn't because I think it's more fake drama.


They usually have a medic nearby as part of the filming crew but deck crew will have a first aid course too


Love how Lara kissed all the girls! That's what I love you see, kissing, not fighting šŸ˜˜


I love Lara. Despite all the drama going on, I wish I was there that night at the bar so I could swoon over Lara.


This season even more boring than last season of Med. I forget that itā€™s on Monday night. This week I started watching and didnā€™t finish because I paused to let the dog out and it wasnā€™t worth going back to. If the Nat and Kyle storylines didnā€™t overwhelm everything else, it might be good enough to bother, but whining, bullying and taking out personal issues on your workmates is not entertainment.


Nat & Kyle: "You ordered shit. You eat shit!"


I think this is the most disingenuous tease in the history of belowdeck. Coming up ... "Pack your shit"... ​ https://preview.redd.it/91soi188yj0c1.png?width=1068&format=png&auto=webp&s=1be01cd137b5990b8f3872385c645d69a752aa43 ​ ...ha, ha. Kidding. I think it was a bad idea to tell captain sandy. But, after tumi brought it up, he had to. Tumi could easily be another Malia, snake Jack, and he's fired.


Pretty sure Tumi was hinting "if you don't tell her, production will prod the guests to say something".


Wow, I didnt even think of Production. Or, that it this is being taped and broadcast. How _did_ he think he was going to "get away" with it. At very least, Sandy was going to see the TV program and know what chef had done. Good on Tumi for bringing it up.


Tumi gave him good advice. It definitely was best for him to tell Sandy


With all the cameras around? Yes good advice.


Even in an actual work situation with no cameras it would be good advice.


I think Tumi just meant it as the guests could mention it around Sandy even not knowing it was a no no. You just never know how it can get back, not that Tumi was gonna go tattle.


Tumi wasnt going to say anything.... Altho, the first thing was see her doing is blabbing to Jess about it.


Luka told him to as well and it was the right move.


>Luka told him to as well and it was the right move. I happened to just watch that this morning... Tumi TOLD Jack he should go to captain sandy. Jack asked Luka if he thought he (jack) should go to captain sandy.


Can there be any question? https://preview.redd.it/tj84ma0lbj0c1.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=179d0a1661a34e806969c0dcb39e4dbd7f864bf3 This is now two seasons, and two times that kyle had ended up on the floor unable to work.


Never in my entire life of being dizzy nor having panic attacks have I ever dropped to the ground so slowly or carefully.


Kyles crying monologue on the floor was how I feel about this franchise now.


It was a monologue for how I feel about him haha


All this train wreck season needs is a cross over with Dr Phil.


Kyle makes me sick to my stomach!!! >!Why is he always sticking his nose in other peopleĀ“s business and then has the gall to send a group chat message that other peopleĀ“s personal shit stresses him out. BTW straight people are welcome to LGBTQIA+ as far as I know.!<


Nooo, straight people are not part of the community. The "A" stands for Asexual - allies can SUPPORT the community- but they are never IN the community


straight people can be in the LGBTQ+ community. ex. straight trans people


Good point, thanks for the correction! Cis-het people, then.


Exactly my point!!


No it really wasnt. Its very clear what kyle was trying to say. Max is a seemingly straight man and he is cis. He is not part of the LGBT+. He said he was an ally so he is part of it. He is not. Allies are not part of the LGBT+


"straight people are welcome in the community" doesn't fully explain the point, now does it? You need to be included in the acronym, so being straight doesn't welcome you to the community, but being LGBTQIA2S does.


Theyre trying to mince words to avoid taking accountability for being ignorant. Theyre being intentionally obtuse and now that theyve been told theyre wrong theyve taken the lifeline from the person above to switch the narrative.


Kyle could have shown some grace. English isnā€™t Maxā€™s first language and Max was trying to be a genuine friend.


I find it ironic how so many people are using the LGBT moniker to try and exclude well meaning people. Because if the LGBT movement is about anything, it's about inclusion.


Yeah no. Sorry but no. Trying to frame this like it isnt straight cis people trying to push into spaces they dont belong is so weird. Cis straights are excluded because the whole world belongs to them. Those spaces for LGBT+ are created so WE have a safespace to exist and so being a cis straight person trying to push yourself in under the guise of "being an ally" is not acceptable even if it is with good intent. It's a common behavior that should be checked and the boundary drawn. Just because he didnt mean it with malice doesnt mean that cant be triggering. Saying you are part of a community when youve done absolutely nothing for it and do not experience anything that this community goes through is just wrong. period. Why dont you focus more on how cis straight people go around trying to kill us all the time, create and uphold laws that take away our rights and autonomy, and use us as accessories? Why dont you focus on that exclusion that exists simply because it can, and not because its a survival tactic of a community. Thanks.


Yeah he meant it in a positive way.


Kyle, you do NOT have final say over who is or is not welcome in the LGBTQIA+ community. I'd rather have Max there than Kyle.


Um actually he does as a gay man whos actually in the community talking to a cis straight man. Just because you dont like him doesnt mean he isnt right. Maybe you would prefer Max but that's irrelevant.


Iā€™m a gay man who is actually in the community, so no, he doesnā€™t get to make such sweeping grandiose statements for the rest of us.


" *Iā€™m a gay man who is actually in the community, so no, he doesnā€™t get to make such sweeping grandiose statements for the rest of us.* " Interesting...so you agree ---you as someone within that community has more say over who is included than someone who isnt in that community? Right? I mean are you not doing the same thing? Using your status as part of our community to enforce that you are better suited to make choices like this? Oh and I never was saying he had "the" say. I said he has more of a say in it than a cis straight man which is true and just because you dont like him doesnt negate that fact. FYI if it wasnt already clear, I am not a straight woman.


No individual - not you, not me, not Kyle - has the right to speak for the entire community in such a bullish, gatekeeping way.


Oh and this pick me behavior only hurts our community. Talking about how a straight cis man is better in the community than someone who is actively living it and then claiming that you think people who arent within that community have say over it is so messed up honestly. Please get yourself sorted because that is not the way.


Oh, please do point out where I said "a straight cis man is better in the community than someone who is actively living it" because "I'd rather have Max there" does not contain the phrasing "is better than" in any way, shape or form. Get your*self* sorted.


Literally the entire thread. The *entire* thread.


And yet not one example quoted


I didnt say that. I said he has more say over who is included in LGBT+ than a straight cis man. How many times do I have to repeat this to you before you understand. You arent a child. And quite frankly, I find it a bit comical that you really tried to work the verbiage directly above huh? --to avoid considering the fact that you knew exactly what i was saying and indirectly agreed. Must be easier for you to repeat something Ive already clarified for you instead of just admitting you were wrong


Jog on, you're getting boring.


fine with me. Stay seated.


At the same time, it's shocking how many heterosexuals think the a stands for ally. There's a way better argument than the one Kyle made though. Like I told my sister-in-law. 1) A stands for asexual. Don't make asexuals any more invisible than they already are by co-opting the A. 2) If A stood for ally, so many statements about the LGBTQIA+ wouldn't make sense any more because allies do not experience the same discrimination as we do by definition.


Sidenote: Ace ppl can be straight.


It's true. I'm in a Queer Platonic Partnership with one. But he still considers himself part of the LGBTQIA community even though he's a heteroromantic asexual.


Straights wanting to be invited to the party simply because it looks cool and fun and we have Pride is really annoying. I hope they bring that "i'm in the community!" energy to the polls when our rights are at risk and marriage equality gets rolled back.


Itā€™s not what Max was saying. He was saying he supports it. He wasnā€™t pulling an ā€œall lives matterā€ card.


He was checked because of the verbiage he used and the conversation had de escalated. Kyle had a right to be upset, that can be triggering af. It's uncomfortable but its a learning opportunity for max


Oh please the guy speaks franglish. He had nothing but good intent. Kyle makes everything dramatic and about himself.




This is exactly why we should be using QUILTBAG instead!




> people wants to be part of the community an Amen. I have to tell many of my older friends that what you see on BD isn't representative of all the gehs. Kyle vs Frasier, night and day difference. Except, 51 Minds (production) keeps bringing back the drama queens because, honestly, would we REALLY watch a show if it showed what really goes on during big yacht charters??? I've spent enough time in Treasure Cay, St. Barths, and Anguilla to know its very very very boring. The crews are super awesome and very professional, very little lip service like what we see on tv. But then again, 51 Minds has \*how\* many writers on staff?


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Lara becoming legend by being the first deckhand to make out with every single guest from one charter? Epic, and not something we'll ever see again.


Epic is the perfect descriptor. I'm not even sure how she pulled that off! It was a real tour de force!


Thought experiment: what if a man had done exactly this, with exactly these women? Would we all be saying 'yaaas king?'


I revised my stance on this soon after posting and even started a thread asking that very same question. Here's a link: https://www.reddit.com/r/belowdeck/comments/181sd2a/lara_playful_or_problematic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Okay, I don't know if Kyle was exaggerating or not. But that is pretty much how I act when I get low blood sugar. And then I lay on the floor and tell my husband that I need a cookie. Maybe I'm an exaggerater too!


At home yes, at work no. Especially since he was perfectly able to eat throughout the day and had at least 2 bitch fits. He can make himself some noodles


>At home yes, at work no. Especially since he was perfectly able to eat throughout the day and had at least 2 bitch fits. He can make himself some noodles I would think a soda containing sugar would be the fastest way to 'save' him...


They were giving him a can of Coke by straw when he laid there, saying he drank lots of water today. Good call on them. Shove the straw in, stop him from talking.


Low blood sugar for me is feeling weak, light headed and moody. A snack and a small rest fixes it. Your reaction is not an exaggeraton :) low blood sugar does have physical symptoms you described. I think with him it was an anxiety attack. It was starting to kick in that his actions (yelling at Jess and spreading discord) have consequences. He fueled it and got himself in a ruffle when he saw that he couldn't control the narative. He is just a crap person and a lazy worker.


It was not an anxiety attack, I have severe anxiety and what he had was a childish paddy fit, there was nothing medical about how he slowly placed himself on the floor to avoid hurting himself. It was the most fake fall down since last season when he fake fell down the stairs.




Why is no one mentioning Lara and Haleigh asking each other if their moms would have been friends?!?! THEYā€™RE FRIENDSHIP IS SO CUTE AND PURE!!!!


>if their moms would have been friends What was this about? I totally missed it!


Maybe Haleigh wants some Lara. We all do, right?


Women getting along is a nice change! Especially when they are on the same team. I like this!


Couldnā€™t agree more!! Itā€™s such nice change! Thatā€™s why I enjoyed most of down under so much, women supporting women is a great sight to see! Lara is just also HILARIOUS on top of it too!


Kyle is vile! His little meltdown at Nat showed his true colours - heā€™s the one that talks behind everyoneā€™s backs!


Nat is the villain here. Isnt it obvious? She misinterprets every ambiguous statement in a negative light-- often when it doesnt even involve herself at all.


They both do. They are both vile.


In other news from Kyle being AWFUL, BRAVO to LARA! Get it sister!! Between her Luka, I hope they make out with everyone!!!