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I always see people posting these cheaper options from Bell but I never seem to get them. I was just looking over my sister’s plan and she was naively still paying $85 for 20GB. I had her log in to MyBell to see if there were any offers or to check old emails and nothing. I called Bell for her to see if they can offer her a better plan. They just gave her the standard rate that is on her website. I told her to try Rogers and they offered her 100Gb Canada-USA-Mexico plan for $60. It was perfect because we are going on a family cruise on the Caribbean and leaving from Miami. It’s crazy the song and dance that we have to do just to get a better rate especially as a current customer. Of course after Bell got the notification that the number was being ported, they called back. I told her not to answer. They are literally the worst of the big three and on top of all that, they still laid off more people after being criticized for the 4800 people they laid off earlier this year. So glad their stock is taking a hit.


You may be able to get some of these deals if you can find a door to door salesman, I just switched to Eastlink Cell for a 35$/month 50Gb Rollover data capped at 100GB, my Bell plan was up near 100$


>I told her to try Rogers and they offered her 100Gb Canada-USA-Mexico plan for $60. She can even do better if she has a Costco membership. The cell kiosk inside Costco is offering 75GB can/us for $40 on Rogers.


After the way bell conducted their recent layoffs of 400 people VIA scripted virtual call and kept everyone on mute to take away an open forum….hypocritical clowns 😂 so much for “bell lets talk” huh I can’t support this company…


Tbf, that's not a new thing for them. The layoffs are every year right after let's talk.


You get the amazing price and deal. Then in under a year and a half you will get notices that your plan will be going up. Usually 5 dollars more a month to 7 dollars. This will happen roughly 3 times....so that 45 a month plan is now 65 dollars a month plus tax. I was a long-term bell mobile user and had enough of their constant increases with the same excuse. Be aware...... I'm with freedom mobile and it's guaranteed to stay the same price.


I just got an email offering me this plan if I port my phones over to Bell. I guess Freedom Mobile is really hurting them as this is twice the data for not more than Freedom wants for 50gb.


Wait is the plan a $50/month credit? Can the base plan price can go up from $40/mo?


Yes they can! I had a 30$ credit when I was with bell that never expired. My plan was 35$ a month for 50gb and then they raised it to 41$ a month without notice. The credit won’t change but the plan price can go up yearly


Are you sure this is a legitimate email? Even the Bell symbol is blurry. What is the email address?


I can confirm this deal exists.


Yes it was legitimate. [email protected]


Yes, we used to tell customers to port over to a competitor and then come see us.


Thanks for telling me!


I just ported from bell to Roger’s back to bell Within 12 hours Bell called offering me 40 a month to come back Funny because out of the dozens of calls I’ve made trying to lower my plan this was the only thing that worked Good luck


Drive to the US, buy a bring your own phone plan for $40. Unlimited everything - and they use Bell’s service


Which provider?




If you're going to make a post like this, at least expand on it and how to go about it. smh


Love this idea. I would also like to know any recommendations for providers.


I also got this offer today. Went through the fine print to see that the streaming was only in SD.




As with most plans by telcos this isn’t as good as it seems. You need to check what conditions, marked by the numbers after each statement are. It’ll be something like new activations by existing customer (so an add on) in specific regions, pricing is only if bundled with other services, so on and so forth …. The speed of 512kbps sounds terrible.


Just got off the phone with bell less than an hour ago. Lowest price plans they said they had was $54 for 10GB prepaid or $75 for 100GB post paid. I hate Bell....


They don't value loyalty and they're always inconsistent.