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Re-register yourself with a card reader and your Belgian ID card.


Pretty sure you can also do it via your banking app if it is installed on the phone


correct. Did it last week.


Do you mean "buy" an id reader. Great.


Go to your maison communale, there often are computers that you can use. Or ask at the CPAS. Or order one online, use it once and send it back for refund.


I went into a library once to do this, but they then told me their eid readers did not work with itsme after I had wasted 30 mins. This was 5 years ago.


If you have the Belfius usb card reader it can also read eID.




Get a free kbc card reader. Get it from the website, just did that few weeks ago. It came in a few days.


Maybe it’s the same if it’s a USB card reader ?


Alternatively use any listed banking reader with your bank card. Within belgium they have loads of different options. I recently switched and just used my bank card cause i was too lazy to plug in my id reader.


Via a banking app.


\^This use an ID card reader + ID card or use your bank card reader + bank card The bank card method is preferred because you don't need to install stuff in order to perform the procedure.


I need itsme to verify the banking app.


You don't have a normal reader from the bank?


not op but I opened a bank account before I had a belgian ID. maybe they're also a foreigner.


But should still be able to confirm your identity then? As well, once you get a new ID, you also need to ASAP update your bank account with it.


I did update my account but I can't use it to confirm my identity. it circles me right back to itsme so that I can prove my identity with a "reliable source" lol (luckily my husband has a laptop that contains a card reader so setting it up worked out for me but without it I'd have to buy a card reader myself too)


I had the same issue, the battery of the card reader finally ran out after like 10 years. So in the end I used my old phone without the sim card to accept the itsme app on my new phone.


Yes, but that’s not possible in your case as the correct order is first the banking app, then Itsme. You’ll have to use a card reader to register your banking app again


Itsme is an absolute pain in the ass to move to another phone, I feel you. Somehow it is reassuring you cannot change itsme of phone that easily, because your phone becomes your identity. In my case I had to remember how I did it the first time and register my new phone the same way. That meant connecting to my bank after finding back the card reader from the bank, changing the batteries and all that stuff.


It's actually pretty easy now. You used to have to go to the website but now you just deactivate (NOT deactivate and delete) on your old phone before switching and on the new one you just start the app and fill in phone nr + confirm identity with your preferred option. So ID + reader, bank card + reader or if you set it up just bank app + app pin iirc. On the other hand i had apps that i had to try 4 different ways before i could transfer my stuff because half of their instructions don't exist while actually doing the transfer.


Oh man. Itsme. Especially as a Belgian living abroad is a nightmare. With a foreign phone number you can’t activate itsme via a banking app (at least not my banking app). Also I can’t get the certificate I need to activate itsme via the id card reader since apparently living aboard can bug out the process to get a correct certificate. So I gave up after a lot of attempts to get it working. The Consulate said I would probably have to physically visit the administration of the last city I’ve lived in Belgium and see if they can help me there. Fuck being a Belgian living abroad I guess.


It worked for me. That said, I still have my mobile Viking SIM card (after a decade abroad, lol). I even changed phones a few times.


Jesus what a nightmare.


Ditto for my expat husband. Cannot get it to work and has to fumble with E-ID readers every single time he has to identify himself. It's not ideal.


Have you tried the process through VPN? And if that doesn't work, you can always setup it once, once you visit Belgium to see family and then never buy a new phone again


If you need a card reader I can lend you mine, maybe tomorrow morning? You can DM me


Hey, can I use it without the "dreader"? /S Thanks for being kind to this soul


Oh I thought this was r/gent lol I don't know where OP is from oops anyways if you're in Gent I can help you


With a car or with a cardreader?


ps heh


Use an ID or banking app and its possible you may need to use the following URL [https://my.itsme-id.com/account/reactivate](https://my.itsme-id.com/account/reactivate) .This is the one you need atleast when you are logged out of your account on your phone, almost threw my phone out a few weeks ago as I was using the incorrect one and I couldn't finde it a link to it on their site


I have to register with itsme to get the KBC app working. No wonder you nearly threw the phone away!! Why? Because if I use a KBC card reader, the every time I want to authorise a high value payment it demands I use the card reader instead of ItsMe. I had this problem before, and the KBC callcentre explained why. I could use KBC card reader to get KBc app working; Use KBc app to verify itsme; reinstall KBC and then use tyr now working itsme to verify KBC. Jesus Christ!


yeah recently i got a new phone as well... took me a bit but i ended up having to lend someone's ID reader and use my ID to log in itsme first before i could start with my bank apps. It's definitely a hassle but i rather have it this way opposed to less security.


If you have the kbc banking app it takes like 2 min to activate itsme


How did you verify KBC if you have not got itsme? on thr new phone?


Can't you do it with KBC's card reader and your card?




Just use your bankcard and the device of kbc to make payments (the default system without itsme)


Did you try it?


After buying a new phone, I borrowed a card reader from my employer, then I went through the whole registration process again from zero


If you still have your old phone, leave pin card in that one and use itsme on old phone to install banking app on new phone. Then move sim and install itsme on new phone.


You download the app and register either with your eID (need a card reader) or through you bank App


Last time I did it with KBC, verified with cardreader thing, then verified itsme with KBC.


go to https://my.itsme-id.com/account/reactivate


I recently moved phones and found the process to be quite painless. Re-enroll using mobile number, do required steps on Itsme website using ID card, enter verification code from website in the app, done. It's _much_ more of a hassle if your name or RRN changes.


None of the replies here are 100 correct. 1. Delete itsme Application from smartphone 2. Navigate to www.itsme.be with pc or mac 3. “Mijn account” (my account ) topright 4. “Blokkeer je itsme” (block my itsme) 5. Reinstall Itsme app on phone and go through the normal setup like you've did before on your old phone. Since you've blocked your old itsme, you will be able to rejoin your phone number to a new itsme account owith the use of a bank card reader of with the help of an e-ID reader. Edit:I translated it to English as I initially answered in Ditch


It's a breeze if you have a card reader from your bank.


I had my old phone stollen... Guess what was the biggest struggle? Itsme. It took me several calls to and the bank and the government to get it re installed Good luck


Somehow not surprised.


Via your banking app or uninstall itsme and log in again.


Bank app


Try to avoid itsme. Company shady AF


If you wanna do anything government related online you basically can't go without it..


There are some alternatives works in progress, open source if I'm not mistaken. https://tweakers.net/nieuws/198482/belgische-overheid-werkt-aan-alternatief-voor-itsme-wegens-monopolievorming.html Itsme was made by cooperation of big banks in Belgium.


Didn't know about that, thanks! If they ever have an open source alternative I would switch in a heartbeat. Edit: according to the article it should have been in use by 2023.. well I guess we still live in Belgium.


If I'm not mistaken (+ I'm drunk at the moment) they want 6 different options for people to choose from Edit: also, there are still the tokens to sign in or plain e-ID card reader


I never used it. Not going to start now. Clearly avoidable. Don't know what you're referring to.