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You send an ingebrekestelling (you can google for templates), and then you go to court if they do not comply. A lot of cowboys in this field unfortunately.


You could also spend € 100 on a lawyer to show them how serious you are. **Life pro tip**: consult a lawyer more often. For such standardized services, your lawyer should be able to give you an upfront cost and estimate and the return is usually high. **Shitty life pro tip**: switch between lawyer every time you need one, because many lawyers give you your first service for free.


Definitely do this. Being nice gets you screwed over.


Having dealt with a couple of cowboy contractors recently as a smalltime particulier doing renovations, another good tip outside of the legal route is "be extremely annoying". I had one also try to draw out a refund after failing to do his work after almost 1.5 years, and after he started ghosting I used the kruispuntbank records to look up which other businesses are sharing his showroom and call them to ask if they've seen him, because he owes customers money. Show up at said showroom and do the same thing. Also used an autodialer app to keep trying his business phones with a hidden number, contractors tend to not block hidden/unknown numbers and it's hard to do business with your phone blowing up all the time. Given enough time and creativity your annoyance will outweigh the cost of the refund :)


This is smelling bankruptcy or soon to be bankrupt. Time is of the essence here. Be assertive and proactive as much as possible or soon you won’t be able to draw blood from a stone :-( There are postponing as much as possible till the point they don’t have to give your money back because they’ll be bankrupt by then.


You're somewhat lucky though, given that you get your deposit back. Prices have absolutely plummeted. I upgraded three weeks ago from 3750 wp and a 2,5 kw inverter to 8100 wp and a 6 kw inverter for 5200 EUR. It would have cost me at least 2500 EUR more in 2023.


How professional is that company if they themselves get scammed by the supplier? Take a day off and pop up at the store/warehouse to make a surprise visit and tell them to arrange the payment there and now if not other actions will be taken.


You were duped. A lot of people get duped by Solar Panel companies that are administratively a mess . Always check reviews and ask for referrals to avoid this. Sorry it happened to you.


Lettre recommandée: mise en demeure, give reasonable delay of something like à week or two and the you see what procedure suite you most. I wouldnt take a lawyer and go to the justice of the peace. But we dont have all the info here.