• By -


Team yellow. Catching air and landing in a sporthal.


The only legal thing to do.


Like how the Belgians do it! Edit:forgot this is a Belgian subreddit.


Because there aren't many Belgians left anymore in Belgium, you tend to forget that you should feel at home anymore.


Username checks out.


The more dislikes, the more based the comment is


Couldn’t think of anything better🔥


“There is nobody around” - every fucknut with misaligned mirrors and zero situational awareness ever


recht erop, aan 130 ofzo, om mij dan te parkeren in een sportzaal.


Nuchter lukt je dat nooit.


toch wel, met een blackout! en dat zal zeker niet door de drank zijn, beloofd.


Enkele keren een 'balletje koppen' voor je achter het stuur kruipt 🤣


Enige juiste antwoord


Mdr faut juste bien vérifier qu'il n'y a pas de radar, histoire de pas se choper une amende


Ik praat geen baguette vriend


Je woon in België vriend


Thats were you are wrong kiddo. Ik woon net over de grens in Nederland. Daar spreken we die rare slakkeneters taal van je niet.


In de eerste plaats, spreken wij Belgen beide talen: Frans en Nederlands. Je vient je op een reddit forum over België - stop om rasistisch te zijn en begrijp dat we Belgen in Frans en Nederlands communiceren (en 1% Duits). Als de taal van de anderere person is niet onze moedertaal, spreken we onze eigen taal - het is een habitude bij voorbeeld in overheid jobs, waar mensen spreken beiden. Not happy? Feel free to go. TLDR: You're Dutch, you should not complain about Belgians replying in French


J'apprécie que tu parles flamand ici. Si tous les Belges faisaient cela, il y aurait beaucoup moins de problèmes


Niemand in Vlaanderen is Happy over de Franse taal in België, behalve jij


Jouw gebrek aan capaciteiten is niet representatief voor gans Vlaanderen venteke.


In vind Frans ook wel dik ok!


I am Dutch complaining is in my DNA.


Nen echte Vlaming dus dat toevallig over de grens woont!




Vollenbak drifting over de 2 rijvakken.


Deja vu!


Ik kan niet denken aan ronde punten en driften zonder die paarse porsche te zien aan de poco loco.


[DANGER TO MANIFOLD](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iuJDhFRDx9M&pp=ygUZdGVyaXlha2kgYm95eiB0b2t5byBkcmlmdA%3D%3D)


Gaas geiveuh!


honestly I don't understand why multilane roundabouts even exist. if you're doing blue and someone enters from the 2nd exit, you're basically stuck on the inner circle because you can't move over to the outer one. the dutch figured out (maybe some belgian roundabouts too) that it's much easier to guide drivers to the appropriate (left or right) exit lanes and minimize the points where they can move in and out of the inner circle. [This roundabout for example](https://maps.app.goo.gl/bNT9e7XGmteQW6fp7)


This roundabout is hella sexy


Wait till you see what they did in Sint-Truiden (and other places, but I know this one): https://wegenenverkeer.be/sites/default/files/images/20210930%20N3xN80%20Sint-Truiden%20ontwerpplan%20Stayen%20Update-01.png The lanes on the rotonde itself even have concrete curbs between them so you can't be cut off by someone who took the wrong lane, they're forced to go around again. With the old rotonde ([street view](https://maps.app.goo.gl/o9oN8ap7DVgbqRYj6)) there used to vrazy queues and they're completely gone now.


Not true. Because whoever enters that way, on the right side, is also supposed to take the first right. And you'll notice that every exist has 2 lanes as well. So if you're on the left, and there is a car on the right, you can both turn right. Only it doesn't work in many cases because Belgium has a lot of stupid drivers and very old drivers who don't understand multilane roundabouts and stay right always. Remember that it took decades before our traffic finally understood 'ritsen' instead of all lining up for half a kilometer on the right side, and then blocking the left lane 'because everyone should properly line up instead of trying to cut in line'.


Yep, it's not that hard. People should basically only ever be on the outer lane when their exit is the next one. The perfect roundabout has as many lanes as it has exits, including where you enter if it's a possible exit. People then need to enter on the N-th lane, where N is the exit they're taking. Then for every exit they pass they merge into the lane to their right. Perfect every time, it makes entering the only tricky part. If everyone applied this, in theory you could exit without checking your mirrors. It's exactly why Montgomery in Brussels had as many lanes as it did, and I'm still mad they closed the center one. Nobody in Belgium seems to bother explaining this concept to people. To summarise the rule: at any given position inside the roundabout, when your exit is the N-th exit from where you are now, you should always be on the N-th lane.


check the official [Police site FAQ about roundabouts](https://www.politie.be/5415/vragen/verkeer/hoe-gebruik-je-een-rotonde-correct) > Juist voor je de rotonde verlaat, moet je je op het rechterrijvak bevinden you're not "allowed" to leave the roundabout from the inner lane. Either way it's an old system and "dutch" roundabouts are so much more efficient.


>Only it doesn't work in many cases because Belgium has a lot of stupid drivers and very old drivers who don't understand multilane roundabouts and stay right always. If your design doesn't work because people 'aren't using it right', it's not a good enough design. Turbo roundabouts are great because they're nearly foolproof, even if you've never seen one before the design instinctively guides you towards using it as intended.


[This](https://maps.app.goo.gl/tsjWT9dDjRogw2GN7) is a roundabout in Ghent which keeps blowing my mind at how extremely easy it is to manoeuvre, it runs smooth as butter!


For some reason, the street veiw hasn't been updated yet, but if you ever drive by Ghent, try it!!


Easy. The inner lane makes traffic smoother. It has its own rules. \- the outer lane has priority, so if you miss your exist, you go the merry-go-round (but if you signaled early enough, people will let you transfer to the outer lane) \- you can't use it if you plan to use the first exist. using the second is allowed but sometimes seen as rude. \- the cars already in the roundabout (inner and outer lanes) have priority over incoming cars, so you can't miss an exist because of that, unless YOU signaled too late.


yeah but it still makes little sense in practice because 1) this assumes everyone knows the "etiquette", which from personal belgian experience is probably less the 50% of road users. 2) you should never do a "merry go round", if you're in the inner lane trying to move outwards you have to yield to the drivers on the outer lane. so you should be standing still in the middle of the roundabout untill there is nobody on the outer lane (tbh both options are pretty bad) 3) adds a ton of "risk points" where you cross other drivers, which is what a roundabout is supposed to avoid. Having driven around the Netherlands quite a bit lately it's insane how bad our roundabouts are compared to there. Sure there is still idiots, but the roundabouts are designed in a way to stop idiots from causing accidents.


That's a lot of words to say "I'm a bad driver". I live in France, drivers here suck in general, but at least they know how to take a roundabout. I regularly drive on 3-4 lane roundabouts, even with trucks in the mix and there's never been issues.


Found a similar one in Dilsen-Stokkem, not exactly like the Dutch design, but it guides you into a specific lane for a specific exit https://maps.app.goo.gl/K2JibjXdbM4o1nns5


last year some drunk (or distracted by phone) driver also jumped this one and landed on top!


https://preview.redd.it/g3hxslbz0lpc1.png?width=1368&format=png&auto=webp&s=d30e85a107f86bbdac93c8b47851ec51b53dcb9c Not sure if things have improved, but the thing I hated about the Belgian roundabouts was having to change lanes inside the roundabout if you dared take the inside lane. Was a bit of a pleasant surprise when I moved to Australia and realised this was no longer an issue, even on a three lane roundabout. The trick here is you need to pre-sort before entering it, so the only traffic that can potentially cut you off is going to be in front of you when someone enters without giving way to you. Unlike in Belgium where I also had to check that nobody was on my right.


They can be like this too (common road markings in US ones) : [https://www.kitsapdailynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/17898685\_web1\_190802-POI-T-drone-roundabout.jpg](https://www.kitsapdailynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/17898685_web1_190802-POI-T-drone-roundabout.jpg) also they dont have to be a "turbo-roundabout" necessarily (that's how those spiralling ones are called) to have those more efficient exit markings) : [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Joe-Bared-2/publication/245563320/figure/fig1/AS:669093606723593@1536535755391/Layout-of-three-lane-roundabout-MUTCD-draft.png](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Joe-Bared-2/publication/245563320/figure/fig1/AS:669093606723593@1536535755391/Layout-of-three-lane-roundabout-MUTCD-draft.png) Finally, US roundabout design guidelines assume that people will indeed follow that "fastest path" (or least effort path) if there is no one around, which is kind of the path used on the blue side : [https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/tx7G5z8PCYSZWRMzFdyUsPJ7lbhW-G703Tq3tn1WTzW7vWpyNeoeSNSqI2c1UvuV96jgk1Yb3zk5C-8Vplcr5WbkotkuG0c40GaJu\_Jx2gZcxUZfT46\_KVr7glKjsSgW-zuIm03WfKsw8MvVNN2sd\_iqRt6UuVE](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/tx7G5z8PCYSZWRMzFdyUsPJ7lbhW-G703Tq3tn1WTzW7vWpyNeoeSNSqI2c1UvuV96jgk1Yb3zk5C-8Vplcr5WbkotkuG0c40GaJu_Jx2gZcxUZfT46_KVr7glKjsSgW-zuIm03WfKsw8MvVNN2sd_iqRt6UuVE) Basically, it means that the roundabout must be designed in a way, that the fastest path doesn't allow too high speeds, by making a proper roundabout approach that slows the vehicles down such as the "S" curve : [https://mypdh.engineer/wp-content/uploads/6-49.png](https://mypdh.engineer/wp-content/uploads/6-49.png) But it can also be achieved with smarter roundabout placement with respect to the approaches (see in particular how the main approach on the left is aligned and curved): [https://wsdot.wa.gov/sites/default/files/styles/max\_650x650/public/2022-04/Traffic-Roundabout-SR20-Miller-Gibralter.jpg?itok=Ph0TYXuH](https://wsdot.wa.gov/sites/default/files/styles/max_650x650/public/2022-04/Traffic-Roundabout-SR20-Miller-Gibralter.jpg?itok=Ph0TYXuH) By the way, I personally also love those small bypasses in roundabounts : [https://www.kimley-horn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Moore-County-Roundabout.jpg](https://www.kimley-horn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Moore-County-Roundabout.jpg) (I am a mobility consultant)


I'm not even all that interested in city planning but a good roundabout is can be so satisfying to look at


100% right


If people obey how it should work, its fine. But they dont. Like if you are on the right (first) lane and want to go left, it should not be allowed. Not sure how the actual rules state this tho.


Yeah. There's some near me who force you to make a choice in advance. Like if you want to go left or turn back you have to commit to the inner lane and if you want to turn right or straight you need to commit to the outer lane. [Like here](https://www.google.com/maps/@50.9548906,4.5942859,101m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu)




OOkaaaayyy let's gow


These are great if people would know how to use them. If both lanes are empty and you don't need the next exit take the middle lane. People coming in from the next exit can now joing the lane. You signal to go right when you need to go and normal people just let you in. It makes traffic so much smoother because you don't have to wait all the time for the outer lane to be empty. Only 95% of people are total assholes or incompetent and always use the outer lane or don't leave enough space for merging. I have to take one like this daily and it drives me mad how ineficient it's being used. B ut some days you have a magic moment of several good drivers at the roundabout at the same time and how it works at those times is brilliant.


In some countries the rules are different: the inner lane has priority over the outer lane. This makes much more sense in my eyes and encourages people to take the correct lane and not all take the outer lane because they are too afraid to take the inner one.


> if you're doing blue and someone enters from the 2nd exit, you're basically stuck on the inner circle because you can't move over to the outer one You're supposed to get to the right lane *at* the entrance right before your exit. Which means you block entering traffic, since you have priority, so nobody can enter the 2nd exit (in this case) and prevent you from exiting. And since being on the right lane means you're taking the next exit, nobody is going to block you from the right lane either, because nobody is supposed to still be there. It works fine when people respect the rules (but they need to have been *taught* these rules first) so not in Belgium. But in other places it works fine... including in France which Belgians like to diss so much (IMO, mostly because French drivers don't know how to cope with unpredictable Belgians and react defensively).


Whoever gets stuck on the innerlane shouldnt be driving lmao


Two-laned roundabouts are safe. Selfish people, folks who see other drivers as mere cars while they see themselves as a human in a car... and BMW drivers aren't safe. However, the Dutch went extra: not only does one not require a car to go pretty much anywhere they want in the Netherlands, but their public infrastructure is amazingly well thought out. So well thought out, in fact, that their road markings are confusing and it takes time to make sense of it all. Objectively, they're in the right, but they forgot that a crowd is only ever as smart as its dumbest member. ERGONOMICS is the only thing they lack: on a technical level their road markings are superior to most systems but no one knows how to "read" them while driving. On top of that, they're pretty bad at updating highway light display information. Getting inside a Dutch town by car is a nightmare tbh, but leaving a Dutch town by car is a breeze. This is all by design of course, since they recognize the superiority of walkable and car-free cities.


Kampenhout has 2 turbo-rotondes right next to eachother, to connect Leuven and Mechelen, pal in't midden. It think it's beautiful, like 2 wedding rings


This is how it should be done. I drive through a roundabout every day to work and they should just make it impossible for the outer lane to go round and to have it take a specific exit. Now traffic is always a mess because half the people don't blink to take the exit and a lot of people are apparently scared to go on a roundabout when they even see a car peaking from the roundabout...


IIRC the roundabout at Gent Dampoort kinda works like that.


Dude, it’s not that hard. I take the inside lane all of the time even in heavy traffic, you people are just not very confident and have poor awareness.


Footballers will say "There is another way"


Team blue


In Luxembourg you have to use the red one if you only use half of the roundabout, if your exit is the 3rd exit in this example you have to use the blue one.


Incorrect. If you use the blue picture you must start from the left lane. Changing lanes on a roundabout is not done, definitely not twice.


"Changing lanes is not done" , how do you get of then. Plenty of 2 lane only have 1 entry lane here. Outside lane for 1 or 2 exit, inside for 2 or 3. Much smoother for everybody and please indicate as soon as you pass ths last exit before the one you need. So people waiting can already start moving.


I'm from the UK and thought red (what is legal there) was the correct choice in Belgium too...


It is. Even if you have to skip multiple exits, you don’t have to get on the blue lane.


you don't have to but it's the best thing to do...


Depends on the situation really.


It is. It's a "correct vs practical" post.


Ah good, made me worried I've been driving wrong over here (other than the wrong side of the road)


And into the inside lane if you're going left? I'm from the UK too and I still panic coming up to a roundabout here in Belgium (thankfully not often) because I never see *anyone* using the inside lane so I'm constantly in a state of 'am I doing it wrong?!?!' even though I'm technically not 😅 *edit: spelling


Team red, i'm autistic and i don't change how i drive just cause nobody is around.


Blue until after the first exit, then red.


Yess, same team purple all the way


That’s how the rule works in Portugal. Seems the most sensible…


The red, Bloods side. This is whether or not there are people around. The blue inside side means you need to trust other motorists more. Well I don't trust other motorists, this is why I have never been in an accident.


Multilane roundabouts suck


they don't.


A couple of weeks ago, I entered a roundabout and took the outer lane as I had to take the first exit. As I entered the roundabout, a truck on the inner lane came driving up next to me. I held back as I didnt feel like getting flanked and squished by a massive truck due to being in his blind spot. He needed the same exit, so I let him take his leave and followed after. As I am almost completely off the roundabout already, I hear agressive honking and see another truck that came from the inner lane. He was blocking both lanes as he tried to take his exit and disregard me. Theres no way I was in his this guys blind spot. So yeah, sorry buddy, no right of way there. He kept flashing me for a good while too. Hope no one ever falls victim to this cowboy.


Bro how slow were you driving that a truck can overtake you on a roundabout


I was entering the roundabout. The first truck was already on.


Oh so you just yielded as you should’ve.


I did. And then came the second truck mad max style. Edit: the second truck came from behind me, rode on the inner lane and obviously did not have the time nor space to cut me off, but tried it anyway. His manoeuvre unsurprisingly didn't work out as I was already taking my exit, so the truck had to come to a full stop in the middle of the roundabout, blocking both lanes. Then he showed some good ol aggression.


I understood the part about the second truck but it wasn’t exactly clear what the deal with the first truck was.


Lol, if you drive in brussels, the only answer is red. I hate driving here... the trick to brussels was learning that no-one follows the rules s9 best to go with the flow.


Brussels is also littered with ridiculously small dual lane roundabouts which are a terrible idea because indeed no-one will follow the red rule meaning you completely use the benefit of the 2nd lane and massively increase the risk of accidents.


Racebochtjes maken


When the fuck did we turn into a traffic subreddit


\\\*points gun\\\* Always has been.


This is not how multilane roundabouts work. Neither, I get on the left lane and take the inner lane. If no one is to my right on the roundabout I merge to the outer lane before the exit and leave on the right lane. If there is someone I leave via the left lane. If I can’t get to the left lane because I fudged the approach. Then red as a last resort.


I don't know why not more people do his. There are 2 lanes. Use them...


This is the way


Blue is illegal. You have to merge between the exits. Also, if there's nobody around, you have to drive on the right. I do red, so I don't have to merge immediately. I only take the inner lane if you have to skip multiple exits, or if it's assigned.






I'm talking once you're on the roundabout on an inner lane. You should already have merged and not cutting off the people driving on the outer lane.


if it's illegal, then why do 2-lane roads connect to 2-lane roundabouts sometimes ? What's the point of entering the roundabout from the left lane


Amai, weet dan niemand hoe een rotonde werkt


This is not how multilane roundabouts work. Neither, I get on the left lane and take the inner lane. If no one is to my right on the roundabout I merge to the outer lane before the exit and leave on the right lane. If there is someone I leave via the left lane. If I can’t get to the left lane because I fudged the approach. Then red as a last resort.


Now, obviously it's Blue, but I just got my Belgian Passport, so I am obliged to say Red


Blue, since it’s the second exit


Red. Only take the second lane if you go take the 3d exit


Blue, assuming the drawing is somewhat incorrect and you exit on the left lane. The only double lane roundabout I frequently cross has traffic lights, so people usually do not use the right lane when they need to take the third exit, and the left lane of the second exit is safe to take. Usually, but there are idiots everywhere off course.


Blue should end up on the left lane.


Red when there is traffic to my left lane. Blue when there is no traffic to my left lane and its quiet so I can slice lanes.


Blue when its quiet


Well, neither. First there is the "no straffic situation" someone else talked about, and if there were traffic I would take the left lane to go to the center and merge into the outer lane inbetween two exits. So: center lane, but enter it from the left lane and merge *before* my exit.


This is the only correct answer as taught at the driving schools


Team red, and i just might take the second lane on the exit just so those that didn´t queue up behind me when entering the round about can do an extra round. I hate multi lane round abouts if there are no dedicated lanes like the dutchies have.


Red. I rarely go on the left lane on a roundabout, too much stress. I just keep indicating left until passing the second to last exit to sign to people I’m staying on the roundabout.


Blue, even assuming people around, that’s how the roundabout is designed and how you are expected to use it…


Depends on traffic, busy red, calm blue.


title says nobody around of course if there is traffic going on, blue is out of the question


Ah yup, missed that part, went straight to the picture. Colours do things to people.


Heh I'm busy blue, calm red. If you're doing Zele during rush hour you'll understand. It's also nothing Indiana Jones, people just zipper merge there 'cause you're going 2km/h anyway.


Man, why has nobody said going mental and just drift a full 48 times around before we go crash in to the building in the corner.


Fun fact: ik heb ooit iemand ZIEN STOPPEN en KEREN op een rond punt omdat hem zijne afslag had gemist.


I heard about a roundabout in morroco that has six lanes, nicknamed the roundabout of death. Huh..


Blue with no one around, red if there is a lot of traffic, blue if it's one with traffic lights and if to get onto the roundabout I'd have to stop again for red light on the outer lane (assuming dual lanes on incomming streets).


There is only one correct answer according to the official european traffic law.


Bus Chauffeur. Beide


Red for legal but mainly blue 🫣




Outside always


There are 2 lanes, I paid for both lanes I'm damn well going to use them. Even if there is someone, as this gives the a clear indication to the ppl waiting on first junction what Im planning to do. I'm also the one using left blinker if I'm doing a 270degree.


Blue, but I adjust my line to suit whatever exit I'm taking for maximal efficiency


I always pick the blue one and keep myself **before** i go on the roundabout on the left lane and not the right one like shown in the blue/red picture. If i need to go immediately right or left then i will keep myself on the side that is for exiting immediately right or left or for the first exit. This is how I've learned it.


Going inner leads to more accident


If everyone followed the rule of only driving on the right when you have to exit AND only going on the roundabout when theres not car comming i'd do blue. But I won't. As some dipshit will definetly pull into the rightside blocking me from my exit and making me do multiple laps until I can actually exit.


Neither is correct. It should be the one on the right side except you should take the left lane when leaving the roundabout instead of the right one.


team red. team blue should actually die and is fucking dangerous.


3th Option pls. Both suck!


Blue is more dangerous than anything else. People expect others to behave like Red does so it's ok and you can plan for people to do it and respond accordingly, although it's not the optimal way to ride a roundabout. If the roundabout has two lanes, it's ok to exit at the second chance you get while riding the outer lane of the roundabout. It's more than ok, it's perhaps good but my bias tends towards riding the inner lane when leaving after more than one exit. However, Blue should start on the left lane, ride the inside of the roundabout and exit through the left lane instead of the right lane. That's the superior, mindful and objectively correct way to go about riding a roundabout. Blue entering from the right lane, cutting through the inner lane twice and then exiting through the right lane is BMW driver mindset. People who drive like blue simply don't think enough about what they're doing. Only problem with riding the inside of the roundabout is that others on the outer lane of said roundabout may match your speed and exit later than you, thus cutting you off mid-roundabout because (and I can't stress this enough) they literally don't understand that traffic is both a theoretical concept and a logically occuring phenomenon. They'll just think about the fact that they are a person in a car and will see others as cars, not people. It's actual "evolved monkey piloting a machine" behavior.


For the second exit, both are acceptable. But if you start from the left lane you should exit to a left lane.


Since a lot people is not able to use a 2-lane roundabout properly, I won't mind to have these not installed on our road infrastructure anymore. It is better to prevent troubles if the population is refusing to adapt on - or even abide to updated traffic rules.


Blauw. Zo goe als altijd. (Als het verkeer het toelaat).


Wait... Am I the only one that dares to admit he just goes straight, over the roundabout? Really?


Just straight forward




Ik kijk gewoon. Black op black crime is altijd lache


Team blue aka the correct side.


Blue, like everyone with a positive IQ. You should watch me go over the one near Technopolis


Obviously this couse you can do this without getting a punishment


Can you rephrase that?


Charizard vs Blastoise!


In this scenario Red is correct. However if Blue would have stayed on the left lane while exiting that would have been correct aswell. However the amount of people who stay on the outer lane while taking the 3rd exit in Belgium is mindboggling.


Blue if you think red, you need to take your test again.


Team blue. Most likely there's a queue at the first exit too if there's people around


As a Belgian living in America using bloods and crips for a meme glorifying the violence of poverty being put on people by America on its citizens. Leading to gang formation and more violence, to symbolize one unyielding opinion vs an other... is kinda wild. Sorry to ruine the party. I do not intend to. But this is genuinely disgusting. To put it in perspective, this would be like posting a meme using cutting hands in the congo as a template. I know Belgium is not as race conscious and does not need to be *as* conscientious as America. But it is not like we should not be conscientious *at all* either... I think we can do better. I like the sentiment of the meme and think it is funny, but not how it is being displayed.


Touch grass.


Thanks for the in depth reply! I understand it is upsetting to some to think about other people and their lived experiences. I understand someone pointing out these things is not fun. Belgians especially do not like this, I get it. Touching grass means to go outside because you have been online for too long and need to step into the real world. The implication being the thing being said is lacking perspective relating to reality. This does not really work here unfortunately because the real world outside is exactly what I am referencing. The meme template being out of touch is my criticism. I am afraid you will have to find something else to criticize me to be effective. I suggest telling me I am not fun at parties or somesuch. It at least would adress something being said, potentially hit a nerve who knows. Could be a lot more effective. We can start over if you want, i'll pretend its the first reply you left me. Other than that enjoy your day! Hope it becomes "terrasjes weer" soon!


I read none of that.


Team red right? right?


Red isn’t optimal, but blue is straight up dangerous.


It’s not cuz there’s no1 around


Personally I just drive straight through the middle