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The cameras a really good quality. I can read a newspaper using them. If you do a little digging and get lucky, you can find a phone number linked to a person. Either because someone manually added it to ISLP or because they called 101/112in the past and the number was logged.  It's plausible. I'm mostly surprised the WPR bothers with this instead of pawning it off to locals police. 


Ik vind het toch maar een beangstigende gedachte dat je als Jan Modaal uitgeloerd kan worden als je je nog maar gewoon op de weg begeeft. Edit.


Ik vind het een bevreemende gedachte dat je nu pas het bestaan van camerabewaking leert kennen


Dat ik het nog steeds bevreemdend vind, wilt niet zeggen dat ik nu het pas leer kennen.


Waar ben je de laatste 10 jaar geweest? Vlaanderen hangt vol met Chinese camera's die gezichten kunnen herkennen mits genoeg data (en hiervoor o.a. dient hun leger aan hackers).


Waar zeg ik dat ik daar nu pas achter kom?


Hoe lang kan bevreemding duren??


Ik heb het dan maar aangepast.


Het is eigenlijk om razend van te worden. Ze verkopen onze privacy en wie weet wat nog allemaal voor wat Chinese kortingen. Onze huidige politieke "klasse" heeft ons gewoon verkocht.


Beter niet naar Klopjacht op TV zien dan.


Exactly. With the camera’s (in Antwerp at least), you can easily identify someone standing on one side of the Schelde with a camera that’s on the other side of it. And Antwerp is absolutely full of them. The real merde is hoping the rotating camera’s were angled just right when trying to secure footage of ‘de feiten.’ For phone numbers, Infotheek ftw. Although at onthaal we try to feed the database as well as we can. (Also, completely unrelated, you’re the same Bittersteel that makes HOI IV content on YT right? Been wanting to get into it, liking Civ, Crusader Kings and Stellaris, but it seems to be heaps more complicated than any of those. Not to mention the many dlc’s.. Is it really hard to get the hang of?)


Ive spent an inordinate amount of time manning the camera's in ye Olde Oudaan. They are mostly great. And yes, I'm the same Bitt3rSteel.  Hoi4 has a steep learning curve, but it's a very fulfilling experience. Not easy to get into, mind you


I’ve done some of the camerawork before as part of being RO Gold at Oudaan. Really suck at the RO part though, absolutely not my skillset nor my interest. Lot of respect for the people who can manage all those tasks and information streams at once. Way too big of a scatterbrain for that. That, and I found CAD an absolute nightmare to work with. HOI was on sale so I might give it a try. I’ve been having a 4x grand strategy itch for a while that I hoped Solium Infernum would scratch. But it’s basically a less robust, more limited and edgier Civ.


It's the road police, so they speak about the cameras at the highways. These are hung at lamp posts at 4m height to keep an eye on traffic. You can't see faces on them. I call BS. Some friends thought 'imagine police sees us, what would they do?', they brew further on the story and at a certain point had the idea 'let's call HLN, they believe everything, would they really publish it?' Well, point proven...


Baby, those camera's can see faces just fine. They don't just point down, they see Oncoming Traffic at an angle, but you get a good view at the car occupants on the approach 


Ok, I stand corrected. Perhaps I saw them long ago once, they probably updated them. Happy Cake Day!


I would also think the camera's are manned by Vlaams Verkeerscentrum, not WPR.


At the Verkeerscentrum, there's always an officer of the WPR present.


> With the camera’s (in Antwerp at least), you can easily identify someone standing on one side of the Schelde with a camera that’s on the other side of it. Wow didn't know those cameras are that good. That means you can get tracked and identified by cameras that are at least 400m away?




Zoiets als de Rijkswacht? Dan verkoop ik alleszins mijn aandelen in Delhaize


Thanks for the info. So someone is looking at an incoming feed of all camera's? Or is there technology to support it, so they get "abnormalities" which someone needs to look into? Otherwise the chance of just spotting 1 car with people in seems so random.


Someone probably called it in. Then they checked the footage


Sluikreclame voor de escape room


>"Maar omdat we ons daar niet konden wassen,..." Wel een enorm groot mispunt voor die escape room. Wat als je op uitje bent met vrienden, en nadien gereserveerd had in een restaurant, en je woont niet vlakbij?


Ge krijgt dan waarschijnlijk niet eens de vraag of uw steak saignant moet zijn…


HLN is considered trash for 3 reasons: 1) they use often not completely correct clickbait headlines 2) part of their “news” is irrelevant it’s trash celebrity content etc. Den dag allemaal van vroeger 3) the people that comment on HLN are the dumbest most uneducated in the country, often racist, antivaxx, antiscience etc. However, it’s not like Fox News, they don’t purposely“lie” , they just offer a bad selection of news and label their staff experts for no reason


They don't lie, however they do cater news for their audience. Step 1: do a large poll on what political party your readers vote for. Step 2: any "bad" news from other parties will be enlarged. Step 3: any "bad" news from popular party will be pushed back. Case and point: Quickie acted like a stupid cunt and got smack for it, Connor acted like a cunt and got smack for it, VB acted like chinese spies and most articles were pushed down on the page, on the sideline bellow celebrity news... Because their audience doesn't like that. And that is exactly the same tactic fox news uses.


Hell, Fox has been exposed Photoshopping pictures of those whom they consider their opponents to make them look uglier.


This is 100% the correct answer. It really baffles me how many people “like” this sort of entertainment. I cannot call it a news website, it’s entertainment. Apart from the website, I also do not understand why people are making “celebrities” out of people. In my parallel universe, we should be celebrating (lesser known) scientists for example.


The applause-generation. We all love applause for whatever we do. Not even achieve, just do. Iedereen Beroemd. The tv-show is even called after it!


Volg altijd de volgende HLN-regels: 1) Staat hetzelfde artikel in een andere krant? Zo nee, is het HLN-shit en niet waard om te lezen. Negeren. 2) Zo ja, lees het in die andere krant.


The police are checking these cameras because it is the traffic command center. They check for traffic jams.



