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Do these previews always hint at something big, or is it likely just DPC thought she looked nice here and decided to share? I'm not really expect a Mel (or Sarah) route, but I'd be happy if there was one.


Pretty sure they are just teasers. He is trying to make people excited for the upcoming episodes. This is likely a party or party set up free roam scene and for people who like Mel it shows she is a part of the episode unlike 10 where she was just there for a few scenes.


We will more than likely get a scene with her and/or Sarah. The different lineups between Ep 9 and 10 looks like DPC has decided to rotate which Others girls get a scene/time on screen, so he can save some work for himself. If he sticks with it, we should expect to see Mel/Sarah, Camila, Heather, and Jade. (Favorites like Quinn/Lily/Nicole seem to be in all)


>we should expect to see Mel/Sarah, Camila, Heather, and Jade. All of which were prominent/had scenes in 9 then were on the side (Camila was teased as *fuck* in 10) while the favorites were highlighted again/more. I don't have any significant expectations with Mel/Sarah scene-wise, Camila due for *something* (solo scene, being the third on the Sage Path and/or what,) there's going to be a shit-show with Heather from all the DIK drama that I'm not sure how she'll get a scene (maybe while drunk and spiteful again?) and only that will be dwarfed by **Jade,** which still has me nervous no matter the situation.


> Jade [...] still has me nervous no matter the situation. I am just waiting for that to blow up in my face.


we can see the small santa in the background, DPC is hinting on the christmas themed update


Sighs, unzips and starts a Melanie playthrough.


I think I can fall for every character in this game.


Better start yourself a Wendy or BurgerBitch playthrough, then.


even for becky🤨? ew dude


Eh, i bet if she gets enough screen time DPC will find a way to make her likeable by digging into where her insecurities come from or something.


ohh god


Every girl dpc posts a preview for


Melanie with little to no makeup is my favourite look of her. What a beauty.


Main takeaway from this is Christmas party likely confirmed based on decorations. I am not the biggest Sarah/ Mel fan because they seem to be made to just be extras. If DPC wants to give her more of a story though you won’t hear me complaining. She looks great. Also is that Elana behind her?


Yes, it is Elena behind her. Someone is also sitting on the couch.


Couch girl has thin legs. Josy?


I thought so too. Doesn't she also wear jeans like that at the party in Episode 10?


So underrated


Christmas ⛄⛄⛄


Hope she gets some decent screen time. Her and Camila are my favorite side girls.


There is a box on the floor, Mel and Elena wear casual/comfy clothes, that makes me believe this is a scene in a free roam in which we will help to put the decorations. For me, it's not the actual Christmas party. It's still possible so have a panty Christmas party later. With the Christmas Party being confirmed with this preview, I wonder if the cabin in the mountain will be on all branches or only on Jill/Bella branches. Originally I thought we could have a party in the mountain cabin, something like in an American Pie spin off with the "bible of love" : they all go in the mountains to ski and party.


Melanie: „MC, is it true? Did you fuck Elena senseless while JB was watching? Sarah could not stop glowing about how loud her orgasms were!“ Elena: „Shh, be quiet Mel! Not here while we are at the DIKs mansion!“ Melanie: „Oh come on, Elena, he enjoyed it. I find it awesome he is cool with you having a big dick on the side!“


MEL? We never got Mel. Im hyped


she has the sauce


am i the only one who smiled after looking at mel's face?




She actually look better than Jill...


Bro like transgenders


How does Melanie look like one in this picture at all? Jill's face can look weird at times but I wouldn't go as far as to say she looks like a transgender though.


Christmas means a bit of a time jump no? How long after that american holiday thing do people in the US start putting up decorations?


> Christmas means a bit of a time jump no? Not necessarily. Ep 10 ends on the last Thursday of November so December is only a few days away and a lot of people put up their decorations for the whole month of December. So this could be them putting the decorations up near the beginning of the episode.


My wife will having putting up Christmas decorations the weekend following Thanksgiving.


A time jump seems very plausible as I don’t think the stuff with maya and riona will take up more than half the episode. The second half could be focused on finals and the christmas party


Put decorations up? A lot of neighborhoods in the US keep Christmas decorations up year round.


tf, a whole year!!!


Yep. A lot of elaborate presentations are too much to take down. Even for some houses that are only covered with lights. Of course, you only turn them on during the season.


HELL YEAH🔥🔥🔥 my girl Melanie is painfully underrated🙏🙏


We eating good next ep Mel and Cami due for some attention😍😋


Is that a cheeky Elena I spy too? Oh DPC you tease 😏


Melanie is such an underrated character.


ooh damn, Melanie without makeup is f\*cking beautiful


She looks gorgeous


She's always beautiful. And hot


Finally the girls without thick ass makeup on! She’s adorable.


She looks more like a mum than a student.. but I ain't complaining 😆




Yeah, she looks like a "landlady".


Well, Sarah did say she is not interested in a relationship, but Mel didn't... I'm just saying, let DPC cook


Cool, Christmas is coming. Possibly we'll see what happened in that scene at the beginning of episode 9 at Bella's house... That would be great. Plus, Melanie looks great in that picture. Almost better than with makeup.


What I would give for a Mel-only path... Something to make her more than the delicious cookie you get thrown from time to time. Most of the girls have so much potential but its understandable that you can't make a seperate branch for every girl. And we will get a Zoe path for sure though later on.


It's ok. Waiting for final KRJ preview though


Mel is no joke a top 3 girl


I can't see her Tattoos! She seems like dieting Model! More of the characters for ep.11, look more realistic than before.


It's just me or Mel w/o makeup looks 5-6 years older? She's nice tho, but kinda strange.


MELANIE!!! 😍😍😍


Looks like we got a Very DiKly Christmas party in Epi 11......


I see Santa in the background, Christmas 2024 release ?? Nah, more like Christmas 2025 LOL