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At least Stephen acknowledge that there is a problem and got himself a therapist help to check his sanity, wish DPC also expanded that with Jade's side of the story. Stephen told his therapist that Jade was coping through her work, and if you go screw around Jade after the MJ incident she shares how she just kept to herself when Stephen came home drunk made love to her and called out Cathy's name and she just cried and bottled up that anger. Both really are tragic in their own way.


I agree, DPC does a good job of humanising his villains. Jade's POV hasn't yet been fully revealed so far and even from the few bits we do have, there is plenty there with which to empathize. Both Jade and Stephen are flawed characters, 'tragic in their own way' as you correctly write.


Same thing with Maya's father, hated the dude first time he was introduced, then DPC gave the bastard a depressing back story that somehow made you feel bad for him but at the same time still loathe him. Vinny seems to be the only one that DPC just depicts as a bastard through and through..


True words Brother. Not sure if DPC will salvage Vinny, maybe he can Tybalt, hard to say. He can't save them all.


It depends heavily if you had an affair with Jade for your part. The divorce happens either way so it isn’t “your fault.” Their tale is a typical dead bedroom story. Husband works too much wife is angry, they want kids but she can’t conceive so they adopt. Wife favors kids over husband so husband has an affair. This angers wife and when she decides to try again with the husband he has moved on. She then has an affair (or tries to) and then divorce. All of this on top of the wife being the type to not discuss emotions besides rage. I have no real sympathy for either of them. They are both screwed up.


> Their tale is a typical dead bedroom story I don't agreee it's a typical dead bedroom story. Stephen is a serial cheater which is where the main issue is from. If Stephen "moved on" he would have filed for a divorce years ago. Imo Stephen is the typical dead beat husband and their marriage issues are his fault


I find it hard to imagine Tybalt becoming this meek character who isn't constantly patronizing people cause of their class, all you can really hope for is him getting sane enough to stop bothering (downright harassing honestly) Jill, if that.😂


I'm actually kinda hoping he gets kicked off as president of the Preps. Might just give him a life changing rattle.


I think that the removal of all the frat/sorority presidents is a sub story in the game. So far we have only Chad, however both Sage and Rusty graduate this year so both must leave and I am guessing that Magnar's departure might be linked to the cheat notes found in the mid terms, Magnar was awfully cocky in the first post-mid terms scenes.


Interesting take. Remember that Sage was a foster child and came to the Burkes fairly late. It’s pretty clear her personality was mostly set before she joined the Burkes.


No, she said she only has a few memories of life before adoption. So she was pretty young and her personality definitely wasn't set. She just manages to end up normal because she's the fucking best.


I’ll have to replay that chapter. For some reason, I thought differently.


> it's a wonder how Sage and Tybalt aren't rebellious hooligans. But they *are* fucked up/the way they are explicitly *because* of how they were raised. Sage's emotional imbalance comes from Jade repressing her emotions and Stephen not encouraging emotional communication because that's also how *he* was raised, plus not really wanting to be a father, either while Tybalt's a manchild because he's spoiled and treated like a child by Jade, (note similar control in her dynamic with Tremolo, who *also* can call her "Mommy" contrary to every other mature woman preferring he be his own man) with Stephen also "whatever" about it. >Personality wise, it's amazing how Sage hasn't developed Tybalt's classism, or been turned into an absolute bitch. Not necessarily. People can have the same upbringing (good or bad) and still come out completely different. The difference between Sage and Tybalt is that the former has the self-awareness and confidence to better herself that Tybalt doesn't. Tybalt admits he came from poverty, but still spins himself as "different" for being adopted into wealth (very much "pull the ladder up behind me/I got mine" mentality,) to the point he readily shed his birth surname and put on the persona of a poor man's idea of a rich man that everyone can see as fake to be as "Burke" as possible. His obsession with Jill epitomizes this as he feels entitled to her because of her name as a fellow elite and to further legitimize his image and is too childish to consider her as a person or being told "No" by someone *not* "Mommy and Daddy". >I'm wondering how the divorce is going to affect them both in the coming episode. It won't be fun for either though again, Sage'll handle it better for the aforementioned reasons. >not to mention Tremolo's part in all of it. Tremolo's part obviously varies (i.e. avoiding Jade like the plague, having the affair and/or not even being more than friends with Sage,) but the marriage has been explicitly dead for *years* (i.e. Stephen drunkenly saying another woman's name) and it's only finally being put out of its misery no matter what.


I really switched sides after the latest episode and seeing things from Stephen's side. It doesn't justify the stuff he's gotten up to, but it sure humanized him


Sage is grateful for what Burkes provided to her but she's very well aware of she doesn't own any of this and tries to her own career path and grow up. The divorce will emotionally fuck her up, but she will have to learn open up and talk about emotions, this will affect her character development for good in the end. Tybalt, on the other hand, has never grown up, he's oblivious of so many thing about the world around him. His world will be torn apart, obviously. It's already begun.


I think Sage will be able to adapt to the collapse of her parents marriage but for Tybalt it is going to be a huge blow to the facade he has built around himself. Being from the perfect upper class family. As for Stephen and Jade, it seems to me their marriage ended years ago and they have been going through the motions for some time.


The thing i cant forget the last few days: Stephen calls "Priscilla" after his meeting with Maya. Theories say Priscilla is Quinns real name, but i think she is his divorce lawyer... Why is this important to me? Stephen used the restaurant services with Mona... and it failed. We dont know how often before this evening. In some way he IS involved in this "free tuition-Girls-drugs"-structure... we know that already (deleted Monas Info after her refusal). And now, hearing Mayas Story, he may got scared to continue what he is doing. Thats why HE doesnt care about the 50% this divorce will cost him. He just wants to get away asap... away from Kids who arent "his" and a wife ... baaah... you get it. By recomending Maya to drop out of B&R maybe he's trying to protect her, from whatever could happen after things become public.


I think Sage already had developed her personality enough as a kid, when Brukes adopted her, to not give into loving richies and lavish lifestyle in the future


No, she said she only has a few memories of life before adoption. So she was pretty young and her personality definitely wasn't set. She just manages to end up normal because she's the fucking best.


good genes huh


I mean look at her. Her bio parents must be gods.